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The Dawn of Eurasia: On the Trail of the New World Order

by Bruno Maçães

In this original and timely book, Bruno Maçães argues that the best word for the emerging global order is 'Eurasian', and shows why we need to begin thinking on a super-continental scale. While China and Russia have been quicker to recognise the increasing strategic significance of Eurasia, even Europeans are realizing that their political project is intimately linked to the rest of the supercontinent - and as Maçães shows, they will be stronger for it. Weaving together history, diplomacy and vivid reports from his six-month overland journey across Eurasia from Baku to Samarkand, Vladivostock to Beijing, Maçães provides a fascinating portrait of this shifting geopolitical landscape. As he demonstrates, we can already see the coming Eurasianism in China's bold infrastructure project reopening the historic Silk Road, in the success of cities like Hong Kong and Singapore, in Turkey's increasing global role and in the fact that, revealingly, the United States is redefining its place as between Europe and Asia. An insightful and clarifying book for our turbulent times, The Dawn of Eurasia argues that the artificial separation of the world's largest island cannot hold, and the sooner we realise it, the better.

Contemporary Value Systems in China (China Insights)

by Zhen Han Weiwen Zhang

This work illustrates China’s values and how they are practiced. After introducing readers to the theories, systematical structure, historical status, and influence of traditional Chinese values, it points out major developmental trends in connection with modernization. Further, it explores the significance of the contemporary reconstruction of Chinese values and argues that these values can be divided into three layers: values-based goals of national development, Chinese values concepts, and norms of values in a civil society. On this basis, it subsequently interprets the core socialist values “Prosperity, Democracy, Civility and Harmony,” the value concepts “Freedom, Equality, Justice and Rule of Law” and values-based norms “Patriotism, Dedication, Integrity and Friendship.”

Michael of Ephesus: On Virtue (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)

by James Wilberding Julia Trompeter Alberto Rigolio

The two texts translated in this volume of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series both compare the happiness of the practical life, which is subject to the hazards of fortune, with the happiness of the life of philosophical contemplation, which is subject to fewer needs. The first is Michael of Ephesus' 12th-century commentary on Book 10 of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, written (alongside his commentaries on Books 5 and 9) to fill gaps in the Neoplatonists' commentaries from the 6th century. He recognizes that lives of practicality and philosophy may be combined, and gives his own account of the superiority of the contemplative. The second is Themistius' text On Virtue, written in the 4th century AD. He was an important teacher and commentator on Aristotle, an orator and leading civil servant in Constantinople. His philosophical oration is here argued to be written in support of the Emperor Julian's insistence against the misuse of free speech by a Cynic Heraclius, who had satirised him. Julian had previously criticised Themistius but here he combines his political and philosophical roles in seeking to mend relations with his former pupil.

Flucht und Migration in Europa: Neue Herausforderungen für Parteien, Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften (Politik und Religion)

by Oliver Hidalgo Gert Pickel

Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit dem neuen Bereich der Verbindung zwischen Fluchtbewegungen, Geflüchteten und Religion. Dies impliziert Fragen, ob Religion eine Integrationsressource in den Aufnahmegesellschaften darstellt oder sich als Hemmnis für eine erfolgreiche Integration erweist. Dabei kommt politischen wie religiösen Institutionen eine große Bedeutung zu. Diese wird im Buch aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und unter Nutzung neuen empirischen Materials beleuchtet.Der InhaltAuswirkungen der Flüchtlingskrise auf das Verhältnis von Politik und Religion ● Demokratien in Bewegung ● Religiös-kulturelle Aspekte sozialer Integration ● Die Wahrnehmung des Weltjugendtags 2016 in deutschen Medien ● CDU und CSU zwischen Macht und Werten ● Konfliktpartnerschaft zwischen konfessionellen Wohlfahrtsverbänden und dem Staat ● Muslimische Gemeinden in der Flüchtlingsarbeit ● Muslimische Verbände in der Flüchtlingsarbeit als „Kulturdolmetscher“● Konfliktfeld Flüchtlingspolitik ● Religiöse Hintergründe der Flüchtlingshilfe ● PEGIDA und der „religiöse Musikalitätsmangel“ ● Der Flüchtling als Muslim? ● Migration und Entwicklung von Wertorientierungen unter Berücksichtigung der Religion Die HerausgeberDr. Oliver Hidalgo ist Privatdozent für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Regensburg.Dr. Gert Pickel ist Professor für Religions- und Kirchensoziologie an der Universität Leipzig.

