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Showing 74,976 through 75,000 of 88,754 results

Begabte Minoritäten

by Margrit Stamm

Wie kommt es, dass so wenig Kinder und Jugendliche aus bescheidenen sozialen Verhältnissen als überdurchschnittlich begabt identifiziert und begabungsfördernden Maßnahmen zugeführt werden? Warum sind solche Kinder in Begabtenförderprogrammen unter- und in Sonderförderprogrammen jedoch überrepräsentiert? Was kann dagegen getan werden? Margrit Stamm belegt, dass es sehr wohl überdurchschnittlich begabte Kinder mit Minoritätshintergrund gibt und erbringt den empirischen Nachweis aus verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten. Sie fordert einen Perspektivenwechsel, der diese Kinder in den Blick nimmt, ihr Potenzial entdeckt und ihnen eine adäquate Förderung zukommen lässt. Abschließend zeigt sie Möglichkeiten der praktischen Umsetzung auf.

Schulabbrecher in unserem Bildungssystem

by Margrit Stamm Melanie Holzinger-Neulinger Peter Suter

Als 'Dropouts' werden Jugendliche bezeichnet, die vor einem Abschluss die Schule abgebrochen haben oder die von der Schule ausgeschossen worden sind. Auf der Basis einer ersten umfassenden empirischen Untersuchung solcher 'Schulaussteiger' im deutschsprachigen Raum werden Differenzierungen möglich, die den bisherigen Gebrauch des Begriffs problematisieren bzw. korrigieren. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein Schulabbruch sehr unterschiedliche Ursachen haben kann und dass es sehr unterschiedliche Typen unter jenen gibt, die vorschnell als 'Dropouts' bezeichnet werden. Zudem wird nachgeweisen, dass Aussteiger, Abbrecher oder Ausgeschlossene zu mehr als der Hälfte der Fälle ins Bildungssystem zurückfinden.

Schulabsentismus: Ein Phänomen, seine Bedingungen und Folgen

by Margrit Stamm Christine Ruckdäschel Franziska Templer Michael Niederhauser

Schulschwänzen stellt ein oftmals unterschätztes, zumindest jedoch ein falsch eingeschätztes jugendspezifisches Auftreten dar. Weder in den Schulen noch in den Bildungsverwaltungen wird es als Problem wahrgenommen oder offen diskutiert, und auch Eltern scheinen es über weite Strecken als legitimes Verhalten zu akzeptieren. Die AutorInnen analysieren, welche Faktoren aus Persönlichkeit, Schule, Familie und Freundeskreis Schulabsentismus in der Schweiz bestimmen und leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einer fachlichen Diskussion des Phänomens in Bildungspolitik, Schule und Gesellschaft.

An Analysis of Christopher R. Browning's Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (The Macat Library)

by Tom Stammers James Chappel

Of all the controversies facing historians today, few are more divisive or more important than the question of how the Holocaust was possible. What led thousands of Germans – many of them middle-aged reservists with, apparently, little Nazi zeal – to willingly commit acts of genocide? Was it ideology? Was there something rotten in the German soul? Or was it – as Christopher Browning argues in this highly influential book – more a matter of conformity, a response to intolerable social and psychological pressure? Ordinary Men is a microhistory, the detailed study of a single unit in the Nazi killing machine. Browning evaluates a wide range of evidence to seek to explain the actions of the "ordinary men" who made up reserve Police Battalion 101, taking advantage of the wide range of resources prepared in the early 1960s for a proposed war crimes trial. He concludes that his subjects were not "evil;" rather, their actions are best explained by a desire to be part of a team, not to shirk responsibility that would otherwise fall on the shoulders of comrades, and a willingness to obey authority. Browning's ability to explore the strengths and weaknesses of arguments – both the survivors' and other historians' – is what sets his work apart from other studies that have attempted to get to the root of the motivations for the Holocaust, and it is also what marks Ordinary Men as one of the most important works of its generation.

An Analysis of Christopher R. Browning's Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (The Macat Library)

by Tom Stammers James Chappel

Of all the controversies facing historians today, few are more divisive or more important than the question of how the Holocaust was possible. What led thousands of Germans – many of them middle-aged reservists with, apparently, little Nazi zeal – to willingly commit acts of genocide? Was it ideology? Was there something rotten in the German soul? Or was it – as Christopher Browning argues in this highly influential book – more a matter of conformity, a response to intolerable social and psychological pressure? Ordinary Men is a microhistory, the detailed study of a single unit in the Nazi killing machine. Browning evaluates a wide range of evidence to seek to explain the actions of the "ordinary men" who made up reserve Police Battalion 101, taking advantage of the wide range of resources prepared in the early 1960s for a proposed war crimes trial. He concludes that his subjects were not "evil;" rather, their actions are best explained by a desire to be part of a team, not to shirk responsibility that would otherwise fall on the shoulders of comrades, and a willingness to obey authority. Browning's ability to explore the strengths and weaknesses of arguments – both the survivors' and other historians' – is what sets his work apart from other studies that have attempted to get to the root of the motivations for the Holocaust, and it is also what marks Ordinary Men as one of the most important works of its generation.

