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Showing 11,051 through 11,075 of 55,625 results

The Degradation of the International Legal Order?: The Rehabilitation of Law and the Possibility of Politics

by Bill Bowring

Providing the basis for critical engagement with the pessimism of the contemporary age, The Degradation of the International Legal Order? argues passionately for a rehabilitation of the honour of historic events and processes, and of their role in generating legal concepts. Drawing primarily from the Marxian tradition, but also engaging with a range of contemporary work in critical theory and critical legal and human rights scholarship, this book analyses historical and recent international events and processes in order to challenge their orthodox interpretation. What is thus proposed is a new evaluation of international legal principles and human rights norms, the revolutionary content of which, it is argued, turns them from mere rhetoric into powerful weapons of struggle. Accessibly written, but theoretically sophisticated, this original and timely book is intended for critical teachers and students of international law, human rights, and international relations, as well as legal and political activists.

The Degradation of the International Legal Order?: The Rehabilitation of Law and the Possibility of Politics

by Bill Bowring

Providing the basis for critical engagement with the pessimism of the contemporary age, The Degradation of the International Legal Order? argues passionately for a rehabilitation of the honour of historic events and processes, and of their role in generating legal concepts. Drawing primarily from the Marxian tradition, but also engaging with a range of contemporary work in critical theory and critical legal and human rights scholarship, this book analyses historical and recent international events and processes in order to challenge their orthodox interpretation. What is thus proposed is a new evaluation of international legal principles and human rights norms, the revolutionary content of which, it is argued, turns them from mere rhetoric into powerful weapons of struggle. Accessibly written, but theoretically sophisticated, this original and timely book is intended for critical teachers and students of international law, human rights, and international relations, as well as legal and political activists.

Demanding Sex: Critical Reflections on the Regulation of Prostitution

by Marina Della Giusta

Interrogating supply/demand from an inter- and multi-disciplinary perspective, this collection broadens engagement beyond the routine analysis of the locus of violence in prostitution and the validity of the prostitute's consent. A focus on the supply/demand dynamic brings into play a range of other societal, economic and psychological factors such as the social construction of sexuality, the viability of alternative choices for prostitutes and clients, and the impact of regulatory regimes on the provision of sexual services. The factors which underlie each component of the supply/demand dyad are also studied and an examination is made of their dynamic interrelation. The collection emphasizes the importance of rendering policy makers alert to the evidence emerging from empirical studies conducted in different fields of enquiry, in the hope of moving beyond polarity and politics at the local, national and international level.

Demanding Sex: Critical Reflections on the Regulation of Prostitution

by Marina Della Giusta

Interrogating supply/demand from an inter- and multi-disciplinary perspective, this collection broadens engagement beyond the routine analysis of the locus of violence in prostitution and the validity of the prostitute's consent. A focus on the supply/demand dynamic brings into play a range of other societal, economic and psychological factors such as the social construction of sexuality, the viability of alternative choices for prostitutes and clients, and the impact of regulatory regimes on the provision of sexual services. The factors which underlie each component of the supply/demand dyad are also studied and an examination is made of their dynamic interrelation. The collection emphasizes the importance of rendering policy makers alert to the evidence emerging from empirical studies conducted in different fields of enquiry, in the hope of moving beyond polarity and politics at the local, national and international level.

Demographic Change and Intergenerational Justice: The Implementation of Long-Term Thinking in the Political Decision Making Process

by Joerg Tremmel

Intergenerational justice has been achieved if the opportunities of the members of the next generation to fulfill their needs are better than those of the members of the preceding generation. For this, each generation ought to leave for the next generation an amount of resources is at least equal to its own amount. The book deals with the complex relationship between intergenerational justice and demographic change and is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach. The authors come from a multitude of professional backgrounds and from several countries. This illustrates the implications of the demographic shift from many different perspectives. The book deals not only with the aspects of economic policy but also with environmental, societal and philosophical issues. The comprehensive volume is composed of five sections that pinpoint demographic trends, examine the impact of demographic changes on key indicators, investigate the relationship between key indicators and intergenerational justice, scrutinize population policies, and finally propose ways to implement long-term thinking on these issues.

