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WOMXN: Acrostics and Poems to Reclaim the Words that Have Hurt Us

by Lexy Wren-Sillevis

"There are so many words, insults, labels and boxes for women to be packaged and packed off in. Often, but not always, they're words coined by men. Why that is, is a bigger conversation that is starting to be had by women everywhere. We're slowly, but oh-so-surely, making it clear that there is no man in womxn. We're writing him out and writing us back in, and we deserve a suffix all of our own that is free from patriarchal roots. So from here on in, we are WOMXN."Sticks and Stones is a powerful reclamation of the slurs and insults thrown at women for centuries. It's a righting of wrongs - a rewriting of sexist, belittling and shaming language. It's a tool for breaking free from the stereotypes and impossible standards used to confine women, transforming them into messages of resilience and resolve. And, most importantly, it's a rallying call for change, healing and empowerment.It takes the words, slurs, insults and labels that are used to diminish women every day and breaks them down and tears them apart. It transmutes and rewrites these words - sometimes with all of the pain they trigger, sometimes in the form of positive affirmations, mantras and poems - all told in acrostics.With their underlying meditative rhythms, these acrostics are also a remedy for healing wounds and empowering women to have the confidence to be their true selves. You can dip in and out, or read it cover to cover. You can come back to, and work through, any words that resonate with you. Lexy also offers clearing meditations at the back of the book to help you tackle the words that hurt you most, helping to remove them from your past, present and future.This title is illustrated by the hugely talented illustrator and print maker Margaux Carpentier. Margaux creates pictures using a symbolic language, so each piece has its own unique message for every individual. Her work is inspired by all the incredible colours of the world. She adapts her illustrations in 3D and large-scale murals, the most recent of which is currently on display in Brown Hart Gardens in Mayfair, London.

The Crystal Healer: Unlock the Ancient Power of Precious Stones

by Brenda Rosen

Harness the power of crystals to heal promote physical wellbeing, balance your emotions and achieve spiritual harmony.Beautiful and mysterious, crystals have been used for thousands of years for decoration, adornment, protection and healing, but they are so much more than beautiful objects. When crystals are formed, tremendous heat and pressure arranges their molecules into a regular pattern and this sacred geometry is what gives crystals their unique ability to absorb, store, generate and transmit energy. Working with crystals can therefore help us amplify, direct and balance the flow of our life-force in our bodies and surroundings.The Crystal Healer is your introduction to everything you need to know to get started with crystals so that you can benefit from the gentle natural healing properties of crystals.Discover 20 practical exercises to use crystals to improve your health, balance your emotions and find peace and harmony. Learn how to:- Choose and care for crystals, from selecting crystals for the colours, shapes and properties that best suit your needs to cleansing your crystals between uses- Connect with your chakras, helping you to balance and heal your chakras and connect with and heal specific parts of your body,- Promote physical wellbeing with exercises that help with pain relief, clearing nasal congestions, soothing sore throats, improving digestion, addressing hormonal imbalances, strengthening immune systems, improving sleep and detoxifying the body- Regulate your emotions with exercises that ease stress, combat anxiety and depression, release fears and phobias, push out anger and draw in forgiveness, clear brain fog and ease heartache- Reach for spiritual harmony by using crystals to enhance your intuition, guide your meditations and improve your ability to recall and decode your dreams

Moon Astrology: Using the Moon's Signs and Phases to Enhance Your Life

by The Fairy Bible Teresa Dellbridge

Do you sometimes feel like the universe is against you? Do some days just flow more easily than others? Are you seeking a way to live in tune with nature?You probably know all about your Sun Sign, which describes your personality, but have you heard of your Moon Sign? Your Lunar zodiac sign governs your emotional life, your inner mood and your day-to-day energy. Moon Astrology will teach you all about your moon sign so that you can harness the moon's cosmic power to propel you wisely and serenely through life.As the moon passes through its phases, the ebb and flow of its energy wash through you like the coming and going of the tides.When you tap into the moon's tempo and plan the events of your life in tune with its rhythm, you feel more centred and balanced, and every aspect of life is in harmony with nature's music. Learning about the moon's signs and phases means that you can:· Understand why some days are easy and some are difficult· Plan your life to take advantage of cosmic influences to power important decisions and actions· Track the moon's phases with easy-to-use Lunar phase tables for 2019-2030 and look up your moon sign with birth charts from 1924 to 2025 plus an easy guide for calculating any date past or future· Learn about how each phase of the moon brings different energies for reflection, rest, growth and inspiration· Find easy spiritual exercises for channelling the power of each phase· Discover how to take advantage of each phase to supercharge your Health and Beauty, Love and Relationships, Career and Finances and your Home and GardenWith sections on interpreting your moon sign, understanding the different phases of the moon, and mastering "moon-phase life planning", Moon Astrology is the essential guide to discovering how the moon can impact your instincts and intuitions, and have subtle effects on the rhythms of everyday life.

