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Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 12 Klausuren und 380 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Durch die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtert es zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Examen. Der Autor ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, daher bestens vertraut.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 11 Klausuren und über 300 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Durch die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtert es zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Examen. Der Autor ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, daher bestens vertraut.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 10 Klausuren und 307 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht erfasst der Autor hier auch die Grundzüge des Konzernrechts. Das Klausurentraining dient Studenten und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtern es zudem, bereits erworbenes Basiswissen im Examen umzusetzen. Der Autor ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der FU Berlin und daher mit den Prüfungsanforderungen bestens vertraut.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 11 Klausuren und 340 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Durch die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtert es zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Examen. Der Autor ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, daher bestens vertraut.

Examinatorium zum Gesellschaftsrecht: Klausuren und Prüfungsfragen für das Studium, den Schwerpunktbereich und die erste juristische Prüfung (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster Lukas Böffel

Das Examinatorium deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtern zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Schwerpunkt und Examen. Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt bereits vollumfänglich die zahlreichen und prüfungsrelevanten Gesetzesänderungen im Personengesellschaftsrecht, die ab dem 1. Januar 2024 infolge des MoPeG gelten. Der Autor Armbrüster ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und prüft seit Jahrzehnten regelmäßig im Schwerpunktbereich und mündlichen Examensprüfungen Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Der Autor Böffel hat an diesem Lehrstuhl als wiss. Mitarbeiter mehrere Jahre gearbeitet und während dieser Zeit schriftliche Schwerpunktleistungen im Gesellschaftsrecht als Gutachter bewertet. Beide Autoren sind daher mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, bestens vertraut.

Unternehmensberatung im öffentlichen Sektor: Institutionenkonflikt, praktische Herausforderungen, Lösungen

by Thomas Armbrüster Johannes Banzhaf Lars Dingemann

Die ökonomische Ausrichtung der Verwaltung schreitet voran. Mehr und mehr sind privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmensberatungen in diesen Prozess eingebunden. In der Zusammenarbeit von öffentlicher Verwaltung und Unternehmensberatern prallen dabei nicht selten zwei Welten aufeinander. Wie Führungskräfte im öffentlichen Dienst als auch Unternehmensberater Skepsis und Reserviertheit ablegen und den gemeinsamen Prozess der Erfahrungsaufnahme und -weitergabe voranbringen, beleuchtet dieses Buch. Dabei lassen die Autoren die Beteiligten beider Seiten zu Wort kommen und fügen die Erkenntnisse zu einem Gesamtbild dieses Beratungssegments und seiner Mechanismen zusammen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf eGovernment als Katalysator der Verwaltungsreform.

Devil with the Blue Dress (Oberon Modern Plays)

by Kevin Armento

This gets called the Monica Lewinsky Scandal. You made sure everyone knew my name. January 1998: America is rocked by one of the biggest political sex scandals of all time. Slyly exhuming the little blue dress that launched the biggest media circus of a generation, the five women who were at the centre of the infamous Monica Lewinsky scandal collide on stage in this political thriller. A First Lady, a secretary, a daughter, a confidant, and an intern take us through the corridors of power and behind the closed doors where the abuse of that power took place. A theatrical battle over exactly how it all went down, DEVIL WITH THE BLUE DRESS asks who were the heroes and villains, and why, twenty years later, we’re only beginning to grapple with one of the most challenging questions in American political history: How do we respond to women seeking power, and the men who misuse it?

Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning #7)

by Matthias Armgardt Patrice Canivez Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet

This volume explores the relation between legal reasoning and logic from both a historical and a systematic perspective. The topics addressed include, among others, conditional legal acts, disjunctions in legal acts, presumptions and conjectures, conflicts of values, Jørgensen´s Dilemma, the Rhetor´s Dilemma, the theory of legal fictions and the categorization of contracts. The unifying problematic of these contributions concerns the conditional structures and, more particularly, the relationship between legal theory and legal reasoning in the context of conditions.The contributions in this work constitute the first results of the ANR-DFG joint research project “JuriLog” (Jurisprudence and Logic), which aims at fostering the cooperation between legal scholars and philosophers. On the one hand, lawyers and legal scholars have an interest in emphasizing the logical character of legal reasoning. In this respect, the present enquiry examines the question of how logic, especially newer forms of dialogical logic, can be made fruitful as a significant area of philosophy for jurisprudence and legal practice. On the other hand, logicians find in legal reasoning a striving towards clear definitions and inference-procedures that is relevant to their discipline. In order to fully understand such reciprocal relationships, it is necessary to bridge the gap between law, logic and philosophy in contemporary academic research. The essays collected in this volume all work towards this common goal.The book is divided in three sections. In the first part, the strong relation between Roman Law and logic is explored with respect to the analysis of disjunctive statements in legal acts. The second part focuses on Leibniz´s legal theory. The third part, finally, is dedicated to current interactions between law and logic.

Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America: The Emergence of a New Ius Commune

by Armin Von Bogdandy, Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Mariela Morales Antoniazzi, Flávia Piovesan and Ximena Soley

This ground-breaking collection of essays outlines and explains the unique development of Latin American jurisprudence. It introduces the idea of the Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina (ICCAL), an original Latin American path of transformative constitutionalism, to an Anglophone audience for the first time. It charts the key developments that have transformed the region and assesses the success of the constitutional projects that followed a period of authoritarian regimes in Latin America. Coined by scholars who have been documenting, conceptualizing, and comparing the development of Latin American public law for more than a decade, the term ICCAL encompasses themes that cross national borders and legal fields, taking in constitutional law, administrative law, general public international law, regional integration law, human rights, and investment law. Not only does this volume map the legal landscape, it also suggests measures to improve society via due legal process and a rights-based, supranational and regionally rooted constitutionalism. The editors contend that with the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, common problems such as the exclusion of wide sectors of the population from having a say in government, as well as corruption, hyper-presidentialism, and the weak normativity of the law can be combatted more effectively in future.

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law: Volume III: Constitutional Adjudication: Institutions (Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law)

by Armin Von Bogdandy, Peter M Huber and Christoph Grabenwarter

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law describe and analyse public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human Rights and, importantly, the domestic public laws of European states. Recognizing that the ongoing vertical and horizontal processes of European integration make legal comparison the task of our time for both scholars and practitioners, the series aims to foster the development of a specifically European legal pluralism and to contribute to the legitimacy and efficiency of European public law. The first volume of the series began this enterprise with an appraisal of the evolution of the state and its administration, offering both cross-cutting contributions and specific country reports. The third volume (the second in chronological terms) continues this approach with an in-depth appraisal of constitutional adjudication in various and diverse European countries. Fourteen country reports and two cross-cutting contributions investigate the antecedents, foundations, organization, procedure, and outlook of constitutional adjudicators throughout the Continent. They include countries with powerful constitutional courts, jurisdictions with traditional supreme courts, and states with small institutions and limited ex ante review. In keeping with the focus on a diverse but unified legal space, each report also details how its institution fits into the broader association of constitutional courts that, through dialogue and conflict, brings to fruition the European legal space. Together, the chapters of this volume provide a strong and diverse foundation for this dialogue to flourish.

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law: Volume II: Constitutional Foundations (Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law)

by Armin Von Bogdandy, Peter M Huber and Sabrina Ragone

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law describe and analyze public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human Rights and, importantly, the domestic public laws of European states. Recognizing that the ongoing vertical and horizontal processes of European integration make legal comparison the task of our time for both scholars and practitioners, the series aims to foster the development of a specifically European legal pluralism and to contribute to the legitimacy and efficiency of European public law. The first volume of the series began this enterprise with an appraisal of the evolution of the state and its administration, offering both cross-cutting contributions and specific country reports. This second volume continues this approach with an in-depth appraisal of the foundations of the constitutional order in various and diverse European countries. Fourteen country reports investigate the antecedents, foundations, organization, basic principles, and challenges to European constitutions. They include countries with long-lasting and recently amended constitutions, decentralized or unitary, with different political systems and institutional settings. In keeping with the focus on a diverse but unified legal space, each report also details how the constitutional identity of each country has been elaborated and what it entails. Together, the chapters of this volume provide a strong and diverse foundation for a continuing European constitutional dialogue.

