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Hidden Dangers in What We Eat and Drink: A Lifelong Guide to Healthy Living (Healthcare Ser.)

by Jan De Vries

HIDDEN DANGERS IN WHAT WE EAT AND DRINK deals succinctly with the hazards that growing children, teenagers and adults are exposed to. Food and drink today contain many additives, E numbers and other hidden dangers that could affect people physically, mentally and emotionally. The growth in the problems of hyperactivity and autism are just two examples of the perils of an unbalanced food pattern. This book contains advice on food and dietary management, highlights the potential problems with what we consume and provides sensible advice on how to adjust our food pattern accordingly when certain problems arise. The immune system is very complex and depends on the nutritional values necessary for energy and vitality. In today's fast moving society, there are many convenience foods available. These foods can ultimately damage the immune system and, as such, there is a great need for more natural input in order to get the right output, namely healthy living. This carefully researched book gives the opportunity for the readers to help themselves to improved health through making wise choices regarding food and drink.

How to Live a Healthy Life: A Handbook to Better Health

by Jan De Vries

How to Live a Healthy Life is an indispensable handbook which outlines the approach to health of one of the world's foremost homoeopaths, Jan de Vries. It gives sensible and easy-to-follow advice on a huge number of subjects, ranging from maintaining a healthy liver and building strong bones to how to follow a well-balanced and nutritious diet and cope with stress.

A Step at a Time: The Autobiography of the World-Renowned Health Guru

by Jan De Vries

Although Jan de Vries finds himself too young for an autobiography, many of his friends and patients have pushed for it. A Step At A Time recounts de Vries' amazing journey so far, beginning with his upbringing in Holland - during which he experienced the 'hunger winter' of 1944 - and charting the development of his amazing 40 year career, throughout which he earned a reputation as an enduring guru of alternative medicine.This gripping and highly entertaining book reveals much about the man and why so many turn to him in his role as a respected homeopathic doctor. Whether it is royalty, film stars, sportsmen or the general public, his clinics are all greatly overbooked, making it difficult at times to get an appointment with him. What is the secret of 'the man with the x-ray eyes', who he sees many things that others do not. Is this an extra sense, intuition, or just the experience of over 40 years of dealing with people medically? In almost 40 books written by him in his life so far, de Vries has shared a great deal of his knowledge with the world, which he has gathered by himself via independent research, and through consultation with his great teachers. However, in A Step At The Time, he reveals some of the secrets that people have always wanted to know, such as how he can consistently work over 90 hours per week and manage ten clinics throughout Britain. In this candid autobiography, he shares some of the gifts that were given to him and for which he is very thankful.

Migraine and Epilepsy (By Appointment Only Ser.)

by Jan De Vries

Jan de Vries, although trained as a pharmacist, turned to alternative medicine early in his career. His most influential teacher was the world-renowned Swiss doctor, Alfred Vogel. He now works in Ayrshire in one of Britain's most widely known clinics.

The Miracle of Life

by Jan De Vries

In this controversial book Jan de Vries considers modern miracles as well as the 'miracle of Lourdes'. He discusses witch doctors and what he has personally witnessed in the Far East. He warns against exorcism and talks of the many 'possessed' people he has treated. He also shares with his readers some of the mysterious ways that alternative medicine has worked 'miracles' for thousands of patients.

Mother and Child (Well Woman Ser.)

by Jan De Vries

MOTHER AND CHILD is the long awaited follow up to Jan's phenomenally successful Preganancy and Childbirth and the next instalment in his excellent Well Woman series. In Mother and Child Jan De Vries focuses on the first crucial years of a child's life and explores the unique relationship that develops between mother and child in these formative years. The book comprises practical advice for new mothers dealing with the stress of their first baby and gives suggestions on how to recognise and treat the many diseases to which children are prone in their early years. There is also valuable advice on child healthcare and covers everything from sleep disorders to breastfeeding. Not only is Jan De Vries a professional authority on alternative healthcare, but he is also a father of four and grandfather of ten. Jan De Vries was born in 1937 and after initially graduating in pharmacy he soon moved on to study alternative medicine. He set up his first clinic in Troon in 1970 and today has clinics in Edinburgh, London, Belfast, Dublin and Manchester. Writing extensively on the value of alternative medicine and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, he also lectures throughout the world and makes regular television and radio appearances.

