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Conceptual Landscapes: Fundamentals in the Beginning Design Process

by Simon M. Bussiere

Conceptual Landscapes explores the dilemma faced in the early moments of design thinking through a gradient of work in landscape and environmental design media by both emerging and well-established designers and educators of landscape architecture. It questions where and, more importantly, how the process of design starts. The book deconstructs the steps of conceptualizing design in order to reignite pedagogical discussions about timing and design fundamentals, and to reveal how the spark of an idea happens – from a range of unique perspectives. Through a careful arrangement of visual essays that integrate analog, digital, and mixed-media works and processes, the book highlights differences between diverse techniques and triggers debate between design, representation, technology, and creative culture in the field. Taken together, the book’s visual investigation of the conceptual design process serves as a learning tool for aspiring designers and seasoned professionals alike. By situating student work alongside that of experienced teachers and landscape architects, the book also demystifies outdated notions of individual genius and sheds new light on the nearly universally messy process of discovery, bridged across years and diverse creative vocabularies in the conceptual design process. Lavishly illustrated with over 210 full color images, this book is a must-read for students and instructors in landscape architecture.

Philosophiedidaktik und Bildungsphilosophie: Kontroversen und neue Aufgaben (Philosophische Bildung in Schule und Hochschule)

by Bettina Bussmann

Die Philosophiedidaktik ist eine herausfordernde Disziplin. In ihrer Aufgabe als Vermittlungs- und Reflexionswissenschaft muss sie Entwicklungen der aktuellen Philosophie berücksichtigen, auf die komplexen Veränderungen unserer Lebenswelt reagieren, die Herausforderungen des Lernorts Schule ernst nehmen und die Erkenntnisse wesentlicher Bezugsdisziplinen einbeziehen. Diese Vernetzungsaufgabe verlangt nach systematischen philosophiedidaktischen Untersuchungen für die Lehrkräfteausbildung. Ziel dieses Bandes ist die Analyse und Diskussion der philosophischen, fachdidaktischen und bildungstheoretischen Fragestellungen einer Reihe komplexer Herausforderungen, die für die Ausbildung an der Hochschule, im Referendariat sowie in der Fort- und Weiterbildung wirksam werden: Welche Rolle kann und soll philosophische Bildung in inter- und transdisziplinären Bezügen spielen, wie z.B. bei der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung oder in einem Bildungslabor? Wie kann und sollte Philosophieren mit Kindern praktiziert werden? Wie kann und sollte mit der Forderung nach Inklusion umgegangen werden? Ist problemorientierter Unterricht der Goldstandard philosophischen Unterrichtens oder nicht? Auf diese und weitere Fragen geben die Beiträge der Autor*innen Antworten und Lösungsvorschläge, in denen alte und neue Kontroversen sichtbar werden. Der Band versteht sich als Beitrag zu lebendigen Grundsatzdiskursen, die ein Fundament liefern für die Entwicklung eines zeitgemäßen Philosophie- und Ethikunterrichts.

Theoretisches Philosophieren und Lebensweltorientierung: Ein Wegweiser für Hochschule und Schule (Philosophische Bildung in Schule und Hochschule)

by Bettina Bussmann Philipp Mayr

Die globalen Veränderungen fordern unser Wissen über die Welt und über uns selbst heraus. Der Klimawandel, die globale Covid-19-Pandemie und Konflikte um die Bedeutung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse führen uns unweigerlich zu einer Vielzahl komplexer philosophischer Fragen. Dabei rücken verstärkt Themen der theoretischen Philosophie in den Vordergrund: Was ist eigentlich Wissen? Auf welche Informationen können wir uns verlassen? Ist die Wahrheit relativ? Was macht ExpertInnen aus? Was ist gute wissenschaftliche Praxis? Was bedeutet ‚evidenzbasiert‘? Welchen sozialen und globalen Einflüssen ist unser Wissenserwerb ausgesetzt? In der Ausbildung von Philosophie- und Ethikstudierenden gibt es oft eine große Scheu, Disziplinen wie Erkenntnistheorie und Wissenschaftsphilosophie zu erlernen und zu unterrichten. Zu abstrakt und lebensweltlich irrelevant, sagen viele. Dieses Buch soll diese Berührungsängste beseitigen helfen, indem die theoretischen Grundlagen auf die Probleme der Gegenwart angewendet und mit vielseitigen Methoden erschlossen werden. Zwei Ziele stehen im Vordergrund: Zum einen soll deutlich werden, dass die Beschäftigung mit theoretischer Philosophie für das persönliche und das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Zum anderen zeigen eine Reihe didaktischer Tools, wie man Lernende dabei aktiv in den Lernprozess miteinbezieht.

