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The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation (Geophysical Monograph Series #212)

by James Badro Michael Walter

The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation provides a multidisciplinary overview of the state of the art in understanding the formation and primordial evolution of the Earth. The fundamental structure of the Earth as we know it today was inherited from the initial conditions 4.56 billion years ago as a consequence of planetesimal accretion, large impacts among planetary objects, and planetary-scale differentiation. The evolution of the Earth from a molten ball of metal and magma to the tectonically active, dynamic, habitable planet that we know today is unique among the terrestrial planets, and understanding the earliest processes that led to Earth’s current state is the essence of this volume. Important results have emerged from a wide range of disciplines including cosmochemistry, geochemistry, experimental petrology, experimental and theoretical mineral physics and geodynamics. The topics in this volume include: Condensation of primitive objects in the solar nebula, planetary building blocks Early and late accretion and planetary dynamic modeling Primordial differentiation, core formation, Magma Ocean evolution and crystallization This volume will be a valuable resource for graduate students, academics, and researchers in the fields of geophysics, geochemistry, cosmochemistry, and planetary science.

The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation (Geophysical Monograph Series)

by James Badro Michael J. Walter

The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation provides a multidisciplinary overview of the state of the art in understanding the formation and primordial evolution of the Earth. The fundamental structure of the Earth as we know it today was inherited from the initial conditions 4.56 billion years ago as a consequence of planetesimal accretion, large impacts among planetary objects, and planetary-scale differentiation. The evolution of the Earth from a molten ball of metal and magma to the tectonically active, dynamic, habitable planet that we know today is unique among the terrestrial planets, and understanding the earliest processes that led to Earth’s current state is the essence of this volume. Important results have emerged from a wide range of disciplines including cosmochemistry, geochemistry, experimental petrology, experimental and theoretical mineral physics and geodynamics. The topics in this volume include: Condensation of primitive objects in the solar nebula, planetary building blocks Early and late accretion and planetary dynamic modeling Primordial differentiation, core formation, Magma Ocean evolution and crystallization This volume will be a valuable resource for graduate students, academics, and researchers in the fields of geophysics, geochemistry, cosmochemistry, and planetary science.

Thermodynamik: Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen und ihre technischen Anwendungen

by H. D. Baehr

VI wendungen verknüpft. Der Student erwirbt dabei zwar eine gewisse Fertigkeit im Umgang mit Formeln für technische Sonderfälle; ihm fehlt aber oft ein tieferes Verständnis für die logischen Zusammenhänge, und er versteht häufig nicht, Grundlegendes und Allgemeingültiges von dem zu unterscheiden, was nur unter einschränkenden Voraus­ setzungen für einen besonderen Anwendungsfall gilt. Ich habe mich daher bemüht, die Grundlagen dcr Thermodynamik ausführlich, in hinreichender logischer Strenge und so allgemein wie nötig darzustellen. Auch der größte Teil der Umarbeitungen, Ergänzungen und Erweite­ rungen diente der klareren Darstellung grundlegender Zusammen­ hänge. Stofflichen Erweiterungen wurden Kürzungen entgegengestellt, und manchmal brachte die Umarbeitung auch eine Straffung des Textes mit sich, so daß der Umfang des Buches gegenüber der zweiten Auf­ lage etwas verringert werden konnte. Von den zahlreichen Änderungen möchte ich die folgenden nennen. Der Arbeitsbegriff fand in Kapitel 2 eine genauere und eingehendere Darstellung, insbesondere wurde auch die Arbeit am Element eines strömenden Fluids behandelt, für das auch die besondere Form des 1. Hauptsatzes angegeben wird. Die in den früheren Auflagen gebrachte Einführung der Entropie (Kapitel 3) habe ich verallgemeinert und mit ausführlichen Beweisen versehen, um die Ergebnisse neuerer axiomati­ scher Untersuchungen, Stellung und Bedeutung von Caratheodorys Unerreichbarkeitsaxiom betreffend, zu berücksichtigen. Die früher nur kurz erwähnten Begriffe Entropieströmung und Entropieerzeugung habe ich ausführlich und auch in ihrer Anwendung auf technische Probleme dargestellt, wobei die mit der Entropieerzeugungeng verknüpfte Dissi­ pationsenergie neu eingeführt wurde.

