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Showing 1,926 through 1,950 of 55,869 results

Rule of Law and the Challenges Posed by the Pandemic: Contributions to the World Law Congress 2021 in Barranquilla

by Rainer Arnold Javier Cremades

The rule of law represents the heart of constitutionalism. Public power can only be legitimately exercised if it is based on and complies with the law. The Constitution and its fundamental values – human dignity, freedom and equality – are the ultimate sources of orientation for the rule of law. Domestic rule of law is complemented by its external dimension, the duty to respect international law and, for EU member states, supranational law. For the World Jurist Association, the realization of the Rule of Law has been the central concern since its founding more than 60 years ago. Its biennial world congresses, which bring together leading figures from politics, the judiciary and academia under the presidency of Javier Cremades, focus on the universal importance of the rule of law, which experts from numerous countries discuss on the basis of current problem areas. At the 2021 World Law Congress in Barranquilla, Colombia, one central topic was the tension between combating pandemics and the rule of law. The contributions gathered here examine how this challenge was met in political-legal practice, and the role of constitutional jurisdiction in the process. They analyze and evaluate the legal situation in numerous countries in Europe and Latin America. In addition, they reflect on fundamental issues, such as the concept of the rule of law, its relationship to democracy, its universal character and its implementation via jurisprudence.

Rule of Law, Human Rights and Judicial Control of Power: Some Reflections from National and International Law (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #61)

by Rainer Arnold José Ignacio Martínez-Estay

Judicial control of public power ensures a guarantee of the rule of law. This book addresses the scope and limits of judicial control at the national level, i.e. the control of public authorities, and at the supranational level, i.e. the control of States. It explores the risk of judicial review leading to judicial activism that can threaten the principle of the separation of powers or the legitimate exercise of state powers. It analyzes how national and supranational legal systems have embodied certain mechanisms, such as the principles of reasonableness, proportionality, deference and margin of appreciation, as well as the horizontal effects of human rights that help to determine how far a judge can go. Taking a theoretical and comparative view, the book first examines the conceptual bases of the various control systems and then studies the models, structural elements, and functions of the control instruments in selected countries and regions. It uses country and regional reports as the basis for the comparison of the convergences and divergences of the implementation of control in certain countries of Europe, Latin America, and Africa. The book’s theoretical reflections and comparative investigations provide answers to important questions, such as whether or not there are nascent universal principles concerning the control of public power, how strong the impact of particular legal traditions is, and to what extent international law concepts have had harmonizing and strengthening effects on internal public-power control.

Emotional kompetent agieren: Das eigene Denken, Fühlen und Handeln bewusst verstehen und verändern

by Rolf Arnold

​Dieses Buch beschreibt mit dem Modus des Agil-Seins („Being agile“) eine Form des geübten Umgangs mit sich selbst und anderen, der uns dazu verhelfen kann, zu werden, wer wir eigentlich sind. Das Konzept „Being agile“ verhilft insbesondere Führungskräften zu einer Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, die sie zu sich selbst kommen lässt. Es zeigt auf, welche Konsequenzen sich aus der Analyse und der nachhaltigen Transformation des eigenen Denkens, Fühlens und Handelns ergeben. Dabei (er)finden wir uns selbst und ermöglichen uns einen professionellen Umgang mit uns selbst und anderen. Dies schafft auch die Voraussetzungen dafür, dass unser Gegenüber so in Erscheinung treten kann, wie es gemeint ist oder sich selbst meint. Lassen Sie sich ermutigen, sich von alten Mustern zu lösen und zu wirksamen Formen der Kooperation und Kommunikation vorzustoßen.

Children's Rights and Refugee Law: Conceptualising Children within the Refugee Convention (Law and Migration)

by Samantha Arnold

Children make up half of the world’s refugees and over 40 per cent of the world’s asylum seekers. However, children are largely invisible in historical and contemporary refugee law. Furthermore, there has been very limited interaction between the burgeoning children’s rights framework, in particular the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention). This book explores the possibility of a children’s rights approach to the interpretation of the Refugee Convention and within that what such an approach might look like. In order to construct a children’s rights approach, the conceptualisations of children outside the legal discipline, within international children’s rights law and then within refugee law and refugee discourse are analysed. The approach taken is socio-legal and comparative in nature and the suitability of the Refugee Convention as a framework for the interpretation of child claims is examined. The book analyses to what extent the Refugee Convention is capable of dealing with claims from children based on the modern conceptualisation of children, which is underscored by two competing ideologies: the child as a vulnerable object in law to be protected and the child as subject with rights and the capacity to exercise their agency. The influence each regime has had on the other is also analysed. The work discusses how a children’s rights approach might improve outcomes for child applicants. The book makes an original contribution to child refugee discourse and as such will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of migration and asylum law, children’s rights and international human rights law.

