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The Art of Rhetoric: Or, The True Grounds And Principles Of Oratory: Showing, The Right Art Of Pleading And Speaking In Full Assemblies And Courts Of Judicature. Made English By The Translator Of The Art Of Thinking (Oxford World's Classics #No. 193)

by Aristotle

With the emergence of democracy in the city-state of Athens in the years around 460 BC, public speaking became an essential skill for politicians in the Assemblies and Councils - and even for ordinary citizens in the courts of law. In response, the technique of rhetoric rapidly developed, bringing virtuoso performances and a host of practical manuals for the layman. While many of these were little more than collections of debaters' tricks, the Art of Rhetoric held a far deeper purpose. Here Aristotle (384-322 BC) establishes the methods of informal reasoning, provides the first aesthetic evaluation of prose style and offers detailed observations on character and the emotions. Hugely influential upon later Western culture, the Art of Rhetoric is a fascinating consideration of the force of persuasion and sophistry, and a compelling guide to the principles behind oratorical skill.

How to Tell a Story: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Storytelling for Writers and Readers (Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers)

by Aristotle

An inviting and highly readable new translation of Aristotle’s complete Poetics—the first and best introduction to the art of writing and understanding storiesAristotle’s Poetics is the most important book ever written for writers and readers of stories—whether novels, short fiction, plays, screenplays, or nonfiction. Aristotle was the first to identify the keys to plot, character, audience perception, tragic pleasure, and dozens of other critical points of good storytelling. Despite being written more than 2,000 years ago, the Poetics remains essential reading for anyone who wants to learn how to write a captivating story—or understand how such stories work and achieve their psychological effects. Yet for all its influence, the Poetics is too little read because it comes down to us in a form that is often difficult to follow, and even the best translations are geared more to specialists than to general readers who simply want to grasp Aristotle’s profound and practical insights. In How to Tell a Story, Philip Freeman presents the most readable translation of the Poetics yet produced, making this indispensable handbook more accessible, engaging, and useful than ever before.In addition to its inviting and reliable translation, a commentary on each section, and the original Greek on facing pages, this edition of the Poetics features unique bullet points, chapter headings, and section numbers to help guide readers through Aristotle’s unmatched introduction to the art of writing and reading stories.

How to Tell a Story: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Storytelling for Writers and Readers (Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers)

by Aristotle

An inviting and highly readable new translation of Aristotle’s complete Poetics—the first and best introduction to the art of writing and understanding storiesAristotle’s Poetics is the most important book ever written for writers and readers of stories—whether novels, short fiction, plays, screenplays, or nonfiction. Aristotle was the first to identify the keys to plot, character, audience perception, tragic pleasure, and dozens of other critical points of good storytelling. Despite being written more than 2,000 years ago, the Poetics remains essential reading for anyone who wants to learn how to write a captivating story—or understand how such stories work and achieve their psychological effects. Yet for all its influence, the Poetics is too little read because it comes down to us in a form that is often difficult to follow, and even the best translations are geared more to specialists than to general readers who simply want to grasp Aristotle’s profound and practical insights. In How to Tell a Story, Philip Freeman presents the most readable translation of the Poetics yet produced, making this indispensable handbook more accessible, engaging, and useful than ever before.In addition to its inviting and reliable translation, a commentary on each section, and the original Greek on facing pages, this edition of the Poetics features unique bullet points, chapter headings, and section numbers to help guide readers through Aristotle’s unmatched introduction to the art of writing and reading stories.

Spielen ist unwahrscheinlich: Eine Theorie der ludischen Aktion

by Fabian Arlt Hans-Jürgen Arlt

Begründet und entfaltet wird ein Begriff des Spiels, der sich um Lockungen und Drohungen des Unerwarteten dreht. Das Autorenduo ordnet seine Theorie der ludischen Aktion in klassische Konzepte des Spiels ein sowie in den aktuellen Diskurs der Game Studies. Die phänomenale Mannigfaltigkeit des Spiels wird in historischer Perspektive skizziert und in systematischer Weise gegliedert. Die Autoren erläutern medientechnische und kommunikative Voraussetzungen des Booms der Computerspiele und reflektieren die Diskussion über Eskalationen ludischer Gewalt. Kritisch ausgeleuchtet werden Instrumentalisierungen des Spiels, die sich unter dem Stichwort Gamification wachsender Beliebtheit erfreuen. Die auffällige Inflation der Spielmetapher wird in Zusammenhang gebracht mit ludischen Anmutungen in den sozialen Strukturen der modernen und digitalen Gesellschaft.Fabian Arlt, M. A., hat Medienmanagement studiert und promoviert im Studiengang Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftskommunikation der Universität der Künste (UdK) in Berlin.Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Arlt ist Sozialwissenschaftler und Publizist, er lehrt am Institut für Theorie und Praxis der Kommunikation der Universität der Künste (UdK) in Berlin.