Der Begriff der Homogenität in der Verfassungslehre und Europarechtswissenschaft: Zur These von der Notwendigkeit homogener Kollektive unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homogenitätskriterien "Geschichte" und "Sprache" (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #198)

by Felix Hanschmann

Die Arbeit untersucht den Begriff der Homogenität, seine Bedeutungen und die mit ihm verknüpften Assoziationen in der deutschen Verfassungslehre und Europarechtswissenschaft. Analysiert werden die Herausforderungen, denen sich substantiell verstandene Homogenitätsvorstellungen, die die Notwendigkeit einer wie auch immer begründeten sozialstrukturellen Homogenität behaupten, ausgesetzt sehen. Ferner werden die mit dem Begriff der Homogenität verknüpften Wirkungen sowie seine Bezugnahme auf das europäische Primärrecht thematisiert.

Der massenhafte Abschluß arbeitsrechtlicher Aufhebungsverträge (Forum Arbeits- und Sozialrecht #30)

by Sebastian Naber

In der Praxis veranlassen Arbeitgeber bei Umstrukturierungen oftmals die Beendigung vieler Arbeitsverhältnisse binnen kurzer Zeit. Geschieht dies nicht durch Kündigungen, sondern durch den Abschluss von Aufhebungsverträgen, kann ein Ausgleich zwischen den Interessen der betroffenen Arbeitnehmer und denen des Arbeitgebers vereinbart werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht mit dem massenhaften Abschluss von Aufhebungsverträgen verbundene Rechtsfragen im Hinblick auf § 613a BGB sowie Vorschriften des Betriebsverfassungs- und Massenentlassungsrechts. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist dabei stets, wie die Veranlassung des Arbeitgebers, Aufhebungsverträge abzuschließen, rechtlich einzuordnen ist.

Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte: Vom Alten Reich bis Weimar (1495 bis 1934) (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Michael Kotulla

Das Buch dient als Einführung in die neuzeitliche deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte. Der leicht verständliche und prägnante Überblick eignet sich vorrangig für „Einsteiger" in die Rechtswissenschaft, Geschichtswissenschaften und Politikwissenschaften, für die ausreichende Kenntnisse des studienbezogenen Pflichtstoffs über die Entstehung und Entwicklung des deutschen Verfassungsrechts unabdingbar sind. Es wendet sich darüber hinaus jedoch auch an Dozenten der genannten Disziplinen und sonstige interessierte Leser.

Developments in Social Work with Offenders

by Fergus Mcneill David O ''Mahony Maurice Vanstone Bill Whyte James Bonta Peter Raynor David O'Mahony Loraine Gelsthorpe Barry Goldson Tim Chapman Gill Mcivor Steve Wormith James Mcguire Iain Crow Sam Lewis Sue Rex Gwen Robinson Chris Trotter Frank Porporino Shadd Maruna

Developments in Social Work with Offenders explains the organisational and legislative changes that have occurred in social work and probation across the UK in the past 10 years, in the context of the accumulating body of knowledge about what constitutes effective practice in the assessment, supervision and management of offenders in the community. Three different aspects of working with offenders are covered: developments in policy; assessment, supervision and intervention; and issues and needs. Contributions from experts in the field discuss issues such as community `punishment', case management, accreditation and resettlement. The continuing concern with promoting evidence-based solutions to crime is addressed, and this book will assist professionals working with offenders with making focused interventions supported by research. This book will be essential reading for students of social work and probation and criminology, probation officers and social workers.

Dictionary of Forensic Psychology

by Graham J. Towl David P. Farrington David A. Crighton Gareth Hughes

Over the past decade, forensic psychology has grown rapidly as a subject, with an increasing number of forensic psychologists working in demanding roles in prisons, secure training facilities, and high, medium and low security healthcare facilities as well as other parts of the criminal justice system. This Dictionary is designed to meet the needs of both students and practitioners. It contains approximately 100 entries on key terms and concepts, arranged alphabetically and contributed by leading academic and practicing forensic psychologists.

Dictionary of Forensic Psychology

by Graham Towl David P. Farrington David Crighton Gareth Hughes

Over the past decade, forensic psychology has grown rapidly as a subject, with an increasing number of forensic psychologists working in demanding roles in prisons, secure training facilities, and high, medium and low security healthcare facilities as well as other parts of the criminal justice system. This Dictionary is designed to meet the needs of both students and practitioners. It contains approximately 100 entries on key terms and concepts, arranged alphabetically and contributed by leading academic and practicing forensic psychologists.

