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Showing 1,851 through 1,875 of 55,626 results

The Return of George Sutherland: Restoring a Jurisprudence of Natural Rights

by Hadley Arkes

In this book, Hadley Arkes seeks to restore, for a new generation, the jurisprudence of the late Justice of the Supreme Court George Sutherland--a jurisprudence anchored in the understanding of natural rights. The doctrine of natural rights has become controversial in our own time, while Sutherland has been widely maligned and screened from our historical memory. He is remembered today as one of the "four horsemen" who resisted Roosevelt and the New Deal; but we have forgotten his leadership in the cause of voting rights for women. Both liberal and conservative jurists now deride Sutherland, yet both groups continue to draw upon his writings. Liberals look to Sutherland for a jurisprudence that protects "privacy" against the rule of majorities, as in matters concerning abortion or gay rights. Conservatives will appeal to his defense of freedom in the economy. However, both liberals and conservatives deny the premises of natural rights that provided the ground, and coherence, of Sutherland's teaching. Arkes contends that Sutherland can supply what is missing in both conservative and liberal jurisprudence. He argues that if a new generation can look again, with unclouded eyes, at the writings of Sutherland, both liberals and conservatives can be led back to the moral ground of their jurisprudence. This compelling intellectual biography introduces readers to an urbane man, and a steely judge, who has been made a stranger to them.

Research Handbook on Corporate Crime and Financial Misdealing (Research Handbooks in Corporate Law and Governance series)

by J. Arlen

This highly topical Research Handbook examines how to deter corporate misconduct through public enforcement and private interventions. Contributors present theoretical and empirical analyses of individual and organizational liability for corporate misconduct, securities, fraud and corruption. Other chapters evaluate private interventions, such as whistleblowing and compliance. Chapters cover individual and organizational liability evaluate issues such as individual liability for corporate crime, deferred and non-prosecution agreements, supervisory liability, the cost to organizations of reputational damage from corporate settlements, corporate and individual liability for securities fraud, the SEC’s revolving door, multi-jurisdictional enforcement of anti-corruption laws, the scope of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and countries’ efforts to deter corruption by state actors. Chapters on private interventions examine optimal compliance, behavioral compliance, the role of the General Counsel, internal investigations, and whistleblowing. This Research Handbook also highlights promising avenues for future research. The Research Handbook on Corporate Crime and Financial Misdealing is designed to provide a broad introduction to the literature in each area covered, as well as in-depth original analysis on important issues of concern to legal researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners.

Ethics in Danish Energy Policy (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy)

by Finn Arler Mogens Rüdiger Karl Sperling Kristian Høyer Toft Bo Poulsen

This book deepens our understanding of ethical drivers in energy policy and contributes to future decision-making on transitions towards a sustainable energy system. During the latest fifty years Western energy politics have been faced with a series of ethical challenges including rapid growth, oil crises, security of supply, nuclear power and climate change. Combining philosophical, historical and planning approaches into one narrative, these dilemmas are explored using Denmark as the key case study. Drawing on contributions from several experts in the field, the ethics of energy is investigated from multiple perspectives at the individual, corporate, local and national levels, focusing on concrete decisions where different ethical considerations are weighted against each other. This comprehensive approach helps to gain a deeper understanding of the energy sector’s history and gives important input to its future layout. Drawing comparisons with European and global examples, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of energy politics and policy, environmental ethics, climate change and sustainability transitions.

Ethics in Danish Energy Policy (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy)

by Finn Arler Mogens Rüdiger Karl Sperling Kristian Høyer Toft Bo Poulsen

This book deepens our understanding of ethical drivers in energy policy and contributes to future decision-making on transitions towards a sustainable energy system. During the latest fifty years Western energy politics have been faced with a series of ethical challenges including rapid growth, oil crises, security of supply, nuclear power and climate change. Combining philosophical, historical and planning approaches into one narrative, these dilemmas are explored using Denmark as the key case study. Drawing on contributions from several experts in the field, the ethics of energy is investigated from multiple perspectives at the individual, corporate, local and national levels, focusing on concrete decisions where different ethical considerations are weighted against each other. This comprehensive approach helps to gain a deeper understanding of the energy sector’s history and gives important input to its future layout. Drawing comparisons with European and global examples, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of energy politics and policy, environmental ethics, climate change and sustainability transitions.