Thermodynamik: Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen und ihre technischen Anwendungen

by Hans D. Baehr

Dieses Lehrbuch der Thermodynamik hat sich in vielen Auflagen und Sprachen bewährt; es liegt jetzt in einer grundlegenden und erweiterten Fassung vor. Die Stoffauswahl dieser gründlichen und verständlichen Einführung orientiert sich an den Lehrinhalten einführender Vorlesungen der Thermodynamik und Energietechnik. Neben den Energiebilanzen des ersten Hauptsatzes wird der zweite Hauptsatz besonders ausführlich dargestellt unter Einschluß des Exergiebegriffs, der für die Bewertung von Energieumwandlung wichtig ist. Erstmals werden auch die thermodynamischen Aspekte aller wesentlichen Teile der Energietechnik umfassend behandelt: Stationäre Fließprozesse, Verbrennungsprozesse und Verbrennungskraftanlagen, thermische Kraftwerke, Heizsysteme und Kälteanlagen. Dabei wurden Abschnitte über Wärmeübertrager, die Gasturbine als Flugzeugantrieb, Verbrennungsmotoren, Kernkraftwerke, kombinierte Gas-Dampf-Kraftwerke, die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung, Wärmepumpen und die Wärmetransformation neu aufgenommen. Diese moderne und umfassende Darstellung der technischen Thermodynamik eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Studierende an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen und gleichermaßen als Nachschlagewerk für den in der Praxis tätigen Ingenieur. Nachdem die Vorauflage grundlegend überarbeitet und erweitert worden war, sind in dieser Auflage im wesentlichen Druckfehler beseitigt und kleinere Verbesserungen vorgenommen worden.

Wärme- und Stoffübertragung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Hans D. Baehr Karl Stephan

Dieses Buch ist die erste gründliche und umfassende Darstellung aller Gebiete der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung in deutscher Sprache. Die Theorie der Wärme- und Stoffübertra- gung und die Methoden zur Lösung technisch wichitger Probleme werden systematisch entwickelt und verständlich dar gestellt. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben vertiefen den Stoff, fördern die Fähigkeit, praktische Probleme zu lösen und erleichtern das Selbststudium. Alle Teile der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden ausführlich behandelt: Wärmeleitung und Diffusion, konvektiver Wärme- und Stoff- übergang, Wärmeübergang beim Kondensieren und Verdampfen, Wärmestrahlung und die Berechnung der Apparate zur Wärme- und Stoffübertragung.

Wärme- und Stoffübertragung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Hans D. Baehr Karl Stephan

Dieses bereits in zweiter Auflage vorliegende Lehrbuch ist eine umfassende und gründliche Darstellung der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung. Ihre Theorie wird systematisch entwickelt, und die Lösungsmethoden aller wichtigen Probleme werden ausführlich behandelt. Daher eignet sich dieses Buch nicht nur für Studenten, sondern nützt auch Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren in der Praxis als zuverlässiges Nachschlagewerk. Alle Gebiete der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden dargestellt: Wärmeleitung und Diffusion, konvektiver Wärme- und Stoffaustausch, Wärmetransport beim Kondensieren und Verdampfen, die Wärmestrahlung sowie die Berechnung der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung. Zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele sowie Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen erleichtern das Verständnis.

Architecture as the Ethics of Climate

by Jin Baek

At a time when climate and ethics have become so important to architectural debate, this book proposes an entirely new way for architects to engage with these core issues. Drawing on Tetsuro Watsuji‘s (1889-1960) philosophy, the book illuminates climate not as a collection of objective natural phenomena, but as a concrete form of bond in which "who we are"—the subjective human experience—is indivisibly intertwined with the natural phenomena. The book further elucidates the inter-personal nature of climatic experiences, criticizing a view that sees atmospheric effects of climate under the guise of personal experientialism and reinforcing the linkage between climate and ethos as the appropriateness of a setting for human affairs. This ethical premise of climate stretches the horizon of sustainability as pertaining not only to man’s solitary relationship with natural phenomena—a predominant trend in contemporary discourse of sustainability—but also to man’s relationship with man. Overcoming climatic determinism—regional determinism, too—and expanding the ethics of the inter-personal to the level where the whole and particulars are joined through the dialectics of the mutually-negating opposites, Jin Baek develops a new thesis engaging with the very urgent issues inherent in sustainable architecture. Crucially, the book explores examples that join climate and the dynamics of the inter-personal, including: Japanese vernacular residential architecture the white residential architecture of Richard Neutra contemporary architectural works and urban artifacts by Tadao Ando and Aldo Rossi Beautifully illustrated, this book is an important contribution to the discourse which surrounds architecture, climate and ethics and encourages the reader to think more broadly about how to respond to the current challenges facing the profession.

