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Showing 11,951 through 11,975 of 76,049 results

A.S.Byatt: Art, Authorship and Creativity

by C. Franken

This book considers the work of the novelist and critic A.S. Byatt in the context of contemporary debates about art, authorship, creativity and gender. A.S. Byatt emerges as an author who presents us with fascinating and ambivalent portraits of writers and who uses metaphors of creativity in original ways.

Mary Wollstonecraft: A Literary Life (Literary Lives)

by C. Franklin

This study argues that protestant society had traditionally sanctioned women's role in spreading literacy, but this became politicized in the 1790s. Wollstonecraft's literary vocation was shaped by the expectations of the power of print to educate and reform individuals and society, in the radical circles of the Unitarian publisher Joseph Johnson.

Orality: The Power of the Spoken Word

by Graham Furniss

Oral communication is quite different in its spontaneity and communicative power from textual and visual communication. Culturally-bounded expectations of ways of speaking and individual creativity provide the spark that can ignite revolution or calm the soul. This book explores, from a cross-cultural perspective, the centrality of orality in the ideological processes that dominate public discourse, providing a counterbalance to the debates that foreground literacy and the power of written communication.

Men and the Language of Emotions

by D. Galasinski

Men and the Language of Emotions challenges the commonly held association of rationality with masculinity, involving distancing from the language of emotions. Drawing on a study of heterosexual men talking about their life and relationships, he demonstrates that men are capable of speaking of emotions, and in direct and uninhibited ways.

Before Modernism Was: Modern History and the Constituency of Writing (Language, Discourse, Society)

by G. Gilbert

Before Modernism Was places modernist writing within the texture of modern history. Texts by Woolf, James, Freud, Wyndham Lewis, Stein, Malinowski, and others are read through a range of figures that construct and disrupt modern meaning: the ghost that affects the value of your property; the sulky, graceless adolescent; the Pole who may not be Polish; the nervous owner of the dog; the addict and her smoke. Eccentric to its institutions, these figures are central to the constituency of modernism.

Early Modern Hermaphrodites: Sex and Other Stories

by R. Gilbert

From the sixteenth century to the eighteenth century, hermaphrodites were discussed and depicted in a range of artistic, mythological, scientific and erotic contexts. Early Modern Hermaphrodites looks at some of those representations to explore the stories they tell about ambiguous sex and gender in early modern England. Gilbert examines the often contradictory ways in which hermaphrodites were represented as both spiritual ideals and sexual grotesques; as freaks, erotic objects and medical curiosities' and as literary metaphors and signs of social decay.

Wordsworth’s Bardic Vocation, 1787–1842

by R. Gravil

From 1787 to 1842, Wordsworth was preoccupied with the themes of loss and death, and with 'natural piety' in the lives of people and nations. Beginning with his consciousness of the Bards and Druids of Cumbria, this book treats Wordsworth's oeuvre , including the 'Gothic' juvenilia, The Ruined Cottage , Lyrical Ballads , Poems in Two Volumes , The Excursion , and the Poems of 1842, as unified by a Bardic vocation, to bind 'the living and the dead' and to nurture 'the kind'.

Robert Louis Stevenson: A Literary Life (Literary Lives)

by William Gray

More than most writers, Robert Louis Stevenson requires a Literary Life. Fascination with Stevenson's life (the 'Stevenson biography' is almost a minor genre) has tended to eclipse his literary achievement. This study focuses on Stevenson's writing practice within the different geographical, cultural and political contexts that shaped it, from Scotland to the South Seas. Following Stevenson's own views on biography, the book is not structured primarily in terms of chronology, but is more a kind of literary geography than traditional literary history.

Transition, Reception and Modernism

by R. Greaves

In this study of Yeats' poetry between 1902 and 1916, Greaves strongly reacts to the tendency in literary criticism to categorize Yeats' work as 'modernist', Instead, Greaves offer a different way of looking at the transition in Yeats' work in this period, by examining the poems in the context of Yeats' life. As a result, the figure of Yeats the poet is resurrected from the exhaustive category of 'modernism' and the complex connections between the figure of Yeats within the poems and its relationship with the Yeats who exists outside them is revealed.

