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Showing 17,276 through 17,300 of 21,903 results

Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems: Some Aspects of Image Processing (Springer Series in Information Sciences #15)

by William F. Schreiber

Image processing is an applications area. In this area there are many op­ portunities to apply art and experience, as well as knowledge from various sciences and engineering disciplines, to the creation of products and pro­ cesses for which society has urgent need. Without this need, few would be interested in the subject. This point of view motivates this work and has influenced the selection and treatment of topics. It will be noticed that the word "digital" is not in the title. While much of present-day image processing is implemented digitally, this work is not intended for those who think that image processing is a branch of digital signal processing, except perhaps to try to change their minds. This book grew out of courses taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by the author and two of his former students, T.S. Huang and O.J. Tretiak. Like the courses, it is primarily intended for electrical engineers and computer scientists who plan to work in the field. It has not proven necessary to spend much time on strictly digital issues, since the students either know that material already or can learn it very easily by 1 themselves. It also has been unnecessary to be encyclopedic, since Pratt has already performed this important service.

Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems: Some Aspects of Image Processing (Springer Series in Information Sciences #15)

by William F. Schreiber

Image processing is a fascinating applications area, not a fundamental science of sufficient generality to warrant studying it for its own sake. In this area, there are many opportunities to apply art and experience, as well as knowledge from a number of sciences and engineering disciplines, to the creation of products and processes for which society has an expressed need. Without this need, work in the field would be sterile, but with it, image processing can readily provide the interested scientist or engineer with a professional lifetime of challenging problems and corresponding rewards. This point of view motivates this book and has influenced the selection and treatment of topics. I have not attempted to 1 be encyclopedic; this service has already been performed by others. It will be noted that the word "digital" is not in the title of this book. While much of present-day image processing is implemented digitally, this work is not intended for those who think of image processing as a branch of digital signal processing, except, perhaps, to try to change their minds. Image gathering and image display, vital parts of the field with strong effects on image quality, are inherently analog, as is image transmission in today's most important medium, the over-the-air broadcasting channel. The latter is not about to die, as it is by far the cheapest way to deliver broadband signals to the home. Likewise, the principal means of recording images on paper are continuous and not discrete.

Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems: Some Aspects of Image Processing (Springer Series in Information Sciences #15)

by William F. Schreiber

Image processing is a fascinating applications area, not a fundamental science of sufficient generality to warrant studying it for its own sake. In this area, there are many opportunities to apply art and experience, as well as knowledge from a number of sciences and engineering disciplines, to the creation of products and processes for which society has an expressed need. Without this need, work in the field would be sterile, but with it, image processing can readily provide the interested scientist or engineer with a professioilal lifetime of challenging problems and corresponding rewards. This point of view motivates this book and has influenced the selection and treatment of topics. I have not attempted to 1 be encyclopedic; this service has already been performed by others. It will be noted that the word "digital" is not in the title of this book. While much of present-day image processing is implemented digitally, this work is not intended for those who think of image processing as a branch of digital signal processing, except, perhaps, to try to change their minds. Image gathering and image display, vital parts of the field with strong effects on image quality, are inherently analog, as are all of the channels and media now used, or likely to be used in the future, to record TV signals and to transmit them to the home.

Podcasts in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Wie Sie mit strategischen Audioformaten Ihre Zielgruppen erreichen (essentials)

by Stephan Schreyer

Dieses Buch gibt einen schnellen Überblick über das Thema Podcast. Wie muss das Thema Podcast strategisch angegangen werden, damit es nachhaltig einen Mehrwert für ein Unternehmen bietet? Sind Podcasts nur ein Hype oder können sie sinnvoller Teil des Kommunikations- und Marketingmixes eines Unternehmens sein? Podcasts sind der aktuelle Trend in der Kommunikation und im Marketing. Täglich kommen unzählige neue Formate auf den Markt. Die hohe Smartphonedichte, ein verändertes Mediennutzungsverhalten, bessere mobile Datenverfügbarkeit und große Player wie Audible und Spotify haben geholfen, das klassische „Hörspiel“ in moderner Form aus der Versenkung zu holen. Dieses essential hilft dabei, strategisch eigene Podcastmaßnahmen für das Unternehmen zu entwickeln.