Image und PR: Kann Image Gegenstand einer Public Relations-Wissenschaft sein?

by Wolfgang Armbrecht

Kann Image Gegenstand einer Public Relations-Wissenschaft sein? Es lohnt sich wieder, sich mit Public Relations zu beschäftigen. Das Tätig­ keitsfeld Public Relations ist zwar noch immer nicht ganz unangefochten, weder in der Wissenschaft, noch bei den Medien. Auch in der Praxis selbst gibt es nicht wenige Öffentlichkeitsarbeiter , die unter dem schlechten Image ihres Berufes lei­ den. Aber die Zeichen mehren sich, daß wir es bei diesem kommunikativen Tätigkeitsfeld bald mit einem attraktiven, ja vielleicht einem der attraktivsten Untersuchungsgegenstände in den Kommunikationswissenschaften zu tun haben werden. Der Bedarf an PR nimmt zu, je intensiver Organisationen die Notwendigkeit von Kontakt und Austausch mit der Öffentlichkeit erfahren. In einem Gesell­ schaftssystem, das sich durch Kommunikation konstituiert, ist PR zentrales Kommunikationsinstrument -und damit existentiell für jede Institution, jede Un­ ternehmung, jede Organisation. Entsprechend stark wächst der Bedarf an erfahrenen PR-Praktikern; ent­ sprechend groß ist der Andrang zu PR-Lehrgängen, PR-Fachstudien oder Universitätsseminaren mit PR-Thematik. Bei vielen Nachwuchskräften mag die neuartige Karriere eine Rolle spielen, bei nicht wenigen aber auch das oft bekun­ dete Motiv, in einem sinnfalligen sozialkommunikativen Beruf zu arbeiten. Den jungen Menschen steht der Sinn danach, in Organisationen daran mitzu­ wirken, daß deren Anliegen, Zwecke und Handlungen ihren Öffentlichkeiten ein­ sichtig und nachvollziehbar werden; auch, daß deren Ziele sich den Erwartungen der Öffentlichkeiten und den Erfordernissen der Gesellschaft anpassen.

Normative Aspekte der Public Relations: Grundlegende Fragen und Perspektiven. Eine Einführung

by Wolfgang Armbrecht Ulf J. Zabel

Immer häufiger stellt sich die Frage nach der Zukunft und der Bedeutung von Public Relations, dabei werden die Antworten im Rückgriff auf wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und auf die praktizierten Normen sittlichen Verhaltens gesucht. Es verwundert folglich nicht, daß für PR Primate des "Sollens" gefordert werden, um Defizite in der Praxis zu überwinden. PR-Ethik soll PR zu mehr Professionalismus verhelfen, ihr eine neue Perspektive öffnen und mehr Glaubwürdigkeit nach innen wie nach außen gewährleisten.Die Herbert-Quandt-Stiftung hat diese Entwicklung zum Anlaß genommen, Wissenschaftler aus PR-bezogenen Disziplinen zur Diskussion von Ethik-Fragen einzuladen. Schwerpunktthemen waren philosophische und ethische Aspekte von PR, Organisation und Management, kommunikationswissenschaftliche Ansätze und denkbare Folgen des Nachdenkens über PR-Ethik für Praxis und PR-Forschung.

The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports (Routledge Research in Sports Technology and Engineering)

by Manuel Armenteros Anto J. Benitez Miguel Ángel Betancor

For a long time, various different lobbying sectors have claimed that the use of video technology is an effective aid in decision-making. Now the IFAB has taken a historic step in the approval of experiments on the use of video to provide support to football refereeing. The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports analyses the capacity of audio-visual technology from different perspectives to help understand the best implementation of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system in football and, more generally, in other sports. This book addresses in-depth interdisciplinary viewpoints on the need and the opportunity of the implementation procedures regarding how to use it, considering that it could lead to very important changes. The book goes on to examine various approaches to the most interesting topics for players, amateurs, coaches, referees and referees coaches. Offering viewpoints from both academics and professionals, this new volume addresses the VAR issue in a multidisciplinary way, analysing the implications of video replay application in football from the perspective of players, coaches, television professionals, referees, amateurs, sports lawyers, media and educators.

