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Showing 3,501 through 3,525 of 54,520 results

Regression Analysis and its Application: A Data-Oriented Approach

by Richard F. Gunst Robert L. Mason

Regression Analysis and Its Application: A Data-Oriented Approach answers the need for researchers and students who would like a better understanding of classical regression analysis. Useful either as a textbook or as a reference source, this book bridges the gap between the purely theoretical coverage of regression analysis and its practical application. The book presents regression analysis in the general context of data analysis. Using a teach-by-example format, it contains ten major data sets along with several smaller ones to illustrate the common characteristics of regression data and properties of statistics that are employed in regression analysis. The book covers model misspecification, residual analysis, multicollinearity, and biased regression estimators. It also focuses on data collection, model assumptions, and the interpretation of parameter estimates.Complete with an extensive bibliography, Regression Analysis and Its Application is suitable for statisticians, graduate and upper-level undergraduate students, and research scientists in biometry, business, ecology, economics, education, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, psychology, and sociology. In addition, data collection agencies in the government and private sector will benefit from the book.

Regression Analysis and its Application: A Data-Oriented Approach (Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs #34)

by Richard F. Gunst Robert L. Mason

Regression Analysis and Its Application: A Data-Oriented Approach answers the need for researchers and students who would like a better understanding of classical regression analysis. Useful either as a textbook or as a reference source, this book bridges the gap between the purely theoretical coverage of regression analysis and its practical application. The book presents regression analysis in the general context of data analysis. Using a teach-by-example format, it contains ten major data sets along with several smaller ones to illustrate the common characteristics of regression data and properties of statistics that are employed in regression analysis. The book covers model misspecification, residual analysis, multicollinearity, and biased regression estimators. It also focuses on data collection, model assumptions, and the interpretation of parameter estimates.Complete with an extensive bibliography, Regression Analysis and Its Application is suitable for statisticians, graduate and upper-level undergraduate students, and research scientists in biometry, business, ecology, economics, education, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, psychology, and sociology. In addition, data collection agencies in the government and private sector will benefit from the book.

Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics #571)

by David A. Belsley Edwin Kuh Roy E. Welsch

The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase global appeal and general circulation. With these new unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend the lives of these works by making them available to future generations of statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists. "The title of the book more or less sums up the contents. It appears to me to represent a real breakthrough in the art of dealing in ‘unconventional’ data. . . . I found the whole book both readable and enjoyable. It is suitable for data analysts, academic statisticians, and professional software writers." –Journal of the Royal Statistical Society "The book assumes a working knowledge of all of the principal results and techniques used in least squares multiple regression, as expressed in vector and matrix notation. Given this background, the book is clear and easy to use. . . . The techniques are illustrated in great detail with practical data sets from econometrics." –Short Book Reviews, International Statistical Institute Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity provides practicing statisticians and econometricians with new tools for assessing quality and reliability of regression estimates. Diagnostic techniques are developed that aid in the systematic location of data points that are unusual or inordinately influential; measure the presence and intensity of collinear relations among the regression data; and help to identify variables involved in each and pinpoint estimated coefficients potentially most adversely affected. The book emphasizes diagnostics and includes suggestions for remedial action

Relaxation of Elementary Excitations: Proceedings of the Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono-shi, Japan, October 12–16, 1979 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #18)

by R. Kubo E. Hanamura

This is the Proceedings of the Taniguchi International Symposium on "Relaxation of Elementary Excitations" which was held October 12-16,1979, at Susono-shi (at the foot of f1t. Fuji) in Japan. The pleasant atmosphere of the Symposium is evidenced in the picture of the participants shown on the next page. The purpose of the symposium was to provide an opportunity for a limited number of active researchers to meet and to discuss relaxation processes and related phenomena not only of excitons and phonons in solids but also electronic and vibrational excitations in molecules and biological systems. First, the lattice relaxation, i.e., multi-phonon process, associated with electronic excitation, which plays important roles in self-trapping of an exciton and a particle (electron and hole) and also in degradation of semi­ conductor lasers, is discussed. Second, this lattice relaxation is studied as the intermediate state interaction in the second-order optical responses, i.e., in connection with the competitive behavior of Raman scattering and luminescence. Third, relaxation mechanisms and relaxation constants are by spectroscopic methods as well as by genuine nonlinear optical determined phenomena. Conversely the relaxation is decisive in coherent nonlinear optical phenomena such as laser, superradiance, and optical bistability. Fourth, the role played by relaxation processes is discussed for optical phenomena in macromolecules and biological system such as photosynthesis.