Die abgekürzten Verfahren im Verwaltungsstrafrecht (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #157)

by Johanna Fischerlehner

Die abgekürzten Verfahren des Verwaltungsstrafgesetzes (VStG) bilden für die Praxis einen unerlässlichen Bestandteil des Verwaltungsstrafverfahrens. Vor allem für den Bereich des Verkehrsrechts sind die in den §§ 47ff VStG normierten Erledigungsformen längst unverzichtbar. Verwaltungsstrafverfahren werden heute sogar überwiegend in der Form eines abgekürzten Verfahrens erledigt. Dennoch wurde auf diesen Teil des VStG in der Literatur bislang nur wenig Augenmerk gelegt. Das vorliegende Werk bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Straf-, die Anonym- und die Organstrafverfügung. Der Schwerpunkt wurde dabei auf die im Unterschied zur Straf- und Organstrafverfügung erst viel später ins VStG eingefügte Anonymverfügung gelegt. Neben der Darstellung der Rechtsprechung und der vorhandenen Literatur zeigt die Autorin gänzlich neue Probleme auf und erarbeitet mögliche Lösungsansätze für Theorie und Praxis.

Die Anfängerklausur im BGB: Kernprobleme des Allgemeinen Teils in der Fallbearbeitung (Tutorium Jura)

by Jan Eltzschig Jens Wenzel

Exakt auf die Bedürfnisse der Anfangssemester zugeschnitten, führt das Buch in die Bearbeitung von Fällen auf dem Gebiet des Allgemeinen Teils des Bürgerlichen Rechts ein. 24 Fälle unterstützen Studierende dabei, erworbenes Wissen in die Anspruchsprüfung umzusetzen. Ausführlich erklären die Autoren die Technik der Falllösung und den Anspruchsaufbau und wenden beide konkret auf die genannten Fälle an. Sämtliche Lösungen sind vollständig im Gutachtenstil formuliert. Mit Problemen, die häufig Inhalt der Anfängerklausur sind. Detailliert: auch die 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage bietet konkrete Hilfestellung bei schwierigen Fällen.

Die Ärztliche Begutachtung: Rechtsfragen, Funktionsprüfungen, Beurteilungen

by E. Fritze

Fast jedes Gutachten wird in Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Gutachter aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen erstellt, wobei häufig ein Hauptgutachter die Ergebnisse zusammenfasst. Er muss viele Bereiche der Medizin überblicken sowie Befunde und Beurteilungen aus Spezialgebieten sinnvoll zusammenstellen können. Zur Erfüllung dieser Aufgaben stellt dieses Buch in 7. Auflage weiterhin ein unverzichtbares Standard- und Nachschlagewerk dar. Es unterstützt Ärzte in ihrer Funktion als Gutachter, Sachverständige und Berater – schnelle, einfache Handhabung, umfassende Übersicht über die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen und medizinisches Fachwissen aller Disziplinen.

Die Maßregel der Sicherungsverwahrung: Forensisch-psychiatrische Bedeutung, Untersuchungsbefunde und Abgrenzung zur Maßregel gemäß § 63 StGB (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie #116)

by Elmar Habermeyer

Die Maßregel der Sicherungsverwahrung hat in den letzten zehn Jahren eine Renaissance erlebt. Der zunehmenden Anzahl der Untergebrachten stehen nur spärliche Stellungnahmen und Befunde zu dieser Klientel gegenüber. Daher wird vermutet, dass bei persönlichkeitsgestörten Straftätern der Zufall entscheidet, ob eine forensisch-psychiatrische Maßregel oder die Sicherungsverwahrung angeordnet wird. Hier setzt das Buch an und liefert – auf Basis aktueller Befunde – Hinweise zur sachgerechten Begutachtung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Psychiatrie und Justiz.

Die Sanierung von Biodiversitätsschäden nach der europäischen Umwelthaftungsrichtlinie (Schriftenreihe Natur und Recht #9)

by Carolin Kieß

Eine wertvolle Hilfe für das Verständnis der komplexen "Richtlinie über Umwelthaftung zur Vermeidung und Sanierung von Umweltschäden". Im Mai 2007 wurde das Gesetz zur Umsetzung verabschiedet. Über die Verantwortlichkeit für Biodiversitätsschäden wird nun auf der Grundlage des Verursacherprinzips entschieden. Die Autorin analysiert und bewertet u.a. die Regelungen zur Sanierung von Umweltschäden. Plus: Rechtsvergleich Deutschland – Europa – USA.