Children's Rights and Refugee Law: Conceptualising Children within the Refugee Convention (Law and Migration)

by Samantha Arnold

Children make up half of the world’s refugees and over 40 per cent of the world’s asylum seekers. However, children are largely invisible in historical and contemporary refugee law. Furthermore, there has been very limited interaction between the burgeoning children’s rights framework, in particular the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention). This book explores the possibility of a children’s rights approach to the interpretation of the Refugee Convention and within that what such an approach might look like. In order to construct a children’s rights approach, the conceptualisations of children outside the legal discipline, within international children’s rights law and then within refugee law and refugee discourse are analysed. The approach taken is socio-legal and comparative in nature and the suitability of the Refugee Convention as a framework for the interpretation of child claims is examined. The book analyses to what extent the Refugee Convention is capable of dealing with claims from children based on the modern conceptualisation of children, which is underscored by two competing ideologies: the child as a vulnerable object in law to be protected and the child as subject with rights and the capacity to exercise their agency. The influence each regime has had on the other is also analysed. The work discusses how a children’s rights approach might improve outcomes for child applicants. The book makes an original contribution to child refugee discourse and as such will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of migration and asylum law, children’s rights and international human rights law.

Untreue im GmbH- und Aktienkonzern (Studien zum Wirtschaftsstrafrecht #26)

by Stefan Arnold

Durch öffentlichkeitswirksame Urteile des Bundesgerichtshofs wie „Bremer Vulkan“ oder „Mannesmann“ erfuhr die Untreue nicht nur unter Juristen große Aufmerksamkeit. In seinem Buch beleuchtet der Autor die Berührungspunkte von unternehmensübergreifenden Verhaltensweisen in Konzernen mit dem Straftatbestand der Untreue. Gegenstand der Betrachtung sind dabei nicht nur die Unternehmensleitung von Konzernunternehmen, sondern auch deren Aufsichtsräte und Gesellschafter.Ausgangspunkt ist die Struktur der Untreue beim Einzeltäter. Einer Einführung in die Zusammenhänge im Konzern und die relevanten Vorschriften des Gesellschaftsrechts folgt die Auseinandersetzung mit den Grenzen, die der Straftatbestand der Untreue für das Verhalten im Konzern zieht. Besonderes Augenmerk legt der Autor auf die Frage, inwieweit Ausgleichspflichten und Nachteilskompensationen zu berücksichtigen sind, welche Personen gegenüber den einzelnen Konzernunternehmen eine Pflicht zur Betreuung deren Vermögen haben und wann das Verhalten potenzieller Untreuetäter als pflichtwidrig anzusehen ist. Eine besondere Rolle spielt die Frage, inwieweit die Inhaber einer Gesellschaft in deren Schädigung einwilligen und damit eine Untreuestrafbarkeit verhindern können. Weiterhin werden die Unterschiede zwischen Aktien- und GmbH-Konzernen sowie zwischen Vertragskonzernen und sog. faktischen Konzernen, die mittels Mehrheitsbeteiligungen entstanden sind, herausgearbeitet.Nach der abstrakten Behandlung der Problematik, geht der Band auf ausgewählte Konstellationen ein. Er behandelt gängige Problemfelder wie das Cash-Pooling, die Upstream-Besicherung oder die Gründung von Auffanggesellschaften bei drohender Insolvenz.

Wirtschaftswerbung und die Meinungsfreiheit des Grundgesetzes: Plädoyer für einen vollumfänglichen Grundrechtsschutz kommerzieller Werbeinhalte

by Timo Arnold

Moderne Wirtschaftswerbung ist sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf europäischer Ebene stark reglementiert. Es besteht aber weiterhin Unklarheit, wann genau einer wirtschaftswerblichen Äußerung Meinungsqualität beigemessen werden kann. Timo Arnold untersucht und hinterfragt das aktuelle Schutzniveau unter Zugrundelegung der jüngeren Rechtsprechung des BVerfG. Der interdisziplinäre Ansatz berücksichtigt dabei wirtschaftswissenschaftliche und sozialpsychologische Erkenntnisse. Das Buch versteht sich als Plädoyer für einen vollumfänglichen Schutz kommerzieller Werbeinhalte durch Art. 5 Abs. 1 S. 1, 1. Alt. GG.