Riemann Surfaces (Graduate Texts in Mathematics #71)

by H. M. Farkas I. Kra

The present volume is the culmination often years' work separately and joint­ ly. The idea of writing this book began with a set of notes for a course given by one of the authors in 1970-1971 at the Hebrew University. The notes were refined serveral times and used as the basic content of courses given sub­ sequently by each of the authors at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the Hebrew University. In this book we present the theory of Riemann surfaces and its many dif­ ferent facets. We begin from the most elementary aspects and try to bring the reader up to the frontier of present-day research. We treat both open and closed surfaces in this book, but our main emphasis is on the compact case. In fact, Chapters III, V, VI, and VII deal exclusively with compact surfaces. Chapters I and II are preparatory, and Chapter IV deals with uniformization. All works on Riemann surfaces go back to the fundamental results of Rie­ mann, Jacobi, Abel, Weierstrass, etc. Our book is no exception. In addition to our debt to these mathematicians of a previous era, the present work has been influenced by many contemporary mathematicians.

A Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory (University Series in Mathematics)

by C. Herbert Clemens

This is a book of "impressions" of a journey through the theory of com­ plex algebraic curves. It is neither self-contained, balanced, nor particularly tightly organized. As with any notebook made on a journey, what appears is that which strikes the writer's fancy. Some topics appear because of their compelling intrinsic beauty. Others are left out because, for all their impor­ tance, the traveler found them boring or was too dull or lazy to give them their due. Looking back at the end of the journey, one can see that a common theme in fact does emerge, as is so often the case; that theme is the theory of theta functions. In fact very much of the material in the book is prepara­ tion for our study of the final topic, the so-called Schottky problem. More than once, in fact, we tear ourselves away from interesting topics leading elsewhere and return to our main route.

Seminar on Micro-Local Analysis. (AM-93), Volume 93

by Victor Guillemin Masaki Kashiwara Takahiro Kawai

Based on a seminar sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study in 1977-1978, this set of papers introduces micro-local analysis concisely and clearly to mathematicians with an analytical background. The papers treat the theory of microfunctions and applications such as boundary values of elliptic partial differential equations, propagation of singularities in the vicinity of degenerate characteristics, holonomic systems, Feynman integrals from the hyperfunction point of view, and harmonic analysis on Lie groups.

Sexuell gestörte Beziehungen: Konzept und Technik der Paartherapie

by R. Bulla-Küchler U. Clement M. Gaschae M. Hauch F. Pfäfflin G. Thiessen-Liedtke I. Wickert

Die Abteilung für Sexualforschung der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik in Ham­ burg führte 1976 eine Bedarfsanalyse im Hinblick auf die ärztliche/psychotherapeu­ tische Versorgung von Patienten mit sexuellen Störungen durch. Insgesamt ver­ schickten wir in Hamburg 650 Fragebögen: an alle niedergelassenen Urologen, Gy­ näkologen, Dermatologen und Nervenärzte, an jeden fünften Internisten und anje­ den zehnten praktischen Arzt. Der Fragebogen erfaßte, wie viele Patienten den Arzt wegen einer sexuellen Störung in einer Woche aufsuchten, um welches Problem es sich handelte und welche Behandlung der Arzt vornahm. Etwa 250 Ärzte, also 40%, schickten auswertbare Fragebögen zurück. Wenn man von der überaus vorsichtigen Annahme ausgeht, daß diejenigen Ärzte, die die Fragebögen nicht zurückschickten, keinen einzigen Patienten mit sexuellen Störungen gehabt hatten, dann suchen in Hamburg in einer Woche mindestens 1100 Patienten einen Arzt wegen sexueller Stö­ rungen auf. Tausend dieser Patienten, also etwa 90%, haben eine sexuelle Funk­ tionsstörung, das heißt sie klagen über Erektions- und Ejakulationsstörungen bzw. über Erregungs-/Orgasmusstörungen oder Vaginismus; insgesamt sind es mehr Frauen als Männer. Die Interventionen der Ärzte beschränken sich notgedrungen bei den meisten dieser Patienten auf unspezifische Beratungsgespräche, die selten ausreichend helfen, und auf die im Regelfall sinnlose Verabreichung von Medika­ menten wie Psychopharmaka oder Hormonpräparate. Die Folge dieses Mißstandes ist eine schwere und vermeidbare Chronifizierung sexueller Störungen: Wenn die Patienten in unsere Poliklinik kommen, sind sie im Durchschnitt schon vier Jahre lang von zwei bis drei Ärzten erfolglos behandelt worden.

Singular Homology Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics #70)

by W.S. Massey

This textbook on homology and cohomology theory is geared towards the beginning graduate student. Singular homology theory is developed systematically, avoiding all unnecessary definitions, terminology, and technical machinery. Wherever possible, the geometric motivation behind various algebraic concepts is emphasized.The only formal prerequisites are knowledge of the basic facts of abelian groups and point set topology. Singular Homology Theory is a continuation of t he author's earlier book, Algebraic Topology: An Introduction, which presents such important supplementary material as the theory of the fundamental group and a thorough discussion of 2-dimensional manifolds. However, this earlier book is not a prerequisite for understanding Singular Homology Theory.

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