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Showing 44,951 through 44,975 of 100,000 results

The Forever Man

by Gordon R Dickson

The ancient starship La Chasse Gallerie is found drifting perilously in space. Despite heavy damage from alien Laagi warships, incredibly the ship is till intact and the voice of its pilot, Raoul Penard, comes through loud and clear.But Petard died over one hundred years ago.On Earth, frantic investigation reveals that Petard may be dead but his mind is very much alive, merged with the ship itself. The staggering potential of this evolutionary breakthrough compels the scientists to embark on a technological journey of astonishing discovery.

On the Run

by Gordon R Dickson

One day Kil Bruner was a solid Class A engineer in a society of World Police and citizen Files, jet-set migrants and status-ranking Stability keys. But the Police ordered Kil to forget about his missing wife Ellen - and that was a mistake.Because Kil would move Heaven and Earth to find the woman he loved.Even when the search leads to slums filled with blade-wielding thugs and criminal Ace Kings . . . to secret societies and vast, interlocked, warring conspiracies - each out to rule the Earth or destroy it. Even when the search costs Kil his freedom, his sanity, the core of his soul - and reality itself . . .Because to find Ellen, Kil will have to move Heaven and Earth. Literally.

Way of the Pilgrim

by Gordon R Dickson

Imagine an Earth totally dominated by an alien race. Imagine that humans and their technology are completely powerless against these invaders. Imagine a world in which people are nothing more than cattle to their new masters.Now imagine that one man discovers a key that might free mankind, but he must learn how to care and how to love before he can believe in that key.

The Chantry Guild: The Childe Cycle Book 8 (CHILDE CYCLE #8)

by Gordon R Dickson

Only one thing could lure Hal Mayne away from his research aboard the Final Encyclopedia. It was the shattering news of the Younger Worlds' oncoming defeat - an inevitable triumph for the cross-cultural hybrids known as the Others. To save Earth's future in space, Hal must journey to the planet Kultis, where the powerful alternate forces have been mastered by the top secret Chantry Guild. There, Hal Mayne will meet his greatest challenge and ultimate fate - one that will alter mankind's destiny forever.

The Earth Lords

by Gordon R Dickson

A hidden labyrinth beneath the Canadian wilderness where dwarfish Lords and Ladies ride humans like horses - and plot the final downfall of mankind. Bart Dybig is a "Steed", but one gifted with mental and physical abilities unsuspected by those who have enslaved him. Soon, he vows, he will surprise the Lords and escape to the world above - if there's a world to go back to. For the Earth Lords are building a doomsday device of unimaginable power to completely destroy mankind. Only Bart and his strange heritage can stop them.

The Dragon Knight: The Dragon Cycle Book 2 (DRAGON CYCLE #2)

by Gordon R Dickson

Thrown into the alternate universe of 14th century England, 20th century mathematician Jim Eckert and his wife Angie have become Sir James, Baron de Bois de Malencontri, and Lady Angela. A bit of a shock, but they'd coped with it. In fact they were dealing with their new life's hazards and magical manifestations just fine. Until Jim is suddenly transformed into a dragon. None too pleased about this latest turn of events, Jim turns for help to his neighbour, the magician S. Carolinus, who takes him on as an apprentice. When Prince Edward is captured by the French at the Battle of Poitiers, Jim sets out with some companions, including Aaargh the wolf, to join the English forces. He ends up as chief pawn in a battle against the Dark Powers - with extraordinary consequences.

Wolf and Iron

by Gordon R Dickson

After the collapse of civilization, when the social fabric of America has come apart in bloody rags, when every man's hand is raised against another, and only the strong survive."Jeebee" Walther was a scientist, a student of human behavior, who saw the Collapse of the world economy coming, but could do nothing to stop it. Now he must make his way across a violent and lawless America, in search of a refuge where he can keep the spark of knowledge alive in the coming Dark Age. He could never make it on his own, but he has found a companion who can teach him how to survive on instinct and will. Jeebee has been adopted by a great Gray Wolf.

Young Bleys: The Childe Cycle Book 9 (CHILDE CYCLE #9)

by Gordon R Dickson

By the workings of chance Bleys Ahrens was born the genetic equal of Hal Mayne, the hero of The Final Encyclopedia, but he was destined by nurture to a far different fate. Raised alone by his unhappy Exotic mother, Bleys was an outcast from every society until his half-brother Dahno claimed him. Disciplined by Friendlies, schooled by Exotics, Dahno was beginning to build an interplanetary network of half-breeds, who called themselves "Others". But Dahno thought only of gaining wealth and power for himself; Bleys saw an opportunity to challenge the Dorsai for control of the Human Worlds.

The Dragon on the Border: The Dragon Cycle Book 3 (DRAGON CYCLE #3)

by Gordon R Dickson

In The Dragon on the Border, Sir James, the Dragon Knight, faces his most terrifying challenge - the Hollow Men, spirits of the dead in empty suits of armour. Their weapons are all too real, and a slain Hollow Man can be resurrected within two days. As long as one of their unholy number endures, no Hollow Man can ever truly die. It's a battle that could test any dragon. Not to mention a knight. Or an American. Or all three in one!