The Pharmacy Guide to Herbal Remedies (Pharmacy Guides Ser.)

by J Vries

The Pharmacy Guide to Herbal Remedies is the first in a series of books by Jan de Vries. It is written with a common sense approach and explains how herbal remedies can complement today's lifestyle by combining natural cures with pharmaceutical and orthodox medicines. The book demonstrates that, despite an age and society blighted by modern day diseases, it is possible for every person to maintain and obtain optimum health by combining complementary and orthodox healthcare methods. This book should be in every household as a quick and easy reference guide.

Pregnancy and Childbirth (Well Woman Ser.)

by Jan De Vries

Allaying the doubts and fears which surround the most natural and yet probably the most traumatic experience a woman will go through, Pregnancy and Childbirth takes you step by step through conception, pregnancy, labour and the care of your baby. Calling upon a lifetime's experience in helping couples who have come to him following years of trying for a baby, Jan de Vries explains how he has helped them with either herbal or homoeopathic medicine, acupuncture or osteopathy. He describes how acupuncture can help, especially during labour, and provides advice for couples who have undergone severe stress when dealing with problems such as impotence, or feelings of inadequacy or rejection. What emerges from his extensive research is an overwhelming sense of hope in the wonder of nature and joy at the miracle of each new birth.

Flying Crooked: An Inspiring Tale of Loss and Love

by Elizabeth Gabriel

You never know how you'd react if it happened to you, and the last thing I want is to dictate to people. I don't wonder: why me? But: why not me?' - Elizabeth GabrielThere are many books about the processes people go through when they discover they have cancer. What makes Flying Crooked different is the way in which Elizabeth Gabriel accepts the disease and its consequences. She continues to enjoy life, refuses radiotherapy and rejects the idea of wearing a prosthesis after one of her breasts has been removed. The choices she makes are in sharp contrast to those made by her ex-lover Simon when he, shortly after her operation, is diagnosed with prostate cancer. Their different ways of coping form a well-balanced diptych: on her part, acceptance and the peace that this brings, as opposed to, on his part, fighting and anger at the cost of precious energy and enjoyment. Flying Crooked describes the process of a search for balance. The open, direct and unsentimental manner in which Gabriel describes her decisions as well as her experiences in hospital and out of it are deeply refreshing. And yet this autobiographical novel is more than an account of coping with disease; it is an inspirational story of love and friendship and faith.

Talking Dirty

by Carole McKenzie

‘Women should be obscene and not heard’ – John Lennon‘The only unnatural act is that which you cannot perform' – Alfred Kinsey‘Fat people are brilliant in bed: if I’m sitting on top of you, who’s going to argue?' – Jo Brand‘What most women want is not a man who ties you to the bed but one who unstacks the dishes while you watch The Great British Bake Off’ – Harriet HarmanThroughout the centuries, talk of sex has proved irresistible, producing wide-ranging responses, contradictory remarks, denouncements and appraisals; something seen as harmless by one is often condemned as damnable by another.Whatever your sexual preferences, Talking Dirty is a hugely entertaining treasury of wit on this endlessly entertaining and controversial topic.

Flesh and Blood: The Harrowing and Moving Story of a Mother's Fight to Bear Her Late Husband's Children

by Diane Blood Author

Diane Blood first hit the headlines in 1996 when she went to court to fight for the right to use her late husband's sperm to try for the child they had planned together before his sudden death from meningitis. Diane's case caused an ethical storm and was debated in the courts, in Parliament and in the media. With huge public support, yet against almost impossible odds, she won on appeal and went on to have two miraculous little boys. The legal battles were not over, however, as the law still prevented Diane from naming the boys' father on their birth certificates. After many hurdles and stumbling blocks, she triumphed again and made constitutional history when the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act finally came into force on 1 December 2003 and she was allowed to re-register her children's births. Flesh and Blood asks many important questions and helps provide some of the answers. It shows how controversial policies are made that affect all our lives. Beyond that, it is a simple story of life, death and procreation: an incredibly vivid account written by the woman who lived through the despair and jubilation.

Living Food: A feast for soil and soul

by Daphne Lambert

Living Food: A Feast for Soil and Soul is not just a cookbook. Rather, it is an eye-opening assessment of the central role food plays in our lives: vibrant food creates nourishment and vitality, and the way we grow it affects the stability and integrity of our planet Earth. This book starts on the ground with the soil where food originates, moves on to how food can affect our digestion, immune system and mood, and examines how our modern practices are threatening both the environment and the nutritional value of the food we eat. Our health and the health of the planet are intertwined – one cannot thrive without the other.Through delicious seasonal recipes, nutritional insights and easy-to-understand explanations, Daphne Lambert describes how linking our eating to seasonal rhythms can ensure a harmonious relationship between ourselves and the environment. Each section, one for each of the four seasons, reveals Mother Nature's knack for providing us with the food we need when we need it – both throughout the year and at each stage of our lives – and how we can make the most of her seasonal offerings.Living Food is an all-encompassing nutritional guide that will make you think more deeply about the food you eat.

