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Lingüística textual y enseñanza del español LE/L2 (Routledge Advances in Spanish Language Teaching)

by Javier de Santiago-Guervós; Lourdes Díaz Rodríguez; Javier Muñoz-Basols

Lingüística textual y enseñanza del español LE/L2 ofrece una visión de conjunto teórico-práctica y actualizada de la Lingüística textual aplicada a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera y/o segunda, destinada especialmente a estudiantes graduados y a profesores en formación nativos y no nativos. El volumen, escrito por un elenco internacional de profesores-investigadores, presenta una visión actualizada y práctica de los géneros textuales más frecuentes en programaciones universitarias. Enmarcado por una síntesis actualizada de estudios e investigaciones en lingüística aplicada que recorre distintas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas, recoge datos y propuestas procedentes de aulas de aprendizaje de español de distintos contextos internacionales. Su principal propósito es suscitar la reflexión teórico-práctica sobre los géneros discursivos y su papel en el aula, y ofrecer una descripción pormenorizada de los mismos para proporcionar al profesorado en formación, nativo y no nativo, recursos prácticos y propuestas didácticas que ejemplifican y guían de manera razonada cómo llevar al aula los distintos géneros textuales. Características principales: • Amplitud de aspectos de la lingüística textual y géneros discursivos abordados enteramente para el español LE/L2 y en español. • Estructuración homogénea de los capítulos que facilita la lectura y da coherencia al conjunto. Atención a géneros escritos y orales desde una perspectiva teórico-práctica que puede inspirar nuevas investigaciones. Atención a la diversidad geolectal del español, a los contextos en que este es L2 (Europa, EEUU) y a la de sus aprendices (hablantes de herencia, L2, LE). Orientado a la aplicación práctica y docente en la clase de L2/LE, cada capítulo dedicado a un género incluye consejos, pautas o actividades para el aula. Incluye temática actual en lingüística textual y aprendizaje de lenguas: escritura académica, divulgación científica, textos jurídicos, aprendizaje mediado por ordenador o el lenguaje de las redes. Capítulos bien fundamentados teórica y bibliográficamente, con sólido respaldo de datos empíricos procedentes de corpus, bien contextualizados. Aborda los aspectos teóricos tradicionales relativos al estudio de la tipología textual y los desafíos metodológicos que afronta el profesor al llevar al aula los distintos géneros discursivos. La presente obra presenta, en un solo volumen, una visión actualizada y práctica de los tipos textuales y géneros discursivos de uso más frecuente desde una perspectiva teórico-práctica: presentación, descripción y puesta en práctica es un esquema de trabajo directo y enormemente útil para su aplicación en el aula. El ámbito internacional en el que se mueven los autores le da una amplitud nunca antes recogida en una obra de lingüística textual. Todo ello hace de Lingüística textual y enseñanza del español LE/L2 una obra de consulta obligada para docentes de español como LE/L2, para estudiantes graduados y formadores de profesores, así como para cualquier persona que desee adquirir una perspectiva actual sobre lingüística textual, géneros discursivos y enseñanza e investigación en español nativo y no nativo.

Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars)

by Meilutė Ramonienė Joana Pribušauskaitė Jogilė Teresa Ramonaitė Loreta Vilkienė

Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Lithuanian grammar. It includes detailed treatment of all grammatical structures and parts of speech, and their semantic and grammatical categories: gender, number, case of nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns; degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs; tense, mood, person, transitivity, aspect and voice of verbs. The morphology chapters describe the formation, inflection and use of the different forms of every part of speech. Under syntax the syntactic relations and types of sentences, the expression of questions and negation, comparison, word order and interpolation are described. All grammatical phenomena are illustrated with examples from the modern language. Descriptions of phonetics and accentuation as well as orthography and punctuation are also included. Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar is an essential reference for learners and users of Lithuanian. It is suitable for independent study and use in schools, colleges, universities and adult classes of all types.

Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars)

by Meilutė Ramonienė Joana Pribušauskaitė Jogilė Teresa Ramonaitė Loreta Vilkienė

Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Lithuanian grammar. It includes detailed treatment of all grammatical structures and parts of speech, and their semantic and grammatical categories: gender, number, case of nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns; degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs; tense, mood, person, transitivity, aspect and voice of verbs. The morphology chapters describe the formation, inflection and use of the different forms of every part of speech. Under syntax the syntactic relations and types of sentences, the expression of questions and negation, comparison, word order and interpolation are described. All grammatical phenomena are illustrated with examples from the modern language. Descriptions of phonetics and accentuation as well as orthography and punctuation are also included. Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar is an essential reference for learners and users of Lithuanian. It is suitable for independent study and use in schools, colleges, universities and adult classes of all types.

Mano a Mano: Volume 1 – Básico (Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol)

by Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon Elizabeth Maria Fontão do Patrocínio Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 1 – Básico permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) que nunca tiveram contato significativo prévio com o português até o início do nível Intermediário do Celpe-Bras, do B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do Intermediário Médio do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Mano a Mano: Volume 1 – Básico (Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol)

by Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon Elizabeth Maria Fontão do Patrocínio Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 1 – Básico permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) que nunca tiveram contato significativo prévio com o português até o início do nível Intermediário do Celpe-Bras, do B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do Intermediário Médio do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Mano a Mano: Volume 2 – Intermediário (Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol)

by Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon Elizabeth Maria Fontão do Patrocínio Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo em que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas em contexto de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 2 – Intermediário permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) do início do Intermediário Superior do Celpe-Bras, do início do B1 ao início do B2 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do início do Intermediário Médio ao início do Avançado Médio na escala do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Mano a Mano: Volume 2 – Intermediário (Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol)

by Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon Elizabeth Maria Fontão do Patrocínio Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo em que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas em contexto de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 2 – Intermediário permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) do início do Intermediário Superior do Celpe-Bras, do início do B1 ao início do B2 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do início do Intermediário Médio ao início do Avançado Médio na escala do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Mastering Arabic 2 (Macmillan Master Series (Languages))

by Jane Wightwick Mahmoud Gaafar

This full colour text comes with free audio and video online through an accompanying website. It is a modern, engaging, intermediate Arabic course offering lively conversations, varied texts and exercises, and fascinating cultural insights. The course is highly illustrated in full colour with photos and cartoons and includes an abundance of exercises to aid learning and encourage practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is backed up by online exercises including a link to interactive flashcards, and is supported by a range of additional activity, grammar and handwriting books. The course follows on from the best-selling Mastering Arabic 1 but is suitable for any learner with some prior knowledge of Arabic. The Mastering Arabic series is widely used in universities, schools, community colleges, adult evening classes and for self-study.

Mastering Arabic 2 Activity Book (Macmillan Master Series (Languages))

by Jane Wightwick Mahmoud Gaafar

Featuring a wide range of engaging activities with a wealth of illustrations, this practice book provides lively and enjoyable exercises using reading and writing skills and some conversation for intermediate students of Arabic. The carefully graded activities will reinforce vocabulary and concepts in a variety of ways and so increase confidence and understanding. It is the perfect companion to Mastering Arabic 2 or any other post-beginner’s courses. The book teaches the universally understood Modern Standard Arabic. A website accompanies the Mastering Arabic series with additional material linked to this book plus a wide range of extra activities. This book is aimed at learners who have completed a beginner’s course and are now working through or have completed a post-beginner’s course, offering extra practice material.