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law: Volume IV: Constitutional Adjudication: Common Themes and Challenges (Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law)

by Armin Von Bogdandy, Peter M Huber, Christoph Grabenwarter

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law series describes and analyzes the public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human Rights and, importantly, the domestic public laws of European states. Recognizing that the ongoing vertical and horizontal processes of European integration render legal comparison the task of our time for both scholars and practitioners, the project aims to foster a better understanding of the specific European legal pluralism and, ultimately, to contribute to the legitimacy and efficiency of European public law. The first volume of the series began this endeavour with an appraisal of the evolution of the state and its administration, offering both cross-cutting contributions and specific country reports. The third volume (the second in chronological terms) continues this approach with an in-depth appraisal of constitutional adjudication in various and diverse European countries. Fourteen country reports and two cross-cutting contributions investigate the antecedents, foundations, organization, procedure, and specific approach to constitutional issues throughout the Continent. The fourth volume now compares European constitutional jurisdiction in the European legal space. It examines the structures of the organization, the appointment of judges, the procedures and the methods of argumentation and interpretation, their impact on state and society, their legitimacy as well as their role in the division of powers, and thus completes the picture following the country reports in Volume III. This comparative perspective is supplemented by an examination that illustrates the relationship with the ECJ, the ECtHR, and the Venice Commission as well as their (constitutional) function. Finally, Constitutional Adjudication: Common Themes and Challenges is devoted to the challenges constitutional jurisdiction in the European judicial area is currently facing. The historical, political, and theoretical foundations as well as the basic dogmatic features of constitutional jurisdiction are presented in such a way that the discussion about its role and further development in this legal space is sustainably stimulated.

Forced Justice: School Desegregation and the Law

by David J. Armor

School desegregation and "forced" busing first brought people to the barricades during the 1960s and 1970s, and the idea continues to spark controversy today whenever it is proposed. A quiet rage smolders in hundreds of public school systems, where court- ordered busing plans have been in place for over twenty years. Intended to remedy the social and educational disadvantages of minorities, desegregation policy has not produced any appreciable educational gains, while its political and social costs have been considerable. Now, on the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court's epic decision, Brown v. Board of Education, the legal and social justifications for school desegregation are ripe for reexamination. In Forced Justice, David J. Armor explores the benefits and drawbacks of voluntary and involuntary desegregation plans, especially those in communities with "magnet" schools. He finds that voluntary plans, which let parents decide which school program is best for their children, are just as effective in attaining long-term desegregation as mandatory busing, and that these plans generate far greater community support. Armor concludes by proposing a new policy of "equity" choice, which draws upon the best features of both the desegregation and choice movements. This policy promises both improved desegregation and greater educational choices for all, especially for the disadvantaged minority children in urban systems who now have the fewest educational choices. The debate over desegregation policy and its many consequences needs to move beyond academic journals and courtrooms to a larger audience. In addition to educators and policymakers, Forced Justice will be an important book for social scientists, attorneys and specialists in civil rights issues, and all persons concerned about the state of public education.

Lawyers Beyond Borders: Advancing International Human Rights Through Local Laws and Courts

by Maria Armoudian

Despite international conventions and human rights declarations, millions of people have suffered and continue to suffer torture, slavery, or violent deaths, with no remedy or recourse. They have fallen, in essence, “below the law,” outside of law’s protection. Often violated by their own governments, sometimes with support from transnational corporations, or nations benefiting from human rights violations, how can these victims find justice? Lawyers Beyond Borders reveals the inner workings of the advances and retreats in the quest for redress and restoration of human rights for those whom international legal-political systems have failed. The process of justice begins in the US, with a handful of human rights lawyers steeped in the American tradition of advancing civil rights through civil litigation. As the civil rights movement gained traction and an ample supply of lawyers, this small cadre turned their attention toward advancing international human rights, via the US legal system. They sought to build another piece of the rights revolution, this time for survivors of egregious human rights violations in faraway lands. These cases were among the most unlikely to be slated for victory: The abuses occurred abroad; the victims are aliens, usually with few, if any, resources; the perpetrators are politically powerful, resourced, and well connected, often members of governments, militaries, or multinational corporations. The legal and political systems’ structures are mostly stacked against these survivors, many who bear the scars of trauma and terror. Lawyers Beyond Borders is about agency. It is about how, in the face of powerful interests and seemingly insurmountable obstacles—political, psychological, economic, geographical, and physical—a small group of lawyers and survivors navigated a terrain of daunting barriers to begin building, case-by-case, new pathways to justice for those who otherwise would have none.

Principles of Financial Regulation

by John Armour Dan Awrey Paul Davies Luca Enriques Jeffrey N. Gordon Colin Mayer Jennifer Payne

The financial crisis of 2007-9 revealed serious failings in the regulation of financial institutions and markets, and prompted a fundamental reconsideration of the design of financial regulation. As the financial system has become ever-more complex and interconnected, the pace of evolution continues to accelerate. It is now clear that regulation must focus on the financial system as a whole, but this poses significant challenges for regulators. Principles of Financial Regulation describes how to address those challenges. Examining the subject from a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective, Principles of Financial Regulation considers the underlying policies and the objectives of regulation by drawing on economics, finance, and law methodologies. The volume examines regulation in a purposive and dynamic way by framing the book in terms of what the financial system does, rather than what financial regulation is. By analysing specific regulatory measures, the book provides readers to the opportunity to assess regulatory choices on specific policy issues and encourages critical reflection on the design of regulation.

Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency

by John Armour Howard Bennett

This book examines powers and remedies available to a liquidator or administrator that render 'vulnerable' the company's prior contractual commitments or proprietary dispositions so as to enhance the asset pool available to creditors. In the process,the book does two things. First, it offers comprehensive accounts of the relevant causes of action: undervalue transactions, preferences, late floating charges, unregistered charges, transactions defrauding creditors, gratuitous corporate transactions and post-petition dispositions in liquidation. Secondly, it seeks to raise issues about the context and purpose of these causes of action, many of which have not yet been fully explored in the case law or academic literature. These are considered through a discussion of their relationship to the pari passu principle; a restitutionary analysis of the remedial provisions; and issues arising specifically in cross-border and international insolvency proceedings. The book is thus a source of reference both for insolvency litigators and for transactional lawyers seeking advice on potential vulnerability. The thematic approach and rigorous analysis will also make it of interest to an academic readership.

After Enron: Improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US

by John Armour Joseph A McCahery

At the end of the twentieth century it was thought by many that the Anglo-American system of corporate governance was performing effectively and some observers claimed to see an international trend towards convergence around this model. There can be no denying that the recent corporate governance crisis in the US has caused many to question their faith in this view. This collection of essays provides a comprehensive attempt to answer the following questions: firstly, what went wrong - when and why do markets misprice the value of firms, and what was wrong with the incentives set by Enron? Secondly, what has been done in response, and how well will it work - including essays on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US, UK company law reform and European company law and auditor liability reform, along with a consideration of corporate governance reforms in historical perspective. Three approaches emerge. The first two share the premise that the system is fundamentally sound, but part ways over whether a regulatory response is required. The third view, in contrast, argues that the various scandals demonstrate fundamental weaknesses in the Anglo-American system itself, which cannot hope to be repaired by the sort of reforms that have taken place. "This collection of papers by leading US and European corporate law scholars provides fresh and rigorous analyses of the recent corporate governance scandals and the strategies devised by regulators to guard against future governance failures."Randall Thomas, John Beasley Professor of Law and Business, Vanderbilt University School of Law, Vanderbilt University.

Nursing Ethics: A Virtue-Based Approach

by A. Armstrong

This book proposes a 'strong' (action-guiding) account of a virtue-based approach to moral decision-making within contemporary nursing practice. Merits and criticisms of obligation and virtue-based approaches to morality are explored. The author argues that in order to deliver morally good care, it is necessary to examine one's moral character.

Routledge Handbook Of International Law

by David Armstrong

The Routledge Handbook of International Law provides a definitive global survey of the interaction of international politics and international law. Each chapter is written by a leading expert and provides a state of the art overview of the most significant areas within the field. This highly topical collection of specially commissioned papers from both established authorities and rising stars is split into four key sections: The Nature of International Law including the interaction between the disciplines of International Law and International Relations The Evolution of International Law progressing from the ancient world to present day. Law and Power in International Society discussing topical issues such as the war in Iraq and the international criminal court Key Issues in International Law including international refugee law, indigenous rights, intellectual property, trade and the challenges presented by "new terrorism". A comprehensive survey of the state of the discipline, The Routledge Handbook of International Law is an essential work of reference for scholars and practitioners of international Law.

Routledge Handbook Of International Law

by David Armstrong

The Routledge Handbook of International Law provides a definitive global survey of the interaction of international politics and international law. Each chapter is written by a leading expert and provides a state of the art overview of the most significant areas within the field. This highly topical collection of specially commissioned papers from both established authorities and rising stars is split into four key sections: The Nature of International Law including the interaction between the disciplines of International Law and International Relations The Evolution of International Law progressing from the ancient world to present day. Law and Power in International Society discussing topical issues such as the war in Iraq and the international criminal court Key Issues in International Law including international refugee law, indigenous rights, intellectual property, trade and the challenges presented by "new terrorism". A comprehensive survey of the state of the discipline, The Routledge Handbook of International Law is an essential work of reference for scholars and practitioners of international Law.