The Wiccan Handbook: A Modern Guide to the Symbols, Spells and Rituals of Witchcraft

by Susan Bowes

Hidden within all of us is a special set of powers. Learning the tools of wicca and witchcraft unlocks those powers and opens the door on to a new world. This essential handbook is filled with everything you need to know in order to live in harmony with yourself and the natural world. It features detailed information on the most important elements of a modern-day wiccan way of life, including how to celebrate all the sabbats of the year, casting a sacred circle, writing and casting spells, essential everyday tools, and interpreting and understanding the four elements and their correspondences. You will also find advice on using the healing properties of herbs, trees, crystals, colours, numbers and astrological energies to empower and enhance your work. The Wiccan Handbook is an indispensable guide to embracing wicca and witchcraft in our modern world, bringing more meaning and significance to your everyday life. Contents Introduction Part 1: The Story of Witchcraft The Early Times Modern Witchcraft Part 2: Getting Started The Tools of the Trade Part 3: Practicing Witchcraft Magical Charms and Symbols The Witch's Calendar Casting a Sacred Circle The Witch's Way to Draw in Love Creating Abundance Creating Miracles

Crap Divination: The Dark Art of Reading Dark Marks: How to Interpret Toilet Runes

by Dingleberry Marx

This easy-to-follow-through guide lifts the lid on toilet marks and unlocks the secret of your secretions.A divination guide for bowel-on-bowl action, this book will develop your innate intuition skills and reveal the mysteries of symbolics. But this is not just symbolics; this is some really deep shit.Sifting through the crap to the find the sweetcorn of truth, this is an illustrated guide to the meaning of that which comes from our souls. Say it loud. Our souls. Our souls. Our souls. Crap Divination is the turd-teller's Tarot, the butt-bean favomancer's friend, the smelly-pebble pessomancer's pamphlet and is your guide to the dark art of reading dark marks."It's a load of shite if you ask me. Not the book. The book's alright." S. Mears"I once did two turds and one spooned the other. What does this mean?" [review does not meet the criteria for verification. Send it on to Clive in Accounts though as I'm sure he did a spooner once]About the author:Dingleberry Marx knows he's shit. He also knows his shit.

The Art of Positive Living: How to See the Good in Everyday Life

by Pyramid

Positive thinking increases our self-confidence, helps us stay more open to new experiences, enhances our joy, and keeps us feeling energised and focused on our goals.In The Art of Positive Living, you'll discover the benefits of shifting your mindset to cultivate positive thinking so that you can strengthen your ability to see the good in life and remain hopeful even when times are tough. We all experience moments of sadness and difficulty in our lives, but fortunately our ability to be resilient and remain optimistic in the face of bad news, loss and adversity is something we can develop and strengthen through positive thinking and mindfulness.This little collection of tips, inspirational quotes and reflections will help you find new strategies for:- crushing negative self-talk,- practicing self-acceptance,- experiencing gratitude,- finding joy in small moments,- moving more mindfully through your day,- and recharging your energy when life gets you down.This book will show you just how impactful it can be to take a few short moments to look on the bright side and will ultimately help to boost your mood and improve your overall wellbeing.

The Art of Mindful Living: How to Slow Down and Live Mindfully

by Pyramid

Mindful is about fully appreciating life's little pleasures and the most precious of moments that, all too often, pass by unnoticed when the mind is distracted. Though it seems like a paradox, slowing down to focus on one thing at a time and resisting the urge to multi-task can actually make us more productive by allowing us to deliberately concentrate our energy on our most important tasks. Likewise, mindful living also helps us be more aware of our thought patterns so that we can cultivate inner peace and appreciate the beauty in our day to day lives.This little collection of tips, inspirational quotes and reflections will help you find new strategies to:- stay focused and resist the urge to multitask,- take a few minutes to meditate and recentre yourself,- create a calming environment,- appreciate the beauty around you,- be more patient,- and manage your emotions to cultivate inner peace.This book will show you just how impactful it can be to take a few short moments to calm your mind and will ultimately help live a more peaceful and focused life.

