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Showing 46,776 through 46,800 of 75,933 results

Superparticles: A Microsemantic Theory, Typology, and History of Logical Atoms (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #98)

by Moreno Mitrović

This book is all about the captivating ability that the human language has to express intricately logical (mathematical) meanings using tiny (microsemantic) morphemes as utilities. Languages mark meanings with identical inferences using identical particles and these particles thus creep up in a wide array of expressions. Because of their multi-tasking capacity to express seemingly disparate meanings, they are dubbed Superparticles. These particles are perfect windows into the interlock of several grammatical modules and the nature of the interaction of these modules through time. With a firm footing in the module where grammatical bones are built and assembled (narrow morpho-syntax), superparticles acquire varied interpretation (in the conceptual-intentional module – semantics) depending on the structure they fea- ture in. What is more, some of the interpretations these particles trigger are inferential and belong, under the standard account, to the realm of pragmatics. How can such tiny particles, rarely exceeding a syllable of sound, have such powerful and over-arching effects across the inter-modular grammatical space? This is the Platonic background against which this book is set.

Superpartikeln: Eine mikrosemantische Theorie, Typologie und Geschichte der logischen Atome

by Moreno Mitrović

In diesem Buch geht es um die faszinierende Fähigkeit der menschlichen Sprache, mit Hilfe winziger (mikrosemantischer) Morpheme als Hilfsmittel komplizierte logische (mathematische) Bedeutungen auszudrücken. Sprachen markieren Bedeutungen mit identischen Schlussfolgerungen, indem sie identische Partikel verwenden, und diese Partikel schleichen sich so in eine Vielzahl von Ausdrücken ein. Aufgrund ihrer Multitasking-Fähigkeit, scheinbar disparate Bedeutungen auszudrücken, werden sie als Superpartikel bezeichnet. Diese Partikel sind perfekte Fenster in die Verzahnung mehrerer grammatischer Module und die Art der Interaktion dieser Module im Laufe der Zeit. Fest verankert in dem Modul, in dem die grammatischen Knochen gebaut und zusammengesetzt werden (enge Morphosyntax), erhalten Superpartikel je nach der Struktur, in der sie vorkommen, unterschiedliche Interpretationen (im begrifflich-intentionalen Modul - Semantik). Darüber hinaus sind einige der Interpretationen, die diese Partikel auslösen, inferentiell und gehören nach der Standardrechnung in den Bereich der Pragmatik. Wie können so winzige Partikel, die selten länger als eine Silbe sind, so mächtige und übergreifende Wirkungen im intermodularen grammatischen Raum haben? Dies ist der platonische Hintergrund, vor dem dieses Buch steht.

Recht der Ordnungswidrigkeiten (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Wolfgang Mitsch

Das Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht wird als Randfach des Strafrechts in Lehre und Studium immer noch unterschätzt. Dies steht in krassem Gegensatz zu der hohen Praxisrelevanz, die dieses Rechtsgebiet für Rechtsanwälte, Richter und Staatsanwälte, vor allem aber für die vielen mit Bußgeldsachen befassten Beamten ohne volljuristische Ausbildung in den Behörden hat. Erfreulicherweise wurde in den letzten Jahren damit begonnen, den Nachholbedarf auf dem Gebiet der Ausbildungsliteratur zum Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht allmählich zu befriedigen. Der am Erlernen des Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht Interessierte kann inzwischen aus einer Reihe von Lehrbuchtiteln wählen. Die überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage des vorliegenden Lehrbuchs vollzieht die Gesetzesentwicklung der seit der 1. Auflage vergangenen 8 Jahre nach und paßt den Text dem aktuellen Stand in Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft an. Großer Wert wurde darauf gelegt, das Buch noch leserfreundlicher und lernerfolggerichteter zu gestalten. So wurde die Zahl der Fallbeispiele und der Kontrollfragen am Ende der Kapitel deutlich erhöht. Neu eingefügte Schaubilder, Übersichten und Schemata sollen das Erfassen der Materie, das Begreifen der Zusammenhänge und den systematischen Überblick fördern und erleichtern. Inhaltlich wurde der verfahrensrechtliche Teil erheblich erweitert und vertieft. In allen seinen Teilen sucht der Text die Nähe zum Strafrecht, zeigt dabei Parallelen und Übereinstimmungen auf und akzentuiert die Abweichungen und Besonderheiten des Ordnungswidrigkkeitenrechts.