An Analysis of Eric Hobsbawm's The Age Of Revolution: 1789-1848 (The Macat Library)

by Tom Stammers Patrick Glen

The Age of Revolution is the first of four works by Eric Hobsbawm that collectively synthesize the ideas he developed over a lifetime spent studying the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Hobsbawm's vision is important – he was a lifelong Marxist whose view of history was shaped by a fascination with social and economic history, yet who privileged evidence over political theory – but the real power of these works, and especially The Age of Revolution, emanates from the wide range of the author's reading and his mastery of the critical thinking skill of evaluation. It is this skill that allows Hobsbawm to combine insights drawn from decades of reading into an original thesis that sees the crucial "long 19th century" as a period shaped by "dual revolution" – the twin impacts of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and the French Revolution on the continent. Hobsbawm supplemented his evaluative excellence with a firm grasp of reasoning, crafting a volume that contains brilliant, clearly-structured arguments which explain complicated ideas via well-chosen examples in ways that make his work accessible to intelligent general readers and scholars alike.

An Analysis of Eric Hobsbawm's The Age Of Revolution: 1789-1848 (The Macat Library)

by Tom Stammers Patrick Glen

The Age of Revolution is the first of four works by Eric Hobsbawm that collectively synthesize the ideas he developed over a lifetime spent studying the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Hobsbawm's vision is important – he was a lifelong Marxist whose view of history was shaped by a fascination with social and economic history, yet who privileged evidence over political theory – but the real power of these works, and especially The Age of Revolution, emanates from the wide range of the author's reading and his mastery of the critical thinking skill of evaluation. It is this skill that allows Hobsbawm to combine insights drawn from decades of reading into an original thesis that sees the crucial "long 19th century" as a period shaped by "dual revolution" – the twin impacts of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and the French Revolution on the continent. Hobsbawm supplemented his evaluative excellence with a firm grasp of reasoning, crafting a volume that contains brilliant, clearly-structured arguments which explain complicated ideas via well-chosen examples in ways that make his work accessible to intelligent general readers and scholars alike.

Early Childhood Leadership in Action: Evidence-based approaches for effective practice

by Elizabeth Stamopoulos Lennie Barblett

Leadership is a core skill required by all early childhood educators, whatever position they hold - whether leading their own ethical and professional practice or leading others. From understanding ethical frameworks to managing change, and from quality assurance to working with teams, families and the wider community, the most effective early childhood leaders act with confidence, flexibility and creativity.In this book early childhood researchers Elizabeth Stamopoulos and Lennie Barblett provide a new model for leadership. Recognising that leadership is both an individual and collective endeavour, multi-layered and multidimensional, the authors have distilled core tasks of leadership that are explored in detail in each chapter:*Understanding and conceptualising theories of leadership*Leading in times of change* Advocating for high quality pedagogy and practice*Developing strong communication skills* Leading through digital technology and media* Developing effective teams* Building positive relationships with families and the wider community* Embedding Indigenous perspectives* Embracing evidence-based researchAnd * Leading ethical practice.Featuring the perspectives of leaders from diverse settings, together with reflection exercises and discussion questions throughout, this is an essential book for both pre-service and in-service early childhood educators.'The authors...are commended for their commitment to shining a light on a wide range of research, theories and issues concerned with leadership and the early childhood profession. ' -- from the foreword by Catharine Hydon and Dr Anne Kennedy