The Dragon at War: The Dragon Cycle Book 4 (DRAGON CYCLE #4)

by Gordon R Dickson

Baron Jim is in the thick of it again. Somehow he's found himself taking on England's oldest enemy - the French - who have entered into an unholy alliance with a most fearsome horror: the mighty serpents of the deep underseas. Nobody has battled them before; nobody even realised they could leave the sea. And with the serpents as their allies it's only a matter of time before the French invasion succeeds - unless Baron Jim can stop them.

The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll: The Dragon Cycle Book 5 (DRAGON CYCLE #5)

by Gordon R Dickson

'Tis the season for treachery: The Earl of Somerset is throwing a lavish Christmas feast, a revel above all others to celebrate the holiday. But the Dark Powers have chosen this joyous time to launch a massive offensive. An army of land-hungry trolls has laid siege outside the Earl's fortress, while a nest of venomous traitors waits to hatch its deadly plan from the inside. Now Sir James, the brave Dragon Knight, must fight a battle unlike any he has ever known - a battle no man, knight or dragon can win. Not even if he is all three in one.

Other: The Childe Cycle Book 10 (CHILDE CYCLE #10)

by Gordon R Dickson

Bleys Ahrens is now a political power on the planet Association, home of the Friendlies. His people - his Others, not Dorsai or Friendly or Exotic, but hybrids - are in place in all the new worlds and are ready to take his message to the greater human public. But within his inner circle is Henry McLean, Soldier of God, and a True Faith-Holder. Henry fears for the soul of his nephew Bleys, and while he guards, he also watches and judges. And beyond Bleys Ahrens' control is Hal Mayne: the one man in all the human worlds who might successfully challenge Bleys in his bid for power. For Hal Mayne is the true culmination of the Cycle's grand design. Bleys would give anything to convert Hal Mayne to his cause - or failing that, to destroy him.

The Magnificent Wilf

by Gordon R Dickson

When Earth is contacted by galactic civilization, our heroic couplet - diplomat Tom Parent, and his linguist wife, Lucy - prove themselves to be just the pair to tour the galaxy representing Earth and learning the whys and wherefores of galactic civilization. There's only one tiny catch to this grand tour - on Tom and Lucy's performance hinges our acceptance by the rest of the galaxy as a civilized world rather than as ward of some more "advanced" species. (You don't want Earth to become a Galactic ward.).

The Dragon and the Djinn: The Dragon Cycle Book 6 (DRAGON CYCLE #6)

by Gordon R Dickson

It seems a simple quest for a happy occasion: Sir James Eckert, the brave Dragon Knight, accompanies Sir Brian Neville-Smythe to the Holy Land to ask his beloved's father for her hand.But the Holy Land holds more than they bargained for. As the pair face pirates, sea giants, and the legendary Djinn, this 'simple' quest becomes the most dangerous odyssey the Dragon Knight has even undertaken. For the Djinn hold more power over good and evil than even the most powerful magicians - including the Dragon Knight himself . . .Gordon R. Dickson continues his spectacular saga of a twentieth-century American transformed into a Dragon Knight - and transported into a fantastic medieval adventure.

The Dragon and the Gnarly King: The Dragon Cycle Book 7 (DRAGON CYCLE #7)

by Gordon R Dickson

As a young mathematician, Jim Eckert was transported to a parallel medieval world where he found he had the ability to transform himself into a large but none-too-bright dragon named Gorbash. Jim Eckert's daring exploits have earned him a title - Baron de Bois de Malencontri et Riveroak - and he has settled down to a peaceful life as a feudal lord, with his beloved Angela at his side. But a new peril endangers his enchanted realm - as the King of the Gnarlies teams up with the Earl of Cumberland, Jim's longtime rival, to kidnap his adopted son, Robert. Soon Sir Jim must assume the shape of the Dragon Knight once again to rescue little Robert, and finds himself entrenched in a magical battle royal - one he'll have to fight harder than ever to survive!

The Dragon in Lyonesse: The Dragon Cycle Book 8 (DRAGON CYCLE #8)

by Gordon R Dickson

After their final battle, legend tells us, Arthur and his knights went to Lyonesse, the land under the sea. Now Lyonesse is threatened by a resurgence of the Dark Powers, those mindless malevolent forces that struggle to stop the course of History.And Jim Eckert - the Dragon Knight - and his friends are called upon to stop them.Arthur and his knights are proud; too proud to easily accept help from Jim Eckert and his allies. But they will have help - from Jim in his dragon form, from knight-in-armour Sir Brian Neville-Smyth, from the brilliant archer Dafydd ap Hywel, and from one small hobgoblin.The result is a wild ride: Arthurian fantasy adventure as only Gordon R. Dickson could tell it.

