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Showing 7,651 through 7,675 of 54,463 results

Group-Theoretical Methods for Integration of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (Progress in Mathematical Physics #15)

by Andrei N. Leznov Mikhail V. Saveliev

The book reviews a large number of 1- and 2-dimensional equations that describe nonlinear phenomena in various areas of modern theoretical and mathematical physics. It is meant, above all, for physicists who specialize in the field theory and physics of elementary particles and plasma, for mathe­ maticians dealing with nonlinear differential equations, differential geometry, and algebra, and the theory of Lie algebras and groups and their representa­ tions, and for students and post-graduates in these fields. We hope that the book will be useful also for experts in hydrodynamics, solid-state physics, nonlinear optics electrophysics, biophysics and physics of the Earth. The first two chapters of the book present some results from the repre­ sentation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras and their counterpart on supermanifolds in a form convenient in what follows. They are addressed to those who are interested in integrable systems but have a scanty vocabulary in the language of representation theory. The experts may refer to the first two chapters only occasionally. As we wanted to give the reader an opportunity not only to come to grips with the problem on the ideological level but also to integrate her or his own concrete nonlinear equations without reference to the literature, we had to expose in a self-contained way the appropriate parts of the representation theory from a particular point of view.

Groups and Related Topics: Proceedings of the First Max Born Symposium (Mathematical Physics Studies #13)

by R. Gielerak J. Lukierski Z. Popowicz

In the seventies and eighties, scientific collaboration between the Theory Section of the Physics Department of Leipzig University and the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Wroolaw was established. This manifested itself, among other things, in the organization of regular, twice-yearly seminars located alternatively in Wrodaw and Leipzig. These Seminars in Theoretical Physics took place 27 times, the last during November 1990. In order to continue the traditions of German-Polish contacts in theoretical physics, we decided to start a new series of Seminars in Theoretical Physics and name them after the outstanding German theoretical physicist Max Born who was born in 1883 in Wrodaw. We hope that these seminars will continue to contribute to better scientific contacts and understanding between German and Polish theoretical physicists. The First Max Born Symposium was held in Wojnowice Castle, 20 km west of Wrodaw, 27 - 29 September 1991. Wojnowice Castle was built in the 16th century by the noble Boner family, in the Renaissance style, and has been recently adapted as a small conference center. The preferred subjects at the Symposium were Quantum Groups and Integrable Models. The Symposium was organized by Doctors R. Gielerak and Z. Popowicz under the scientific supervision of the undersigned.

Grundlehre Geometrie: Begriffe, Lehrsätze, Grundkonstruktionen

by Friedhelm Kürpig Oliver Niewiadomski

Der vorliegende Band entstand als Studienarbeit im Fachgebiet Konstruktive Geometrie in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachbereichen Industrial Design und Visuelle Kommunikation an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg. Da das Grundlagenwissen in Geometrie bei den Studienanfängern, bedingt durch eine Verlagerung der Lehrinhalte an den Gymnasien, in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten immer geringer wurde, ergab sich die Notwendigkeit, eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Grundkenntnisse in Geometrie für Studentinnen und Studenten der gestaltenden Fach­ richtungen wie Architektur und Design herauszugeben. Das Buch soll einerseits Grundlage für die weiterführenden Lehrver­ anstaltungen im Fachgebiet Konstruktive Geometrie sein, andererseits soll es den Interessierten zum Selbststudium anleiten und Hilfestellung bei der zeichnerischen Darstellung leisten. Ziel der graphischen Gestaltung ist es, Begriffe, Lehrsätze und Grund­ konstruktionen der ebenen Geometrie auf so anschauliche Weise zu ver­ miHeln, daß die Textbeschreibung auf ein Minimum beschränkt werden kann. Dabei erscheinen Begriffe, Definitionen und Lehrsätze in der Zeichnung feH, während Konstruktionszeichnungen und Beschreibungen fein und kursiv gesetzt sind. Unser Dank für die gestalterische Beratung gilt insbesondere den Herren Prof. Hans Andree und Prof. Lambert Rosenbusch. Für die freundliche Unterstützung bei der Anwendung der EDV für die graphische Bearbeitung danken wir Herrn Prof. Dr. Bernd Kritzmann und Herrn Rainer Oehms, für hilfsbereite Auskunft in buchbinderischen und drucktechnischen Fragen Herrn Emil Wölfle und Herrn Uli Brandt, für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskriptes und das sorgfältige Lesen der Korrekturen Herrn Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wodicka.