Maths for Social Sciences (UNITEXT #113)

by Lorenzo Peccati Margherita Cigola Mauro D'Amico

This book is aimed at students in social sciences programs that include some course in quantitative methods. Stats for social sciences is frequently the subject of textbooks, while maths for social sciences is often neglected: monographs on specific themes (like, for instance, social choice systems or game theory applications) are available, but they do not adequately cover the topic in general. This textbook stems from the Bocconi University’s new "Bachelor in Government", which was launched in 2015, and is intended for undergraduate students who do not exclude maths from their toolbox. It discusses various concrete applications in political economics, political science, sociology, and demography and explores topics like Grexit, Macron’s success, immigration effects and the Arab Spring.

Foucault und das Politische: Transdisziplinäre Impulse für die politische Theorie der Gegenwart (Politologische Aufklärung – konstruktivistische Perspektiven)

by Oliver Marchart Renate Martinsen

Das Werk Michel Foucaults hat das Feld politiktheoretisch informierter Analysen erheblich erweitert und dazu beigetragen, Grundbegriffe der Politischen Theorie neu zu verstehen. Der Band unternimmt erstmalig eine Bestandsaufnahme zum Spektrum der aktuellen Arbeiten mit und zu Foucault in der Politischen Theorie. Die Beiträge thematisieren Foucaults Konzeptionen von Freiheit, Kritik, Wahrheit, Macht oder Staat, verorten Foucault im Verhältnis zu Latour, Bourdieu oder Haraway und problematisieren Foucault u.a. vor dem Hintergrund der Geschichte des Marxismus und der Gegenwart des Neoliberalismus.Der Inhalt• Foucault, die Politische Theorie und das Politische• Reflexion politiktheoretischer Grundbegriffe („Theorie“)• Komparatistische Studien („Vergleich“)• Neuperspektivierung konkreter Handlungsfelder („Problematisierung“)Die ZielgruppenStudierende, Lehrende und WissenschaftlerInnen in Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie, Kulturwissenschaft und PhilosophieDie HerausgeberDr. Oliver Marchart ist Professor für Politische Theorie am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien.Dr. Renate Martinsen ist Professorin für Politische Theorie am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Duisburg-Essen.


by Martin Tschiggerl Thomas Walach Stefan Zahlmann

Die Rehabilitation des in Verruf geratenen Subjekts als einzig bestimmender historischer Akteur ist der zentrale Anspruch dieses Buches. Wesentliche geschichtswissenschaftliche Kategorien wie historische Wirklichkeit, Geschichte als Wissenschaft, Quellen und Medien werden darin nicht als positive Phänomene verkannt, sondern als Produkte einer dialektischen Auseinandersetzung zwischen dem Subjekt und seiner wahrgenommenen Umwelt erfasst. Damit werden in diesem Buch die Ecksteine einer neuen Geschichtstheorie erläutert.

Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft. Systematische und historische Abhandlungen: herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Karl-Heinz Braun, Frauke Stübig und Heinz Stübig

by Wolfgang Klafki

Das Buch editiert die wesentlichen Originaltexte Wolfgang Klafkis im Kontext der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Pädagogik und der von ihm entwickelten kritisch-konstruktiven Erziehungswissenschaft. In zwei Werkgruppen haben die Herausgeberin und die Herausgeber zum einen systematische Arbeiten, zum anderen historisch orientierte Texte Klafkis zusammengestellt, in denen jeweils Grundfragen pädagogischen Handelns und Denkens erörtert werden.Dabei geht es im ersten Teil um Begründungen pädagogischer Zielsetzungen sowie Studien zur kritisch-konstruktiven Didaktik und Hermeneutik, während im zweiten Teil Klafkis Auseinandersetzung mit zentralen Aspekten der Pädagogik Herbarts, der Nelson-Schule, Schleiermachers und Theodor Litts dokumentiert wird.