Minute Meditations: Quick Practices for 5, 10 or 20 Minutes

by Madonna Gauding

From the author of the bestselling classic The Meditation Bible.Meditation has the potential to help you create a better state of mind. But with the time constraints of everyday modern life, it isn't always easy to find an opportunity to be alone with your thoughts.With Minute Meditations it can be.Divided into three handy sections - 5, 10 and 20 minute practices - this book is perfect for busy lives. No matter how much time you have in your day, it will allow you to reap the benefits of daily meditation, creating calm and balance in the busyness of everyday life. Incorporating short practices into your daily life also benefits those who engage in longer practices by training the mind to enter a meditative space more easily.You'll find 5, 10 and 20 minute meditations specially designed to help in every aspect of your life, including meditations for:- Calming and Centring Yourself- Healing your Body, Mind and Spirit- Promoting Love and Compassion for Yourself and Others- Living More Mindfully- Problem Solving- Manifesting your Dreams and Connecting to the Divine Take some 'you' time wherever you are to recharge, de-stress and connect with your spiritual self. Discover what even 5 minutes can do for your inner peace.

Crystal Zodiac: How to use Crystals to Read your Fortune

by Alice Linden

Find your own personal star sign crystal and harness the connection between crystal healing and the power of astrology to empower your best self and reveal the future.All crystals vibrate with energy that can have a balancing effect on the body and can be used to promote physical, mental and emotional healing. When crystals are selected to work in conjunction with the astrological influences on our lives, the power of the stars heightens the crystal's power to improve your life.The Crystal Zodiac will show you how each of the 12 zodiac signs correspond to a crystal and how each crystal aligns with the energies associated with its zodiac sign. Whether you're a Gemini, Leo, Libra or Taurus, there are crystals that speak to your specific energy and can give you a boost when you need that extra spark.You can also use crystals attuned with astrological forces in fortune-telling. With The Crystal Zodiac's fortune-telling techniques, you can use your crystals to open a gateway to deeper knowledge and inner wisdom by channelling the prophetic power of the stars to answer all your deepest questions. Draw on crystals for your own personal daily horoscope, whatever your star sign is, or consult the crystal oracles by casting the crystals onto a zodiac circle for a full answer to what the future holds in store.Learn how to:- Use the crystal directory to find your zodiac crystal and discover the astrological properties of the crystals in your collections- Choose and care for crystals, from selecting crystals for the colours, shapes and properties that best suit your needs to cleansing your crystals between uses- Find your zodiac crystal and choose crystals for their astrological properties to channel energy from your sun sign in your day-to-day life or to help you channel desired traits from another sign in the zodiac- Use crystals to guide you towards the energy you'll need for the day ahead, your daily crystal can give you a hint of what's to come and give you the energy you need to face it- Consult the crystal oracles and cast a crystal zodiac circle to read your fortune, casting can answer specific questions about your present and your future, guiding you with insight drawn from the crystals and the stars

How to Find Your Happy Place: Quiet Spaces and Journal Pages for Busy Minds

by Alison Davies

We all have a happy place that makes us feel safe and content in times of uncertainty ... sometimes we just need someone to take us by the hand and lead us there.An antidote to the stresses of modern-day life, How to Find Your Happy Place will show you that your happy place is just a few moments away. Short descriptions of imagined scenes will help you visualise a space that's tailored exactly to your needs, whether it's calm or comfort you long for, or rejuvenation and inspiration. And accompanying mantras and journal pages will bring you even closer to a state of ease and tranquillity when you need it most.Wherever yours is, this book offers new inspiration and a plethora of suggestions to help you discover happy places for whichever energies you wish to cultivate. Find happy places for:- Peace and calm- Healing- Love and kindness- Happiness- Rejuvenation

Charms & Symbols: How to Weave the Power of Ancient Signs and Marks into Modern Life

by Alison Davies

For thousands of years, charms and symbols have allowed us to communicate powerful feelings without the use of a single word. From the elegant, sacred Feather to the strong, rooted Tree of Life, signs and symbols such as these can help guide us on our journey through life. Charms & Symbols is a guide to symbols from cultures around the world. Discover the meanings of these beautiful emblems and learn how to work with each of them to improve your overall wellbeing. Including exercises and self-care tips, this book mixes ancient wisdom with a modern and accessible approach to self-care.Learn how to focus and meditate on symbols through activities such as breathing exercises and mindful practices to help boost your self-esteem, restore and rejuvenate your body and mind, connect with your intuition and ease feelings of anxiety and worry.Discover symbols such as:- The Tree of Life, for a greater connection between life on earth and the afterlife- The Triple Moon, used to represent the power of the goddess- The Endless Knot, an important symbol in Buddhism representing the endless cycles in life- The Triquetra, a Celtic protection symbol representing the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone- The Hamsa, a Middle Eastern symbol that represents protection, fortune, health and happiness