International Law And International Relations (PDF)

by David Armstrong Theo Farrell Hélène Lambert

In this fully updated and revised edition, the authors explore the evolution, nature and function of international law in world politics and situate international law in its historical and political context. They propose three interdisciplinary 'lenses' (realist, liberal and constructivist) through which to view the role of international law in world politics and suggest that the concept of an international society provides the overall context within which international legal developments occur. These theoretical perspectives offer different ways of looking at international law in terms of what it is, how it works and how it changes. Topics covered include the use of force, international crimes, human rights, international trade and the environment. The new edition also contains more material on non-western perspectives, international institutions and non-state actors and a new bibliography. Each chapter features discussion questions and guides to further reading.

Crime and the Justice System in America: An Encyclopedia (Non-ser.)

by Gordon M. Armstrong Frank Schmalleger

An inter-disciplinary survey of crime and violence in America with historical perspective, but primary entry emphasis focused on the 20th century. Addressing specifically the period from 1960 to the present, this reference also projects into the 21st century with contemporary terminology covering aspects of violent crime, DNA evidence, terrorism, riots, gangs, guns and gun control, AIDS, drug and drug related crime, and corporate and political crime. A Bibliographic Essay, Table of Cases, and Index enrich this work designed for students, scholars, and professionals in criminal justice and related fields.

The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing The Sacred Texts

by Karen Armstrong

'KAREN ARMSTRONG IS A GENIUS' A.N. Wilson'One of our best living writers on religion' Financial Times'Karen Armstrong is one of the handful of wise and supremely intelligent commentators on religion' Alain De BottonIn our increasingly secular world, holy texts are at best seen as irrelevant, and at worst as an excuse to incite violence, hatred and division. So what value, if any, can scripture hold for us today? And if our world no longer seems compatible with scripture, is it perhaps because its original purpose has become lost?Today we see the Quran being used by some to justify war and terrorism, the Torah to deny Palestinians the right to live in the Land of Israel, and the Bible to condemn homosexuality and contraception. The holy texts at the centre of all religious traditions are often employed selectively to underwrite arbitrary and subjective views. They are believed to be divinely ordained; they are claimed to contain eternal truths.But as Karen Armstrong, a world authority on religious affairs, shows in this fascinating journey through millennia of history, this narrow reading of scripture is a relatively recent phenomenon. For hundreds of years these texts were instead viewed as spiritual tools: scripture was a means for the individual to connect with the divine, to transcend their physical existence, and to experience a higher level of consciousness. Holy texts were seen as fluid and adaptable, rather than a set of binding archaic rules or a ‘truth’ that has to be ‘believed’.Armstrong argues that only by rediscovering an open engagement with their holy texts will the world’s religions be able to curtail arrogance, intolerance and violence. And if scripture is used to engage with the world in more meaningful and compassionate ways, we will find that it still has a great deal to teach us.

Life After Life: A Guildford Four Memoir

by Paddy Armstrong Mary-Elaine Tynan

Paddy Armstrong was one of four people falsely convicted of The Guildford Bombing in 1975. He spent fifteen years in prison for a crime he did not commit.Today, as a husband and father, life is wonderfully ordinary, but the memory of his ordeal lives on. Here, for the first time and with unflinching candour, he lays bare the experiences of those years and their aftermath.Life after Life is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of forgiveness. It reminds us of the privilege of freedom, and how the balm of love, family and everyday life can restore us and mend the scars of even the most savage injustice.'This book captures the sweet soul of Paddy. Beautifully written. For lovers of freedom everywhere.' Jim Sheridan

Kostendruck und Standard: Zu den Auswirkungen finanzieller Zwänge auf den Standard sozialversicherungsrechtlicher Leistungen und den haftungsrechtlichen Behandlungsstandard (Kölner Schriften zum Medizinrecht #5)

by Johannes Arnade

Das Gesundheitswesen leidet an Ressourcenknappheit, die Diskrepanz zwischen dem medizinisch Machbaren und dem tatsächlich Finanzierbaren wächst. Der Band behandelt zwei der zentralen rechtlichen Problemfelder, die sich daraus ergeben: die Möglichkeiten der Rationierung medizinischer Leistungen sowie die Konfliktlinien zwischen Arzthaftungs- und Sozialversicherungsrecht. Ziel der Studie ist es, einen verfassungskonformen Ansatz für die Zuteilung knapper Ressourcen zu entwickeln und eine Harmonisierung der verschiedenen Teildisziplinen zu erreichen.

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