We the Gamers: How Games Teach Ethics and Civics

by Karen Schrier

Distrust. Division. Disparity. Is our world in disrepair? Ethics and civics have always mattered, but perhaps they matter now more than ever before. Recently, with the rise of online teaching and movements like #PlayApartTogether, games have become increasingly acknowledged as platforms for civic deliberation and value sharing. We the Gamers explores these possibilities by examining how we connect, communicate, analyze, and discover when we play games. Combining research-based perspectives and current examples, this volume shows how games can be used in ethics, civics, and social studies education to inspire learning, critical thinking, and civic change. We the Gamers introduces and explores various educational frameworks through a range of games and interactive experiences including board and card games, online games, virtual reality and augmented reality games, and digital games like Minecraft, Executive Command, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Fortnite, When Rivers Were Trails, Politicraft, Quandary, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The book systematically evaluates the types of skills, concepts, and knowledge needed for civic and ethical engagement, and details how games can foster these skills in classrooms, remote learning environments, and other educational settings. We the Gamers also explores the obstacles to learning with games and how to overcome those obstacles by encouraging equity and inclusion, care and compassion, and fairness and justice. Featuring helpful tips and case studies, We the Gamers shows teachers the strengths and limitations of games in helping students connect with civics and ethics, and imagines how we might repair and remake our world through gaming, together.

We the Gamers: How Games Teach Ethics and Civics

by Karen Schrier

Distrust. Division. Disparity. Is our world in disrepair? Ethics and civics have always mattered, but perhaps they matter now more than ever before. Recently, with the rise of online teaching and movements like #PlayApartTogether, games have become increasingly acknowledged as platforms for civic deliberation and value sharing. We the Gamers explores these possibilities by examining how we connect, communicate, analyze, and discover when we play games. Combining research-based perspectives and current examples, this volume shows how games can be used in ethics, civics, and social studies education to inspire learning, critical thinking, and civic change. We the Gamers introduces and explores various educational frameworks through a range of games and interactive experiences including board and card games, online games, virtual reality and augmented reality games, and digital games like Minecraft, Executive Command, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Fortnite, When Rivers Were Trails, Politicraft, Quandary, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The book systematically evaluates the types of skills, concepts, and knowledge needed for civic and ethical engagement, and details how games can foster these skills in classrooms, remote learning environments, and other educational settings. We the Gamers also explores the obstacles to learning with games and how to overcome those obstacles by encouraging equity and inclusion, care and compassion, and fairness and justice. Featuring helpful tips and case studies, We the Gamers shows teachers the strengths and limitations of games in helping students connect with civics and ethics, and imagines how we might repair and remake our world through gaming, together.

Hacking für Manager: Was Manager über IT-Sicherheit wissen müssen. Die Tricks der Hacker.

by Tobias Schrödel

Die Technik, die uns heute überschwemmt, lässt uns gar keine Chance mehr, alles so abzusichern, dass wir auch wirklich sicher sind. Lernen Sie die Waffen Ihrer Gegner und Ihre eigenen Abwehrmöglichkeiten kennen. Aber keine Sorge, bei diesem Blick in den Giftschrank der IT müssen Sie bei Leibe kein Computerfachmann oder IT Profi sein.

Einheiten und Symbole für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

​Technische Kommunikation ist auf einvernehmliche Bedeutung von Einheiten angewiesen. Hierfür bietet das Système International (SI) eine weitgehend anerkannte Basis, die hier vorgestellt wird. Die entsprechenden Größen und Einheiten sind aufgelistet und abgeleitete Werte nach Themengebieten zusammengefasst. Auch Größen und Einheiten außerhalb von SI sind aufgeführt. Ergänzend werden kurz die römischen Zahlen und griechischen Buchstaben vorgestellt.

Kunststoffe für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

Für die Auswahl geeigneter Kunststoffe ist es hilfreich, die physikalisch-technischen Eigenschaften der Materialien zu kennen. Entsprechend den Gruppen Duroplaste, Thermoplaste, Elastomere und Schäume werden die Eigenschaften aufgelistet und Anwendungsbereiche erläutert.

Steuerungstechnik für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

Für selbstarbeitende und automatisierte (Produktions-) Prozesse werden Steuerungstechniken genutzt. Die hierzu eingesetzten Elemente arbeiten mechanisch, pneumatisch, hydraulisch, elektrisch oder elektronisch. Ausführende Organe sind unter anderem Ventile, Pumpen, Motore, Schalter, Sensoren und Relais. Die hierfür gängigen Symbole werden vorgestellt und können in Schemata eingesetzt werden. Gelegentlich ist die Erstellung sequenzieller Schaltungen hilfreich. Für eine hohe Flexibilität bietet sich die speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung (SPS) an.