The Art of Calm Living: How to Find Calm and Live Peacefully

by Camille Knight

In our busy modern lives it can be easy to feel stressed out, burned out and overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. The Art of Calm Living is a pocket-sized collection of simple tips and soothing quotes to help you de-stress and return to a state of inner calm.We all know that stress not only makes us unhappy but also has negative effects on our health over time - that's why it's important to have strategies for returning ourselves to a calm state when we start to feel overwhelmed. From breathing exercises to helpful tips for managing your time and keeping things in perspective, The Art of Calm Living is full of practical tips for preventing stress, calming your anxiety and moving through life mindfully.

Aids, South Africa, And The Politics Of Knowledge (Global Health)

by Jeremy R. Youde

Through an in-depth examination of the interactions between the South African government and the international AIDS control regime, Jeremy Youde examines not only the emergence of an epistemic community but also the development of a counter-epistemic community offering fundamentally different understandings of AIDS and radically different policy prescriptions. In addition, individuals have become influential in the crafting of the South African government's AIDS policies, despite universal condemnation from the international scientific community. This study highlights the relevance and importance of Africa to international affairs. The actions of African states call into question many of our basic assumptions and challenge us to refine our analytical framework. It is ideally suited to scholars interested in African studies, international organizations, global governance and infectious diseases.

Aids, South Africa, And The Politics Of Knowledge (Global Health)

by Jeremy R. Youde

Through an in-depth examination of the interactions between the South African government and the international AIDS control regime, Jeremy Youde examines not only the emergence of an epistemic community but also the development of a counter-epistemic community offering fundamentally different understandings of AIDS and radically different policy prescriptions. In addition, individuals have become influential in the crafting of the South African government's AIDS policies, despite universal condemnation from the international scientific community. This study highlights the relevance and importance of Africa to international affairs. The actions of African states call into question many of our basic assumptions and challenge us to refine our analytical framework. It is ideally suited to scholars interested in African studies, international organizations, global governance and infectious diseases.

Red Carpet Workout

by Jordan Paramor Joe Fournier

Do you want to shift the bulge and still indulge?Do you want to lose weight, but still have a life?Do you have a big event looming that you need to shape up for - fast?All big stars train for their red carpet moments, now in just 6 weeks, you can train for yours. And still have fun.The Red Carpet Workout, fronted by celebrity and sporting trainer, Joe Fournier, is not just a quick-fix diet, it’s a way of life. The book brings together all the experience, tough love and motivational tips Joe uses to get A-listers into top shape – he will show you how to get fab results, quickly! Losing weight doesn’t have to be all about eating mung beans, and doing stomach crunches - we all know that in the real world no one carries a tupperware box full of carrot sticks. This book will be no-nonsense, fun guide to shaping up and still treating yourself and includes: insider Secrets from A-listers; exercises that tackle specific body parts like “A-List abs” “Oscar arms” and “Bafta bum” and a ‘champagne shape-up’ that allows you to drink and still shift poundsYou can get the hot body you have always wanted – but just been too lazy to make happen.

Puppy Tales

by Joanne Hull

Ever since she was a child, Joanne Hull has had an unusual affinity with animals and an incredible ability to communicate with them. Unsurprisingly, this connection is particularly strong with man's best friend. Intelligent, loving and loyal, dogs have always had a unique bond with humans and a special place in many people's hearts.For years Joanne has been a dedicated-dog owner and has helped other owners across the country understand their pets. In this book she shares funny, heart-warming and sometimes heart-breaking stories, and offers practical advice on how people can improve communication with their own canine companions. From uplifting tales of heroic dogs who saved the day to hilarious dog-related disasters/dilemmas to moving accounts of precious pets who are no longer with us, Puppy Tales is a celebration of all our four-pawed friends and a revelation in how to really understand your dog.