Neue Steuerungsmodelle — Frischer Wind im Jugendhilfeausschuss?: Die Weiterentwicklung der neuen Steuerungsmodelle: Tendenzen und Potenziale am Beispiel der Jugendhilfe

by Ulrike Bussmann Karin Esch Sybille Stöbe-Blossey

Die Neuen Steuerungsmodelle können im öffentlichen Sektor als „die“ Modernisierungsstrategie der 90er Jahre gelten. Die Jugendhilfepolitik steht bei der Implementierung – nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Sonderstruktur des Jugendhilfeausschusses – besonderen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Welche Tendenzen und Potenziale zeichnen sich dabei insbesondere für die Jugendhilfeausschüsse und die freien Träger ab?

The State of Developmental Education: Higher Education and Public Policy Priorities (Education Policy)

by Leticia Tomas Bustillos T. Parker M. Barrett

The State of Developmental Education is the first book to provide a thorough, comparative picture of how developmental education is carried out at higher education institutions and investigate how different state-level policies and priorities change the availability, types, and quality of developmental education available.

Geography Education's Potential and the Capability Approach: GeoCapabilities and Schools

by Richard Bustin

This book explores the pivotal role that geography as a school subject plays in helping every young person achieve their educational potential. Expressed as ‘GeoCapabilities’, this concept draws on the the capabilities approach developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum applied to curriculum thinking in schools. While traditional subjects have often been deemed irrelevant and outdated in an overcrowded secondary school curriculum, subjects like geography have often been lost or combined with others to fulfil a broad skills agenda. More recent talk of a ‘knowledge led’ curriculum can often lead to the recitation of facts at the expense of developing deeper understanding. This book argues the concept of powerful geographical knowledge, based on the work of Michael Young and David Lambert, invests the subject of geography with its educational potential: this forms the basis of GeoCapabilities. GeoCapabilities focuses on both what is being taught and why, and as such provides a framework of curriculum thinking which will be of interest and value to geography teachers, school leaders with curriculum development responsibilities and all those interested in the capability approach and the moral imperative of education.

Digital Economy and New Value Creation: 15th International Conference on Business Excellence, ICBE 2021, Bucharest, Romania, March 18–19, 2021 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Mihail Busu

This book constitutes a selection of the best papers from the 15th International Conference on Business Excellence, Digital Economy and New Value Creation, ICBE 2021, held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2021.This book is a collection of research findings and perspectives related to the digital economy and new value creation, led by the set of improvements and changes in the economic, societal and technological structures and processes towards the effort of reaching the sustainability goals.

