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Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions: 8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 28 - October 1, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9378)

by Andrej Brodnik Jan Vahrenhold

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2015, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September/October 2015. The 14 full papers presented together with 3 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. The focus of the conference was on following topics: sustainable education in informatics for pupils of all ages; connecting informatics lessons to the students’ everyday lives; teacher education in informatics; and research on informatics in schools (empirical/qualitative/quantitative/theory building/research methods/comparative studies/transferability of methods and results from other disciplines).

Lernen am Arbeitsplatz im dualen Studium

by Alexander Brodsky

Duale Studiengänge kombinieren das Lernen an den Lernorten Hochschule und Praxis. Die Beliebtheit dualer Studienprogramme stieg in den vergangenen Jahren sukzessive an und ein Abflachen dieses Trends ist derzeit nicht erkennbar. Doch insbesondere zu den Lernprozessen am Arbeitsplatz sowie zu den Wirkungen der Praxisphasen ist forschungsseitig bislang wenig bekannt. An diesen Forschungsdesiderata setzt die vorliegende Monografie an: In einem Forschungsprojekt zwischen der Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (HdBA) und der Universität Mannheim werden zwei Bachelorprogramme der HdBA in einem längsschnittlichen Forschungsdesign begleitet, um mehr über die Praxisphasen der Studierenden zu erfahren. Neben der Analyse verschiedener Merkmale der Lern- und Arbeitstätigkeiten liegt ein zentraler Fokus in dieser Arbeit auf der Untersuchung potenzieller Einflussfaktoren der Kompetenzentwicklung. Dabei werden einerseits die Häufigkeiten verschiedener Lern- und Arbeitstätigkeiten, andererseits diverse Merkmale der Lern- und Arbeitsbedingungen berücksichtigt. Die Befunde der Untersuchung dienen als Grundlage der abgeleiteten Implikationen und Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung von Praxisphasen in dualen Studiengängen.

Gender Consciousness and Privilege

by Celeste Brody Kasi Allen Fuller Penny Poplin Gosetti Susan Randles Moscato Nancy Gail Nagel Glennellen Pace Patricia Schmuck

Develops a new framework for working in schools that helps educators make informed decisions about change at individual, classroom, curricular and school levels on behalf of gender equity. Addresses the issue of understanding the impact of education on the two sexes, and looks at responsibility for creating gender-fair environments, organising work and creating environments for learning. The book draws on a two-year study into the role that gender played as three Catholic high schools prepared to move from single sex to coeducation. It does not weigh the advantages of single sex against coeducative approaches, but studies gender in a setting where the particpants' consciousness of gender issues was heightened: faculty and administration were formally and informally discussing gender concepts and students were talking about male and female issues. The book shows that the combination of leadership, staff and curricular awareness, and an understanding of gender fair and gender affirmative practices can serve to improve institutional effectiveness and lead to higher levels of student achievement.

Gender Consciousness and Privilege

by Celeste Brody Kasi Allen Fuller Penny Poplin Gosetti Susan Randles Moscato Nancy Gail Nagel Glennellen Pace Patricia Schmuck

Develops a new framework for working in schools that helps educators make informed decisions about change at individual, classroom, curricular and school levels on behalf of gender equity. Addresses the issue of understanding the impact of education on the two sexes, and looks at responsibility for creating gender-fair environments, organising work and creating environments for learning. The book draws on a two-year study into the role that gender played as three Catholic high schools prepared to move from single sex to coeducation. It does not weigh the advantages of single sex against coeducative approaches, but studies gender in a setting where the particpants' consciousness of gender issues was heightened: faculty and administration were formally and informally discussing gender concepts and students were talking about male and female issues. The book shows that the combination of leadership, staff and curricular awareness, and an understanding of gender fair and gender affirmative practices can serve to improve institutional effectiveness and lead to higher levels of student achievement.

Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce: Why They Leave and Why They Stay (Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood)

by David L. Brody Kari Emilsen Tim Rohrmann Jo Warin

The role of men in early childhood education and care is crucial for the future of all children growing up in a gender sensitive world. Achieving greater diversity and gender balance in the workforce has proved a challenging goal, despite concerted efforts on the part of individuals, institutions, and governments around the world. Many men remain reluctant to enter the profession, and once they choose this work many leave. This book explores how men in the field make their career decisions to remain in or leave the profession. Taking a broad international perspective and exploring the role of gender in these career decisions, contributors from around the globe unpack how gender concepts influence men’s career trajectories. Through their collaborative research, the team of 17 gender and early childhood researchers investigate various critical and relevant factors such as professionalisation, workplace environment, leadership, day to day interactions in the workplace, societal considerations, internal motivations, agency, masculinities, and critical moments in career decision making. Using cultural, racial, ethnic, and social class lenses to examine men’s career decisions over their professional lives, the contributors’ unique approach uncovers the complexity of the issue and offers evidence-based recommendations for policy both on national and local levels. These include practical suggestions to directors and managers who care about achieving a gender-mixed workforce. Accessible and enlightening, this is a unique resource for scholars, policymakers, and any others in the education community who support boosting the inclusion of men in early childhood education.

Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce: Why They Leave and Why They Stay (Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood)

by David L. Brody Kari Emilsen Tim Rohrmann Jo Warin

The role of men in early childhood education and care is crucial for the future of all children growing up in a gender sensitive world. Achieving greater diversity and gender balance in the workforce has proved a challenging goal, despite concerted efforts on the part of individuals, institutions, and governments around the world. Many men remain reluctant to enter the profession, and once they choose this work many leave. This book explores how men in the field make their career decisions to remain in or leave the profession. Taking a broad international perspective and exploring the role of gender in these career decisions, contributors from around the globe unpack how gender concepts influence men’s career trajectories. Through their collaborative research, the team of 17 gender and early childhood researchers investigate various critical and relevant factors such as professionalisation, workplace environment, leadership, day to day interactions in the workplace, societal considerations, internal motivations, agency, masculinities, and critical moments in career decision making. Using cultural, racial, ethnic, and social class lenses to examine men’s career decisions over their professional lives, the contributors’ unique approach uncovers the complexity of the issue and offers evidence-based recommendations for policy both on national and local levels. These include practical suggestions to directors and managers who care about achieving a gender-mixed workforce. Accessible and enlightening, this is a unique resource for scholars, policymakers, and any others in the education community who support boosting the inclusion of men in early childhood education.

Signs In Law - A Source Book: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education III

by Jan M. Broekman Larry Catá Backer

This volume provides a critical roadmap through the major historical sources of legal semiotics as we know them today. The history of legal semiotics, now at least a century old, has never been written (a non-event itself pregnant with semiotic possibility). As a consequence, its sources are seldom clearly exposed and, as word, object and meaning change, are sometimes lost. They reach from an English translation of the 1916 inaugural lecture of the first Chair in Legal Significs at the Amsterdam University, via mid 20th century studies on “property” or “contract,” to equally fascinating essays on contemporary semiotic problems produced by former students of the Roberta Kevelson Semiotics Roundtable Seminar at Penn State University 2012 and 2013. Together, the materials in this book weave the fabric of semiotics and significs, two names for the unfolding of semiotics in law and legal discourse at least until the second half of the 20th century, and both of which covered a lawyer’s focus on sign and meaning in law. The latter is embedded within the cultural imperatives of the civilization that gave these terms meaning and made them an effective tool for the dissection of law, its reconstitution as an instrument to be used by the lawyer to advance the interests of her clients, and for judges as a means to restructure language as a narrative of law whose power could bend behavior to its strictures. Legal semiotics has become an indispensible part of the elite lawyer’s toolkit and a fundamental approach to analysis of legal texts. Two previous volumes published in 2011 and 2012 explored the conceptual, methodological and epistemological progress in the field of legal semiotics, the modern forms of semiotics study, and the mechanics of meaning making processes by lawyers. Yet the great lessons of semiotics requires a focus on the origins of the concepts and frameworks that would become contemporary legal semiotics, its origins as an object of the consciousness of meaning making—one whose roots, as lessons for the oracular conversations of law, are expanded in this volume.