Politik und Christentum – Kohärenzen und Differenzen: Eine russisch-deutsche Sicht auf die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts

by Christoph Böhr Claudia Crawford Lars Hoffmann

In Brjansk, wo im September 1941 der deutsche Angriff auf Moskau begann, befassten sich russische und deutsche Wissenschaftler mit der Frage, inwieweit in der bewegten Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts christliche Überzeugungen das politische und staatliche Handeln beider Länder prägten – und wie sich Politik und Staat in ein Verhältnis zu Religion setzten. Diese Fragestellung findet bei russischen Wissenschaftlern heute beachtliche Aufmerksamkeit. Umso spannender ist es, dem Verhältnis von Glaube und Gesellschaft im Deutschland des 20. Jahrhunderts mit den Augen der russischen Forschung nachzuspüren. Das ist längst nicht nur reizvoll für den Historiker, sondern führt auch zu wichtigen allgemeinen Einsichten über das wechselvolle Beziehungsverhältnis von Religion und Politik in den verschiedenen Etappen russischer – und vor allem deutscher – Geschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.Infolge der beiden Weltkriege wurden die vormals engen, auf Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz zurückgehenden Wissenschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Russland und Deutschland überlagert von der scheinbar unüberbrückbaren Feindschaft zweier Machtblöcke. Umso mehr fällt auf, wie gut sich russische Wissenschaftler mit den deutschen Verhältnissen in Geschichte und Gegenwart auskennen und diese mit hoher Sachkunde im Licht eigener geschichtlicher Erfahrungen beurteilen.Die HerausgeberDr. Christoph Böhr ist ao. Professor am Institut für Philosophie der Hochschule Heiligenkreuz/Wien.Bundesministerin a.D. Claudia Crawford ist Direktorin des Büros der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Moskau.Dr. Lars Hoffmann ist Byzantinist, Theologe und Historiker.

Praxeologie der Politik: Die politische Theorie Pierre Bourdieus

by Lucas Gros

Pierre Bourdieus Praxeologie ist eine Theorie der politischen Praxis. Sie lässt sich vielseitig für umfassende Untersuchungen der Implementation, des Erhalts und des Umsturzes politischer und sozialer Ordnungen einsetzen. Gemeinhin als der wichtigste Soziologe der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts akzeptiert, blieb eine breite Rezeption Bourdieus in der Politikwissenschaft dennoch bislang aus. Dies mithilfe einer systematisierten und auf die politischen Aspekte hin zugespitzten Gesamtschau des umfangreichen Werks Bourdieus zu ändern, hat sich das vorliegende Buch zur Aufgabe gemacht.

Sanierungskredite unter dem Regelwerk des Insolvenzplanverfahrens: Risiken der Banken bei Darlehen an Unternehmen nach Ende ihrer Planinsolvenz (BestMasters)

by Antje Oswald

Das Insolvenzplanverfahren als Sanierungsinstrument gewinnt mit zunehmender Globalisierung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Gerade in der kritischen Phase nach Aufhebung der Insolvenz zum Übergang in die Planüberwachung ist der Sanierungserfolg der Gesellschaft jedoch abhängig von der Zuführung neuer Liquidität. Die vorliegende Untersuchung arbeitet in diesem Zusammenhang den Begriff des Sanierungskredits sowie die speziellen Risiken für Banken heraus und zeigt eine Herangehensweise zur Minimierung ihrer Haftungsgefahren. Hierbei hinterfragt die Autorin insbesondere, ob auf ein zeit- und kostenintensives Sanierungsgutachten zum Zeitpunkt nach Aufhebung des Insolvenzplanverfahrens ausnahmsweise verzichtet werden kann.

Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #132)

by Ajey Lele

This book debates and discusses the present and future of Disruptive Technologies in general and military Disruptive Technologies in particular. Its primary goal is to discuss various critical and advanced elucidations on strategic technologies. The focus is less on extrapolating the future of technology in a strict sense, and more on understanding the Disruptive Technology paradigm. It is widely accepted that technology alone cannot win any military campaign or war. However, technological superiority always offers militaries an advantage. More importantly, technology also has a great deterrent value. Hence, on occasion, technology can help to avoid wars. Accordingly, it is important to effectively manage new technologies by identifying their strategic utility and role in existing military architectures and the possible contributions they could make towards improving overall military capabilities. This can also entail doctrinal changes, so as to translate these new technologies into concrete advantages.

Dirichlet: A Mathematical Biography

by Uta C. Merzbach

This is the first extensive biography of the influential German mathematician, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805 – 1859). Dirichlet made major contributions to number theory in addition to clarifying concepts such as the representation of functions as series, the theory of convergence, and potential theory. His mathematical methodology was explicitly based on a thorough knowledge of the work of his predecessors and his belief in the underlying unity of the branches of mathematics. This unified approach is exemplified in a paper that effectively launched the field of analytic number theory. The same orientation pervaded his teaching, which had a profound influence on the work of many mathematicians of subsequent generations. Chapters dealing with his mathematical work alternate with biographical chapters that place Dirichlet’s life and those of some of his notable associates in the context of the political, social, and artistic culture of the period. This book will appeal not only to mathematicians but also to historians of mathematics and sciences, and readers interested in the cultural and intellectual history of the nineteenth century.

Die K-Gruppen: Entstehung – Entwicklung - Niedergang (essentials)

by Jens Benicke

Dieses essential gibt einen Überblick über die sogenannten K-Gruppen. Es beschreibt die Entstehung dieser maoistisch-neoleninistischen Kaderorganisationen aus dem Zerfall der Studierendenbewegung von 1968. Der Autor zeigt die Entwicklung der K-Gruppen zu einer der stärksten Fraktionen der außerparlamentarischen Linken im ‚Roten Jahrzehnt‘ der 1970er-Jahre und zeichnet ihren schnellen Niedergang während des Aufkommens der Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen nach.

Finanzsystemstabilität, systemisches Risiko und Bailout-Instrumente: Eine Analyse staatlich induzierter Bankenrettungsmaßnahmen (BestMasters)

by Vera Stolz-Gerhardt

Vera Stolz-Gerhardt untersucht die Notwendigkeit der Rettung systemrelevanter Banken und diskutiert darauf aufbauend die in der Finanzkrise 2007 – 2009 etablierten staatlich induzierten Bankenrettungsmaßnahmen (Bailouts). Sie zeigt auf, dass diese das systemische Risiko insgesamt erhöhen können und infolgedessen das Ziel einer langfristigen Finanzsystemstabilität, das bereits seit den 2000er Jahren im weltweiten Fokus der Zentralbanken steht, konterkarieren. In der Konsequenz sollte deshalb bei der Etablierung staatlich induzierter Bankenrettungsmaßnahmen der Tradeoff aus einer kurzfristigen Stabilisierung des Finanzsystems mit den direkten Kosten und negativen Effekten des staatlichen Eingriffs abgewogen werden.

The Theoretic Life - A Classical Ideal and its Modern Fate: Reflections on the Liberal Arts

by Alexander S. Rosenthal-Pubul

In this work, Alexander Rosenthal Pubul presents a broad examination of the ancient philosophical question: “What is the good life?”, while addressing how the liberal arts can help us to answer this question. Greek philosophy distinguished between the “noble” (what is good in itself), from the merely “useful” (good for something else). From thence follows the distinction between the liberal arts which pursue such noble goods and the mechanical arts which are only instrumental. For Aristotle, the most noble and excellent good is wisdom itself. Hence the theoretic life devoted to the love of wisdom for its own sake –philosophy - is the highest and the most excellent. This work theorizes the origins of modernity in a rebellion against this Greek conception resulting in a complete inversion of the classical hierarchy. Sir. Francis Bacon reconceiving the purpose of knowledge as power, enthroned technology over philosophy and the liberal arts. The unfolding of the modern Baconian revolution progressively sidelines the liberal arts, as practical economic and technical utility become the standard of value. In assessing this problem, the book engages in a capacious journey across disciplines like philosophy, history, art, politics, and science. It is also a veritable tour across the Western intellectual tradition including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, Thomas Aquinas, Bacon, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, Dewey, Berdyaev, Einstein, and Heidegger. It pleads the urgent need to preserve the humanizing cultural ideals of the ancient classics against the modern tyranny of utility and the dangers of a new barbarism.