Suchtkrankheiten: Diagnose, Therapie und analytischer Nachweis (Suchtproblematik)

by Wolfgang Arnold Wolfgang E. Poser Manfred R. Möller

Das Buch enthält die Beiträge der ersten gemeinsamen Tagung der Gesellschaft für Toxikologie und Forensische Chemie und der Gesellschaft für Suchtforschung zum Thema "Die Bedeutung chemisch-toxikologischer Analysen von Suchtstoffen - Diagnostische, forensische und therapeutische Maßnahmen". Bei der Analyse biologischer Asservate von Drogenabhängigen gelingt es mit Hilfe des Einsatzes zweier von einander unabhängiger Untersuchungsverfahren, fast immer zu eindeutigen Ergebnissen zu kommen. Damit wird eine weitgehend sichere Interpretation der Befunde ermöglicht. Die Zunahme der Rauschgifttodesfälle in den letzten Jahren muß als eine dringliche Aufforderung zu einer engeren Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten angesehen werden. Namhafte Experten behandelten in ihren Vorträgen aktuelle Fragen zu einem aktuellen Thema.

Insurance, Climate Change and the Law (ISSN)

by Franziska Arnold-Dwyer

The insurance industry has found itself at the front line of climate change challenges, providing insurance cover in relation to risks associated with climate change. As risk carriers, insurers pay claims for climate change related losses – such as property damage caused by windstorms, flooding, and wildfires – which have been increasing in frequency and severity.As major institutional investors, insurance companies invest in assets that may be increasingly vulnerable to climate risks. Insurance regulators across the globe have therefore started to require insurance companies to identify, manage, and report on climate change risks that could pose a threat to their financial stability. However, managing and reporting on the effect of climate risk on an insurer’s balance sheet is an inward-looking perspective that does not stem climate change. It needs to be paired with an outward-looking perspective that takes account of the insurance industry’s impact on the environment and the insurance industry’s capacity to influence what policyholders, investee enterprises, and other business partners do to address climate change challenges. For the insurance industry, the key components of positive outward impact are ‘impact underwriting’ and ‘impact investment.’ This book sets out the current legal and regulatory landscape for impact underwriting and impact investment. Whilst the focus of research and regulatory interventions to date has been on inward impact, in this book it will be argued that, to take positive climate action that supports the Paris Agreement goals and the national and international Net Zero targets, the debate should now move on to considering the positive outward impact the insurance industry can make and how we can create a legal environment to facilitate this.The book puts forward the case for a new vision of the role of the insurance industry as climate action enablers and makes proposals for insurance products and risk transfer and loss resilience structures that can support policyholders in their transition to a Net Zero economy. The audience for this book will include legal practitioners, insurance industry professionals, financial and insurance regulators, policymakers, and interested academics.

Insurance, Climate Change and the Law (ISSN)

by Franziska Arnold-Dwyer

The insurance industry has found itself at the front line of climate change challenges, providing insurance cover in relation to risks associated with climate change. As risk carriers, insurers pay claims for climate change related losses – such as property damage caused by windstorms, flooding, and wildfires – which have been increasing in frequency and severity.As major institutional investors, insurance companies invest in assets that may be increasingly vulnerable to climate risks. Insurance regulators across the globe have therefore started to require insurance companies to identify, manage, and report on climate change risks that could pose a threat to their financial stability. However, managing and reporting on the effect of climate risk on an insurer’s balance sheet is an inward-looking perspective that does not stem climate change. It needs to be paired with an outward-looking perspective that takes account of the insurance industry’s impact on the environment and the insurance industry’s capacity to influence what policyholders, investee enterprises, and other business partners do to address climate change challenges. For the insurance industry, the key components of positive outward impact are ‘impact underwriting’ and ‘impact investment.’ This book sets out the current legal and regulatory landscape for impact underwriting and impact investment. Whilst the focus of research and regulatory interventions to date has been on inward impact, in this book it will be argued that, to take positive climate action that supports the Paris Agreement goals and the national and international Net Zero targets, the debate should now move on to considering the positive outward impact the insurance industry can make and how we can create a legal environment to facilitate this.The book puts forward the case for a new vision of the role of the insurance industry as climate action enablers and makes proposals for insurance products and risk transfer and loss resilience structures that can support policyholders in their transition to a Net Zero economy. The audience for this book will include legal practitioners, insurance industry professionals, financial and insurance regulators, policymakers, and interested academics.