30-Something and the Clock Is Ticking: What Happens When You Can No Longer Ignore the Baby Issue

by Kasey Edwards

When Kasey Edwards discovers she'll be infertile within a year, she is forced to bring the baby issue to the forefront of her mind. In 30-Something and the Clock Is Ticking, she explores what having a child would mean to her identity, her career, her body, her relationships and her mental health.Kasey speaks to people who have children and people who don't, women who claim motherhood is the best thing they've ever done and those who say it's the worst. She discovers how the desire for a baby can drive people to the brink of insanity, the logistical challenges of ovulating and trying to conceive on a longhaul flight, the indignity and despair of IVF and the price of buying sperm on the Internet.This witty memoir will make you laugh, cry and ponder the joys and regrets of motherhood. It will inspire you to tackle the baby issue head-on and on your own terms, rather than letting time, denial and social pressures make the decision for you.

The Brain’s Way of Healing: Stories of Remarkable Recoveries and Discoveries

by Norman Doidge

The Brain's Way of Healing explores the astonishing advances in the discovery of neuroplasticity, showing that the brain has its own unique way of healing, only recently uncovered. Norman Doidge discusses a series of remarkable recoveries: patients told they would never improve have years of chronic pain alleviated or damage from debilitating strokes undone, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, autism or learning disorders are reversed. He also shows how the risk of dementia can be lowered by 60%. Using stories to present cutting-edge science, Doidge illustrates principles that everyone can apply to improve their brain's performance.

Beyond Human Nature: How Culture and Experience Shape Our Lives

by Jesse J. Prinz

In this provocative, revelatory tour de force, Jesse Prinz reveals how the cultures we live in - not biology - determine how we think and feel. He examines all aspects of our behaviour, looking at everything from our intellects and emotions, to love and sex, morality and even madness. This book seeks to go beyond traditional debates of nature and nurture. He is not interested in finding universal laws but, rather, in understanding, explaining and celebrating our differences. Why do people raised in Western countries tend to see the trees before the forest, while people from East Asia see the forest before the trees? Why, in South East Asia, is there a common form of mental illness, unheard of in the West, in which people go into a trancelike state after being startled? Compared to Northerners, why are people in the American South more than twice as likely to kill someone over an argument? And, above all, just how malleable are we?Prinz shows that the vast diversity of our behaviour is not engrained. He picks up where biological explanations leave off. He tells us the human story.

The Sweetness of Life

by Françoise Héritier

"There is a form of lightness and grace in the simple fact of existence, regardless of occupation, of strong feelings, or of political commitments of any sort - and that is the only thing I have wanted to write about. About that little extra thing that is granted to all of us, a lust for life." So begins Francoise Heritier, in her exploration of the things in life worth living for, the moments and events that give life flavour. An eminent anthropologist, now in her eighties, she draws on her own memories and the wisdom gained in a lifetime of exploration, to show how life is richer and more interesting than we often remember.

Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life

by Bea Johnson

Zero Waste Home is the ultimate guide to simplified, sustainable living from Bea Johnson, author of the popular blog zerowastehome.comLiving sustainably should not mean forfeiting either comfort or style. In this book Bea Johnson shows, by inspiring example, what green living looks like and offers a practical, step-by-step guide to diminishing our environmental footprints and improving our lives.It all comes down to the 5 Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot (and only in that order!). Zero Waste Home shows how these key principles can be applied to every area of your house from the kitchen to the kids' room, and it's packed with easy tips for all of us: from refusing freebies to using your plants as air fresheners.More than a manual, this is the inspiring story of how Bea Johnson transformed her family's health, finances, and relationships for the better by reducing their waste to an astonishing one litre per year.Could you do the same?

Home From War: How Love Conquered the Horrors of a Soldier's Afghan Nightmare

by Marnie Summerfield Smith Martyn Compton Michelle Compton

Lance Corporal Martyn Compton's life was changed beyond recognition when he was blown up in a Taliban ambush that killed three of his colleagues. His survival was described as a 'miracle', as he suffered third-degree burns to 75 per cent of his body. He endured 15 operations and doctors used shark cartilage as a base for new skin on his face.But he did not have to face this gruelling ordeal alone. From the moment she heard of his near-fatal wounds, Martyn's fiancée Michelle Clifford found an inner strength to help them both face the future. During Martyn's treatment, Michelle kept a diary in which she revealed the innermost thoughts and emotions she wished she could relay to her wounded partner.Home From War gives a rare insight into the story behind the headlines when soldiers die or are injured. It is also the account of Martyn's battle for adequate compensation. This exploration of how one courageous man came to terms with losing his handsome young face cannot fail to inspire.