Technisches Zeichnen für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

Maschinenbauliche und bautechnische Zeichnungen legen die zu erstellenden Objekte fest. Um diese Zeichnungen eindeutig zu gestalten, wurde ein umfangreiches Normenwerk etabliert, in welchem Grundnormen und Zeichnungsarten vereinbart sind. Formate, Maßstäbe und Ansichten werden vorgestellt, ebenso wie Linien und Darstellungen (Linienarten, Buchstaben, Ziffern und Schrift). Schraffur und Bemaßung sind ebenfalls aufgeführt. Für bautechnische Zeichnungen wird die Darstellung von Baumaterialien gezeigt, aber auch Bauelemente. Beim werkzeugbaulichen Zeichnen interessieren die technischen Oberflächen und Rauheitsbezeichnungen, Grenzmaße und Passungen. Auch Schweißbezeichnungen gehören dazu oder Muster von Bearbeitungsspuren. Für technische Systeme werden Stücklisten behandelt. Form- und Lagetoleranzen sichern die geometrische Genauigkeit des zu fertigenden Bauteils.

Brasilianische und deutsche Wirklichkeiten: Eine vergleichende Fallstudie zu kommunikativ erzeugten Sinnwelten (Verhandlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft Rheumatologie)

by Ulrike Schröder

Ulrike Schröder zeigt, wie sich Wirklichkeitsauffassungen, Sprechstil und Kulturgeschichte wechselseitig bedingen. Zentrale These ist, dass die Wirklichkeiten, in denen wir leben, kommunikativ erzeugt sind, so dass es, bedingt durch die unterschiedlichen Standorte, von denen aus Menschen kommunikativ handeln, auch zu verschiedenen Wirklichkeitskonstrukten kommt.

The Press Clause and Digital Technology's Fourth Wave: Media Law and the Symbiotic Web (Routledge Studies in Media Law and Policy)

by Jared Schroeder

During the first part of the twenty-first century, bloggers, citizen journalists, social media users, Yelp reviewers, and a myriad of other communicators have found themselves facing defamation, privacy, campaign finance, and other lawsuits as a result of the messages they have communicated. In many ways, these communicators are facing legal questions that are similar to what traditional journalists have faced for centuries regarding their rights to gather and publish information. This book examines how the press clause, a First Amendment freedom with no agreed-upon definition, can be understood in order to help guide the courts and twenty-first-century publishers regarding protecting expression as we move into the fourth wave of networked communication, an era that will be defined by increasingly complex relationships between humans and artificially intelligent communicators. To do so, the book draws upon the discourse theory of communication in democratic society, the legal and foundational history of the press clause, lower-court cases that involve citizen publishers who have claimed protections that have historically been associated with traditional journalism, and established legal and scholarly examinations of artificial intelligence to ultimately construct a framework for how the press clause can be reimagined to protect older and newer generations of publishers.

The Press Clause and Digital Technology's Fourth Wave: Media Law and the Symbiotic Web (Routledge Studies in Media Law and Policy)

by Jared Schroeder

During the first part of the twenty-first century, bloggers, citizen journalists, social media users, Yelp reviewers, and a myriad of other communicators have found themselves facing defamation, privacy, campaign finance, and other lawsuits as a result of the messages they have communicated. In many ways, these communicators are facing legal questions that are similar to what traditional journalists have faced for centuries regarding their rights to gather and publish information. This book examines how the press clause, a First Amendment freedom with no agreed-upon definition, can be understood in order to help guide the courts and twenty-first-century publishers regarding protecting expression as we move into the fourth wave of networked communication, an era that will be defined by increasingly complex relationships between humans and artificially intelligent communicators. To do so, the book draws upon the discourse theory of communication in democratic society, the legal and foundational history of the press clause, lower-court cases that involve citizen publishers who have claimed protections that have historically been associated with traditional journalism, and established legal and scholarly examinations of artificial intelligence to ultimately construct a framework for how the press clause can be reimagined to protect older and newer generations of publishers.

Brands: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Interpretive Marketing Research)

by Jonathan E. Schroeder

Branding has emerged as a cornerstone of marketing practice and corporate strategy, as well as a central cultural practice. In this book, Jonathan Schroeder brings together a curated selection of the most influential and thought-provoking papers on brands and branding from Consumption Markets and Culture, accompanied by new contributions from leading brand scholars Giana Eckhardt, John F. Sherry, Jr., Sidney Levy and Morris Holbrook. Organised into four perspectives – cultural, corporate, consumer, critical - these papers are chosen to highlight the complexities of contemporary branding through leading consumer brands such as Disney, eBay, Guinness, McDonalds, Nike, and Starbucks. They address key topics such as celebrity branding, corporate branding, place branding, and retail branding and critique the complexities of contemporary brands to provide a rich trove of interdisciplinary research insights into the function of brands as ethical, ideological and political objects. This thought-provoking collection will be of interest to all scholars of marketing, consumer behaviour, anthropology and sociology, and anyone interested in the powerful roles brands play in consumer’s lives and cultural discourse.