Greece in Early English Travel Writing, 1596–1682 (New Transculturalisms, 1400–1800)

by Efterpi Mitsi

This book examines the letters, diaries, and published accounts of English and Scottish travelers to Greece in the seventeenth century, a time of growing interest in ancient texts and the Ottoman Empire. Through these early encounters, this book analyzes the travelers’ construction of Greece in the early modern Mediterranean world and shows how travel became a means of collecting and disseminating knowledge about ancient sites. Focusing on the mobility and exchange of people, artifacts, texts, and opinions between the two countries, it argues that the presence of Britons in Greece and of Greeks in England aroused interest not only in Hellenic antiquity, but also in Greece’s contemporary geopolitical role. Exploring myth, perception, and trope with clarity and precision, this book offers new insight into the connections between Greece, the Ottoman Empire, and the West.

Ruins in the Literary and Cultural Imagination

by Efterpi Mitsi Anna Despotopoulou Stamatina Dimakopoulou Emmanouil Aretoulakis

This book focuses on literal and metaphorical ruins, as they are appropriated and imagined in different forms of writing. Examining British and American literature and culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the book begins in the era of industrial modernity with studies of Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Henry James and Daphne Du Maurier. It then moves on to the significance of ruins in the twentieth century, against the backdrop of conflict, waste and destruction, analyzing authors such as Beckett and Pinter, Kurt Vonnegut, Robert Lowell, Anne Sexton and Leonard Cohen. The collection concludes with current debates on ruins, through discussions of Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht, as well as reflections on the refugee crisis that take the ruin beyond the text, offering new perspectives on its diverse legacies and conceptual resources.

Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader (Arden Early Modern Drama Guides)

by Efterpi Mitsi Andrew Hiscock Lisa Hopkins

Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader offers an accessible and thought-provoking guide to this complex problem play, surveying its key themes and evolving critical preoccupations. Considering its generic ambiguity and experimentalism, it also provides a uniquely detailed and up-to-date history of the play's stage performance from Dryden's rewriting up to Mark Ravenhill and Elizabeth LeCompte's controversial 2012 production for the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Wooster Group. Moving through to four new critical essays, the guide opens up fresh perspectives on the play's iconoclastic nature and its key themes, ranging from issues of gender and sexuality to Elizabethan politics, from the uses of antiquity to questions of cultural translation, with particular attention paid on Troilus' “Greekness”. The volume finishes with a helpful guide to critical and web-based resources. Discussing the ways in which this challenging and acerbic play can be brought to life in the classroom, it suggests performance-based strategies, designed to engage with the dramaturgical and theatrical dimensions of the text; close-reading exercises with an emphasis on rhetoric, metaphor and the practice of “troping”; and a series of tools designed to situate the play in a range of contexts, including its classical and critical frameworks.

Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader (Arden Early Modern Drama Guides)

by Efterpi Mitsi Andrew Hiscock Lisa Hopkins

Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader offers an accessible and thought-provoking guide to this complex problem play, surveying its key themes and evolving critical preoccupations. Considering its generic ambiguity and experimentalism, it also provides a uniquely detailed and up-to-date history of the play's stage performance from Dryden's rewriting up to Mark Ravenhill and Elizabeth LeCompte's controversial 2012 production for the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Wooster Group. Moving through to four new critical essays, the guide opens up fresh perspectives on the play's iconoclastic nature and its key themes, ranging from issues of gender and sexuality to Elizabethan politics, from the uses of antiquity to questions of cultural translation, with particular attention paid on Troilus' “Greekness”. The volume finishes with a helpful guide to critical and web-based resources. Discussing the ways in which this challenging and acerbic play can be brought to life in the classroom, it suggests performance-based strategies, designed to engage with the dramaturgical and theatrical dimensions of the text; close-reading exercises with an emphasis on rhetoric, metaphor and the practice of “troping”; and a series of tools designed to situate the play in a range of contexts, including its classical and critical frameworks.

Thomas Bernhard (Sammlung Metzler)

by Manfred Mittermayer

Bernhard im Überblick. Es gibt nur wenige Schriftsteller, bei denen das literarische Vokabular und die individuelle Formulierung eine solche Bedeutung erlangt wie bei Thomas Bernhard. Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet eine Einführung in das gesamte publizierte Werk des Autors. Die literarischen Texte Bernhards werden im einzelnen, aber auch im Werkzusammenhang vorgestellt.