The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports (Routledge Research in Sports Technology and Engineering)

by Manuel Armenteros Anto J. Benitez Miguel Ángel Betancor

For a long time, various different lobbying sectors have claimed that the use of video technology is an effective aid in decision-making. Now the IFAB has taken a historic step in the approval of experiments on the use of video to provide support to football refereeing. The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports analyses the capacity of audio-visual technology from different perspectives to help understand the best implementation of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system in football and, more generally, in other sports. This book addresses in-depth interdisciplinary viewpoints on the need and the opportunity of the implementation procedures regarding how to use it, considering that it could lead to very important changes. The book goes on to examine various approaches to the most interesting topics for players, amateurs, coaches, referees and referees coaches. Offering viewpoints from both academics and professionals, this new volume addresses the VAR issue in a multidisciplinary way, analysing the implications of video replay application in football from the perspective of players, coaches, television professionals, referees, amateurs, sports lawyers, media and educators.

Networking and Online Games: Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet Games

by Grenville Armitage Mark Claypool Philip Branch

The computer game industry is clearly growing in the direction of multiplayer, online games. Understanding the demands of games on IP (Internet Protocol) networks is essential for ISP (Internet Service Provider) engineers to develop appropriate IP services. Correspondingly, knowledge of the underlying network's capabilities is vital for game developers. Networking and Online Games concisely draws together and illustrates the overlapping and interacting technical concerns of these sectors. The text explains the principles behind modern multiplayer communication systems and the techniques underlying contemporary networked games. The traffic patterns that modern games impose on networks, and how network performance and service level limitations impact on game designers and player experiences, are covered in-depth, giving the reader the knowledge necessary to develop better gaming products and network services. Examples of real-world multiplayer online games illustrate the theory throughout. Networking and Online Games: Provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge guide to the development and service provision needs of online, networked games. Contrasts the considerations of ISPs (e.g. predicting traffic loads) with those of game developers (e.g. sources of lag/jitter), clarifying coinciding requirements. Explains how different technologies such as cable, ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) and wireless, etc., affect online game-play experience, and how different game styles impose varying traffic dynamics and requirements on the network. Discusses future directions brought by emerging technologies such as UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone Service), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), Wireless LANs, IP service Quality, and NAPT/NAT (Network Address Port Translation/Network Address Translation) Illustrates the concepts using high-level examples of existing multiplayer online games (such as Quake III Arena, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, and Half-Life 2). Networking and Online Games will be an invaluable resource for games developers, engineers and technicians at Internet Service Providers, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Multimedia Engineering.

Luxury and Visual Culture

by John Armitage

From couture fashion to opulent perfumes and decadent food, the luxury goods and services industry has grown at an unprecedented rate even in the context of a global recession. But in contemporary digital culture does luxury still reside in material things, or rather the look of things? In this first study of luxury through the lens of visual culture, Armitage argues that luxury is undergoing a shift from material culture to the immaterial culture of the visual, offering new forms of luxury engagement and unparalleled levels of pleasure never before offered to the senses.Calling for a new understanding of luxury in the changing visual landscape of contemporary society, Luxury and Visual Culture embraces an extraordinary range of cultural forms, including fashion, photography, social media, television, and art. From the masterpieces of Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons, to Richard Avedon's photography and Louis Vuitton's Flagship stores, the book explores key issues of globalization, digitization, consumer identity, “mass” luxury, and the role of art. This text is ideal for all students of contemporary luxury studies, as well as scholars and researchers in the field of visual culture.

Luxury and Visual Culture

by John Armitage

From couture fashion to opulent perfumes and decadent food, the luxury goods and services industry has grown at an unprecedented rate even in the context of a global recession. But in contemporary digital culture does luxury still reside in material things, or rather the look of things? In this first study of luxury through the lens of visual culture, Armitage argues that luxury is undergoing a shift from material culture to the immaterial culture of the visual, offering new forms of luxury engagement and unparalleled levels of pleasure never before offered to the senses.Calling for a new understanding of luxury in the changing visual landscape of contemporary society, Luxury and Visual Culture embraces an extraordinary range of cultural forms, including fashion, photography, social media, television, and art. From the masterpieces of Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons, to Richard Avedon's photography and Louis Vuitton's Flagship stores, the book explores key issues of globalization, digitization, consumer identity, “mass” luxury, and the role of art. This text is ideal for all students of contemporary luxury studies, as well as scholars and researchers in the field of visual culture.