The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent: The Dragon Cycle Book 9 (DRAGON CYCLE #9)

by Gordon R Dickson

One of the tales of Jim Eckert, the young mathematician who travels to a parallel medieval world only to be transformed into a large but none too bright dragon named Gorbash. Now the Dragon Knight must confront the three disasters that lie in wait for any visitor to the English Middle ages: war, plague and PlantagenetsThe Dragon Knight, faces three new challenges - a plague caused by an invasion of shape-changing goblins, the arrival of the quarrelsome and ambitious Plantagenet dynasty, and a full-scale human-versus-goblin war.

The World and Thorinn

by Damon Knight

Thorinn went down. He had little choice, since his own father had hurled him into a well.Yet the world was shifting in those days, and Thorinn was to go deeper than his father had ever dreamed; destined to discover strange worlds within worlds, to meet beasts undreamed of, and to discover that which few of us are permitted to know:His Own True Name.

Wild Invitation: A Psy-Changeling Collection (The Psy-Changeling Series #11)

by Nalini Singh

A collection of short stories from the Psy-Changeling universeDiscover even more of Nalini Singh's world of breathtaking passion ...This collection contains four novellas, two of which have never been previously published.

Double Star: Issue 24, January 2017 (serialization Special: Heinlein's Hugo-winning Double Star) (S.F. MASTERWORKS #Vol. 15)

by Robert A. Heinlein

One minute, down-and-out actor Lorenzo Smythe was - as usual - in a bar, drinking away his troubles as he watched his career go down the tubes. Then a space pilot bought him a drink, and the next thing Smythe knew, he was shanghaied to Mars.Suddenly he found himself agreeing to the most difficult role of his career: impersonating an important politician who had been kidnapped. Peace with the Martians was at stake - failure to pull off the act could result in interplanetary war. And Smythe's own life was on the line - for if he wasn't assassinated, there was always the possibility that he might be trapped in his new role forever!

The Door into Summer: The Door Into Summer (S.F. MASTERWORKS)

by Robert A. Heinlein

A popular and enduring time travel tale by one of science fiction's all-time greatsWhen Dan Davis is crossed in love and stabbed in the back by his business associates, the immediate future doesn't look too bright for him and Pete, his independent-minded tomcat. Suddenly, the lure of suspended animation, the Long Sleep, becomes irresistible and Dan wakes up 30 years later in the 21st century, a time very much to his liking.The discovery that the robot household appliances he invented have been mass produced is no surprise, but the realization that, far from having been stolen from him, they have, mysteriously, been patented in his name is. There's only one thing for it. Dan somehow has to travel back in time to investigate. He may even find Pete ... and the girl he really loves.

The Man Who Sold the Moon (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert A. Heinlein

D. D. Harriman is a billionaire with a dream: the dream of Space for All Mankind. The method? Anything that works. Maybe, in fact, Harriman goes too far. But he will give us the stars...

The Green Hills of Earth: N/a (Gateway Essentials #2)

by Robert A. Heinlein

Nine ships blasted off from Moon Base. Once in space, eight of them formed a globe around the smallest. They held this formation all the way to Earth. The small ship displayed the insignia of an admiral - yet there was no living thing of any sort in her. She was not even a passenger ship, but a drone, a robot ship intended for radioactive cargo. This trip she carried nothing but a lead coffin - and a Geiger counter that was never quiet.

Methuselah's Children (Gateway Essentials #481)

by Robert A. Heinlein

After the fall of the American Ayatollahs as foretold in Stranger in a Strange Land and chronicled in Revolt in 2100, the United States of America at last fulfills the promise inherent in its first Revolution: for the first time in human history there is a nation with Liberty and Justice for All.No one may seize or harm the person or property of another, or invade his privacy, or force him to do his bidding. Americans are fiercely proud of their re-won liberties and the blood it cost them: nothing could make them forswear those truths they hold self-evident. Nothing except the promise of immortality...

Orphans of the Sky (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert A. Heinlein

Hugh had been taught that, according to the ancient sacred writings, the Ship was on a voyage to faraway Centaurus. But he also understood this was actually allegory for a voyage to spiritual perfection. Indeed, how could the Ship move, since its miles and miles of metal corridors were all there was of creation? Science knew that the Ship was all the Universe, and as long as the sacred Convertor was fed, the lights would continue to glow and the air would flow, and the Creator's Plan would be fulfilled.Of course, there were the muties, grotesquely deformed parodies of humans, who lurked in the upper reaches of the Ship where gravity was weaker. Were they evil incarnate, or merely a divine check on the population, keeping humanity from expanding past the capacity of the Ship to support?Then Hugh was captured by the muties and met their leader (or leaders), Joe-Jim, with two heads on one body. And he learned the true nature of the Ship and its mission between the stars. But could he make his people believe him before it was to late? Could he make them believe that he must be allowed to fly the ship?

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