Brands: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Interpretive Marketing Research)

by Jonathan E. Schroeder

Branding has emerged as a cornerstone of marketing practice and corporate strategy, as well as a central cultural practice. In this book, Jonathan Schroeder brings together a curated selection of the most influential and thought-provoking papers on brands and branding from Consumption Markets and Culture, accompanied by new contributions from leading brand scholars Giana Eckhardt, John F. Sherry, Jr., Sidney Levy and Morris Holbrook. Organised into four perspectives – cultural, corporate, consumer, critical - these papers are chosen to highlight the complexities of contemporary branding through leading consumer brands such as Disney, eBay, Guinness, McDonalds, Nike, and Starbucks. They address key topics such as celebrity branding, corporate branding, place branding, and retail branding and critique the complexities of contemporary brands to provide a rich trove of interdisciplinary research insights into the function of brands as ethical, ideological and political objects. This thought-provoking collection will be of interest to all scholars of marketing, consumer behaviour, anthropology and sociology, and anyone interested in the powerful roles brands play in consumer’s lives and cultural discourse.

Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression, Synthesis (Springer Series in Information Sciences #35)

by Manfred R. Schroeder

New material treats such contemporary subjects as automatic speech recognition and speaker verification for banking by computer and privileged (medical, military, diplomatic) information and control access. The book also focuses on speech and audio compression for mobile communication and the Internet. The importance of subjective quality criteria is stressed. The book also contains introductions to human monaural and binaural hearing, and the basic concepts of signal analysis. Beyond speech processing, this revised and extended new edition of Computer Speech gives an overview of natural language technology and presents the nuts and bolts of state-of-the-art speech dialogue systems.

Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression, Synthesis (Springer Series in Information Sciences #35)

by Manfred R. Schroeder

New material treats such contemporary subjects as automatic speech recognition and speaker verification for banking by computer and privileged (medical, military, diplomatic) information and control access. The book also focuses on speech and audio compression for mobile communication and the Internet. The importance of subjective quality criteria is stressed. The book also contains introductions to human monaural and binaural hearing, and the basic concepts of signal analysis. Beyond speech processing, this revised and extended new edition of Computer Speech gives an overview of natural language technology and presents the nuts and bolts of state-of-the-art speech dialogue systems.

Social Practice Art in Turbulent Times: The Revolution Will Be Live (Routledge Research in Art and Politics)

by Eric J. Schruers Kristina Olson

This volume is an anthology of current groundbreaking research on social practice art. Contributing scholars provide a variety of assessments of recent projects as well as earlier precedents, define approaches to art production, and provide crucial political context. The topics and art projects covered, many of which the authors have experienced firsthand, represent the work of innovative artists whose creative practice is utilized to engage audience members as active participants in effecting social and political change. Chapters are divided into four parts that cover history, specific examples, global perspectives, and critical analysis.

Interference Calculus: A General Framework for Interference Management and Network Utility Optimization (Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking #7)

by Martin Schubert Holger Boche

This book develops a mathematical framework for modeling and optimizing interference-coupled multiuser systems. At the core of this framework is the concept of general interference functions, which provides a simple means of characterizing interdependencies between users. The entire analysis builds on the two core axioms scale-invariance and monotonicity. The proposed network calculus has its roots in power control theory and wireless communications. It adds theoretical tools for analyzing the typical behavior of interference-coupled networks. In this way it complements existing game-theoretic approaches. The framework should also be viewed in conjunction with optimization theory. There is a fruitful interplay between the theory of interference functions and convex optimization theory. By jointly exploiting the properties of interference functions, it is possible to design algorithms that outperform general-purpose techniques that only exploit convexity. The title “network calculus” refers to the fact that the theory of interference functions constitutes a generic theoretical framework for the analysis of interference coupled systems. Certain operations within the framework are “closed”, that is, combinations of interference functions are interference functions again. Also, certain properties are preserved under such operations. This, provides a methodology for analyzing different multiuser performance measures that can be expressed as interference functions or combinations of interference functions.