Lawyers Making Meaning: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education II

by Jan M. Broekman Larry Catà Backer

This book present a structure for understanding and exploring the semiotic character of law and law systems. Cultivating a deep understanding for the ways in which lawyers make meaning—the way in which they help make the world and are made, in turn by the world they create —can provide a basis for consciously engaging in the work of the law and in the production of meaning. The book first introduces the reader to the idea of semiotics in general and legal semiotics in particular, as well as to the major actors and shapers of the field, and to the heart of the matter: signs. The second part studies the development of the strains of thinking that together now define semiotics, with attention being paid to the pragmatics, psychology and language of legal semiotics. A third part examines the link between legal theory and semiotics, the practice of law, the critical legal studies movement in the USA, the semiotics of politics and structuralism. The last part of the book ties the different strands of legal semiotics together, and closely looks at semiotics in the lawyer’s toolkit—such as: text, name and meaning. ​

Socioeconomic Inequality and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Twenty Years of TIMSS (IEA Research for Education #5)

by Markus Broer Yifan Bai Frank Fonseca

This open access book focuses on trends in educational inequality using twenty years of grade 8 student data collected from 13 education systems by the IEA’s Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) between 1995 and 2015. While the overall positive association between family socioeconomic status (SES) and student achievement is well documented in the literature, the magnitude of this relationship is contingent on social contexts and is expected to vary by education system. Research on how such associations differ across societies and how the strength of these relationships has changed over time is limited. This study, therefore, addresses an important research and policy question by examining changes in the inequality of educational outcomes due to SES over this 20-year period, and also examines the extent to which the performance of students from disadvantaged backgrounds has improved over time in each education system. Education systems generally aim to narrow the achievement gap between low- and high-SES students and to improve the performance of disadvantaged students. However, the lack of quantifiable and comprehensible measures makes it difficult to assess and monitor the effect of such efforts. In this study, a novel measure of SES that is consistent across all TIMSS cycles allows students to be categorized into different socioeconomic groups. This measure of SES may also contribute to future research using TIMSS trend data. Readers will gain new insight into how educational inequality has changed in the education systems studied and how such change may relate to the more complex picture of macroeconomic changes in those societies.

Governing through Standards: the Faceless Masters of Higher Education

by Katja Brøgger

This book offers an empirical and theoretical account of the mode of governance that characterizes the Bologna Process. In addition, it shows how the reform materializes and is translated in everyday working life among professors and managers in higher education. It examines the so-called Open Method of Coordination as a powerful actor that uses “soft governance” to advance transnational standards in higher education. The book shows how these standards no longer serve as tools for what were once human organizational, national or international, regulators. Instead, the standards have become regulators themselves – the faceless masters of higher education. By exploring this, the book reveals the close connections between the Bologna Process and the EU regarding regulative and monitoring techniques such as standardizations and comparisons, which are carried out through the Open Method of Coordination. It suggests that the Bologna Process works as a subtle means to circumvent the EU’s subsidiarity principle, making it possible to accomplish a European governance of higher education despite the fact that education falls outside EU’s legislative reach. The book’s research interest in translation processes, agency and power relations among policy actors positions it in studies on policy transfer, policy borrowing and globalization. However, different from conventional approaches, this study draws on additional interpretive frameworks such as new materialism.

The Handbook of Carbon Accounting

by Arnaud Brohé

Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organisations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the causes and impacts of climate change becomes increasingly urgent, emissions calculations and inventories are a vital first step towards mastering climatic risk. The Handbook of Carbon Accounting offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the discipline. The book examines the different methods or instruments implemented by countries and companies – such as carbon taxation, carbon markets and voluntary offsetting – while revealing how these stem not simply from the aim of reducing emissions for the lowest cost, but more as a compromise between divergent interests and individual world views. It also explores the historical context of the emergence of carbon accounting, assessing its evolution since the Rio Conference in 1992 and the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, to the latest Conference of Parties in 2015 in Paris.The book concludes with a very practical guide to calculate, reduce, offset and disclose your carbon footprint.Like other management tools, carbon accounting may not be an exact science, but its contribution has never been more important. The Handbook of Carbon Accounting is a vital educational resource that will help readers – including those with no prior knowledge of the field – to understand carbon flows and stocks and to take action. It forms part of a movement that heralds the start of a new economic era in which the search for prosperity can live in harmony with the environment.