AI and Chatbots in Fintech: Revolutionizing Digital Experiences and Predictive Analytics (Contributions to Finance and Accounting)

by Gioia Arnone

This book is a comprehensive guide to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Financial Technology (FinTech) industry. It is comprised of ten chapters, each addressing a specific aspect of AI in FinTech. The reader is introduced to AI in FinTech, including its history and current state and the role of chatbots in FinTech and how they are used to improve customer service. Furthermore, the book explores the business framework of AI-based ChatGPT in FinTech, including the technology behind ChatGPT and how it can be applied to various financial sectors. The book examines the use of predictive analytics and machine learning in FinTech, highlighting how these tools are used to predict customer behavior and improve decision-making. The author delves into how ChatGPT is used to determine buying behavior and discusses the use of machine learning to reshape the digital experience in FinTech. Additionally, the book provides best practices for retaining customers in FinTech, including how to use AI to create personalized experiences that keep customers coming back, and explores the different applications of predictive models in FinTech, including how they are used to improve risk management and fraud detection. Lastly, the book discusses the use of ChatGPT for stock price prediction and the detection of financial fraud and examines the role of ChatGPT in the world of cryptocurrency, including how it can be used to make informed investment decisions. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the different ways AI is being used in FinTech and the potential it holds for improving customer experiences and driving innovation in the financial industry.

European Union Law: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

by Anthony Arnull

The European Union is rarely out of the news and, as it deals with the consequences of the Brexit vote and struggles to emerge from the eurozone crisis, it faces difficult questions about its future. In this debate, the law has a central role to play, whether the issue be the governance of the eurozone, the internal market, 'clawing back powers from Europe' or reducing so-called 'Brussels red tape'. In this Very Short Introduction Anthony Arnull looks at the laws and legal system of the European Union, including EU courts, and discusses the range of issues that the European Union has been given the power to regulate, such as the free movement of goods and people. He considers why an organisation based on international treaties has proved capable of having far-reaching effects on both its Member States and on countries that lie beyond its borders, and discusses how its law and legal system have proved remarkably effective in ensuring that Member States respect the commitments they made when they signed the Treaties. Answering some of the key questions surrounding EU law, such as what exactly it is about, and how it has become part of the legal DNA of its Member States so much more effectively than other treaty-based regimes, Arnull considers the future for the European Union. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

European Union Law: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

by Anthony Arnull

The European Union is rarely out of the news and, as it deals with the consequences of the Brexit vote and struggles to emerge from the eurozone crisis, it faces difficult questions about its future. In this debate, the law has a central role to play, whether the issue be the governance of the eurozone, the internal market, 'clawing back powers from Europe' or reducing so-called 'Brussels red tape'. In this Very Short Introduction Anthony Arnull looks at the laws and legal system of the European Union, including EU courts, and discusses the range of issues that the European Union has been given the power to regulate, such as the free movement of goods and people. He considers why an organisation based on international treaties has proved capable of having far-reaching effects on both its Member States and on countries that lie beyond its borders, and discusses how its law and legal system have proved remarkably effective in ensuring that Member States respect the commitments they made when they signed the Treaties. Answering some of the key questions surrounding EU law, such as what exactly it is about, and how it has become part of the legal DNA of its Member States so much more effectively than other treaty-based regimes, Arnull considers the future for the European Union. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

A Constitutional Order of States?: Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood

by Anthony Arnull Catherine Barnard Michael Dougan Eleanor Spaventa

This collection celebrates the career of Professor Alan Dashwood, a leading member of the generation of British academics who organised, explained and analysed what we now call European Union law for the benefit of lawyers trained in the common law tradition. It takes as its starting point Professor Dashwood's vivid description of the European Union as a 'constitutional order of states'. He intended that phrase to capture the unique character of the Union. On the one hand, it is a supranational order characterised by its own distinctive institutional dynamics and an unprecedented level of cohesion among, and penetration into, the national legal systems. On the other hand, it remains an organisation of derived powers, the Member States retaining their character as sovereign entities under international law. This theme permeates both the constitutional and the substantive law of the Union. Contributors to the collection include members of the judiciary and distinguished practitioners, officials and academics. They consider the foundations, strengths, implications and shortcomings of this conceptual framework in various fields of EU law and policy. The collection is an essential purchase for anyone interested in the constitutional framework of the contemporary European Union.