Architecture as the Ethics of Climate

by Jin Baek

At a time when climate and ethics have become so important to architectural debate, this book proposes an entirely new way for architects to engage with these core issues. Drawing on Tetsuro Watsuji‘s (1889-1960) philosophy, the book illuminates climate not as a collection of objective natural phenomena, but as a concrete form of bond in which "who we are"—the subjective human experience—is indivisibly intertwined with the natural phenomena. The book further elucidates the inter-personal nature of climatic experiences, criticizing a view that sees atmospheric effects of climate under the guise of personal experientialism and reinforcing the linkage between climate and ethos as the appropriateness of a setting for human affairs. This ethical premise of climate stretches the horizon of sustainability as pertaining not only to man’s solitary relationship with natural phenomena—a predominant trend in contemporary discourse of sustainability—but also to man’s relationship with man. Overcoming climatic determinism—regional determinism, too—and expanding the ethics of the inter-personal to the level where the whole and particulars are joined through the dialectics of the mutually-negating opposites, Jin Baek develops a new thesis engaging with the very urgent issues inherent in sustainable architecture. Crucially, the book explores examples that join climate and the dynamics of the inter-personal, including: Japanese vernacular residential architecture the white residential architecture of Richard Neutra contemporary architectural works and urban artifacts by Tadao Ando and Aldo Rossi Beautifully illustrated, this book is an important contribution to the discourse which surrounds architecture, climate and ethics and encourages the reader to think more broadly about how to respond to the current challenges facing the profession.

Structural Transformation and Sustainable Development in the Global South: An Integrated Approach (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

by Seung Jin Baek

This book investigates the relationship between sustainable development and structural transformation within international development policy. On the one hand, sustainable development is promoted as a multi-dimensional concept for achieving environmentally and socially responsible change. On the other hand, structural transformation refers to a sustained period of growth in living standards and incomes that brings sectoral change. For some, these two objectives seem at odds with each other, but this book argues that incorporating environmental initiatives into structural transformation goals in lower-income countries actually results in better results than strategies prioritising economic growth. Drawing on extensive structural equation modelling and original analysis, the book presents an innovative inclusive sustainable development framework to demonstrate the benefits of a more integrated approach to development planning, aiming for structural transformation in line with inclusive sustainable development principles. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of global development, and to policymakers within government and development organizations.

Structural Transformation and Sustainable Development in the Global South: An Integrated Approach (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

by Seung Jin Baek

This book investigates the relationship between sustainable development and structural transformation within international development policy. On the one hand, sustainable development is promoted as a multi-dimensional concept for achieving environmentally and socially responsible change. On the other hand, structural transformation refers to a sustained period of growth in living standards and incomes that brings sectoral change. For some, these two objectives seem at odds with each other, but this book argues that incorporating environmental initiatives into structural transformation goals in lower-income countries actually results in better results than strategies prioritising economic growth. Drawing on extensive structural equation modelling and original analysis, the book presents an innovative inclusive sustainable development framework to demonstrate the benefits of a more integrated approach to development planning, aiming for structural transformation in line with inclusive sustainable development principles. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of global development, and to policymakers within government and development organizations.

Climate Change and Capitalism in Australia: An Eco-Socialist Vision for the Future

by Hans A. Baer

Recognizing that climate politics has been an increasingly contentious and heated topic in Australia over the past two decades, this book examines Australian capitalism as a driver of climate change and the nexus between the corporations and Coalition and Australian Labor parties. As a highly developed country, Australia is punching above its weight in terms of contributing to greenhouse gas emissions despite rising temperatures, droughts, water shortages and raging bushfires, storm surges and flooding, and the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. Drawing upon both archival and ethnographic research, Hans Baer examines Australian climate politics at the margins, namely the Greens, the labour union, the environmental NGOs, and the grass-roots climate movement. Adopting a climate justice perspective which calls for "system change, not climate change" as opposed to the conventional approach of seeking to mitigate emissions through market mechanisms and techno-fixes, particularly renewable energy sources, this book posits system-challenging transitional steps to shift Australia toward an eco-socialist vision in keeping with a burgeoning global socio-ecological revolution. Accessibly written and including an interview with renowned comedian and climate activist Rod Quantock OAM, this book is essential reading for academics, students and general readers with an interest in climate change and climate activism.