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores

by Amy Buswell Bruce Lansky

How Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons Turn Struggling Readers into Happy Readers — For Grades 2–5.Many struggling readers are embarrassed to read aloud. They are often intimidated or bored by texts that conventional programs require them to practice. So, instead of catching up, they fall further behind. Currently 67% of American fourth graders can’t read grade-level text. Reading specialist Amy Buswell has spent eight years looking for remediation methods that work. “What is needed,” Buswell explains, “is a program that improves the motivation of struggling readers, because that accounts for 90% of the problem.” Four years ago, Buswell came up with a brainstorm. She knew her best readers enjoyed reading Bruce Lansky’s poetry books for pleasure. The more poems they read, the better their reading got. Why not use Lansky’s kid-tested poems as texts struggling readers could practice on to improve their reading—using six research-based strategies: choral reading, echo reading, paired reading, repeated reading, sustained silent reading and “say it like the character” reading. — This book is the result of that brainstorm and the resulting collaboration between Buswell and Lansky. It gives teachers and parents everything they need to help children improve their reading: -35 kid-tested poems by Bruce Lansky -35 customized reading lessons by Amy Buswell -35 off-the-wall illustrations by Stephen Carpenter -35 sets of zany performance tips by Bruce Lansky …all of which is designed to make the process of reading improvement more like fun than work. — What Amy Buswell and Bruce Lansky have created is the most entertaining fluency intervention ever. That’s why it is so successful at overcoming negative attitudes to improve reading skills and scores. Ninety-five percent of participating students made significant improvement in their fluency (reading rate). And average reading scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) for Buswell’s school raised her school’s rating to an A for the first time. In 2011, Buswell’s school achieved one of the highest-percentage reading gains in the county. — There’s no reason parents can’t get in on the fun, too. Parents will enjoy Lansky’s funny poems and Stephen Carpenter’s delightful illustrations as much as their children. By reading the poems with their children and encouraging their children to try some of Lansky’s entertaining performance tips (by adding gestures, sound effects, props and finding additional readers: be they friends, family or neighbors), they can dramatically speed up their child’s reading progress (and have lots of fun in the process.)

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores

by Amy Buswell Bruce Lansky

Amy Buswell and Bruce Lansky's Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons turns struggling readers into happy readers -- For Grades 2-5. Many struggling readers are embarrassed to read aloud. They are often intimidated or bored by texts that conventional programs require them to practice. So, instead of catching up, they fall further behind. Currently 67% of American fourth graders can't read grade-level text. Reading specialist Amy Buswell has spent eight years looking for remediation methods that work. "What is needed," Buswell explains, "is a program that improves the motivation of struggling readers, because that accounts for 90% of the problem." Four years ago, Buswell came up with a brainstorm. She knew her best readers enjoyed reading Bruce Lansky's poetry books for pleasure. The more poems they read, the better the reading got. Why not use Lansky's kid-tested poems as texts struggling readers could practice on to improve their reading -- using six research-based strategies: choral reading, echo reading, paired reading, repeated reading, sustained silent reading and "say it like the character" reading. -- This book is the result of that brainstorm and the resulting collaboration between Buswell and Lansky. It gives teachers and parents everything they need to help children improve their reading: -35 kid-tested poems by Bruce Lansky -35 customized reading lessons by Amy Buswell -35 off-the-wall illustrations by Stephen Carpenter -35 sets of zany performance tips by Bruce Lansky -- all of which is designed to make the process of reading improvement more like fun than work. -- What Amy Buswell and Bruce Lansky have created is the most entertaining fluency intervention ever. That's why it is so successful at overcoming negative attitudes to improve reading skills and scores. Ninety-five percent of participating students made significant improvement in their fluency (reading rate). And average reading scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) for Buswell's school raised her school's rating to an A for the first time. In 2011, Buswell's school achieved one of the highest-percentage reading gains in the county. -- There's no reason parents can't get in on the fun, too. Parents will enjoy Lansky's funny poems and Stephen Carpenter's delightful illustrations as much as their children. By reading the poems with their children and encouraging their children to try some of Lansky's entertaining performance tips (by adding gestures, sound effects, props and finding additional readers: be they friends, family or neighbors), they can dramatically speed up their child's reading progress (and have lots of fun in the process.)

Teaching College-Level Disciplinary Literacy: Strategies and Practices in STEM and Professional Studies

by Juanita C. But

This volume foregrounds the disciplinary literacy approach to college teaching and learning with in-depth discussions of theory and research, as well as extensive classroom illustrations. Built upon the current work of READ (Reading Effectively Across the Disciplines), a disciplinary literacy program at New York City College of Technology, it presents a broad collection of methodologies, strategies, and best practices with discipline-specific considerations. It offers an overview of the program informed by evidence-based research and practices in college disciplinary learning, describing how its unique model addresses the literacy needs of students in STEM and professional studies. Chapter authors, including administrators, literacy specialists, and content experts discuss program design, professional development, and assessments. They also outline strategies to foster disciplinary literacy pedagogy and college success in five content areas, including Accounting, Architecture, Biology, Electromechanical Engineering, and Mathematics.

Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

Part of the 'Children's Book Selection for Summer 2016' in The Express.Izzy and her friends have never liked school dinners. And they're getting worse. The dinner ladies are acting strangely (making up random rules, wearing hats, and cooking new food, even more horrible than usual). Lollipop man mentions there is a new head dinner lady and calls her "a bit of a legend" (in a bad way) and that she used to be here a long, long time ago and has returned. Izzy and friends wonder if she is the reason for the strange behaviour. They wonder why she has returned. They find out she was fired. They speculate as to why and decide she's a demon who's returned to do bad things. Because why wouldn't she be?

Baby Aliens Got My Teacher (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

One day Izzy and her friends are surprised to find that their teacher, Miss Jones, is actually being nice to them. This is the woman who was caught secretly smiling when Maisie Miller fell off her chair. There can only be one conclusion: she's been taken over by aliens, and now she wants to make them all aliens too!From the book: One time I found a crisp shaped EXACTLY like Mrs Cunningham who lives upstairs and when I showed Mum she just said, 'No thanks, you eat it.' I obviously did NOT eat it, I put it in an envelope and carefully posted it through Mrs Cunningham's letter box. Because that's what I would want someone to do if they found a crisp shaped exactly like me (also called a crisp twin).'Enjoyable for its childlike sense of adventure, humour and imagination.' - The Sunday Times'…full of fun. The bold, bright package is particularly enticing, making this a book that children will want to pick up. With quirky characters, laugh-out-loud humour and a reassuringly familiar primary school setting, it will particularly appeal to young readers with lively imaginations.' - BookTrust

The Baby Brother From Outer Space!: World Book Day 2018 (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

When Haroon's mum brings his baby brother into school, Izzy and her friends are ALARMED! The baby is clearly using mind control because the office ladies are being REALLY NICE. He spells space words with his blocks and he REALLY LIKES SCHOOL DINNERS! But it's when he starts USING HIS ALIEN PHONE that they know. Haroon's baby brother is from outer space and he's MAKING CONTACT WITH ALIENS! A brand new laugh-out-loud story created especially for World Book Day by Blue Peter Award winners Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham. Read more of Izzy's adventures! Read more of Izzy's adventures! Baby Aliens Got My TeacherThe Spy Who Loved School DinnersMy Headteacher Is a Vampire RatAttack of the Demon Dinner LadiesTo Wee Or Not To Wee!There's a Werewolf In My Tent!The Phantom Lollipop Man!There’s a Yeti in the Playground! Icarus Was Ridiculous!

The Broken Leg of Doom (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

Hilarious, illustrated school-based antics where everything that happens leads to DRAMA and RUNNING AROUND and even some FAINTING! When a session of extreme dancing leaves Maisie in hospital with a broken leg, things take a turn for the weird! Strange noises in the ward at night, missing cuddly toys and a sandwich trolley that only ever has TUNA sandwiches. Could Maisie's leg be CURSED? If it is, and it DEFINITELY IS, then everything is DOOMED!Laugh-out-loud fun from Blue Peter Award winners Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham.Read more of Izzy's adventures!Baby Aliens Got My TeacherThe Spy Who Loved School DinnersMy Headteacher Is a Vampire RatAttack of the Demon Dinner LadiesTo Wee Or Not To Wee!There's a Werewolf In My Tent!The Phantom Lollipop Man!There's a Yeti in the Playground!Icarus Was Ridiculous

Icarus Was Ridiculous (Izzy Series)

by Pamela Butchart

Izzy LOVES all the stories the Ancient Greeks told! She can't wait to tell her friends about Icarus, who was a TOTAL NUMPTY, and the Trojan Horse, which ended a war and wasn't even REAL! So pull up a plinth and enjoy all the DRAMA of the original Greek myths, as told by Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham, in collaboration with the British Museum.Now with even more SANDALS!