A Constitutional Order of States?: Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood

by Anthony Arnull Catherine Barnard Michael Dougan Eleanor Spaventa

This collection celebrates the career of Professor Alan Dashwood, a leading member of the generation of British academics who organised, explained and analysed what we now call European Union law for the benefit of lawyers trained in the common law tradition. It takes as its starting point Professor Dashwood's vivid description of the European Union as a 'constitutional order of states'. He intended that phrase to capture the unique character of the Union. On the one hand, it is a supranational order characterised by its own distinctive institutional dynamics and an unprecedented level of cohesion among, and penetration into, the national legal systems. On the other hand, it remains an organisation of derived powers, the Member States retaining their character as sovereign entities under international law. This theme permeates both the constitutional and the substantive law of the Union. Contributors to the collection include members of the judiciary and distinguished practitioners, officials and academics. They consider the foundations, strengths, implications and shortcomings of this conceptual framework in various fields of EU law and policy. The collection is an essential purchase for anyone interested in the constitutional framework of the contemporary European Union.

The Spy Novels of John Le Carre: Balancing Ethics and Politics

by M. Aronoff

Using espionage as a metaphor for politics, John le Carré explores the dilemmas that confront individuals and governments as they act during and in the aftermath of the Cold War. His unforgettable characters struggle to maintain personal and professional integrity while facing conflicting personal, institutional, and ideological loyalties. In The Spy Novels of John le Carré , author Myron Aronoff interprets the ambiguous ethical and political implications of the work of John le Carré, revealing him to be one of the most important political writers of our time. Aronoff shows how through his writing, le Carré poses the difficult question of to what extent are western governments justified in pursuing raison d'état without undermining the very democratic freedoms that they claim to defend. He also draws parallels between the self-parody of le Carré and that of the seventeenth-century Dutch artist Jan Steen, and explains how it expresses a unique form of ambiguous moralism. In this volume Aronoff relates le Carré's fictional world to the real world of espionage, and demonstrates the need to balance the imperatives of ethics and politics in regard to some of the most pressing issues facing the world today.

Who Owns the Dead?: The Science And Politics Of Death At Ground Zero

by Jay D. Aronson

After the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, Chief Medical Examiner Charles Hirsch proclaimed that his staff would do more than confirm the victims’ identity. They would attempt to return to families every human body part larger than a thumbnail. As Jay D. Aronson shows, delivering on that promise proved to be a monumentally difficult task.

Who Owns the Dead?: The Science And Politics Of Death At Ground Zero

by Jay D. Aronson

After the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, Chief Medical Examiner Charles Hirsch proclaimed that his staff would do more than confirm the victims’ identity. They would attempt to return to families every human body part larger than a thumbnail. As Jay D. Aronson shows, delivering on that promise proved to be a monumentally difficult task.

Business Responsibility and Sustainability in India: Sectoral Analysis of Voluntary Governance Initiatives (Palgrave Studies in Indian Management)

by Bimal Arora Pawan Budhwar Divya Jyoti

On the backdrop of the institutionalisation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, and the emergence of multi-stakeholder-driven voluntary regulation, this timely collection places special emphasis on India and explores its international voluntary sustainability standards. The authors analyse the adoption and implementation of voluntary governance initiatives across a range of industries, offering insightful sectoral discussion and evaluation of voluntary sustainability standards as forms of transnational private regulation. This book will be of interest to anyone researching CSR, sustainability and supply chain management in emerging markets.

Indigenous Forest Management In the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India

by Kavita Arora

This book offers an extensive study of indigenous communities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, and their methods of forest conservation, along with an exploration of the impact of forestry operations in the islands and the wide scale damage they have incurred on both the land and the people. Through an in-depth analysis of the contrasting indigenous practices and governmental forestry schemes, the author has compared the modern ‘Joint Forest Management’ resolution with the ethos and practices of the indigenous people of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Throughout the book, readers will learn about the different indigenous communities inhabiting these islands and the treasure of knowledge each of them provide on forest conservation. The book establishes that the notion of knowledge is politicized by the dominant culture in the context of Andaman’s forest tribes, and traces how this denial of the existence of indigenous knowledge by government officials has led to reduced forest area in the region. The book also explores and analyses strategies to utilize and conserve the tribes' profound knowledge of the biodiversity of the islands and study their efforts towards forest conservation, protection and rejuvenation.