Climate Change and Capitalism in Australia: An Eco-Socialist Vision for the Future

by Hans A. Baer

Recognizing that climate politics has been an increasingly contentious and heated topic in Australia over the past two decades, this book examines Australian capitalism as a driver of climate change and the nexus between the corporations and Coalition and Australian Labor parties. As a highly developed country, Australia is punching above its weight in terms of contributing to greenhouse gas emissions despite rising temperatures, droughts, water shortages and raging bushfires, storm surges and flooding, and the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. Drawing upon both archival and ethnographic research, Hans Baer examines Australian climate politics at the margins, namely the Greens, the labour union, the environmental NGOs, and the grass-roots climate movement. Adopting a climate justice perspective which calls for "system change, not climate change" as opposed to the conventional approach of seeking to mitigate emissions through market mechanisms and techno-fixes, particularly renewable energy sources, this book posits system-challenging transitional steps to shift Australia toward an eco-socialist vision in keeping with a burgeoning global socio-ecological revolution. Accessibly written and including an interview with renowned comedian and climate activist Rod Quantock OAM, this book is essential reading for academics, students and general readers with an interest in climate change and climate activism.

365 Ways to Save the Planet: A Day-by-day Guide to Living Sustainably (365 Series)

by Nergiz De Baere

ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE THE WORLD?365 WAYS TO SAVE THE PLANET is a full year's worth of daily wisdom, carefully selected to inspire you to take the urgent action our very existence desperately needs. You'll find actions and challenges, surprising facts about the climate crisis, templates for writing to political representatives, scientific explanations of important concepts, popular misconceptions about sustainability, and much more. 365 WAYS TO SAVE THE PLANET goes way beyond predictable sustainability advice about how to recycle. Here you'll discover the small stuff you can do every day to change the world. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.

Mobility and Place: Enacting Northern European Peripheries

by Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt Brynhild Granås

The Northern peripheries of Europe, which are covered by this book, are associated with remoteness, the frontier, isolated communities, colonialism and resource extraction. Recently, huge projects in petroleum and hydropower have been located there, and the region has become better known as an attractive tourist destination. Although these spaces are perceived as being marginal, they are inhabited and linked into globalization and international agendas. This book examines how people live in such remote spaces in an emerging global world of connectivity, interdependency, mobility and non-linear dynamics. The various case studies examine a wide range of experiences, ranging from tourists and local settlers to those who migrate for labour in old or new industries, or to pursue the hybrid urban/rural life of the periphery. In this book, mobility and place come together. The analyses demonstrate how mobility and place mutually constitute each other and how specific relationships between the two aspects are crucial in the making of societies. The authors study attempts to reinvent places, together with connections and the opening of 'new scapes' in order to sustain businesses, municipalities and people's livelihood.

Mobility and Place: Enacting Northern European Peripheries

by Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt Brynhild Granås

The Northern peripheries of Europe, which are covered by this book, are associated with remoteness, the frontier, isolated communities, colonialism and resource extraction. Recently, huge projects in petroleum and hydropower have been located there, and the region has become better known as an attractive tourist destination. Although these spaces are perceived as being marginal, they are inhabited and linked into globalization and international agendas. This book examines how people live in such remote spaces in an emerging global world of connectivity, interdependency, mobility and non-linear dynamics. The various case studies examine a wide range of experiences, ranging from tourists and local settlers to those who migrate for labour in old or new industries, or to pursue the hybrid urban/rural life of the periphery. In this book, mobility and place come together. The analyses demonstrate how mobility and place mutually constitute each other and how specific relationships between the two aspects are crucial in the making of societies. The authors study attempts to reinvent places, together with connections and the opening of 'new scapes' in order to sustain businesses, municipalities and people's livelihood.

Performing Tourist Places (New Directions in Tourism Analysis)

by Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt Michael Haldrup John Urry

This book looks at the making and the consuming of places in the contemporary world. Illustrated through various case-studies from Denmark, it considers how places, performances and peoples intersect. It examines the fascinating circumstances through which visitors to a place, in part, produce that place through their performances. Places are intertwined with people through various systems that generate and reproduce performances in and of that place. These systems comprise networks of ’hosts, guests, buildings, objects and machines’ that contingently realize particular performances of specific places. The studies featured here develop an exciting ’new mobility’ paradigm emerging within the social sciences.