Reporting from the Danger Zone: Frontline Journalists, Their Jobs, and an Increasingly Perilous Future

by Maria Armoudian

Journalism is a dangerous business when one’s "beat" is a war zone. Armoudian reveals the complications facing frontline journalists who cover warzones, hot spots and other hazardous situations. It compares yesterday’s conflict journalism, which was fraught with its own dangers, with today’s even more perilous situations—in the face of shrinking journalism budgets, greater reliance on freelancers, tracking technologies, and increasingly hostile adversaries. It also contrasts the difficulties of foreign correspondents who navigate alien sources, languages and land, with domestically-situated correspondents who witness their own homelands being torn apart.

Reporting from the Danger Zone: Frontline Journalists, Their Jobs, and an Increasingly Perilous Future

by Maria Armoudian

Journalism is a dangerous business when one’s "beat" is a war zone. Armoudian reveals the complications facing frontline journalists who cover warzones, hot spots and other hazardous situations. It compares yesterday’s conflict journalism, which was fraught with its own dangers, with today’s even more perilous situations—in the face of shrinking journalism budgets, greater reliance on freelancers, tracking technologies, and increasingly hostile adversaries. It also contrasts the difficulties of foreign correspondents who navigate alien sources, languages and land, with domestically-situated correspondents who witness their own homelands being torn apart.

Calcutta Yoga: Buddha Bose And The Yoga Family Of Bishnu Ghosh Yogananda

by Jerome Armstrong

'An often surprising and always sure-footed survey of the magic of yoga and Calcutta's role in bringing it to the world' JOHN ZUBRZYCKI'Interweaving historical facts with Armstrong's own experiences ... the result is a book which is neither an autobiography nor a purely scientific work - quite a unique mixture ... it moves me' CLAUDIA GUGGENBÜHL'I wish I was doing what he is doing [in Calcutta Yoga]' BISHWANATH GHOSHThe epic story of how Buddha Bose, Bishnu Ghosh and Yogananda took yoga from Calcutta to the rest of the world.In Calcutta Yoga, Jerome Armstrong deftly weaves the multi-generational story of the first family of yoga and how they modernized the ancient practice. The saga covers four generations, the making of a city, personal friendships, and shines light on the remarkable people who transformed yoga and made it a truly global phenomenon.Along the way, we also meet the people who founded the schools of yoga that are so well known today. Enriching the cast of characters are the internationally renowned B. K. S. Iyengar, Mr Universe Monotosh Roy, even as the book uncovers the truth about Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga. We follow them and others from the streets of Calcutta to the United States, London, Tokyo and beyond, where they perform astounding feats and help revise Western perceptions of yoga.Cleverly researched and enjoyably anecdotal, Calcutta Yoga gives a holistic picture of the evolution of yoga, and pays homage to yogic heroes previously lost from history, while highlighting the pivotal early role the city of Calcutta played in redefining the practice. A culmination of rigorous fieldwork and numerous interviews, this book is as much about yoga as it is about history, relationships and human nature.

The Reward Management Toolkit: A Step-By-Step Guide to Designing and Delivering Pay and Benefits

by Michael Armstrong Ann Chapman

Deciding how to effectively reward staff is one of the most tricky and contentious areas in people management. Getting it right can help promote a motivated workforce, and significantly improve recruitment and retention. But how do you decided what pay scale is suitable for which job and how do you design reward packages which recognise contribution and encourage employees?The Reward Management Toolkit provides practical, step-by-step guidance on designing and delivering rewards across organizations. In each tool the authors describe what the tool will achieve and provide guidance on when it is appropriate to implement. Each tool is supported by questionnaires, checklists and opinion surveys which can be used as the basis for analysis, discussions in workshops, project teams and focus groups. These tools include: the design, development and implementation process, strategic reward, job evaluation, market rate analysis, benefits options, including flexible benefits and the management and evaluation of reward systems. Online supporting resources include figures and templates such as checklists and questionnaires.