Medical Arabic

by Abderrahman Zouhir Abdulqadir Abdulkarim

Medical Arabic is a valuable resource for students interested in learning medical Arabic at ACTFL level Advanced Low. Effective communication is essential in health care, and communication is most effective when both parties share a common language, therefore resulting in a comfortable relationship between health care provider and patient. This textbook is intended for those with prior knowledge of Arabic language and grammar. It is designed to provide students with the linguistic and cultural competencies and medical Arabic terminology necessary to communicate in medical settings such as a hospital, clinic, or a community health care facility. Students will be able to ask questions in Arabic and provide answers in common medical situations, conduct patient interviews, and understand a wider variety of possible responses from patients. The book provides clear explanations of medical vocabulary and concepts as they occur in the reading materials to encourage active interaction with the text. The book’s drills are designed as either in-class exercises or homework. The answer key for the book exercises is also provided as a downloadable e-resource. Written by dynamic authors who taught Arabic as a foreign language for several years and reviewed by physicians and professionals in the field, the book is an essential guide for students in medical school, biology, and other science majors. Students will find Medical Arabic more than merely a textbook but rather a pathway to enhance their communication skills effectively.

Medical Arabic

by Abderrahman Zouhir Abdulqadir Abdulkarim

Medical Arabic is a valuable resource for students interested in learning medical Arabic at ACTFL level Advanced Low. Effective communication is essential in health care, and communication is most effective when both parties share a common language, therefore resulting in a comfortable relationship between health care provider and patient. This textbook is intended for those with prior knowledge of Arabic language and grammar. It is designed to provide students with the linguistic and cultural competencies and medical Arabic terminology necessary to communicate in medical settings such as a hospital, clinic, or a community health care facility. Students will be able to ask questions in Arabic and provide answers in common medical situations, conduct patient interviews, and understand a wider variety of possible responses from patients. The book provides clear explanations of medical vocabulary and concepts as they occur in the reading materials to encourage active interaction with the text. The book’s drills are designed as either in-class exercises or homework. The answer key for the book exercises is also provided as a downloadable e-resource. Written by dynamic authors who taught Arabic as a foreign language for several years and reviewed by physicians and professionals in the field, the book is an essential guide for students in medical school, biology, and other science majors. Students will find Medical Arabic more than merely a textbook but rather a pathway to enhance their communication skills effectively.

Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars)

by Nancy Stenson

Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Irish grammar, providing a thorough overview of the language. Key features include: highly systematic coverage of all levels of structure: sound system, word formation, sentence construction and connection of sentences authentic examples and English translations which provide an accessible insight into the mechanics of the language an extensive index, numbered sections, cross-references and summary charts which provide readers with easy access to the information. Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar is an essential reference source for the learner and user of Irish. It is ideal for use in schools, colleges, universities, and adult classes of all types.

Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars)

by Nancy Stenson

Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Irish grammar, providing a thorough overview of the language. Key features include: highly systematic coverage of all levels of structure: sound system, word formation, sentence construction and connection of sentences authentic examples and English translations which provide an accessible insight into the mechanics of the language an extensive index, numbered sections, cross-references and summary charts which provide readers with easy access to the information. Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar is an essential reference source for the learner and user of Irish. It is ideal for use in schools, colleges, universities, and adult classes of all types.

Modern Languages: Why It Matters (Why It Matters)

by Katrin Kohl

It might seem as if globalization is making the whole world speak English. But spend time in any major city and you are likely to encounter a cornucopia of languages. Even monolingual people have different ways of speaking to their bosses or teachers, their intimate friends or their pets. And if you live in India or Nigeria, you might use five different languages during a typical day. Katrin Kohl makes a passionate case for why we must embrace languages in all their diversity. When you study a language, you open a unique doorway into the world, immerse yourself in a different way of seeing, and discover new ways of communicating with people from different cultures on their terms. Kohl argues that language diversity is of vital importance to human societies, sustaining the complexity of human nature, culture and technology. We should care about preserving it as much as we care about preserving the diversity of our biological world.