Pattern in English: A Fresh Approach to Grammar (Routledge Library Editions: The English Language)

by W. H. Mittins

This book, first published in 1950, is a collection of what the author felt to be the minimum of English grammar relevant to efficient communication in language. The scope of this title was determined by collecting from children’s writings examples of common faults and weaknesses, and it is through these texts that certain concepts emerged as fundamental, including predication, word-order, proximity, equivalents, variety and repetition. Pattern in English will be of interest to students of English language.

Pattern in English: A Fresh Approach to Grammar (Routledge Library Editions: The English Language)

by W. H. Mittins

This book, first published in 1950, is a collection of what the author felt to be the minimum of English grammar relevant to efficient communication in language. The scope of this title was determined by collecting from children’s writings examples of common faults and weaknesses, and it is through these texts that certain concepts emerged as fundamental, including predication, word-order, proximity, equivalents, variety and repetition. Pattern in English will be of interest to students of English language.

The Ashgate Research Companion to Monsters and the Monstrous

by Asa Simon Mittman Peter J. Dendle

The field of monster studies has grown significantly over the past few years and this companion provides a comprehensive guide to the study of monsters and the monstrous from historical, regional and thematic perspectives. The collection reflects the truly multi-disciplinary nature of monster studies, bringing in scholars from literature, art history, religious studies, history, classics, and cultural and media studies. The companion will offer scholars and graduate students the first comprehensive and authoritative review of this emergent field.

BC Lime A/3C: Bumblebees, Sweets and a See-Through Stomach (PDF)

by Tony Mitton

Schools across the UK are catching the Bug, and now so can kids at home! Bug Club is one of the best-loved reading programmes in primary schools and kids just love reaching for the bookshelves to find their favourite Bug Club book.

Collins Big Cat, Band 2, Red: Tec and the Hole (PDF)

by Tony Mitton

Tec the detective has found a hole in the ground - but who dug it? Children follow Tec as he trails his suspects, until he finds the vital clue that leads him to the guilty party!

Hide and Seek (Rigby Star Phonic Guided Reading #Pink Level)

by Tony Mitton

The curly caterpillar plays hide and seek.

Hide and Seek (Rigby Star Phonic Guided Reading #Pink Level)

by Tony Mitton

The curly caterpillar plays hide and seek.

The Tale Of Tales: A Handful Of Fairy Tales From The Storybag

by Tony Mitton Peter Bailey

A brand new poetry book for children by award-winning poet Tony Mitton. Beautifully illustrated by Peter Bailey, The Tale of Tales is the story of a group of animals who are on a journey. Each animal in turn tells a story to the rest of the group (a bit like in The Canterbury Tales) as they travel on their way. Join Monkey, Elephant and friends on their journey to Volcano Valley to hear the greatest story of all, the Tale of Tales.

Middle English Verbs of Emotion and Impersonal Constructions: Verb Meaning and Syntax in Diachrony (Oxford Studies in the History of English)

by Ayumi Miura

Impersonal constructions in the history of English form a puzzling category, in that there has been uncertainty as to why some verbs are attested in such constructions while others are not, even though they look almost synonymous. In this book, Ayumi Miura tackles this under-discussed question with special reference to verbs of emotion in Middle English. Through a careful study of the behaviour of impersonal and near-synonymous non-impersonal verbs, she identifies the factors that determined the presence, absence, and spread of impersonal usage with the verbs concerned. Miura utilizes modern linguistic approaches, including theories and methodologies adopted in the study of psych-verbs in modern languages, which bear close relevance to impersonal verbs of emotion but have traditionally been researched separately. She also draws on categorizations in the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary and harnesses the online Middle English Dictionary in a novel way, demonstrating that dictionary materials are in fact a valuable tool in the study of early English syntax and semantics. Miura concludes that a range of factors - such as causation, transitivity, animacy of the target of emotion, and duration of the emotion - influenced the choice of impersonal constructions with Middle English verbs of emotion. We can therefore make reasonable generalizations about when impersonal usage was licensed in these verbs. This careful analysis of the correlation between Middle English verbs of emotion and use or non-use in impersonal constructions represents a new empirical and theoretical contribution to the busy research area of impersonal constructions in the history of English.