The Reward Management Toolkit: A Step-By-Step Guide to Designing and Delivering Pay and Benefits

by Michael Armstrong Ann Chapman

Deciding how to effectively reward staff is one of the most tricky and contentious areas in people management. Getting it right can help promote a motivated workforce, and significantly improve recruitment and retention. But how do you decided what pay scale is suitable for which job and how do you design reward packages which recognise contribution and encourage employees?The Reward Management Toolkit provides practical, step-by-step guidance on designing and delivering rewards across organizations. In each tool the authors describe what the tool will achieve and provide guidance on when it is appropriate to implement. Each tool is supported by questionnaires, checklists and opinion surveys which can be used as the basis for analysis, discussions in workshops, project teams and focus groups. These tools include: the design, development and implementation process, strategic reward, job evaluation, market rate analysis, benefits options, including flexible benefits and the management and evaluation of reward systems. Online supporting resources include figures and templates such as checklists and questionnaires.

Standardization, Ideology and Linguistics

by N. Armstrong I. Mackenzie

The authors explore some of the ways in which standardization, ideology and linguistics are interrelated. Through a number of case studies they show how concepts such as grammaticality and structural change covertly rely on a false conceptualization of language, one that derives ultimately from standardization.

The Life and Writings of Ralph J. Gleason: Dispatches from the Front

by Professor. Don Armstrong

Discover the enthralling world of Ralph J. Gleason, a pioneering music journalist who expanded the possibilities of the newspaper music column, sparked the San Francisco jazz and rock scenes, and co-founded Rolling Stone magazine. Gleason not only reported on but influenced the trajectory of popular music. He alone chronicled the unparalleled evolution of popular music from the 1930s into the 1970s, and while doing so, interviewed and befriended many trailblazers such as Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Bob Dylan, and the Beatles. A true iconoclast, he dismantled the barriers between popular and highbrow music, and barriers separating the musical genres. He played a crucial role in shaping postwar music criticism by covering all genres and analyzing music's social, political, and historical meanings. This book uncovers never-before-seen letters, anecdotes, family accounts, and exclusive interviews to reveal one of the most intriguing personalities of the 20th century.

The Life and Writings of Ralph J. Gleason: Dispatches from the Front

by Professor. Don Armstrong

Discover the enthralling world of Ralph J. Gleason, a pioneering music journalist who expanded the possibilities of the newspaper music column, sparked the San Francisco jazz and rock scenes, and co-founded Rolling Stone magazine. Gleason not only reported on but influenced the trajectory of popular music. He alone chronicled the unparalleled evolution of popular music from the 1930s into the 1970s, and while doing so, interviewed and befriended many trailblazers such as Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Bob Dylan, and the Beatles. A true iconoclast, he dismantled the barriers between popular and highbrow music, and barriers separating the musical genres. He played a crucial role in shaping postwar music criticism by covering all genres and analyzing music's social, political, and historical meanings. This book uncovers never-before-seen letters, anecdotes, family accounts, and exclusive interviews to reveal one of the most intriguing personalities of the 20th century.

Shine: Making the most of life without losing yourself

by Samantha Armytage

Shine is your chance to sit down with Samantha Armytage, co-host of Channel Seven's top-rating Sunrise, where she takes you inside her world and the lessons she's learned (and is still learning!) about life, career and relationships.'Armytage now reigns as the official queen of morning television' - The Daily TelegraphYou probably recognise Samantha Armytage from her many TV gigs - from her current role as co-host of Sunrise to her time on Dancing with the Stars.What you probably don't know is that Sam is a daughter, sister, friend and career journalist - who grew up in NSW's Snowy Mountains and worked her way to the famed morning TV couch by earning her journalistic chops reporting on politics in Canberra, Schapelle Corby's trial and unrest in East Timor.Shine is a chance to find out what Sam wishes she had known when she was younger. It's how she sets goals and keeps her feet on the ground. It's what she's learned (and is still learning) from her family and mentors. Shine is a conversation about dealing with everything life throws at you - good and bad - including:- Loving your body- Keeping fit and eating healthy- Having an open mind- Being organised- Living with flair- Rising above negativity- Being a woman of substance- The importance of family- Being the leading lady in the movie of your life.Shine shows that it's possible to keep your goals in sight and your head on right!