Die Schuldrechtsklausur: Kernprobleme der vertraglichen Schuldverhältnisse in der Fallbearbeitung (Tutorium Jura)

by Peter Balzer Stefan Kröll Bernd Scholl

Das Buch führt Studierende in die Fallbearbeitung im Besonderen Schuldrecht ein. Anhand von 28 Fällen mit typischen Problemstellungen vertraglicher Schuldverhältnisse wird die Umsetzung des in den Vorlesungen erworbenen abstrakten Wissens in der Anspruchsprüfung verdeutlicht. Alle Falllösungen sind im Gutachtenstil ausgearbeitet und mit Aufbauhinweisen versehen. Auf häufig anzutreffende Fehler machen die Autoren ausdrücklich aufmerksam. Vertiefende Hinweise erleichtern das Nacharbeiten der einzelnen Problemschwerpunkte.

The Difference Makers: How Social and Institutional Entrepreneurs Created the Corporate Responsibility Movement

by Sandra Waddock

It is not often that we have the opportunity to hear from the early pioneers of a social movement about how it grew and evolved, but that is exactly what this book sets out to do. The Difference Makers tells the stories of 23 entrepreneurs who have been instrumental in developing corporate responsibility; offers an analysis of how CSR has emerged as a key business issue, why it has evolved so quickly, and the visions of its thought leaders. The book examines 23 of the key players who have been instrumental in developing the corporate responsibility movement. They include John Ruggie and the Global Compact, Allen White and the Global Reporting Initiative, John Elkington and SustainAbility, Simon Zadek and AccountAbility, Alice Tepper Marlin and Social Accountability International, Bob Dunn and Business for Social Responsibility, and Joan Bavaria and Ceres – along with many others. The Difference Makers is a history and detailed analysis of how corporate responsibility has emerged as a key political, social, and business issue, why it has evolved so quickly, and what the visions of its thought leaders are for the future. It is essential reading for academics, business people and all those interested in the future of the corporation.

Digital Government: E-Government Research, Case Studies, and Implementation (Integrated Series in Information Systems #17)

by Hsinchun Chen Roland Traunmüller Lawrence Brandt Valerie Gregg Sharon Dawes Eduard Hovy Ann Macintosh Catherine A. Larson

At last, a right up-to-the-minute volume on a topic of huge national and international importance. As governments around the world battle voter apathy, the need for new and modernized methods of involvement in the polity is becoming acute. This work provides information on advanced research and case studies that survey the field of digital government. Successful applications in a variety of government settings are delineated, while the authors also analyse the implications for current and future policy-making. Each chapter has been prepared and carefully edited within a structured format by a known expert on the individual topic.

Dimensions of Moral Theory: An Introduction to Metaethics and Moral Psychology

by Jonathan Jacobs

Dimensions of Moral Theory examines the key presuppositions and philosophical commitments that support and shape moral theories.

Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance (Lloyd's Insurance Law Library)

by Adolfo Paolini Deepak Nambisan

“With the ever increasing number of claims against directors and officers, this book provides a very welcome addition to the bookshelves which hitherto have lacked books on this important area” - Alison Green, Chairman of the Trustees of the BILA Charitable Trust. This book scrutinises the origins and the rationale underlying D&O insurance, and provides answers to the question of protecting directors against the potential liabilities they may face. It provides clear understanding about D&O policies wording, exclusions and issues of misrepresentation. The information contained in this new book includes Nature and Legality of D&O Liability Insurance, D&O Exclusions, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability to Third Parties, Directors’ Liability at Civil Law, D&O: Defence Costs Cover and Allocation, Aggregation Principles and D&O Cover and the Reinsurance of D&O Policies.

Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance (Lloyd's Insurance Law Library)

by Adolfo Paolini Deepak Nambisan

“With the ever increasing number of claims against directors and officers, this book provides a very welcome addition to the bookshelves which hitherto have lacked books on this important area” - Alison Green, Chairman of the Trustees of the BILA Charitable Trust. This book scrutinises the origins and the rationale underlying D&O insurance, and provides answers to the question of protecting directors against the potential liabilities they may face. It provides clear understanding about D&O policies wording, exclusions and issues of misrepresentation. The information contained in this new book includes Nature and Legality of D&O Liability Insurance, D&O Exclusions, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability to Third Parties, Directors’ Liability at Civil Law, D&O: Defence Costs Cover and Allocation, Aggregation Principles and D&O Cover and the Reinsurance of D&O Policies.