A Monster Ate My Packed Lunch! (Baby Aliens #11)

by Pamela Butchart

Hilarious, illustrated school-based antics where everything that happens leads to DRAMA and RUNNING AROUND and even some FAINTING! Izzy and her friends are on a school trip to a big lake. Gary Petrie is excited because the lodges where they're staying have ROBES AND SLIPPERS! The lake is dark and deep and a bit scary. But it's when they open their packed lunches that they know! There's a MONSTER in the lake and it's coming for their CRISPS!Laugh-out-loud fun from Blue Peter Award winners Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham.Read more of Izzy's adventures!Baby Aliens Got My TeacherThe Spy Who Loved School DinnersMy Headteacher Is a Vampire RatAttack of the Demon Dinner LadiesTo Wee Or Not To Wee!There's a Werewolf In My Tent!The Phantom Lollipop Man!There's a Yeti in the Playground!Icarus Was RidiculousThe Broken Leg of Doom

My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

Winner of The FCGB Children's Book Award 2016.The third zippy and zany tale by Pamela Butchart sees Izzy and her friends plunged into more primary-school craziness. This time, they decide that their new head teacher is a vampire rat, based on his being slightly scary, having the blinds drawn in his office during the day and the fact he's banned garlic bread at lunchtimes. Now they just have to come up with a plan to vanquish him.'The book is as accessible as it is hilarious, with entertaining line drawings from Thomas Flintham and easy-to-read prose that cleverly sneaks in the odd tricky word.' - The Independent'The new head teacher at Izzy's school must be a vampire! After all, he wears a cape, hates garlic and turns bright red in the sunlight. Izzy and her friends set out to uncover the truth as their imaginations get the better of them in this very funny story' - The Federation of Children's Book Groups

Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon (Petunia Perry Ser. #1)

by Pamela Butchart

A hilarious novel about how to fit in when you don't want to conform, with brilliant illustrations throughout by world-renowned Gemma Correll. Perfect for fans of Louise Rennison and Holly Smale. Now with a brand-new look!Petunia Perry has decided to write her memoirs. She wants the world to know what it's like to start secondary school with a best friend who stages one-person flash mobs in the canteen, a mother who over-shares at parents' evenings and an unwelcome suitor who draws pictures of her as a unicorn. But it's when she decides to start a band with a spoon-player and a lead-singer who's a cat that things take a turn for the truly crazy...A laugh-out-loud take from the bestselling author, Pamela Butchart, on the perils of standing out in secondary school. Petunia Perry dares to be different but it's not always easy. But it is always life-affirming and hilarious, and definitely the right thing to be...Pamela is also the author of the Izzy series for younger readers:Baby Aliens Got My TeacherThe Spy Who Loved School DinnersMy Headteacher is a Vampire RatThe Demon Dinner LadiesTo Wee or Not to WeeThere's a Werewolf in My TentThe Phantom Lollipop ManThere's a Yeti in the PlaygroundIcarus Was RidiculousThe Broken Leg of DoomA Monster Ate My Packed Lunch!

The Phantom Lollipop Man (Baby Aliens #7)

by Pamela Butchart

Izzy and her friends are shocked when they find their lollipop man has disappeared! Maisie thinks he's gone to Rome but if that's true, why do they keep seeing a weird white wispy cloud around the school? And why do Izzy's legs feel cold even though she's got tights on? Could it be that the lollipop man is a phantom and he's come to spook them all?! Laugh-out-loud fun from Blue Peter Award winners Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham. Read more of Izzy's adventures! Baby Aliens Got My TeacherThe Spy Who Loved School DinnersMy Headteacher Is a Vampire RatAttack of the Demon Dinner LadiesTo Wee Or Not To Wee!There's a Werewolf In My Tent!The Phantom Lollipop Man!There’s a Yeti in the Playground! Icarus Was Ridiculous!