International Arbitration in Times of Economic Nationalism

by Björn Arp Rodrigo Polanco

Numerous developments across the world in recent years bear witness to States’ increasing skepticism about the benefits of international cooperation and the efficiency of international economic law understood as a multilateral set of rules equally binding on all States. This timely book reviews situations where this new economic nationalism may impact the way arbitration—in both commercial and investment disputes—is practiced. Distinguished international arbitrators and academic experts analyze a wide array of topics, covering a broad spectrum of juristic traditions, geographic areas, foreign investment protection laws, and dispute resolution mechanisms and issues. Topics covered include the following: evolution of the definitions of arbitrable standards; amendments to procedural rules; States’ policy choices as reflected in recent investment treaties; procedural trends to restrict access to investment arbitration; the effects of the Achmea decision in the European Union; growing use of the public policy exception; dispute settlement of public-private partnership agreements; and diversification of dispute resolution methods (e.g., business courts). An important feature of the book is the ability it offers to compare various contemporary transformations of dispute settlement mechanisms, with attention to developments in a number of jurisdictions including the United States, the European Union, China, Canada, Switzerland, Turkey, and the Latin American countries. With its comprehensive analysis of how economic nationalism may lead to limiting the jurisdictional, procedural, and substantive scope of arbitration, the authors underscore the crucial importance of a robust system of international arbitration of economic disputes to ensure a stable and secure world order. The global coverage of the contributions and the insightful views offered in them speak eloquently about their usefulness and outreach for arbitration practitioners and scholars, as well as for professionals involved in drafting policies for economic development or in the negotiation of investment agreements.

1001 Ideas that Changed the Way We Think (1001)

by Robert Arp

An awe-inspiring overview of the development of human knowledge over the centuries!Part of the highly successful '1001' series which have sold over a million copies in the UK alone 1001 Ideas That Changed The Way We Think offers not only a comprehensive history of ideas, but also an eminently browsable source of amusement.This richly informative and entertaining book provides a wide variety of answers to those eternal questions such as...How was the universe created and what is the place of humans within it? How should a person live? And how can we build a just society?Readers will discover how the Greek philosopher Zeno 'proved' a flying arrow never moves and the mathematical proof of the existence of life in other galaxies. The inspiring ideas explored range from Gandhi's theory of civil disobedience to Mary Wollstonecraft's groundbreaking advocacy of women's rights. A wide variety of cultural movements are also covered, including Neoclassicism, Surrealism and Postmodernism.Drawing of a wide spectrum of topics including politics, cosmology, the arts, philosophy and religious beliefs, 1001 Ideas That Changed The Way We Thinktraces the exponential growth of human knowledge across the centuries. Ranging from the ancient wisdom of Confucius and Plato, to the cutting-edge theories taking shape in the twenty-first century, this book offers a wealth of stimulation and wit for any reader with a lively and curious mind.

Philosophy Hacks (Hacks)

by Robert Arp Martin Cohen

Discover the simple way to understand and remember the most groundbreaking concepts in 3,000 years of philosophical thought. Each idea is broken down into three stages: 1/ The helicopter view, which gives you an introduction to the idea, and some context around it. 2/ The shortcut, which gives you the core elements of the theory, along with a range of examples that everyone can understand. 3/ The hack, which is a one-liner designed to stick in your memory and give you an instant grasp of the concept.From Pascal's Wager to Kant's categorical imperative, and from Camus's Existential Nihilism to Arendt's Banality of Evil, there are 100 concepts explained. The perfect introduction to philosophy, this is a great new way to learn about the most important philosophical ideas and concepts in a way that makes them easy to recall even months after reading the book.

The Concept of Hell

by Robert Arp Benjamin McCraw

What is the nature of Hell? What role(s) may Hell play in religious, political, or ethical thought? Can Hell be justified? This edited volume addresses these questions and others; drawing philosophers from many approaches and traditions to analyze and examine Hell.

Unprincipled Virtue: An Inquiry Into Moral Agency

by Nomy Arpaly

Nomy Arpaly rejects the model of rationality used by most ethicists and action theorists. Both observation and psychology indicate that people act rationally without deliberation, and act irrationally with deliberation. By questioning the notion that our own minds are comprehensible to us--and therefore questioning much of the current work of action theorists and ethicists--Arpaly attempts to develop a more realistic conception of moral agency.

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