The Lawyers Who Made America: From Jamestown to the White House

by Anthony Arlidge

No other nation's creation, both politically and socially, owes such a debt to lawyers as the United States of America. This book traces the story of that creation through the human lives of those who played important parts in it: amongst others, of English lawyers who established the form of the original colonies; of the Founding Fathers, who declared independence and created a Constitution; of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Justices of the Supreme Court and finally Barack Obama. Even Richard Nixon features, if only as a reminder that even the President is subject to the law. The author combines his wide legal experience and engaging writing style to produce a book that will enthral lawyers and laymen alike, giving perhaps a timely reminder of the importance of the rule of law to American democracy.

The Lawyers Who Made America: From Jamestown To The White House (Bloomsbury Revelations Ser.)

by Anthony Arlidge

No other nation's creation, both politically and socially, owes such a debt to lawyers as the United States of America. This book traces the story of that creation through the human lives of those who played important parts in it: amongst others, of English lawyers who established the form of the original colonies; of the Founding Fathers, who declared independence and created a Constitution; of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Justices of the Supreme Court and finally Barack Obama. Even Richard Nixon features, if only as a reminder that even the President is subject to the law. The author combines his wide legal experience and engaging writing style to produce a book that will enthral lawyers and laymen alike, giving perhaps a timely reminder of the importance of the rule of law to American democracy.

Magna Carta Uncovered

by Anthony Arlidge Igor Judge

2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the grant at Runnymede of Magna Carta.The story of how Magna Carta came into being ,and has been interpreted since, and its impact on individual rights and constitutional developments has more twists and turns than any work of historical fiction.The authors bring their wide legal experience and forensic skills to uncover the original meaning of the liberties enshrined in Magna Carta, and to trace their development in later centuries up to the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America. By providing that the powers of the King were not unlimited, the Charter was groundbreaking, yet it was also a conservative document, following the form of Anglo-Saxon charters and seeking to return government to the ways of the Norman kings.This book tells the enthralling, ultimately inspirational, story of Magna Carta in a concise and readable fashion and will captivate laymen and lawyers alike.

Magna Carta Uncovered

by Anthony Arlidge Igor Judge

2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the grant at Runnymede of Magna Carta.The story of how Magna Carta came into being ,and has been interpreted since, and its impact on individual rights and constitutional developments has more twists and turns than any work of historical fiction.The authors bring their wide legal experience and forensic skills to uncover the original meaning of the liberties enshrined in Magna Carta, and to trace their development in later centuries up to the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America. By providing that the powers of the King were not unlimited, the Charter was groundbreaking, yet it was also a conservative document, following the form of Anglo-Saxon charters and seeking to return government to the ways of the Norman kings.This book tells the enthralling, ultimately inspirational, story of Magna Carta in a concise and readable fashion and will captivate laymen and lawyers alike.

Eye for An Eye: The Richard & Judy Winter 2024 Book Club thriller that will get everyone talking

by M. J. Arlidge

OUR MOST NOTORIOUS CRIMINALS HAVE HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.UNTIL NOW...'Emily' is a devoted single mother.'Jack' starts a new job in a new town.They both share the same secret: neither of them are who they say they are.They are among only nine criminals in the UK who have been granted lifelong anonymity, for their own safety, because of their terrible crimes. But what if someone exposed their true identities to the families of their victims, who are desperate for revenge? Probation officer Olivia Campbell is caught in the crossfire of this crisis - and as the search for the mole behind it all intensifies, so too does the hunt for the vigilante killers let loose by the leaks...RIGHT OR WRONG?CRIMINAL OR VICTIM? REDEMPTION OR REVENGE?*****Praise for AN EYE FOR AN EYE: 'A big, bold, twisting thriller' CHRIS WHITAKER 'A thought-provoking masterclass' DANIEL COLE'A propulsive thriller ... Fast-moving, disturbing and thought-provoking' GUARDIAN, Thrillers of the Month 'A stirring crime novel for the 21st century' DAILY MAIL 'There are no easy answers in this thoughtful, harrowing thriller' THE SUN 'Impressive and compassionate, Eye For An Eye should win prizes' LITERARY REVIEW #EyeForAnEye