Early Childhood Leadership in Action: Evidence-based approaches for effective practice

by Elizabeth Stamopoulos Lennie Barblett

Leadership is a core skill required by all early childhood educators, whatever position they hold - whether leading their own ethical and professional practice or leading others. From understanding ethical frameworks to managing change, and from quality assurance to working with teams, families and the wider community, the most effective early childhood leaders act with confidence, flexibility and creativity.In this book early childhood researchers Elizabeth Stamopoulos and Lennie Barblett provide a new model for leadership. Recognising that leadership is both an individual and collective endeavour, multi-layered and multidimensional, the authors have distilled core tasks of leadership that are explored in detail in each chapter:*Understanding and conceptualising theories of leadership*Leading in times of change* Advocating for high quality pedagogy and practice*Developing strong communication skills* Leading through digital technology and media* Developing effective teams* Building positive relationships with families and the wider community* Embedding Indigenous perspectives* Embracing evidence-based researchAnd * Leading ethical practice.Featuring the perspectives of leaders from diverse settings, together with reflection exercises and discussion questions throughout, this is an essential book for both pre-service and in-service early childhood educators.'The authors...are commended for their commitment to shining a light on a wide range of research, theories and issues concerned with leadership and the early childhood profession. ' -- from the foreword by Catharine Hydon and Dr Anne Kennedy

Afterglow (Golden Boys)

by Phil Stamper

Bestselling author Phil Stamper takes the Golden Boys from summer fun to senior year in the next installment of his charming duology.After a life-changing summer, these four friends are finally ready for senior year.Gabriel is thrilled to create his school's first LGBTQ+ advocacy group, but his long-distance relationship is fading from summer love to something else. . . Heath feels secure for the first time in years, but with his future riding on a baseball scholarship each pitch triggers his anxiety. . . Reese is set on pursuing a career in fashion design, but his creativity takes him in an unexpected direction, he isn't yet ready to share. . . Sal wants to be in politics, specifically local politics. After a chat with his aunt, he is ready for an unlikely path . . . As graduation nears and the boys prepare to enter the real world, it feels like everything is changing so fast--including their friendships. Can they find a way to make the most of their senior year even as they eagerly look ahead to the future?

Afterglow (Golden Boys)

by Phil Stamper

_______________The exciting, heartfelt sequel to Golden Boys. As graduation looms, it's clear the boys' friendship will never be the same - but it could be so much more...After a summer of life-changing experiences and travel, Gabriel, Reese, Sal and Heath are reunited for their senior year of high school. With all the drama going on, from big choices about their future careers to pursuing new interests to colleges miles away from each other, it's clear their friendship will never be the same. How could it be?Their golden years had to end someday, but if they can stay connected to each other after all this time, what happens next might be more special than they could've ever imagined.

Afterglow (Golden Boys)

by Phil Stamper

_______________The exciting, heartfelt sequel to Golden Boys. As graduation looms, it's clear the boys' friendship will never be the same - but it could be so much more...After a summer of life-changing experiences and travel, Gabriel, Reese, Sal and Heath are reunited for their senior year of high school. With all the drama going on, from big choices about their future careers to pursuing new interests to colleges miles away from each other, it's clear their friendship will never be the same. How could it be?Their golden years had to end someday, but if they can stay connected to each other after all this time, what happens next might be more special than they could've ever imagined.

Phenomenology and Pedagogy in Physical Education (Ethics and Sport)

by Oyvind Standal

Phenomenology is a philosophical approach to the study of consciousness and subjective experience. In recent years it has become a more prominent element of the social scientific study of sport and a core component of the important emergent concept of physical literacy. This book is the first to offer a philosophically-sound investigation of phenomenological perspectives on pedagogy in physical education. The book argues that phenomenology offers a particularly interesting theoretical approach to physical education because of the closely embodied relationship between the knowledge object (the actions, activities and practices of movement) and the knowing subject (the pupil). Drawing on the work of key phenomenological thinkers but also exploring the implications of this work for teaching practice, the book helps to illuminate our understanding of important concepts in physical education such as practical knowledge, skill acquisition, experience and ethics. This is fascinating reading for any serious student or researcher working in physical education or the philosophy or sociology of sport.

Phenomenology and Pedagogy in Physical Education (Ethics and Sport)

by Oyvind Standal

Phenomenology is a philosophical approach to the study of consciousness and subjective experience. In recent years it has become a more prominent element of the social scientific study of sport and a core component of the important emergent concept of physical literacy. This book is the first to offer a philosophically-sound investigation of phenomenological perspectives on pedagogy in physical education. The book argues that phenomenology offers a particularly interesting theoretical approach to physical education because of the closely embodied relationship between the knowledge object (the actions, activities and practices of movement) and the knowing subject (the pupil). Drawing on the work of key phenomenological thinkers but also exploring the implications of this work for teaching practice, the book helps to illuminate our understanding of important concepts in physical education such as practical knowledge, skill acquisition, experience and ethics. This is fascinating reading for any serious student or researcher working in physical education or the philosophy or sociology of sport.