Beyond Political Skin: Colonial to National Economies in Indonesia and Vietnam (1910s-1960s)

by Phạm Văn Thuỷ

This book explains the dynamics behind the economic transformation from the colonial era to the post-independence period in Indonesia and Vietnam. It analyses the different Vietnamese and Indonesian government approaches to the economic legacies of colonialism remaining in these countries after independence. It also demonstrates that despite critical differences between the two nation-states, the Vietnamese and Indonesian leaderships were pursuing similar long-term goals: to create a truly independent national economy. The book discusses the way in which the Indonesian government established complete economic control, resembling the socialist transformation of North Vietnam in the 1950s, and the various means by which the government of South Vietnam concentrated economic power in its own hands during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It also explores how the Indonesian government was determined remove the economic legacy of Dutch colonialism by placing the entire economy under strong state control and ownership in accordance with the spirit of Guided Democracy and Guided Economy in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. This book is a point of reference for students, researchers and academics interested in a comparative analysis of the economic systems implemented by the colonial and fascist powers in Indonesia and Vietnam.

First Philosophy: Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts from the Manuscripts (1920-1925) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Collected Works #14)

by Edmund Husserl S. Luft Thane M. Naberhaus

This volume presents, for the first time in English, Husserl’s seminal 1923/24 lecture course First Philosophy (Erste Philosophie) together with a selection of material from the famous research manuscripts of the same time period. The lecture course is divided into two systematic, yet interrelated parts (“Critical History of Ideas” and “Theory of the Phenomenological Reduction”). It has long been recognized by scholars as among the most important of the many lecture courses he taught in his career. Indeed it was deemed as crucially important by Husserl himself, who composed it with a view toward eventual publication. It is unsurprising, then, that First Philosophy is the only lecture course that is consistently counted among his major works. In addition to furnishing valuable insights into Husserl’s understanding of the history of philosophy, First Philosophy is his most sustained treatment of the phenomenological reduction, the central concept of his philosophical methodology. The selection of supplemental texts expands on the topics treated in the lectures, but also add other themes from Husserl’s vast oeuvre. The manuscript material is especially worthwhile, because in it, Husserl offers candid self-criticisms of his publicly enunciated words, and also makes forays into areas of his philosophy that he was loath to publicize, lest his words be misunderstood.As Husserl’s position as a key contributor to contemporary thought has, with the passage of time, become increasingly clear, the demand for access to his writings in English has steadily grown. This translation strives to meet this demand by providing English-speaking readers access to this central Husserlian text. It will be of interest to scholars of Husserl’s work, non-specialists, and students of phenomenology.

Roald Amundsen’s Sled Dogs: The Sledge Dogs Who Helped Discover the South Pole

by Mary R. Tahan

This book is an analytical account of how Roald Amundsen used sledge dogs to discover the South Pole in 1911, and is the first to name and identify all 116 Polar dogs who were part of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition of 1910–1912. The book traces the dogs from their origins in Greenland to Antarctica and beyond, and presents the author’s findings regarding which of the dogs actually reached the South Pole, and which ones returned.Using crewmember diaries, reports, and written correspondence, the book explores the strategy, methodology, and personal insights of the explorer and his crew in employing canines to achieve their goal, as well as documents the controversy and internal dynamics involved in this historic discovery. It breaks ground in presenting the entire story of how the South Pole was truly discovered using animals, and how deep and profound the differences of perception were regarding the use of canines for exploration.This historic tale sheds light on Antarctic exploration history and the human-nature relationship. It gives recognition to the significant role that animals played in this important part of history.