Matron on Call: More true stories of a 1960s NHS nurse

by Joan Woodcock

Joan Woodcock always dreamed of becoming a nurse. And in 1966 the dream came true. From her very first day as a naive sixteen-year-old cadet, standing nervously outside the matron's office, this is Joan's story of an eventful career spanning over forty years in NHS nursing. Working on hospital wards, casualty units and out in the community, as well as stints in a prison and a police unit dealing with sexual assault, Joan has seen it all. In this moving memoir she gives an honest, revealing account of a challenging, unpredictable and ultimately rewarding life in nursing. From an early encounter with a horrific axe injury, to the patient who swallowed their suppositories, to daily dealings with difficult patients and all kinds of bodily fluids, Joan shares memories of laughter and tragedy, and of the now defunct matron system that at one time instilled nurses with such high standards of professionalism and patient care.


by Denise Van Outen

Denise van Outen is one of theUK's most loved TV personalities. She's beautiful and successful, and she's recently given birth to beautiful baby Betsy! But Denise is just like any other new mum, and has experienced all the joys and the challenges that come with pregnancy.When Denise found out she was expecting Betsy, she went straight out and bought a wide range of titles, from celebrity mumoir to practical guides to eating and exercising properly. But all of these books were missing something - the element of fun!BUMPALICIOUS is much more than just a pregnancy diary - as well as Denise's own personal experiences, you'll also find helpful hints and tips, non-judgemental advice, nutritional and technical advice from food and fitness experts and, above all, a book that encourages you to relax and ENJOY the excitement of pregnancy and the first few months of being a new mum. Reading BUMPALICIOUS is like sitting down and having a good old natter with Denise, from the comfort of your couch.

Adventures in Parenthood

by Denise Van Outen

In her second parenting book, Denise van Outen recounts, with her trademark warmth and honest, down-to-earth attitude, the joys and challenges of motherhood following the birth of her daughter Betsy with Lee Mead. ADVENTURES IN PARENTHOOD tells the trials and tribulations of those first 18 months of parenthood, when everything is new. Denise believes it's important to be open and to share as a new mum - she has spoken out about breastfeeding and being a working mum in the press - and this book does exactly that. Denise draws not just on her own experience, but also those of her non-celebrity friends. Some of her Twitter followers have also added their own advice and experience. This frank and honest account from Denise is a great holiday read for any new parent who is wondering if anyone else is feeling the same way they are - the answer is usually yes!

The 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart

by Dr Neal Barnard

This easy to follow diet still allows you to eat unlimited carbohydrates, and promises: Appetite reduction Metabolism boost No calorie counting No points to calculate Dr Neal Barnard has been at the forefront of cutting-edge research on what it takes to lose weight permanently and with his medically proven programme you will also lower cholesterol and blood pressure.With clear, simple guidelines, meal plans, more that 60 recipes, tips for supermarket shopping and help on how to navigate a restaurant menu, THE 21-DAY WEIGHT LOSS KICKSTART is a diet that will give you the body you have always dreamed of having.

Travelling with Pomegranates: A Mother-daughter Story

by Sue Monk Kidd Ann Kidd Taylor

TRAVELLING WITH POMEGRANATES is a touching and perceptive memoir about mothers and daughters that will resonate with women of all ages. From Sue Monk Kidd, the New York Times bestselling author of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES and THE INVENTION OF WINGS ,and her daughter Ann Kidd Taylor. Sue Monk Kidd and her daughter Ann chronicle their travels together at a time when each had reached an important turning point in her life. What emerged was a quest for Ann and Sue to redefine themselves and also rediscover one other. Against the backdrop of the sacred sites of Greece, Turkey and France, Sue grapples with the problem of how to expand her vision of swarming bees into the novel that she feels compelled to write, whilst newly raduated Ann ponders the classic question of what to do with her life.

A Flash of Fireflies

by Aisha Bushby

A magical middle grade book about family, friendship and finding your place, with a delicate touch of magic. Perfect for 10 year olds and fans of Jacqueline Wilson, Michelle Harrison and Kiran Millwood-Hargrave and The Girl Who Speaks Bear.

Thank You, Baked Potato

by Matt Lucas

Matt Lucas’s chart-storming charity song, ‘Thank You, Baked Potato’, is now a laugh-out-loud picture book – perfect for self-isolation storytime! “Wash your hands! Stay indoors! Only visit grocery stores!” Stay safe, protect others AND help the NHS during lockdown … with help from one very wise Baked Potato!

The Great Realisation

by Tomos 'Tomfoolery' Roberts

We now call it The Great Realisationand, yes, since then there have been many. But that’s the story of how it started … and why hindsight’s 2020.

Merry Christmas, Baked Potato

by Matt Lucas

The brand-new and brilliantly funny Christmas picture book from multi-award-winning actor and comedian MATT LUCAS – star of The Great British Bake Off and creator of Thank You, Baked Potato, an official UK download chart-topper and Amazon bestseller!

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