Inside Out, Inside In: Essays in Comparative History

by R. Gregg

Inside Out, Outside In takes familiar historical narratives and provides alternative readings for them. It endeavours to expand the parameters of comparative history by focusing on the economic, social, political and historiographical connections among societies, and by observing these intertwined histories from different vantage points. Iconoclastic, provocative, even quirky, Inside Out, Outside In takes us beyond culture and society into the imperial webs of association found inside and outside the discipline of history.

The Theatre of Joseph Conrad: Reconstructed Fictions

by Richard J. Hand

Although the dramatic dimension to Joseph Conrad's fiction is frequently acknowledged, his own experiments in drama have traditionally been marginalized. However, in all of Conrad's plays we see a distinct effort to investigate seriously the dramatic form and some of his plays are startlingly ahead of their time. Furthermore, all of the plays are adaptations and comprise One Day More , based on Tomorrow , Laughing Anne , based on Because of the Dollars, Victory: A Drama and The Secret Agent . The creation of these reveals much about the history, theory and practice of this fascinating cultural process.

A Cultural History of Pregnancy: Pregnancy, Medicine and Culture, 1750-2000

by C. Hanson

Hanson explores the different ways in which pregnancy has been constructed and interpreted in Britain over the last 250 years. Drawing on a wide range of sources, including obstetric texts, pregnancy advice books, literary texts, popular fiction and visual images, she analyzes changing attitudes to key issues such as the relative rights of mother and foetus and the degree to which medical intervention is acceptable in pregnancy. Hanson also considers the effects of medical and social changes on the subjective experience of pregnancy.

Androgyny in Modern Literature

by T. Hargreaves

Androgyny in Modern Literature engages with the ways in which the trope of androgyny has shifted during the late nineteenth and twentieth-centuries. Alchemical, platonic, sexological, psychological and decadent representations of androgyny have provided writers with an icon which has been appropriated in diverse ways. This fascinating new study traces different revisions of the psycho-sexual, embodied, cultural and feminist fantasies and repudiations of this unstable but enduring trope across a broad range of writers from the fin de siècle to the present.

Fictions of Disease in Early Modern England: Bodies, Plagues and Politics

by M. Healy

How did early modern people imagine their bodies? What impact did the new disease syphilis and recurrent outbreaks of plague have on these mental landscapes? Why was the glutted belly such a potent symbol of pathology? Ranging from the Reformation through the English Civil War, Fictions of Disease in Early Modern England is a unique study of a fascinating cultural imaginary of 'disease' and its political consequences. Healy's original approach illuminates the period's disease-impregnated literature, including works by Shakespeare, Milton, Dekker, Heywood and others.

Metaphor and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach to Analyzing Texts

by M. Hiraga

Metaphor and Iconicity attempts to clarify the interplay of metaphor and iconicity in the creation and interpretation of spoken and written texts from a cognitive perspective. There are various degrees in which metaphor and iconicity manifest themselves, ranging from sound symbolism and parallelism in poetic discourse to word order, inflectional forms, and other grammatical structures in ordinary discourse. The book makes unique contributions to the study of the relationship of form and meaning.

The Romantic Idea of a University: England and Germany, 1770-1850 (Romanticism in Perspective:Texts, Cultures, Histories)

by M. Hofstetter

By the late eighteenth century, universities in England and Germany had lost their sense of purpose. The romantics then presented them with a new one, a new Idea of a university. In Germany, Johann Gottlieb Fichte and others stressed that universities must teach more effectively; in England, Coleridge and Wordsworth attached to the German Idea a desire to keep the universities part of England's national church.

Travel Writing and Ireland, 1760-1860: Culture, History, Politics

by G. Hooper

Travel Writing and Ireland, 1760-1860 examines a range of mainly British travel and travel-writing material from the period 1760 to 1860. Beginning with an analysis of the Home Tour and Ireland's function within it, the book then considers the role of the Post-Union traveller, followed by an analysis of the impressions formed by Famine writers; the book then concludes with an assessment of those who journeyed to Ireland in the immediate aftermath of Famine. Following a chronological structure, Travel Writing and Ireland, 1760-1860 offers readings of hitherto under-researched material from a significant period in Irish history.