Journalism: Why It Matters (Why It Matters)

by Michael Schudson

Despite the criticisms that have been leveled at news organizations in recent years and the many difficulties they face, journalism matters. It matters, argues Schudson, because it orients people daily in the complex and changing worlds in which they live. It matters because it offers a fact-centered, documented approach to pertinent public issues. It matters because it keeps watch on the powerful, especially those in government, and can press upon them unpleasant truths to which they must respond. Corruption is stemmed, unwise initiatives stopped, public danger averted because of what journalists do. This book challenges journalists to think hard about what they really do. It challenges skeptical news audiences to be mindful not only of media bias but also of their own biases and how these can distort their perception. And it holds out hope that journalism will be for years to come a path for ambitious, curious young people who love words or pictures or numbers and want to use them to improve the public conversation in familiar ways or in ways yet to be imagined.

Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press

by Michael Schudson

Journalism does not create democracy and democracy does not invent journalism, but what is the relationship between them? This question is at the heart of this book by world renowned sociologist and media scholar Michael Schudson. Focusing on the U.S. media but seeing them in a comparative context, Schudson brings his understanding of news as at once a story-telling and fact-centered practice to bear on a variety of controversies about what public knowledge today is and what it should be. Should experts have a role in governing democracies? Is news melodramatic or is it ironic – or is it both at different times? In the title essay, Schudson even suggests that journalism serves the interests of free expression and democracy best when it least lives up to the demands of media critics for deep thought and analysis; passion for the sensational event may be news at its democratically most powerful. Lively, provocative, unconventional, and deeply informed by a rich understanding of journalism’s history, this work collects the best of Schudson’s recent writings, including several pieces published here for the first time.

Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press

by Michael Schudson

Journalism does not create democracy and democracy does not invent journalism, but what is the relationship between them? This question is at the heart of this book by world renowned sociologist and media scholar Michael Schudson. Focusing on the U.S. media but seeing them in a comparative context, Schudson brings his understanding of news as at once a story-telling and fact-centered practice to bear on a variety of controversies about what public knowledge today is and what it should be. Should experts have a role in governing democracies? Is news melodramatic or is it ironic – or is it both at different times? In the title essay, Schudson even suggests that journalism serves the interests of free expression and democracy best when it least lives up to the demands of media critics for deep thought and analysis; passion for the sensational event may be news at its democratically most powerful. Lively, provocative, unconventional, and deeply informed by a rich understanding of journalism’s history, this work collects the best of Schudson’s recent writings, including several pieces published here for the first time.

Why Journalism Still Matters

by Michael Schudson

Can we talk about the news media without proclaiming journalism either our savior or the source of all evil? It is not easy to do so, but it gets easier if we put the problems and prospects of journalism in historical and comparative perspective, view them with a sociological knowledge of how newsmaking operates, and see them in a political context that examines how political institutions shape news as well as how news shapes political attitudes and institutions. Adopting this approach, Michael Schudson examines news and news institutions in relation to democratic theory and practice, in relation to the economic crisis that affects so many news organizations today and in relation to recent discussions of “fake news.” In contrast to those who suggest that journalism has had its day, Schudson argues that journalism has become more important than ever for liberal democracies as the keystone institution in a web of accountability for a governmental system that invites public attention, public monitoring and public participation. For the public to be swayed from positions people have already staked out, and for government officials to respond to charges that they have behaved corruptly or unconstitutionally or simply rashly and unwisely, the source of information has to come from organizations that hold themselves to the highest standards of verification, fact-checking, and independent and original research, and that is exactly what professional journalism aspires to do.This timely and important defense of journalism will be of great value to anyone concerned about the future of news and of democracy.

Why Journalism Still Matters

by Michael Schudson

Can we talk about the news media without proclaiming journalism either our savior or the source of all evil? It is not easy to do so, but it gets easier if we put the problems and prospects of journalism in historical and comparative perspective, view them with a sociological knowledge of how newsmaking operates, and see them in a political context that examines how political institutions shape news as well as how news shapes political attitudes and institutions. Adopting this approach, Michael Schudson examines news and news institutions in relation to democratic theory and practice, in relation to the economic crisis that affects so many news organizations today and in relation to recent discussions of “fake news.” In contrast to those who suggest that journalism has had its day, Schudson argues that journalism has become more important than ever for liberal democracies as the keystone institution in a web of accountability for a governmental system that invites public attention, public monitoring and public participation. For the public to be swayed from positions people have already staked out, and for government officials to respond to charges that they have behaved corruptly or unconstitutionally or simply rashly and unwisely, the source of information has to come from organizations that hold themselves to the highest standards of verification, fact-checking, and independent and original research, and that is exactly what professional journalism aspires to do.This timely and important defense of journalism will be of great value to anyone concerned about the future of news and of democracy.

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