Progressive New World: How Settler Colonialism and Transpacific Exchange Shaped American Reform

by Marilyn Lake

In a bold argument, Marilyn Lake shows that race and reform were mutually supportive as Progressivism became the political logic of settler colonialism at the turn of the 20th century. She points to exchanges between American and Australasian reformers who shared racial sensibilities, along with a commitment to forging an ideal social order.

Progressive New World: How Settler Colonialism and Transpacific Exchange Shaped American Reform

by Marilyn Lake

In a bold argument, Marilyn Lake shows that race and reform were mutually supportive as Progressivism became the political logic of settler colonialism at the turn of the 20th century. She points to exchanges between American and Australasian reformers who shared racial sensibilities, along with a commitment to forging an ideal social order.

Segu (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Barbara Bray Maryse Condé

The bestselling epic novel of family, treachery, rivalry, religious fervour and the turbulent fate of a royal African dynastyIt is 1797 and the African kingdom of Segu, born of blood and violence, is at the height of its power. Yet Dousika Traore, the king's most trusted advisor, feels nothing but dread. Change is coming. From the East, a new religion, Islam. From the West, the slave trade. These forces will tear his country, his village and the lives of his beloved sons apart, in Maryse Condé's glittering epic.

The History of Africa: The Quest for Eternal Harmony

by Molefi Kete Asante

Authoritative and comprehensive, The History of Africa provides an accessible narrative from earliest prehistory to the present day, with unusual attention paid to the ordinary lives of Africans. This survey includes a wealth of indigenous ideas, African concepts, and traditional outlooks that have escaped the writing of African history in the West. The fully updated new edition includes information on the recent conflicts in Libya and the Sudan, as well as additional content on the experiences and contributions of women. A companion website offers a wealth of supporting resources for each chapter, including new historic maps, primary sources, video and audio clips, and links to sites for further research. Richly illustrated and clearly written, this volume is an indispensable introduction to the major developments, personalities, and events that have shaped the history of the African continent.

Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day

by John Boardman

An illustrious scholar presents an elegant, concise, and generously illustrated exploration of Alexander the Great’s representations in art and literature through the agesJohn Boardman is one of the world’s leading authorities on ancient Greece, and his acclaimed books command a broad readership. In this book, he looks beyond the life of Alexander the Great in order to examine the astonishing range of Alexanders created by generations of authors, historians, and artists throughout the world—from Scotland to China.Alexander’s defeat of the Persian Empire in 331 BC captured the popular imagination, inspiring an endless series of stories and representations that emerged shortly after his death and continues today. An art historian and archaeologist, Boardman draws on his deep knowledge of Alexander and the ancient world to reflect on the most interesting and emblematic depictions of this towering historical figure.Some of the stories in this book relate to historical events associated with Alexander’s military career and some to the fantasy that has been woven around him, and Boardman relates each with his customary verve and erudition. From Alexander’s biographers in ancient Greece to the illustrated Alexander “Romances” of the Middle Ages to operas, films, and even modern cartoons, this generously illustrated volume takes readers on a fascinating cultural journey as it delivers a perfect pairing of subject and author.

Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day

by John Boardman

An illustrious scholar presents an elegant, concise, and generously illustrated exploration of Alexander the Great’s representations in art and literature through the agesJohn Boardman is one of the world’s leading authorities on ancient Greece, and his acclaimed books command a broad readership. In this book, he looks beyond the life of Alexander the Great in order to examine the astonishing range of Alexanders created by generations of authors, historians, and artists throughout the world—from Scotland to China.Alexander’s defeat of the Persian Empire in 331 BC captured the popular imagination, inspiring an endless series of stories and representations that emerged shortly after his death and continues today. An art historian and archaeologist, Boardman draws on his deep knowledge of Alexander and the ancient world to reflect on the most interesting and emblematic depictions of this towering historical figure.Some of the stories in this book relate to historical events associated with Alexander’s military career and some to the fantasy that has been woven around him, and Boardman relates each with his customary verve and erudition. From Alexander’s biographers in ancient Greece to the illustrated Alexander “Romances” of the Middle Ages to operas, films, and even modern cartoons, this generously illustrated volume takes readers on a fascinating cultural journey as it delivers a perfect pairing of subject and author.

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