No Fixed Abode: A History of Responses to the Roofless and the Rootless in Britain

by R. Humphreys

Homelessness is now a much greater problem than twenty years ago. In Britain today around half-a-million homeless people form a regrettable permanent 'underclass'. This book spells out their similarities with the spurned vagrant of bygone days. It traces how for centuries emergent laws have combated alleged threats from unruly vagrants while largely ignoring causal factors like economic fluctuation, bad harvests, disease and war. It is argued that only educational and social reform will alleviate the homeless plight.

Cultural Constructions of Madness in Eighteenth-Century Writing: Representing the Insane

by A. Ingram M. Faubert

Cultural Constructions of Madness in the Eighteenth Century deals with the (mis)representation of insanity through a substantial range of literary forms and figures from across the eighteenth century and beyond. Chapters cover the representation, distortion, sentimentalization and elevation of insanity, and such associated issues as gender, personal identity, and performance, in some of the best, as well as some of the least, known writers of the period. A selection of visual material, including works by Hogarth, Rowlandson, and Gillray, is also discussed. While primarily adopting a literary focus, the work is informed throughout by an alertness to significant issues of medical and psychiatric history.

The Poetic Economists of England and Ireland 1912-2000

by D. Johnston

Although modern English and Irish poetry arises from the different cultures of the two countries these poets have shared - throughout this century - the same editors and publishers, competed for the same prizes, and been judged, ostensibly, by the same standards. This book examines contexts for these exchanges over four decades - tracing the lineages of Yeats and Hardy from their meeting in 1912 through WWI, the 30s, the 60s, and the 90s, - to see what influences and ideas are exchanged and how poetic value accrues.

Pope and Berkeley: The Language of Poetry and Philosophy

by T. Jones

The first study dedicated to the relationship between Alexander Pope and George Berkeley, this book undertakes a comparative reading of their work on the visual environment, economics and providence, challenging current ideas of the relationship between poetry and philosophy in early eighteenth-century Britain. It shows how Berkeley's idea that the phenomenal world is the language of God, learnt through custom and experience, can help to explain some of Pope's conservative sceptical arguments, and also his virtuoso poetic techniques.

Program Evaluation in Language Education (Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics)

by R. Kiely P. Rea-Dickins

The authors describe evaluation as a way of understanding and developing language programs: the thematic and background section sets out the decision-making, quality management, and learning functions of evaluation. Case studies illustrate the diversity of evaluation contexts, functions and approaches, documenting the ways in which evaluation processes and outcomes inform and facilitate program development, and contribute to explaining how language and teacher education programs constitute opportunities for learning. The ways in which evaluation practice can be researched and developed to maximize policy, institutional and program effectiveness is included, and a comprehensive set of resources for those commissioning, undertaking or researching language program evaluations concludes the text.

Metaphor and Gender in Business Media Discourse: A Critical Cognitive Study

by V. Koller

This new study reconciles cognitive metaphor theory with Critical Discourse Analysis to offer a fresh approach to the study of metaphor. In applying this framework to a substantial corpus of texts from business magazines, the author shows how metaphors of war, sports and evolutionary struggle are used to construct business as a masculinized social domain. In view of the subtle but pervasive socio-cognitive impact of these metaphors, the study raises the question of possible alternatives and the scope for change in business media discourse.

A Century of Premiers: Salisbury to Blair

by D. Leonard

During the course of the Twentieth Century, nineteen men and one woman - from Robert Cecil, Third Marquis of Salisbury to Tony Blair - have occupied the post of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The Rise of Oriental Travel: English Visitors to the Ottoman Empire, 1580 - 1720

by G. Maclean

This book follows four Seventeenth-century Englishmen on their journeys around the Ottoman Empire while the British were, for the first time in history, becoming important players in the Mediterranean. This book shows that hostility between East and West is neither historical nor inevitable, but rather the result of selective memory.

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