Grundzüge des österreichischen Strafverfahrens (Springers Kurzlehrbücher der Rechtswissenschaft)

by Winfried Platzgummer

Der Zeitpunkt dieser Neuauflage kommt nicht sehr gelegen. Der Entwurf StUG 1992 ist unterwegs, ich hatte das Gesetz gerne abgewartet, weil es eines auch wichtige Anderungen des Verfahrens bringen soil. Auch ist derzeit noch offen, was aus dem bis Ende 1992 befristeten Zeitgesetz BGBi1990 Nr. 455 (s. S. 150) werden wird. Anderseits ist die dritte Auflage schon fast vergriffen. So habe ich mich notgedrungen zur Neuauflage entschlossen, urn die Studenten, bei denen die »Grundziige" erfreulicherweise gut angekommen sind, nicht auf unbestimmte Zeit vertrosten zu miissen. Literatur und Rechtsprechung sind bis einschlieBlich Feber 1992 berucksich­ tigt. Die benutzten Systeme und Kommentare habe ich in der Einleitung, das neuere osterreichische Spezialschrifttum zu Beginn jeder groBeren Einheit ausgewiesen. Damit wollte ich dem Beniitzer den Zugang zu weiterfiihrenden Studien erleichtern, aber auch die Quellen angeben, aus denen ich geschopft habe. Ich habe sie aus unterschiedlichen Grunden nicht immer voll ausgeschopft, hauptsachlich deshalb, urn die Darstellung moglichst kurz und biindig zu halten. Eine rasche und, wie ich hoffe, veriaBliche Information ist heute umso wichtiger, als angesichts der iippig flieBenden Gesetzgebung sogar schon die meisten Gesetzesausgaben hinter der Rechtslage herhinken. Fiir die Zusammenstellung der Schrifttumsnachweise und des Sachverzeich­ nisses habe ich Herrn Univ.-Assistenten DDr. Peter Lewis ch und Herrn cando iur. Johannes Z a h I r zu danken. Bedanken mochte ich mich aber auch bei Herrn Univ.-Dozenten Dr. Wolfgang Brandstetter und bei den Rezensenten der Vorauflagen, die mir wichtige Anregungen gegeben haben.

Guide to Mechanics (Mathematical Guides)

by P.P.G. Dyke R.W. Whitworth

This book introduces mechanics in a way which is accessible and interesting to students studying the subject for the first time. It is ideal for bridging the gap from A-level to studying maths in higher education.

Guided Wave Nonlinear Optics (NATO Science Series E: #214)

by D. B. Ostrowsky R. Reinisch

The object of this school, held at Cargese, Corsica (France) from August 12th to 24th 1991, was the presentation of the field of guided wave nonlinear optics in a comprehensive, coherent, and heuristic fashion. It seems appropriate that this school began with an historical introduction by Professor Nicolaas Bloembergen of Harvard, the acknowledged "father" of nonlinear optics, in general, and concluded with a round table discussion headed by Dr. Eric Spitz, the Scientific Director of a multinational electronics company interested in developing industrial applications of guided wave nonlinear optics. The lectures covered both the theoretical framework of the field and applications to basic scientific research, optical communications and technical instrumentation. Specific topics developed included materials for guided wave nonlinear optics, nonlinear interactions using integrated optical guides, nonlinear surface waves, solitons, fiber nonlinear optics, ultra-fast coupler switching as well as the related topic of fiber and integrated optical lasers and amplifiers. Lectures have also been devoted to squeezed states, chaos and strange attractors. The subjects covered by the school underlines one of the major ways in which this field has evolved over the past thirty some odd years. The path from the original experiments with materials requiring mega-watt power lasers to the recent developments in guided wave configurations using milliwatt power diode lasers is marked by the conjunction of ever improving fundamental scientific comprehension and continuing technological developments.