Line by Line: Progressive Staff Method Arrangements for Elementary Music Literacy

by Stephanie L. Standerfer

In Line by Line, author Stephanie L. Standerfer harnesses years of pedagogical expertise in a practical guide to promote music learning by experience rather than imitation and memorization. Using well-known songs and a variety of instrumental accompaniments for all skill levels, lesson plans encourage students to first learn music conceptually by internalizing the sound and feeling before learning musical symbols. The lesson plans are tailored for five to seven spiraled class periods and take every student into consideration by suggesting ways to address specific student needs for those who need more time to process.

LINE BY LINE C: Progressive Staff Method Arrangements for Elementary Music Literacy

by Stephanie L. Standerfer

In Line by Line, author Stephanie L. Standerfer harnesses years of pedagogical expertise in a practical guide to promote music learning by experience rather than imitation and memorization. Using well-known songs and a variety of instrumental accompaniments for all skill levels, lesson plans encourage students to first learn music conceptually by internalizing the sound and feeling before learning musical symbols. The lesson plans are tailored for five to seven spiraled class periods and take every student into consideration by suggesting ways to address specific student needs for those who need more time to process.

The False Promise of Global Learning: Why Education Needs Boundaries

by Alex Standish

Through the language of global learning, education is being reformed by corporations, political activists, and policy makers. Academic subject-based knowledge has been cast as elitist and outdated for a rapidly-changing world. The curriculum has been colonized in the name of teaching skills and attitudes for the global market and global citizenship. Can young people effectively contribute to society without an education in academic knowledge? Alex Standish argues that we can only educate children about the world if we are clear about the boundaries that provide education with its moral worth. These include the boundaries between: education and political activity, public and private realms, education and training, theoretical and everyday knowledge, communities, and subject disciplines. The False Promise of Global Learning demonstrates that the nature and purpose of education has become confused with social, economic, political, and therapeutic aims, and that control over the curriculum has been taken away from teachers and communities. This is a hard-hitting work that will resonate with all who have a stake in how - and why - we educate our children.

The False Promise of Global Learning: Why Education Needs Boundaries

by Alex Standish

Through the language of global learning, education is being reformed by corporations, political activists, and policy makers. Academic subject-based knowledge has been cast as elitist and outdated for a rapidly-changing world. The curriculum has been colonized in the name of teaching skills and attitudes for the global market and global citizenship. Can young people effectively contribute to society without an education in academic knowledge? Alex Standish argues that we can only educate children about the world if we are clear about the boundaries that provide education with its moral worth. These include the boundaries between: education and political activity, public and private realms, education and training, theoretical and everyday knowledge, communities, and subject disciplines. The False Promise of Global Learning demonstrates that the nature and purpose of education has become confused with social, economic, political, and therapeutic aims, and that control over the curriculum has been taken away from teachers and communities. This is a hard-hitting work that will resonate with all who have a stake in how - and why - we educate our children.

Global Perspectives in the Geography Curriculum: Reviewing the Moral Case for Geography

by Alex Standish

‘For geographers across the globe this book provides the arguments for a return to the teaching of geography and why they should reject the politicisation of the subject by education policy makers and politicians. Standish’s careful critique shows the necessity of a depoliticised geography curriculum the irony of which would be that it would ensure that every child could point to Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan on a map.’ Prof. Dennis Hayes – Oxford Brookes University, UK 'A prescient and critical analysis of the changing face of geographyteaching. This book deserves to be widely read and debated. Alex Standish's book puts current trends in geography teaching in historical and critical context. It comprises a forthright and timely defence of geographical education for its own sake.' Dr Jim Butcher, FRSA, Department of Sport Science, Tourism and Leisure, Canterbury Christ Church University. Since the early 1990s, educational policy makers and some subject leaders have been seeking to fundamentally change the teaching of geography in UK and US schools, from a subject which encourages students to explore spatial concepts, ideas and skills, to a more ethics based subject concerned with the promotion of environmentalism, cultural diversity and social justice. In this book the new approach is critically examined, within a historical and ideological context, addressing a number of fundamental questions: Should geography be used as a tool for the delivery of citizenship ideals? How does this affect the intellectual and moral value of geographical education for young people? If the state and teachers are taking more responsibility for the values, attitudes and emotional responses of students, how will they learn to develop these qualities for themselves? If global perspectives shift the focus of education from learning about the outside world to learning about the self, what is its vision of social progress and conception of social change? This book advocates a return to liberal models of education, arguing that the new approach to geography currently being promoted for schools fundamentally undermines the educational value of the subject, and the freedom of young people to shape the world in which they live. A vital resource for teachers and student teachers alike, Global Perspectives in the Geography Curriculum makes a significant contribution to the growing debate about the future direction of the discipline itself.