Information Measures: Information and its Description in Science and Engineering (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Christoph Arndt

From the reviews: "Bioinformaticians are facing the challenge of how to handle immense amounts of raw data, […] and render them accessible to scientists working on a wide variety of problems. [This book] can be such a tool." IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Neural Correlates of Quality During Perception of Audiovisual Stimuli (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)

by Sebastian Arndt

This book presents a new approach to examining the perceived quality of audiovisual sequences. It uses electroencephalography (EEG) to explain in detail how user quality judgments are formed within a test participant, and what the physiological implications might be when subjects are exposed to lower quality media. The book redefines the experimental paradigms of using EEG in the area of quality assessment so that they better suit the requirements of standard subjective quality testing, and presents experimental protocols and stimuli that have been adjusted accordingly.

Taking Charge of Your Career: The Essential Guide to Finding the Job That's Right for You

by Camilla Arnold Jane Barrett

The world of work is changing dramatically and jobs for life have become a thing of the past. Even people moving up the corporate ladder are questioning their choices and considering new possibilities, such as work/life balance or portfolio working. If you want to take charge of your career but don't know where to start, change can feel unobtainable - a pipe dream.This action-oriented and pragmatic book will help you overcome the barriers to deciding on a career and changing career, giving you a proven roadmap to achieve your goals. Taking Charge of Your Career will lead you step-by-step through the process of building your career strategy and making it happen. Full of exercises and self-assessment tools to help you make the right choices, it also includes real-life stories of successful career changers.

Revealing the Hidden Social Code: Social Stories (TM) for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (PDF)

by Eileen Arnold Marie Howley

The Social Stories(TM) approach is widely acknowledged as a key technique for teaching social and life skills to children with autistic spectrum disorders. This text, endorsed by the originator of Social Stories(TM), Carol Gray, offers clear and comprehensive guidance for professionals, parents and carers on how to write successful and targeted Social Stories(TM) that will help develop the autistic spectrum child's understanding of social interaction. The book outlines the kinds of social challenges that people with ASD may experience and highlights the importance of learning social skills in meaningful contexts. An extended review of the guidelines for writing Social Stories(TM) will help writers to structure and develop their stories. The authors explain the key elements and highlight the potential difficulties that a writer may encounter, while providing encouragement and guidance through the various stages of what is often a challenging process. They include examples from their own professional experience, and suggest ways in which the Social Stories(TM) approach may enhance other strategies. Helpful advice on presentation and implementation is provided. Revealing the Hidden Social Code is essential reading for any professional, parent, carer or teacher wanting to employ Social Stories(TM) to develop social understanding in people with ASDs.

Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills For Nurses (PDF)

by Elizabeth C. Arnold Kathleen Underman Boggs

Effective communication with clients, families, and professional colleagues starts here! With Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses, 7th Edition, you'll see how good communication skills can lead to achieving treatment goals in health care. Clear guidelines show how you can enhance the nurse-client relationship through proven communication strategies as well as principles drawn from nursing, psychology, and related theoretical frameworks. And you'll see how to apply theory to real-life practice with case studies, interactive exercises, and evidence-based practice studies. A two-time winner of the AJN Book of the Year award, this book is updated to emphasize interdisciplinary communication and QSEN competencies. From expert nursing educators Elizabeth Arnold and Kathleen Underman Boggs, this comprehensive, market-leading text is unmatched for helping nurses develop effective communication skills! Interactive exercises offer the opportunity to practice, observe, and critically evaluate your professional communication skills in a safe learning environment. Practical guidelines describe how to modify communications strategies for various populations and situations including children, the elderly, end of life, clients with special needs, health teaching, stress, crisis, and professional colleagues. Case examples help you develop empathy for clients' perspectives and needs. Nursing, behavioral, developmental, family, and communication theories provide an essential foundation and a theoretical perspective for effective communication. Learning objectives, chapter overviews, and a detailed glossary focus your study and help you absorb and retain key content. NEW! A greater emphasis on communication, interdisciplinary theory, and interprofessionalism includes a focus on the nursing paradigm, nursing discipline, and ways of knowing. NEW! Focus on QSEN competencies reflects current thinking on technology, safety, and evidence-based practice, especially as they relate to communication in nursing. NEW! Discussion questions at the end of each chapter encourage critical thinking. NEW! Clarity and Safety in Communication chapter addresses topics such as huddles, rounds, handoffs, SBAR, and other forms of communication in health care.

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