Hahalis and the Labour of Love: A Social Movement on Buka Island

by Eleanor Rimoldi Max Rimoldi

This book studies the Hahalis Welfare Society, a Bougainville movement which worked for many years to maintain and reform traditional practices and to retain a degree of autonomy in a world of rapid political change and economic dependency. The first extended ethnography of Buka published in nearly sixty years, this book will be of particular interest to Melanesian specialists.

Hahalis and the Labour of Love: A Social Movement on Buka Island (Explorations In Anthropology Ser.)

by Eleanor Rimoldi Max Rimoldi

This book studies the Hahalis Welfare Society, a Bougainville movement which worked for many years to maintain and reform traditional practices and to retain a degree of autonomy in a world of rapid political change and economic dependency. The first extended ethnography of Buka published in nearly sixty years, this book will be of particular interest to Melanesian specialists.

Handbook of Quantitative Forest Genetics (Forestry Sciences #39)

by Lauren Fins

This handbook was designed as a reference tool for forest geneticists, tree breeders and other tree improvement personnel, as well as a textbook for university courses and short-courses at the graduate level in quantitative genetics. The chapters focus on the decision points faced by quantitative geneticists and breeders in designing programs and analyzing data. Beginning with a justification for the use of quantitative genetics in decision making in tree improvement programs, the book continues with a brief presentation of fundamental principles, followed by discussions and evaluations of mating designs and field test designs, the use of best linear predictors to estimate breeding values, the use of computer programs in the analysis of variance for genetic information, the deployment of genetically improved stock for capturing gains, the use of economic models for program justification, and the development of seed transfer guidelines.

Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Potential Theory

by M. A. Picardello

Harmonic Function Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics #137)

by Sheldon Axler Paul Bourdon Wade Ramey

Harmonic functions - the solutions of Laplace's equation - play a crucial role in many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering. Avoiding the disorganization and inconsistent notation of other expositions, the authors approach the field from a more function-theoretic perspective, emphasizing techniques and results that will seem natural to mathematicians comfortable with complex function theory and harmonic analysis; prerequisites for the book are a solid foundation in real and complex analysis together with some basic results from functional analysis. Topics covered include: basic properties of harmonic functions defined on subsets of Rn, including Poisson integrals; properties bounded functions and positive functions, including Liouville's and Cauchy's theorems; the Kelvin transform; Spherical harmonics; hp theory on the unit ball and on half-spaces; harmonic Bergman spaces; the decomposition theorem; Laurent expansions and classification of isolated singularities; and boundary behavior. An appendix describes routines for use with MATHEMATICA to manipulate some of the expressions that arise in the study of harmonic functions.

Henri Theil’s Contributions to Economics and Econometrics: Econometric Theory and Methodology (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics #23)

by B. Raj J Koerts

PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in three volumes. In Volume I we have provided an overview of Theil's contributions, a brief biography, an annotated bibliography of his research, and a selection of published and unpublished articles and chapters in books dealing with topics in econometrics. Volume IT contains Theil's contributions to demand analysis and information theory. Volume ITI includes Theil's contributions in economic policy and forecasting, and management science. The selection of articles is intended to provide examples of Theil's many seminal and pathbreaking contributions to economics in such areas as econometrics, statistics, demand analysis, information theory, economic policy analysis, aggregation theory, forecasting, index numbers, management science, sociology, operations research, higher education and much more. The collection is also intended to serve as a tribute to him on the occasion of his 67th birthday.! These three volumes also highlight some of Theil's contributions and service to the profession as a leader, advisor, administrator, teacher, and researcher. Theil's contributions, which encompass many disciplines, have been extensively cited both in scientific and professional journals. These citations often place Theil among the top 10 researchers (ranked according to number of times cited) in the world in various disciplines.