The Elegant Art of Falling Apart

by Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones had a complicated life – booze, cocaine, bad boyfriends, a rollercoaster ride of what self-help writers call 'opportunities for growth' – but she got away from all that. She rebuilt her career, became prosperous and, at last, found happiness in a wonderful new relationship.Just when things were almost perfect, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. So Jessica did what she’s always done: she got through it. With the help of doctors, nurses, friends, family and the ever-supportive Nick, she not only got through it, but survived with her trademark good humour and style. After seven months of gruelling treatments, she travelled from London to Sydney to begin a three-month holiday of a lifetime with the man who had loved her through it all – only to discover that he had been seeing someone else and didn't love her at all. For Jessica, it was to turn out that surviving love was harder than surviving cancer.The Elegant Art of Falling Apart is a book about learning to ask for and to accept help. About living in, and enjoying, every moment. About freeing yourself from our culture’s obsession with romantic love, and about how looking good really can help you feel good. Above all, it is about how, when you are staggering about in the darkness, it will be the power of friendship that saves your sanity.

The Theatre of Imagining: A Cultural History of Imagination in the Mind and on the Stage

by Ulla Kallenbach

This book is the first comprehensive analysis of the fascinating and strikingly diverse history of imagination in the context of theatre and drama. Key questions that the book explores are: How do spectators engage with the drama in performance, and how does the historical context influence the dramaturgy of imagination? In addition to offering a study of the cultural history and theory of imagination in a European context including its philosophical, physiological, cultural and political implications, the book examines the cultural enactment of imagination in the drama text and offers practical strategies for analyzing the aesthetic practice of imagination in drama texts. It covers the early modern to the late modernist period and includes three in-depth case studies: William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (c.1606); Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (1879); and Eugène Ionesco’s The Killer (1957).

The Theatre of Imagining: A Cultural History of Imagination in the Mind and on the Stage

by Ulla Kallenbach

This book is the first comprehensive analysis of the fascinating and strikingly diverse history of imagination in the context of theatre and drama. Key questions that the book explores are: How do spectators engage with the drama in performance, and how does the historical context influence the dramaturgy of imagination? In addition to offering a study of the cultural history and theory of imagination in a European context including its philosophical, physiological, cultural and political implications, the book examines the cultural enactment of imagination in the drama text and offers practical strategies for analyzing the aesthetic practice of imagination in drama texts. It covers the early modern to the late modernist period and includes three in-depth case studies: William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (c.1606); Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (1879); and Eugène Ionesco’s The Killer (1957).

Your Health at Work: An Indispensable Guide to Physical and Mental Wellbeing

by Trades Union Becky Allen Howard Fidderman

Your Health at Work is your fully researched and up-to-date guide to the most common health risks at work in the UK and how you can tackle them. The TUC expertly explains your legal rights, how to avoid injury and illness and what support is available to you. Covering the full range of industries, Your Health at Work provides guidance for everyone. Both physical health (e.g. aches and strains, hazardous substances, accidents) and mental health (anxiety, depression, bullying) are comprehensively discussed to provide you with reliable help and advice on the full range of potential health problems at work. The stories of real workers who have encountered health issues at work are included to make sure that this book is fully representative of real life and gives practical, and sometimes inspirational, insights to support you and your health every day at work.

Your Health at Work: An Indispensable Guide to Physical and Mental Wellbeing

by Trades Union Becky Allen Howard Fidderman

Your Health at Work is your fully researched and up-to-date guide to the most common health risks at work in the UK and how you can tackle them. The TUC expertly explains your legal rights, how to avoid injury and illness and what support is available to you. Covering the full range of industries, Your Health at Work provides guidance for everyone. Both physical health (e.g. aches and strains, hazardous substances, accidents) and mental health (anxiety, depression, bullying) are comprehensively discussed to provide you with reliable help and advice on the full range of potential health problems at work. The stories of real workers who have encountered health issues at work are included to make sure that this book is fully representative of real life and gives practical, and sometimes inspirational, insights to support you and your health every day at work.

Power Crime And Mystification

by Steven Box

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Power Crime And Mystification (PDF)

by Steven Box

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company

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