Die Schulen der Nation: Bildungskritik in der Literatur der frühen Moderne

by York-Gothart Mix

Überraschend häufig und vielfältig haben sich deutsche Erzähler der Jahrzehnte vor und nach der Jahrhundertwende dem Thema Schule zugewandt. Auf dem Hintergrund der Jugendbewegung, der Kulturkritik Nietzsches und der Reformpädagogik ist Schule um 1900 zum epochalen und existentiellen Problem geworden.

Controlled Document Authoring in a Machine Translation Age (Routledge Studies in Translation Technology)

by Rei Miyata

This book explains the concept, framework, implementation, and evaluation of controlled document authoring in this age of translation technologies. Machine translation (MT) is routinely used in many situations, by companies, governments, and individuals. Despite recent advances, MT tools are still known to be imperfect, sometimes producing critical errors. To enhance the performance of MT, researchers and language practitioners have developed controlled languages that impose restrictions on the form or length of the source-language text. However, a fundamental, persisting problem is that both current MT systems and controlled languages deal only with the sentence as the unit of processing. To be effective, controlled languages must be contextualised at the document level, consequently enabling MT to generate outputs appropriate for their functional context within the target document. With a specific focus on Japanese municipal documents, this book establishes a framework for controlled document authoring by integrating various research strands including document formalisation, controlled language, and terminology management. It then presents the development and evaluation of an authoring support system, MuTUAL, that is designed to help non-professional writers create well-organised documents that are both readable and translatable. The book provides useful insights for researchers and practitioners interested in translation technology, technical writing, and natural language processing applications.

Controlled Document Authoring in a Machine Translation Age (Routledge Studies in Translation Technology)

by Rei Miyata

This book explains the concept, framework, implementation, and evaluation of controlled document authoring in this age of translation technologies. Machine translation (MT) is routinely used in many situations, by companies, governments, and individuals. Despite recent advances, MT tools are still known to be imperfect, sometimes producing critical errors. To enhance the performance of MT, researchers and language practitioners have developed controlled languages that impose restrictions on the form or length of the source-language text. However, a fundamental, persisting problem is that both current MT systems and controlled languages deal only with the sentence as the unit of processing. To be effective, controlled languages must be contextualised at the document level, consequently enabling MT to generate outputs appropriate for their functional context within the target document. With a specific focus on Japanese municipal documents, this book establishes a framework for controlled document authoring by integrating various research strands including document formalisation, controlled language, and terminology management. It then presents the development and evaluation of an authoring support system, MuTUAL, that is designed to help non-professional writers create well-organised documents that are both readable and translatable. The book provides useful insights for researchers and practitioners interested in translation technology, technical writing, and natural language processing applications.

Metalanguages for Dissecting Translation Processes: Theoretical Development and Practical Applications (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Rei Miyata

This edited volume covers the development and application of metalanguages for concretely describing and communicating translation processes in practice. In a modern setting of project-based translation, it is crucial to bridge the gaps between various actors involved in the translation process, especially among clients, translation service providers (TSPs), translators, and technology developers. However, we have been confronted with the lack of common understanding among them about the notion and detailed mechanisms of translation. Against this backdrop, we are developing systematic, fine-grained metalanguages that are designed to describe and analyse translation processes in concrete terms. Underpinned by the rich accumulation of theoretical findings in translation studies and established standards of practical translation services, such as ISO 17100, our metalanguages extensively cover the core processes in translation projects, namely project management, source document analysis, translation, and revision. Gathering authors with diverse backgrounds and expertise, this book proffers the fruits of the contributors’ collaborative endeavour; it not only provides practicable metalanguages, but also reports on wide-ranging case studies on the application of metalanguages in practical and pedagogical scenarios. This book supplies concrete guidance for those who are involved in the translation practices and translation training/education. In addition to being of practical use, the metalanguages reflect explication of the translation process. As such, this book provides essential insights for researchers and students in the field of translation studies. The up-to-date versions of the metalanguages, related materials, and the corrigendum for the book content are available on our project website:

Metalanguages for Dissecting Translation Processes: Theoretical Development and Practical Applications (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Rei Miyata Masaru Yamada Kyo Kageura