Henri Theil’s Contributions to Economics and Econometrics: Volume II: Consumer Demand Analysis and Information Theory (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics #25)

by B. Raj J Koerts

PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in three volumes. In Volume I we have provided an overview of Theil's contributions, a brief biography, an annotated bibliography of his research, and a selection of published and unpublished articles and chapters in books dealing with topics in econometrics. Volume II contains Theil's contributions to demand analysis and information theory. Volume III includes Theil's contributions in economic policy and forecasting, and management science. The selection of articles is intended to provide examples of Theil's many seminal and pathbreaking contributions to economics in such areas as econometrics, statistics, demand analysis, information theory, economic policy analysis, aggregation theory, forecasting, index numbers, management science, sociology, operations research, higher education and much more. The collection is also intended to serve as a tribute to him on the occasion of his 68th birthday: These three volumes also highlight some of Theil's contributions and service to the profession as a leader, advisor, administrator, teacher, and researcher. Theil's contributions, which encompass many disciplines, have been extensively cited both in scientific and professional journals. These citations often place Theil among 10 researchers (ranked according to number of times cited) in the world in various the top disciplines.

Henri Theil’s Contributions to Economics and Econometrics: Volume III: Economic Policy and Forecasts, and Management Science (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics #24)

by B. Raj J Koerts

PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in three volumes. In Volume I we have provided an overview of Theil's contributions, a brief biography, an annotated bibliography of his research, and a selection of published and unpublished articles and chapters in books dealing with topics in econometrics. Volume II contains Theil's contributions to demand analysis and information theory. Volume III includes Theil's contributions in economic policy and forecasting, and management science. The selection of articles is intended to provide examples of Theil's many seminal and path breaking contributions to economics in such areas as econometrics, statistics, demand analysis, information theory, economic policy analysis, aggregation theory, forecasting, index numbers, management science, sociology, operations research, higher education and much more. The collection is also intended to serve as a tribute to him on the occasion of his 67th birthday.! These three volumes also highlight some of Theil's contributions and service to the profession as a leader, advisor, administrator, teacher, and researcher. Theil's contributions, which encompass many disciplines, have been extensively cited both in scientific and professional journals. These citations often place Theil among the top 10 researchers (ranked according to number of times cited) in the world in various disciplines.

High Temperature Superconductivity

by D. P. Tunstall D. W. Barford

High Temperature Superconductivity provides a broad survey of high temperature superconductivity, discussing the adaptations of experimental and theoretical techniques and methods that take advantage of the revolutionary properties of high temperature superconductors. Distinguished engineers, chemists, and experimental and theoretical physicists introduce their own particular area of the field before going on to explain current theories and techniques. The book is divided into three sections: materials, mechanisms, and devices. Topics covered include synthetic approaches to the growth of new materials; optical, magnetic, and electrical characterization of synthesized materials; strong correlations; the magnon pairing mechanism; and technical background of device performance in new materials. A coherent introduction to high temperature superconductivity, this volume will be invaluable to researchers in condensed matter physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering.

High Temperature Superconductivity

by D P Tunstall

High Temperature Superconductivity provides a broad survey of high temperature superconductivity, discussing the adaptations of experimental and theoretical techniques and methods that take advantage of the revolutionary properties of high temperature superconductors. Distinguished engineers, chemists, and experimental and theoretical physicists introduce their own particular area of the field before going on to explain current theories and techniques. The book is divided into three sections: materials, mechanisms, and devices. Topics covered include synthetic approaches to the growth of new materials; optical, magnetic, and electrical characterization of synthesized materials; strong correlations; the magnon pairing mechanism; and technical background of device performance in new materials. A coherent introduction to high temperature superconductivity, this volume will be invaluable to researchers in condensed matter physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering.

Higher Algebraic K-Theory: An Overview (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1491)

by Emilio Lluis-Puebla Jean-Louis Loday Henri Gillet Christophe Soule Victor Snaith

This book is a general introduction to Higher Algebraic K-groups of rings and algebraic varieties, which were first defined by Quillen at the beginning of the 70's. These K-groups happen to be useful in many different fields, including topology, algebraic geometry, algebra and number theory. The goal of this volume is to provide graduate students, teachers and researchers with basic definitions, concepts and results, and to give a sampling of current directions of research. Written by five specialists of different parts of the subject, each set of lectures reflects the particular perspective ofits author. As such, this volume can serve as a primer (if not as a technical basic textbook) for mathematicians from many different fields of interest.

Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure: Bd. 2: Lineare Algebra (Teubner-Ingenieurmathematik)

by Klemens Burg Herbert Haf Friedrich Wille

Der vorliegende Band 11 der Höheren Mathematik für Ingenieure enthält eine in sich geschlossene Darstellung der "Linearen Algebra" mit vielfältigen Bezügen zur Technik und Naturwissenschaft. Adressaten sind in erster Linie Ingenieurstudenten, aber auch Studenten der Angewand­ ten Mathematik und Physik, etwa der Richtungen Technomathematik, mathematische Informatik, theoretische Physik. Sicherlich wird auch der "reine" Mathematiker für ihn Interessantes in dem Buch finden. Der Band ist - bis auf wenige Querverbindungen - unabhängig vom Band I "Analysis" gestaltet, so daß man einen Kursus über Ingenieurmathematik auch mit dem vorliegen­ den Buch beginnen kann. (Beim Studium der Elektrotechnik wird z. B. gerne mit Linea­ rer Algebra begonnen.) Vorausgesetzt werden lediglich Kenntnisse aus der Schulmathe­ matik. Auch die einzelnen Abschnitte des Buches sind mit einer gewissen Unabhängigkeit von­ einander konzipiert, so daß Quereinstiege möglich sind. Dem Leser, der schon einen ersten Kursus über Lineare Algebra absolviert hat, steht in diesem Bande ein Nach­ schlagewerk zur Verfügung, welches ihm in der Praxis oder beim Examen eine Hilfe ist. Die Bedeutung der Linearen Algebra für Technik und Naturwissenschaft ist in diesem Jahrhundert stark gestiegen. Insbesondere ist die Matrizen-Rechnung, die sich erst in den dreißiger Jahren in Physik und Technik durchzusetzen begann, heute ein starkes Hilfsmittel in der Hand des Ingenieurs. Darüber hinaus führt die Synthese von Linearer Algebra und Analysis zur Funktionalanalysis, die gerade in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem leistungsfähigen theoretischen Instrumentarium für Naturwissenschaft und Tech­ nik geworden ist.

Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms: An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

by David Cox John Little DONAL OSHEA

Written at a level appropriate to undergraduates, this book covers such topics as the Hilbert Basis Theorem, the Nullstellensatz, invariant theory, projective geometry, and dimension theory. Contains a new section on Axiom and an update about MAPLE, Mathematica and REDUCE.

Identifikation dynamischer Systeme 1: Grundlegende Methoden (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Rolf Isermann

Für viele Aufgabenstellungen bei der Automatisierung technischer Systeme und im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften und Wirtschaftswissenschaften benötigt man genaue mathematische Modelle für das dynamische Verhalten von Systemen. Das Werk behandelt Methoden zur Ermittlung dynamischer Modelle aus gemessenen Signalen, die unter dem Begriff Systemidentifikation oder Prozeßidentifikation zusammengefaßt werden. In Band 1 werden die grundlegenden Methoden behandelt. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die benötigten Grundlagen linearer Systeme wird zunächst die Identifikation nichtparametrischer Modelle mit zeitkontinuierlichen Signalen mittels Fourieranalyse, Frequenzgangmessung und Korrelationsanalyse behandelt. Dann folgt eine Einführung in die Parameterschätzung für parametrische Modelle mit zeitdiskreten Signalen. Dabei steht die Methode der kleinsten Quadrate im Vordergrund, gefolgt von ihren Modifikationen, der Hilfsvariablenmethode und der stochastischen Approximation.