The Secret School Invasion

by Pamela Butchart

Hilarious, pitch-perfect stories where everyday school life becomes completely extraordinary! By a brilliant author/illustrator team with laughs on every page! Izzy's school is being merged with St Bartholomew's Primary, their greatest rivals! What will happen when the new kids join, in their too-shiny shoes and with their too-loud singing? And what if they've got a secret mission and that mission is a BAD mission? Only Izzy and her friends can discover the truth, even if they must go SO DEEP UNDERCOVER that they might not come back...

The Spy Who Loved School Dinners (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

Winner of the Blue Peter Best Story Award 2015.Izzy is really pleased to have been put in charge of the new girl at school. Matilde is French, and Izzy and her friends can't wait to show her their den and its moth, and to help her avoid school dinners (also known as poison). But Matilde LOVES school dinners and even has seconds! And that's when they know. Matilde is a spy and she has come to find out their secrets. They must stop her before it's TOO LATE!!!'Laugh out loud at this hilarious story of four school friends charged with looking after the new girl in the class. Silent and mysterious, and a lover of school dinners, Mathilde is different. Is she the dreaded school inspector in disguise? Written in a conversational style, children will easily relate to the familiar setting of school; it's a quick read with a page-turner plot.' - The Best New Children's Books Summer 2015 Guardian supplement

There’s a Beast in the Basement! (Baby Aliens #13)

by Pamela Butchart

Hilarious, pitch-perfect stories where everyday school life becomes completely extraordinary! By the brilliant Blue Peter-award winning team of Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham, the best in the business! Chaos and mayhem reign as Izzy and her friends take on another hilarious (mis)adventure. There's no such thing as an ordinary day at school when they're around... Izzy and her friends overhear their head teacher talking about "missing treasure" and "running out of time". They know this means there's TREASURE buried in the school somewhere and that Mr Graves wants it all for himself. So Jodi says they've got to find it first, and they should start by searching the staffroom. After seeing things they will never forget, they head to the basement. Gary Petrie's dad is working down there and he's seen something SHINY! So they send Zach's cat down with a camera strapped to her head and study the footage carefully. What they see is SHOCKING and CHANGES EVERYTHING. It's not treasure in the basement, it's a BEAST with SHINING EYES and it's coming to get them! RUN!!!

There's a Werewolf In My Tent! (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

Izzy and her friends are SO EXCITED about their school trip. They're going camping and there'll be marshmallows and no washing and everything. But then WEIRD things start happening! There are howling sounds at night, and some sausages have gone missing, and it's nearly a full moon... But it's when they see their new teacher's hairy legs that they KNOW! There's a werewolf on the school trip and they're all DOOMED! Another brilliantly funny longer read for the newly confident reader from the best-selling, award-winning, author-illustrator team, Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham.

There's A Yeti In The Playground! (Baby Aliens)

by Pamela Butchart

Izzy and friends are excited! The snow is falling fast and they're hoping they'll all be sent home early. But then they hear weird noises in the playground, and find a big footprint in the snow... And that's when they know! There's a YETI in the playground and it's HUNGRY! Laugh-out-loud fun from Blue Peter Award winners Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham."Izzy and friends are snowed in at school when they see a really big footprint... A seasonal instalment in the brilliantly funny series for young readers." - The Bookseller

To Wee or Not to Wee (Baby Aliens #5)

by Pamela Butchart

Hamlet could NEVER make his mind up about ANYTHING. And one time he actually went to school in just his pants and got sent home because he couldn't decide what to wear.When Izzy (star of The Spy Who Loved School Dinners) is asked to tell her friends some HILARIOUS and SCARY stories she knows exactly where to look: Shakespeare, the king of SUPER dramatic stuff. After learning about Macbeth (a STRONG solider who ate four bowls of porridge and twenty pieces of toast every morning) her friends want more. So Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet all get the Izzy treatment. There's blood and guts, ghosty stuff, and plenty of people wandering around in their nighties. The perfect introduction to the Bard!Izzy's version of Macbeth originally appeared on the BBC Radio series 'Shakespeare Retold', read by actress Shirley Henderson (who played Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films!).

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