Performing Tourist Places (New Directions in Tourism Analysis)

by Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt Michael Haldrup John Urry

This book looks at the making and the consuming of places in the contemporary world. Illustrated through various case-studies from Denmark, it considers how places, performances and peoples intersect. It examines the fascinating circumstances through which visitors to a place, in part, produce that place through their performances. Places are intertwined with people through various systems that generate and reproduce performances in and of that place. These systems comprise networks of ’hosts, guests, buildings, objects and machines’ that contingently realize particular performances of specific places. The studies featured here develop an exciting ’new mobility’ paradigm emerging within the social sciences.

Space Odysseys: Spatiality and Social Relations in the 21st Century

by Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt Kirsten Simonsen

The nature of spatial imaginations has become central to a range of major social and political debates. Narratives on spatial inequality, from the North-South divide in global economic and political visions, to marginalisation and 'ghettoisation' in Western cities, appear regularly in our daily newspapers. Such examples indicate that issues of space/spatiality are as crucial in our current societies as never before. 'Space Odysseys' brings together leading social scientists including John Urry and Derek Gregory to address a number of central issues in spatiality and social relations in the early 21st century. Starting from the presupposition that space is a social dimension and a social construct, it then presents examples of these conceptions of space at work. While the book title's indirect reference to the film '2001: A Space Odyssey' indicates the contributors' interest in questions of voyages and mobility, the plural use shows that the approaches to this conceptual exploration are multiple, reflecting differences in experience, in social context and/or in gender, class and ethnicity. The book is divided into three main sections. The first explores issues of 'mobility, immobility and embodied narratives', the second section deals with 'territoriality, mobility and identity politics and the final section concludes with chapters on 'the spatial production of knowledge'.

Space Odysseys: Spatiality and Social Relations in the 21st Century

by Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt Kirsten Simonsen

The nature of spatial imaginations has become central to a range of major social and political debates. Narratives on spatial inequality, from the North-South divide in global economic and political visions, to marginalisation and 'ghettoisation' in Western cities, appear regularly in our daily newspapers. Such examples indicate that issues of space/spatiality are as crucial in our current societies as never before. 'Space Odysseys' brings together leading social scientists including John Urry and Derek Gregory to address a number of central issues in spatiality and social relations in the early 21st century. Starting from the presupposition that space is a social dimension and a social construct, it then presents examples of these conceptions of space at work. While the book title's indirect reference to the film '2001: A Space Odyssey' indicates the contributors' interest in questions of voyages and mobility, the plural use shows that the approaches to this conceptual exploration are multiple, reflecting differences in experience, in social context and/or in gender, class and ethnicity. The book is divided into three main sections. The first explores issues of 'mobility, immobility and embodied narratives', the second section deals with 'territoriality, mobility and identity politics and the final section concludes with chapters on 'the spatial production of knowledge'.

Conjugated Conducting Polymers (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #102)

by D. Baeriswyl D. K. Campbell G. C. Clark G. Harbeke P. K. Kahol H. Kiess S. Mazumdar M. Mehring W. Rehwald

This book reviews the current understanding of electronic, optical and magnetic properties of conjugated polymers in both the semiconducting and metallic states. It introduces in particular novel phenomena and concepts in these quasi­ one-dimensional materials that differ from the well-established concepts valid for crystalline semiconductors. After a brief introductory chapter, the second chapter presents basic theore­ tical concepts and treats in detail the various models for n-conjugated polymers and the computational methods required to derive observable quantities. Specific spatially localized structures, often referred to as solitons, polarons and bipolarons, result naturally from the interaction between n-electrons and lattice displacements. For a semi-quantitative understanding of the various measure­ ments, electron-electron interactions have to be incorporated in the models; this in turn makes the calculations rather complicated. The third chapter is devoted to the electrical properties of these materials. The high metallic conductivity achieved by doping gave rise to the expression conducting polymers, which is often used for such materials even when they are in their semiconducting or insulating state. Although conductivity is one of the most important features, the reader will learn how difficult it is to draw definite conclusions about the nature of the charge carriers and the microscopic transport mechanism solely from electrical measurements. Optical properties are discussed in the fourth chapter.