More Grammar to Get Things Done: Daily Lessons for Teaching Grammar in Context

by Darren Crovitz Michelle D. Devereaux

CO-PUBLISHED BY ROUTLEDGE AND THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH Complementing Crovitz and Devereaux’s successful Grammar to Get Things Done, this book demystifies grammar in context and offers day-by-day guides for teaching ten grammar concepts, giving teachers a model and vocabulary for discussing grammar in real ways with their students. Through applied practice in real-world contexts, the authors explain how to develop students’ mastery of grammar and answer difficult questions about usage, demonstrating how grammar acts as a tool for specific purposes in students’ lives. Accessibly written and organized, the book provides ten adaptable activity guides for each concept, illustrating instruction from a use-based perspective. Middle and high school pre-service and in-service English teachers will gain confidence in their own grammar knowledge and learn how to teach grammar in ways that are uniquely accessible and purposeful for students.

More Grammar to Get Things Done: Daily Lessons for Teaching Grammar in Context

by Darren Crovitz Michelle D. Devereaux

CO-PUBLISHED BY ROUTLEDGE AND THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH Complementing Crovitz and Devereaux’s successful Grammar to Get Things Done, this book demystifies grammar in context and offers day-by-day guides for teaching ten grammar concepts, giving teachers a model and vocabulary for discussing grammar in real ways with their students. Through applied practice in real-world contexts, the authors explain how to develop students’ mastery of grammar and answer difficult questions about usage, demonstrating how grammar acts as a tool for specific purposes in students’ lives. Accessibly written and organized, the book provides ten adaptable activity guides for each concept, illustrating instruction from a use-based perspective. Middle and high school pre-service and in-service English teachers will gain confidence in their own grammar knowledge and learn how to teach grammar in ways that are uniquely accessible and purposeful for students.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture - Level 1 Volume 1 Textbook

by Mari Noda Stephen D. Luft Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 1 Textbook is ideally accompanied by the Level 1 Volume 1 Activity Book, which provides core texts and additional practice for beginning-level students.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture – Level 1 Volume 1 Activity Book

by Mari Noda Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Stephen D. Luft Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks and accompanying activity books. These four books incombination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of collect Japanese, to their students' needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 1 Activity Book provides a wealth of communicative exercises and assessment tools for students working through the first semester of the NihonGO NOW! course.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture – Level 1 Volume 2 Activity Book

by Mari Noda Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Stephen D. Luft Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 2 Activity Book provides a wealth of communicative exercises and assessment tools for students working through the second semester of the NihonGO NOW! course.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture – Level 1 Volume 1 Activity Book

by Mari Noda Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Stephen D. Luft Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks and accompanying activity books. These four books incombination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of collect Japanese, to their students' needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 1 Activity Book provides a wealth of communicative exercises and assessment tools for students working through the first semester of the NihonGO NOW! course.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture – Level 1 Volume 2 Activity Book

by Mari Noda Stephen D. Luft Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 2 Activity Book provides a wealth of communicative exercises and assessment tools for students working through the second semester of the NihonGO NOW! course.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture - Level 1 Volume 1 Textbook

by Mari Noda Stephen D. Luft Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 1 Textbook is ideally accompanied by the Level 1 Volume 1 Activity Book, which provides core texts and additional practice for beginning-level students.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture – Level 1 Volume 2 Textbook

by Mari Noda Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Stephen D. Luft Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 2 Textbook is ideally accompanied by the Level 1 Volume 2 Activity Book, which provides core texts and additional practice for beginning-level students.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture – Level 1 Volume 2 Textbook

by Mari Noda Stephen D. Luft Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at NihonGO NOW! Level 1 Volume 2 Textbook is ideally accompanied by the Level 1 Volume 2 Activity Book, which provides core texts and additional practice for beginning-level students.

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!: Performing Japanese Culture - Level 1 Volume 2 Textbook and Activity Book

by Mari Noda Patricia J. Wetzel Ginger Marcus Stephen D. Luft Shinsuke Tsuchiya Masayuki Itomitsu

NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context. From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading. Level 1 is comprised of two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio files allow instructors to adapt a beginning-level course, such as the first year of college Japanese, to their students’ needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers’ manual are available at

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