Identifikation dynamischer Systeme 2: Besondere Methoden, Anwendungen (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Rolf Isermann

Für viele Aufgabenstellungen bei der Automatisierung technischer Systeme sowie im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften und Wirtschaftswissenschaften benötigt man genaue mathematische Modelle für das dynamische Verhalten von Systemen. Das Werk behandelt Methoden zur Ermittlung dynamischer Modelle aus gemessenen Signalen, die unter dem Begriff Systemidentifikation oder Prozeßidentifikation zusammengefaßt werden. Band 2 beschreibt weitergehende Methoden und Anwendungen: - Maximum-Likelihood-Methode; - Rekursive Parameterschätzung; - Modellabgleich-Verfahren; - Mehrgrößen- und nichtlineare Systeme; - Anwendungen in Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik, Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik. Beide Bände bilden eine Einheit und führen systematisch von den Grundlagen bis zu den Problemen des praktischen Einsatzes. Sie wenden sich daher sowohl an Studenten der Fachrichtungen Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Informatik, Mathematik, Natur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften als auch an die in der Praxis tätigen Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler.

Industrial Applications of Neural Networks: Project ANNIE Handbook (Research Reports Esprit #1)

by Ian F. Croall John P. Mason

Neural network technology encompasses a class of methods which attempt to mimic the basic structures used in the brain for information processing. Thetechnology is aimed at problems such as pattern recognition which are difficult for traditional computational methods. Neural networks have potential applications in many industrial areas such as advanced robotics, operations research, and process engineering. This book is concerned with the application of neural network technology to real industrial problems. It summarizes a three-year collaborative international project called ANNIE (Applications of Neural Networks for Industry in Europe) which was jointly funded by industry and the European Commission within the ESPRIT programme. As a record of a working project, the book gives an insight into the real problems faced in taking a new technology from the workbench into a live industrial application, and shows just how it can be achieved. It stresses the comparison between neural networks and conventional approaches. Even the non-specialist reader will benefit from understanding the limitations as well as the advantages of the new technology.

Information Bounds and Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation (Oberwolfach Seminars #19)

by P. Groeneboom J.A. Wellner

This book contains the lecture notes for a DMV course presented by the authors at Gunzburg, Germany, in September, 1990. In the course we sketched the theory of information bounds for non parametric and semiparametric models, and developed the theory of non parametric maximum likelihood estimation in several particular inverse problems: interval censoring and deconvolution models. Part I, based on Jon Wellner's lectures, gives a brief sketch of information lower bound theory: Hajek's convolution theorem and extensions, useful minimax bounds for parametric problems due to Ibragimov and Has'minskii, and a recent result characterizing differentiable functionals due to van der Vaart (1991). The differentiability theorem is illustrated with the examples of interval censoring and deconvolution (which are pursued from the estimation perspective in part II). The differentiability theorem gives a way of clearly distinguishing situations in which 1 2 the parameter of interest can be estimated at rate n / and situations in which this is not the case. However it says nothing about which rates to expect when the functional is not differentiable. Even the casual reader will notice that several models are introduced, but not pursued in any detail; many problems remain. Part II, based on Piet Groeneboom's lectures, focuses on non parametric maximum likelihood estimates (NPMLE's) for certain inverse problems. The first chapter deals with the interval censoring problem.

Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory

by Ad Aertsen Valentino Braitenberg

There is a tradition of theoretical brain science which started in the forties (Wiener, McCulloch, Turing, Craik, Hebb). This was continued by a small number of people without interruption up to the present. It has definitely provided main guiding lines for brain science, the devel­ opment of which has been spectacular in the last decades. However, within the bulk of experimental neuroscience, the theoreticians some­ times had a difficult stand, since it was felt that the times were not ripe yet and the methods not yet available for a development of a true theoretical speciality in this field. Thus theory remained in the hands of a fairly small club which recruited its members from theoretical physicists, mathematicians and some experimentalists with amateurish theoretical leanings. The boom of approaches which go by the name of 'computational neuroscience', 'neuronal networks', 'associative mem­ ory', 'spinglass theory', 'parallel processing' etc. should not blind one for the fact that the group of people professionally interested in real­ istic models of brain function up to the present date remains rather small and suffers from a lack of professional organization. It was against this background that we decided to organize a meet­ ing on Theoretical Brain Science. The meeting was held April 18 - 20, 1990 and took place at Schloss Ringberg, West-Germany, a facility sponsored by the Max-Planck-Society.

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