Rethinking the Public Sphere Through Transnationalizing Processes: Europe and Beyond (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology)

by Armando Salvatore, Oliver Schmidtke and Hans-J�rg Trenz

This book discusses the extent to which the theoretical relevance and analytical rigor of the concept of the public sphere is affected by current processes of transnationalization. The contributions address fundamental questions concerning the viability of a socially and politically effective public sphere in a post-Westphalian world.

Examinatorium BGB AT: Über 700 Prüfungsfragen und 3 Übungsfälle (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Christian Armbrüster

Das Werk umfasst über 700 Fragen und Antworten sowie drei Übungsfälle auf Examensniveau zum BGB AT. Dabei werden insbesondere auch Querverbindungen zwischen den verschiedenen Themenfeldern aufgezeigt, in der Art, wie sie in mündlichen Prüfungen gern abgefragt werden. Neben zahlreichen zusätzlichen Fragen enthält die Neuauflage erstmals auch Vertiefungshinweise, die den Nutzern die Prüfungsvorbereitung zusätzlich erleichtern dürften. Das Buch bezweckt, sämtliche examensrelevanten Themen abzuhandeln.​

Examinatorium BGB AT: Über 700 Prüfungsfragen und 3 Übungsfälle (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Christian Armbrüster

​Das Werk umfasst über 700 Fragen und Antworten sowie drei Übungsfälle auf Examensniveau zum BGB AT. Dabei werden insbesondere auch Querverbindungen zwischen den verschiedenen Themenfeldern aufgezeigt, in der Art, wie sie in mündlichen Prüfungen gern abgefragt werden. Das Buch bezweckt, sämtliche examensrelevanten Themen abzuhandeln.​

Examinatorium BGB AT: Über 750 Prüfungsfragen und 5 Übungsfälle (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Christian Armbrüster

Das Werk umfasst über 750 Fragen und Antworten sowie fünf Übungsfälle auf Examensniveau zum BGB AT. Dabei werden insbesondere auch Querverbindungen zwischen den verschiedenen Themenfeldern aufgezeigt, in der Art, wie sie in mündlichen Prüfungen gern abgefragt werden. Neben zahlreichen zusätzlichen Fragen enthält die Neuauflage auch Vertiefungshinweise, die den Nutzern die Prüfungsvorbereitung zusätzlich erleichtern. Das Buch bezweckt, sämtliche examensrelevanten Themen abzuhandeln.​

Examinatorium Privatversicherungsrecht: Über 850 Prüfungsfragen und 5 Klausurfälle (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Christian Armbrüster

Das Examinatorium umfasst über 850 Fragen und Antworten sowie fünf Klausurfälle mit Lösungshinweisen zum Privatversicherungsrecht. Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Versicherungsvertragsrecht des VVG; einbezogen werden aber auch das Gleichbehandlungsrecht (AGG), das Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht, das Versicherungsunternehmensrecht sowie Fragen des internationalen Rechts (Kollisionsrecht, europäisches Versicherungsvertragsrecht). Das Werk ermöglicht insbesondere Studierenden, aber auch allen mit der Materie in der Praxis befassten Juristen, ihren Wissensstand zu überprüfen sowie zu erweitern.