Directors' Personal Liability for Corporate Fault: A Comparative Analysis

by Helen Anderson

The corporation’s ability to avoid the costs of risks that materialize as a result of its pursuit of profits is a departure from the market model. It can easily be seen as an evasion of the obligations that go with being the un-coercing, freely-acting and choosing ‘invisible hand.’ Dramatic corporate collapses and major human and economic disasters due to bad corporate conduct have strengthened the common sense view that, if the corporate directors and officers have made the deliberate act their own in some way, they may be held responsible on the same basis that liberal law holds all individuals responsible for their intended actions in the non-corporate settings. Accordingly, recent decades have seen an increasing number of statutory interventions worldwide that impose direct responsibilities on directors and other corporate officers in respect of a wide range of regulatory regimes: environmental regulation, occupational health and safety and other employment standards, human rights statutes, transportation regimes, consumer and competition laws, protections for creditors and workers against insolvent trading, and the like. Legitimacy crises have pushed legislators to enlarge the number of responsibilities, to increase the amounts of the fines that may be levied and to make it clear that, in some cases, prison sentences will be imposed. This collection of essays describes and analyzes the legal regimes governing directors’ liability for corporate fault and default across eleven important trading jurisdictions. It asks: Are the reform provisions, especially director duties of ‘due diligence,’ sharply enough aimed to attain the goal of corporate accountability? Will it be easy or difficult for defendants to establish that due diligence was exercised? Is it possible that more reliance on self-policing may lead to less documenting and reporting of wrongs and dangers? What impact may schemes of greater self-monitoring have on State regulation? In what ways might corporations react to these demands that they become guardians of the public weal? The authors – each an authority in his or her respective jurisdiction – recognize that the reforms are a reaction to the political problems created by the ill fit of the corporation with the economic and political value systems that we purport to hold dear. As they survey the ways that vibrant economies can frame laws to influence the conduct of directors and companies, they invite further exploration into the political, economic, practical, and evolutionary factors that may explain the convergence and divergence of both statute law and judicial doctrines and the desirability or inevitability of this deeply significant trend.

Disability and Equality Law in Britain: The Role of Reasonable Adjustment

by Anna Lawson

The concept of reasonable adjustment (alternatively known as reasonable accommodation) is rapidly gaining significance for countries throughout Europe and beyond. Directive 2000/78 required all EU Member States to ensure that, by the end of 2006 at the latest, reasonable accommodation obligations would operate to protect disabled people from unequal treatment in the context of employment. The new United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will require ratifying States to impose such obligations in a broad range of situations.This book provides a detailed and critical analysis of the current and potential role of reasonable adjustment duties in British law. It explores the notion of the anticipatory reasonable adjustment duty - a notion which is, in many respects, distinctively British. It probes the relationship between reasonable adjustment and other concepts, including indirect discrimination and positive discrimination. Drawing particularly on US debates, potential sources of resistance to the duties are exposed and an attempt is made to suggest pre-emptive counter strategies. Attention is also given to issues of legal reform and rationalisation - issues of immense topicality and importance in view of the recent British move towards a single Equality Act.In short, this book examines the current and potential role of reasonable adjustment duties in Britain. It will be of interest to lawyers, policy-makers and students working in the field of disability rights. It will also be of interest to all those concerned with the operation and development of equality law and policy more generally, both in Britain and beyond.

Disabled People and the Right to Life: The Protection and Violation of Disabled People’s Most Basic Human Rights

by Luke Clements Janet Read

The most basic of human rights, the right to life, is the focus of this book. 'Human rights' has increasingly come to be seen as a significant framework, both to aid understanding of the experiences of those who face oppression, and to underpin social, legal and political measures to counter it. Disabled People and the Right to Life uses this framework to explore how disabled people’s right to life is understood in different national contexts and the ways in which they are – or are not – afforded protection under the law, emphasizing the social, cultural and historical forces and circumstances which have promoted disabled people’s right to life or legitimated its violation. Written by an international panel of contributors including individuals holding public office, academics from the fields of law, social policy, disability studies and bioethics as well as practitioners and activists attempting to further disabled people’s human rights, this truly interdisciplinary book will be of interest to students and researchers of disability, law, social policy and human rights.

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Showing 11,051 through 11,075 of 55,625 results