The Handbook of Carbon Accounting

by Arnaud Brohé

Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organisations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the causes and impacts of climate change becomes increasingly urgent, emissions calculations and inventories are a vital first step towards mastering climatic risk. The Handbook of Carbon Accounting offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the discipline. The book examines the different methods or instruments implemented by countries and companies – such as carbon taxation, carbon markets and voluntary offsetting – while revealing how these stem not simply from the aim of reducing emissions for the lowest cost, but more as a compromise between divergent interests and individual world views. It also explores the historical context of the emergence of carbon accounting, assessing its evolution since the Rio Conference in 1992 and the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, to the latest Conference of Parties in 2015 in Paris.The book concludes with a very practical guide to calculate, reduce, offset and disclose your carbon footprint.Like other management tools, carbon accounting may not be an exact science, but its contribution has never been more important. The Handbook of Carbon Accounting is a vital educational resource that will help readers – including those with no prior knowledge of the field – to understand carbon flows and stocks and to take action. It forms part of a movement that heralds the start of a new economic era in which the search for prosperity can live in harmony with the environment.

Positive Psychologie in Bildungseinrichtungen: Konzepte und Strategien für Fach- und Führungskräfte (essentials)

by Michaela Brohm

Michaela Brohm stellt Konzepte und Strategien zur positiven Energetisierung von Individuen und Organisationen im Bildungsbereich vor. Sie zeigt, wie sich das energetische Niveau einer Bildungsorganisation durch positiv-psychologische Maßnahmen heben lässt, und gibt Impulse für einen motivierenden, Mensch und Organisation belebenden Führungsstil. Wertvolle Anregungen, inspirierende Beispiele und ein umfassendes Inventar zu den zentralen Elementen positiven Führungsverhaltens fordern zum Transfer in die Praxis heraus.

Werte, Sinn und Tugenden als Steuerungsgrößen in Organisationen: Für Fach- und Führungskräfte (essentials)

by Michaela Brohm

Michaela Brohm stellt Konzepte und Strategien effektiver, wohlbefindlicher und lukrativer Organisationen vor. Sie erläutert, warum sich integre Führungskräfte mutig, gerecht und menschlich verhalten, und gibt Impulse für die werte- und sinnorientierte Individual- und Organisationsentwicklung. Wertvolle Anregungen, inspirierende Beispiele und ein umfassendes Inventar zu den Strategien werteorientierter Steuerung regen zum Transfer in die Praxis an.

Die Entwicklung des Menschen vor der Geburt: Ein Leitfaden Zum Selbststudium der Menschlichen Embryologie

by Ivar Broman

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of Cognitive Deficit

by Sarah H. Broman Paul L. Nichols Peter Shaughnessy Wallace Kennedy

Results of the Collaborative Perinatal Project report disclose the risk factors for mental retardation found in children examined from the prenatal period to age seven. Both biological and social risk factors are analyzed for both severe and mild cognitive deficits. The authors of this volume investigated the etiologies of the neurological subgroups of the retarded and reveal, through comparisons with non-retarded groups, important population factors related to normal cognitive development.

Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of Cognitive Deficit

by Sarah H. Broman Paul L. Nichols Peter Shaughnessy Wallace Kennedy

Results of the Collaborative Perinatal Project report disclose the risk factors for mental retardation found in children examined from the prenatal period to age seven. Both biological and social risk factors are analyzed for both severe and mild cognitive deficits. The authors of this volume investigated the etiologies of the neurological subgroups of the retarded and reveal, through comparisons with non-retarded groups, important population factors related to normal cognitive development.

Dem Phänomen auf der Spur: Forschendes Lehren und Studieren – Rekonstruktive Forschung – Erzeugung neuen Wissens

by Kirstin Bromberg Klaus Kraimer

Das Buch zeigt auf, wie wissenschafts- und forschungsorientierte Partizipation, Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung realisiert werden kann. Es vermittelt, wie Verstehen methodisch angeleitet werden muss, wenn nicht schematisch zugeordnet und gehandelt, sondern professionell agiert werden soll. Der Band vereint daher Beiträge, die Phänomenen auf der Spur sind, die erhellende, verblüffende oder ernüchternde Schlüsse ziehen und die auf vergessene sowie neue Zusammenhänge hinweisen. Hierüber wecken die Beiträge Interesse an der Entdeckung des Neuen, an Spurensuche, an Phänomenen des Biografischen, des Sozialen und des Pädagogischen.