Examinatorium Privatversicherungsrecht: Über 800 Prüfungsfragen und 5 Klausurfälle (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Christian Armbrüster

Das Examinatorium umfasst über 800 Fragen und Antworten sowie fünf Klausurfälle mit Lösungshinweisen zum Privatversicherungsrecht. Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Versicherungsvertragsrecht des reformierten VVG; einbezogen werden aber auch das Gleichbehandlungsrecht (AGG), das Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht, das Versicherungsunternehmensrecht sowie Fragen des internationalen Rechts (Kollisionsrecht, europäisches Versicherungsvertragsrecht). Das Werk ermöglicht insbesondere Studierenden, aber auch allen mit der Materie in der Praxis befassten Juristen, ihren Wissensstand zu überprüfen sowie zu erweitern.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 12 Klausuren und 380 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Durch die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtert es zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Examen. Der Autor ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, daher bestens vertraut.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 11 Klausuren und über 300 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Durch die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtert es zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Examen. Der Autor ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, daher bestens vertraut.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 10 Klausuren und 307 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht erfasst der Autor hier auch die Grundzüge des Konzernrechts. Das Klausurentraining dient Studenten und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtern es zudem, bereits erworbenes Basiswissen im Examen umzusetzen. Der Autor ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der FU Berlin und daher mit den Prüfungsanforderungen bestens vertraut.

Fallsammlung zum Gesellschaftsrecht: 11 Klausuren und 340 Prüfungsfragen (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster

Die Fallsammlung deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Durch die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtert es zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Examen. Der Autor ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, daher bestens vertraut.

Examinatorium zum Gesellschaftsrecht: Klausuren und Prüfungsfragen für das Studium, den Schwerpunktbereich und die erste juristische Prüfung (Juristische ExamensKlausuren)

by Christian Armbrüster Lukas Böffel

Das Examinatorium deckt das gesamte examensrelevante Spektrum zum Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Neben Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht werden auch Grundzüge des Konzernrechts erfasst. Das Klausurentraining dient Studierenden und Examenskandidaten zur Wiederholung, Vertiefung und fallbezogenen Anwendung des Prüfungsstoffes. Die große Prüfungsrelevanz der Fälle und zahlreiche Hinweise zur Prüfungsvorbereitung erleichtern zudem die Umsetzung bereits erworbenen Basiswissens im Schwerpunkt und Examen. Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt bereits vollumfänglich die zahlreichen und prüfungsrelevanten Gesetzesänderungen im Personengesellschaftsrecht, die ab dem 1. Januar 2024 infolge des MoPeG gelten. Der Autor Armbrüster ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Gesellschaftsrecht an der Freien Universität Berlin und prüft seit Jahrzehnten regelmäßig im Schwerpunktbereich und mündlichen Examensprüfungen Gesellschaftsrecht ab. Der Autor Böffel hat an diesem Lehrstuhl als wiss. Mitarbeiter mehrere Jahre gearbeitet und während dieser Zeit schriftliche Schwerpunktleistungen im Gesellschaftsrecht als Gutachter bewertet. Beide Autoren sind daher mit den Anforderungen, die an Studierende und Examenskandidaten gestellt werden, bestens vertraut.

Unternehmensberatung im öffentlichen Sektor: Institutionenkonflikt, praktische Herausforderungen, Lösungen

by Thomas Armbrüster Johannes Banzhaf Lars Dingemann

Die ökonomische Ausrichtung der Verwaltung schreitet voran. Mehr und mehr sind privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmensberatungen in diesen Prozess eingebunden. In der Zusammenarbeit von öffentlicher Verwaltung und Unternehmensberatern prallen dabei nicht selten zwei Welten aufeinander. Wie Führungskräfte im öffentlichen Dienst als auch Unternehmensberater Skepsis und Reserviertheit ablegen und den gemeinsamen Prozess der Erfahrungsaufnahme und -weitergabe voranbringen, beleuchtet dieses Buch. Dabei lassen die Autoren die Beteiligten beider Seiten zu Wort kommen und fügen die Erkenntnisse zu einem Gesamtbild dieses Beratungssegments und seiner Mechanismen zusammen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf eGovernment als Katalysator der Verwaltungsreform.

Devil with the Blue Dress (Oberon Modern Plays)

by Kevin Armento

This gets called the Monica Lewinsky Scandal. You made sure everyone knew my name. January 1998: America is rocked by one of the biggest political sex scandals of all time. Slyly exhuming the little blue dress that launched the biggest media circus of a generation, the five women who were at the centre of the infamous Monica Lewinsky scandal collide on stage in this political thriller. A First Lady, a secretary, a daughter, a confidant, and an intern take us through the corridors of power and behind the closed doors where the abuse of that power took place. A theatrical battle over exactly how it all went down, DEVIL WITH THE BLUE DRESS asks who were the heroes and villains, and why, twenty years later, we’re only beginning to grapple with one of the most challenging questions in American political history: How do we respond to women seeking power, and the men who misuse it?

Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning #7)

by Matthias Armgardt Patrice Canivez Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet

This volume explores the relation between legal reasoning and logic from both a historical and a systematic perspective. The topics addressed include, among others, conditional legal acts, disjunctions in legal acts, presumptions and conjectures, conflicts of values, Jørgensen´s Dilemma, the Rhetor´s Dilemma, the theory of legal fictions and the categorization of contracts. The unifying problematic of these contributions concerns the conditional structures and, more particularly, the relationship between legal theory and legal reasoning in the context of conditions.The contributions in this work constitute the first results of the ANR-DFG joint research project “JuriLog” (Jurisprudence and Logic), which aims at fostering the cooperation between legal scholars and philosophers. On the one hand, lawyers and legal scholars have an interest in emphasizing the logical character of legal reasoning. In this respect, the present enquiry examines the question of how logic, especially newer forms of dialogical logic, can be made fruitful as a significant area of philosophy for jurisprudence and legal practice. On the other hand, logicians find in legal reasoning a striving towards clear definitions and inference-procedures that is relevant to their discipline. In order to fully understand such reciprocal relationships, it is necessary to bridge the gap between law, logic and philosophy in contemporary academic research. The essays collected in this volume all work towards this common goal.The book is divided in three sections. In the first part, the strong relation between Roman Law and logic is explored with respect to the analysis of disjunctive statements in legal acts. The second part focuses on Leibniz´s legal theory. The third part, finally, is dedicated to current interactions between law and logic.

Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America: The Emergence of a New Ius Commune

by Armin Von Bogdandy, Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Mariela Morales Antoniazzi, Flávia Piovesan and Ximena Soley

This ground-breaking collection of essays outlines and explains the unique development of Latin American jurisprudence. It introduces the idea of the Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina (ICCAL), an original Latin American path of transformative constitutionalism, to an Anglophone audience for the first time. It charts the key developments that have transformed the region and assesses the success of the constitutional projects that followed a period of authoritarian regimes in Latin America. Coined by scholars who have been documenting, conceptualizing, and comparing the development of Latin American public law for more than a decade, the term ICCAL encompasses themes that cross national borders and legal fields, taking in constitutional law, administrative law, general public international law, regional integration law, human rights, and investment law. Not only does this volume map the legal landscape, it also suggests measures to improve society via due legal process and a rights-based, supranational and regionally rooted constitutionalism. The editors contend that with the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, common problems such as the exclusion of wide sectors of the population from having a say in government, as well as corruption, hyper-presidentialism, and the weak normativity of the law can be combatted more effectively in future.

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law: Volume III: Constitutional Adjudication: Institutions (Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law)

by Armin Von Bogdandy, Peter M Huber and Christoph Grabenwarter

The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law describe and analyse public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human Rights and, importantly, the domestic public laws of European states. Recognizing that the ongoing vertical and horizontal processes of European integration make legal comparison the task of our time for both scholars and practitioners, the series aims to foster the development of a specifically European legal pluralism and to contribute to the legitimacy and efficiency of European public law. The first volume of the series began this enterprise with an appraisal of the evolution of the state and its administration, offering both cross-cutting contributions and specific country reports. The third volume (the second in chronological terms) continues this approach with an in-depth appraisal of constitutional adjudication in various and diverse European countries. Fourteen country reports and two cross-cutting contributions investigate the antecedents, foundations, organization, procedure, and outlook of constitutional adjudicators throughout the Continent. They include countries with powerful constitutional courts, jurisdictions with traditional supreme courts, and states with small institutions and limited ex ante review. In keeping with the focus on a diverse but unified legal space, each report also details how its institution fits into the broader association of constitutional courts that, through dialogue and conflict, brings to fruition the European legal space. Together, the chapters of this volume provide a strong and diverse foundation for this dialogue to flourish.

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