Global Perspectives in the Geography Curriculum: Reviewing the Moral Case for Geography

by Alex Standish

‘For geographers across the globe this book provides the arguments for a return to the teaching of geography and why they should reject the politicisation of the subject by education policy makers and politicians. Standish’s careful critique shows the necessity of a depoliticised geography curriculum the irony of which would be that it would ensure that every child could point to Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan on a map.’ Prof. Dennis Hayes – Oxford Brookes University, UK 'A prescient and critical analysis of the changing face of geographyteaching. This book deserves to be widely read and debated. Alex Standish's book puts current trends in geography teaching in historical and critical context. It comprises a forthright and timely defence of geographical education for its own sake.' Dr Jim Butcher, FRSA, Department of Sport Science, Tourism and Leisure, Canterbury Christ Church University. Since the early 1990s, educational policy makers and some subject leaders have been seeking to fundamentally change the teaching of geography in UK and US schools, from a subject which encourages students to explore spatial concepts, ideas and skills, to a more ethics based subject concerned with the promotion of environmentalism, cultural diversity and social justice. In this book the new approach is critically examined, within a historical and ideological context, addressing a number of fundamental questions: Should geography be used as a tool for the delivery of citizenship ideals? How does this affect the intellectual and moral value of geographical education for young people? If the state and teachers are taking more responsibility for the values, attitudes and emotional responses of students, how will they learn to develop these qualities for themselves? If global perspectives shift the focus of education from learning about the outside world to learning about the self, what is its vision of social progress and conception of social change? This book advocates a return to liberal models of education, arguing that the new approach to geography currently being promoted for schools fundamentally undermines the educational value of the subject, and the freedom of young people to shape the world in which they live. A vital resource for teachers and student teachers alike, Global Perspectives in the Geography Curriculum makes a significant contribution to the growing debate about the future direction of the discipline itself.

The Climbers (Colour Fiction #3)

by Ali Standish

Lonely Alma longs to explore the lush forest beyond her narrow town, but her uncle has told her it’s full of fearsome beasts. One night, she ventures into the trees and finds a frightened bear cub. The two become friends but the rest of the town is not so welcoming. Soon, Alma and Star Bear are forced to set off in search of a place to call home. A lyrical tale about a tender friendship that triumphs over fear, with colour illustrations on every page.

The Therapy of Education: Philosophy, Happiness and Personal Growth

by P. Standish P. Smeyers R. Smith

The idea of education as therapy goes back to ancient times. Today, it is understood that the role of the teacher comprises aspects of therapy directed towards the child. But to what extent should this relationship be developed, and what are its concomitant responsibilities? This book offers a challenging philosophical approach to these issues.

Employment alongside Bachelor’s Studies in Germany: Implications for Education Outcomes, the School-to-Work Transition, and Equity

by Mila Staneva

This study seeks to examine the implications of student employment for the studies, the entry into the labour market, and social inequalities in higher education. The main argument is that both the quantity and quality of work alongside studies can affect relevant academic and labour market outcomes. On the one hand, high amounts of work may prolong the studies and decrease academic achievement. Side-jobs during studies may also distract away students from continuing on in education. On the other hand, jobs of better quality—such that provide experience and skills that are important for the future career—may enhance the transition from education to work. Most important, student employment may generate inequalities in the higher education system if the advantages and disadvantages of working are unequally shared among social groups. The study investigates these issues by using rich longitudinal data on the education and employment history of Bachelor’s students in Germany, by looking at various facets of students’ jobs, and by applying methods that aim at proving causality.

The Drawing Ideas Book

by Frances Stanfield

If you're stuck in a rut - or simply just stuck - this book is filled with ideas for what to draw, how to draw and even where and when to draw. Packed with arresting examples of creatives' drawings and sketchbooks from all over the world, it's sure to fire up your creativity.Imagine it, doodle it, sketch it, ink it and more. Discover the infinite possibilities of this essential art form, from its key mediums to unusual processes, across subjects from figure drawing and landscape sketching to abstract compositions.

The Printmaking Ideas Book

by Frances Stanfield Lucy McGeown

From traditional methods such as screenprinting, etching and lithography to contemporary techniques such as risography and digital collage, this book is packed with new ideas, methods and tips on every page.Brimming with experimental, arresting and beautiful examples of printmaking from all over the world, it will take your creativity further and awaken new ideas.

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Showing 74,976 through 75,000 of 88,754 results