This edited volume covers the development and application of metalanguages for concretely describing and communicating translation processes in practice. In a modern setting of project-based translation, it is crucial to bridge the gaps between various actors involved in the translation process, especially among clients, translation service providers (TSPs), translators, and technology developers. However, we have been confronted with the lack of common understanding among them about the notion and detailed mechanisms of translation. Against this backdrop, we are developing systematic, fine-grained metalanguages that are designed to describe and analyse translation processes in concrete terms. Underpinned by the rich accumulation of theoretical findings in translation studies and established standards of practical translation services, such as ISO 17100, our metalanguages extensively cover the core processes in translation projects, namely project management, source document analysis, translation, and revision. Gathering authors with diverse backgrounds and expertise, this book proffers the fruits of the contributors’ collaborative endeavour; it not only provides practicable metalanguages, but also reports on wide-ranging case studies on the application of metalanguages in practical and pedagogical scenarios. This book supplies concrete guidance for those who are involved in the translation practices and translation training/education. In addition to being of practical use, the metalanguages reflect explication of the translation process. As such, this book provides essential insights for researchers and students in the field of translation studies. The up-to-date versions of the metalanguages, related materials, and the corrigendum for the book content are available on our project website:

Henry James: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introduction)

by Susan L. Mizruchi

An elegant introduction to one of America's most complex and influential writers. From his childhood in a family of leading American intellectuals through his mature life as a major American man of letters, Henry James (1843-1916) created a unique body of fiction that represents one of the greatest achievements in the nation's literary history. James's transnational life in the US and England and his extraordinary siblings (the philosopher William James and diarist Alice James) made his life as complicated as the fictions he produced. In this elegant introduction to the work of Henry James, Susan L. Mizruchi places the notoriously difficult and obscure writings in their historical and biographical context. As James grew in confidence as a writer, his fictions evolved accordingly. These complex accounts of human experience engage with the vital issues of both James's era and our own. Among the works treated in this introduction are Washington Square, The Europeans, Daisy Miller, The Portrait of a Lady, The Golden Bowl, and The Turn of the Screw. Through his novels, as well as his journalistic and critical endeavors, James explores themes related to gender relations, human sexuality, the nature of modernity, the threat of relativism, the rise of mass culture, and the role of art. Since their creation, James's writings have been a consistent subject of both literary theory and popular culture, receiving a diverse array of theoretical treatments, from formalism, deconstruction, phenomenology, and pragmatism to Marxism, new historicism, and gender and queer theory. James's novels have been adapted into numerous films by directors including William Wyler, Peter Bogdanovich, Michael Winner, Merchant/Ivory, and Jane Campion. The impact of Henry James cannot be overstated.

Henry James: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introduction)

by Susan L. Mizruchi

An elegant introduction to one of America's most complex and influential writers. From his childhood in a family of leading American intellectuals through his mature life as a major American man of letters, Henry James (1843-1916) created a unique body of fiction that represents one of the greatest achievements in the nation's literary history. James's transnational life in the US and England and his extraordinary siblings (the philosopher William James and diarist Alice James) made his life as complicated as the fictions he produced. In this elegant introduction to the work of Henry James, Susan L. Mizruchi places the notoriously difficult and obscure writings in their historical and biographical context. As James grew in confidence as a writer, his fictions evolved accordingly. These complex accounts of human experience engage with the vital issues of both James's era and our own. Among the works treated in this introduction are Washington Square, The Europeans, Daisy Miller, The Portrait of a Lady, The Golden Bowl, and The Turn of the Screw. Through his novels, as well as his journalistic and critical endeavors, James explores themes related to gender relations, human sexuality, the nature of modernity, the threat of relativism, the rise of mass culture, and the role of art. Since their creation, James's writings have been a consistent subject of both literary theory and popular culture, receiving a diverse array of theoretical treatments, from formalism, deconstruction, phenomenology, and pragmatism to Marxism, new historicism, and gender and queer theory. James's novels have been adapted into numerous films by directors including William Wyler, Peter Bogdanovich, Michael Winner, Merchant/Ivory, and Jane Campion. The impact of Henry James cannot be overstated.

Libraries and Archives in the Digital Age

by Susan L. Mizruchi

The role of archives and libraries in our digital age is one of the most pressing concerns of humanists, scholars, and citizens worldwide. This collection brings together specialists from academia, public libraries, governmental agencies, and non-profit archives to pursue common questions about value across the institutional boundaries that typically separate us.

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