The Pensive Citadel

by Victor Brombert

A reflective volume of essays on literature and literary study from a storied professor. In The Pensive Citadel, Victor Brombert looks back on a lifetime of learning within a university world greatly altered since he entered Yale on the GI Bill in the 1940s. Yet for all that has changed, much of Brombert’s long experience as a reader and teacher is richly familiar: the rewards of rereading, the joy of learning from students, and most of all the insight to be found in engaging works of literature. The essays gathered here range from meditations on laughter and jealousy to new appreciations of Brombert’s lifelong companions Shakespeare, Montaigne, Voltaire, and Stendhal. A veteran of D-day and the Battle of the Bulge who witnessed history’s worst nightmares firsthand, Brombert nevertheless approaches literature with a lightness of spirit, making the case for intellectual mobility and openness to change. The Pensive Citadel is a celebration of a life lived in literary study, and of what can be learned from attending to the works that form one’s cultural heritage.

E Nesbit: Author Study Activities for Key Stage 2

by Helen Bromley

This innovative series is designed to help primary teachers plan focused sessions on the work of popular, well-loved and valued authors, both classic and contemporary. Each book contains a range of activities for use directly in the classroom, covering biographical information about the author; a review of the author's work and a summary of major themes in his/her key texts; key language features of the author; frameworks to help children analyze, evaluate and compare texts, and to develop personal opinions of authors' works; ideas for writing modeled on or developed from key texts; speaking and listening opportunities; drama and role play ideas; and references to video, CD-ROM, websites and ICT activities. Inside each book is a full-color pullout poster illustrating the work of the author, which also has a set of challenges for children on the back. First published in the 1900s, Edith Nesbit's classic stories - including tales about the Bastable family, Five Children and It, The Treasure Seekers and The Railway Children - are still very popular indeed. This book presents activities on which to build a study of E. Nesbit's work, including: developing philosophical discussions on a variety of topics; ideas for writing - both narrative and non-narrative; ways of encouraging children to analyze text through devising games for others to play; promoting research skills - including critical reflection on internet use; investigating changes in language; comparing televisual and written versions of text; and work on cross-curricular themes, including history and geography.

E Nesbit: Author Study Activities for Key Stage 2

by Helen Bromley

This innovative series is designed to help primary teachers plan focused sessions on the work of popular, well-loved and valued authors, both classic and contemporary. Each book contains a range of activities for use directly in the classroom, covering biographical information about the author; a review of the author's work and a summary of major themes in his/her key texts; key language features of the author; frameworks to help children analyze, evaluate and compare texts, and to develop personal opinions of authors' works; ideas for writing modeled on or developed from key texts; speaking and listening opportunities; drama and role play ideas; and references to video, CD-ROM, websites and ICT activities. Inside each book is a full-color pullout poster illustrating the work of the author, which also has a set of challenges for children on the back. First published in the 1900s, Edith Nesbit's classic stories - including tales about the Bastable family, Five Children and It, The Treasure Seekers and The Railway Children - are still very popular indeed. This book presents activities on which to build a study of E. Nesbit's work, including: developing philosophical discussions on a variety of topics; ideas for writing - both narrative and non-narrative; ways of encouraging children to analyze text through devising games for others to play; promoting research skills - including critical reflection on internet use; investigating changes in language; comparing televisual and written versions of text; and work on cross-curricular themes, including history and geography.

Barriers and Biases in Computer-Mediated Knowledge Communication: And How They May Be Overcome (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series #5)

by Rainer Bromme Friedrich W. Hesse Hans Spada

What are the barriers in computer-mediated communication for cooperative learning and work? Based on empirical research, the chapters of this book offer different perspectives on the nature and causes of such barriers for students and researchers in the field.

Penguin Readers Level 4: Jane Eyre (ELT Graded Reader)

by Charlotte Bronte

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. Each title includes carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises. The eBook edition does not include access to additional online resources.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.Jane goes to work at Thornfield Hall as a governess for the strange Mr Rochester. The become friends, and she is finally happy. But Mr Rochester is going to marry the beautiful Blanche Ingram, and soon Jane must leave Thornfield forever.

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