Strong Interactions in Low Dimensions (Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Low-Dimensional Structures #25)

by D. Baeriswyl L. Degiorgi

This book provides an attempt to convey the colorful facets of condensed matter systems with reduced dimensionality. Some of the specific features predicted for interacting one-dimensional electron systems, such as charge- and spin-density waves, have been observed in many quasi-one-dimensional materials. The two-dimensional world is even richer: besides d-wave superconductivity and the Quantum Hall Effect - perhaps the most spectacular phases explored during the last two decades - many collective charge and spin states have captured the interest of researchers, such as charge stripes or spontaneously generated circulating currents. Recent years have witnessed important progress in material preparation, measurement techniques and theoretical methods. Today larger and better samples, higher flux for neutron beams, advanced light sources, better resolution in electron spectroscopy, new computational algorithms, and the development of field-theoretical approaches allow an in-depth analysis of the complex many-body behaviour of low-dimensional materials. The epoch when simple mean-field arguments were sufficient for describing the gross features observed experimentally is definitely over. The Editors' aim is to thoroughly explain a number of selected topics: the application of dynamical probes, such as neutron scattering, optical absorption and photoemission, as well as transport studies, both electrical and thermal. Some of the more theoretical chapters are directly relevant for experiments, such as optical spectroscopy, transport in one-dimensional models, and the phenomenology of charge inhomogeneities in layered materials, while others discuss more general topics and methods, for example the concept of a Luttinger liquid and bosonization, or duality transformations, both promising tools for treating strongly interacting many-body systems.

The Hubbard Model: Its Physics and Mathematical Physics (Nato Science Series B: #343)

by Dionys Baeriswyl David K. Campbell Jose M. P. Carmelo Francisco Guinea Enrique Louis

In the slightly more than thirty years since its formulation, the Hubbard model has become a central component of modern many-body physics. It provides a paradigm for strongly correlated, interacting electronic systems and offers insights not only into the general underlying mathematical structure of many-body systems but also into the experimental behavior of many novel electronic materials. In condensed matter physics, the Hubbard model represents the simplest theoret­ ical framework for describing interacting electrons in a crystal lattice. Containing only two explicit parameters - the ratio ("Ujt") between the Coulomb repulsion and the kinetic energy of the electrons, and the filling (p) of the available electronic band - and one implicit parameter - the structure of the underlying lattice - it appears nonetheless capable of capturing behavior ranging from metallic to insulating and from magnetism to superconductivity. Introduced originally as a model of magnetism of transition met­ als, the Hubbard model has seen a spectacular recent renaissance in connection with possible applications to high-Tc superconductivity, for which particular emphasis has been placed on the phase diagram of the two-dimensional variant of the model. In mathematical physics, the Hubbard model has also had an essential role. The solution by Lieb and Wu of the one-dimensional Hubbard model by Bethe Ansatz provided the stimulus for a broad and continuing effort to study "solvable" many-body models. In higher dimensions, there have been important but isolated exact results (e. g. , N agoaka's Theorem).

The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Identification and Macroevolution of Parasites (Topics in Geobiology #49)

by Kenneth De Baets John Warren Huntley

This two-volume edited book highlights and reviews the potential of the fossil record to calibrate the origin and evolution of parasitism, and the techniques to understand the development of parasite-host associations and their relationships with environmental and ecological changes. The book deploys a broad and comprehensive approach, aimed at understanding the origins and developments of various parasite groups, in order to provide a wider evolutionary picture of parasitism as part of biodiversity. This is in contrast to most contributions by parasitologists in the literature that focus on circular lines of evidence, such as extrapolating from current host associations or distributions, to estimate constraints on the timing of the origin and evolution of various parasite groups. This approach is narrow and fails to provide the wider evolutionary picture of parasitism on, and as part of, biodiversity. Volume one focuses on identifying parasitism in the fossil record, and sheds light on the distribution and ecological importance of parasite-host interactions over time. In order to better understand the evolutionary history of parasites and their relationship with changes in the environment, emphasis is given to viruses, bacteria, protists and multicellular eukaryotes as parasites. Particular attention is given to fungi and metazoans such as bivalves, cnidarians, crustaceans, gastropods, helminths, insects, mites and ticks as parasites. Researchers, specifically evolutionary (paleo)biologists and parasitologists, interested in the evolutionary history of parasite-host interactions as well as students studying parasitism will find this book appealing.

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