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Charlie Small: Pirate Galleon (Charlie Small #2)

by Charlie Small

FIRST PUBLISHED AS: THE PERFUMED PIRATES OF PERFIDYNo one knows the full story of Charlie Small. At least, not yet. His original battered journal was found washed up on a remote, windswept shore in the north of England. This second volume was found encased in ice, high on a glacial plateau in the Himalayas. It details even more remarkable deeds and thrilling acts aboard the Betty Rae with the dastardly lady-pirates of perfidy - and a lot more besides.

The Devil's Footsteps

by E E Richardson

It was just a bit of fun, a local legend. The Devil's Footsteps: thirteen stepping stones, and whichever one you stopped on in the rhyme could predict how you would die. A harmless game for kids - and nobody ever died from a game. But it's not a game to Bryan. He's seen the Dark Man, because the Dark Man took his brother five years ago. He's tried to tell himself that it was his imagination, that the Devil's Footsteps are just stones and the Dark Man didn't take Adam. But Adam's still gone. And then Bryan meets two other boys who have their own unsolved mysteries. Someone or something is after the children in the town. And it all comes back to the rhyme that every local child knows by heart: Thirteen steps to the Dark Man's door, Won't be turning back no more . . .

The Summoning

by E E Richardson

Justin hasn't ever really believed in the occult, even though his Grandpa Blake is an expert in it and has a house full of curious objects and old tattered books on magic. But when Daniel Eilersen, the class know-it-all, starts acting all high-and-mighty, Justin thinks he can scare him by performing a magic ritual from the ancient book he's stolen from his granddad's study. His friend Trevor, who always goes along with what Justin says and his little sister, Joy, complete the group. It's all about the atmosphere of course and Justin plans to give Eilersen a proper scare, but nothing will actually happen . . .Or will it . . .?On the old tennis court in the park, late one night, the four of them, unaware of the consequences of their actions, summon Dracherion, a malicious and dangerous spirit bent on revenge for being imprisoned in the ancient book by Grandpa Blake, years ago. Things go wrong and Dracherion breaks out of the circle designed to enclose him. The ritual has bound them to Dracherion and Justin, Joy, Trevor and Daniel know that the spirit will try and possess one of them so it can grow in strength and wreak its vengeance. A terrifying struggle follows as Dracherion grows stronger and stronger. It's a race against time to try and find a way of banishing the spirit out of this world. But how do they do that when one of them can't be trusted . . .?


by Linda Newbery

He's older than anyone can tell. Older than the trees. Older than anybody.For as long as she can remember, Lucy has wanted to catch a glimpse of the mysterious green man who lives in Grandpa Will's garden: Lob.You have to be very special to see him; that's what Grandpa says. Lucy's parents think Lob's just imaginary, but Lucy knows he exists. And she can't believe it when she finally spots Lob in the gooseberry bushes.But Lucy's world is about to be shattered by a terrible event. What will happen to Lob now - and will she ever see him again? Linda Newbery, with the vivid embroidery of Pam Smy's illustrations, has conjured a real green man right out of the woods and stories of legend.

In My Hands: Memories Of A Holocaust Rescuer

by Irene Gut Opdyke Jennifer Armstrong

An utterly amazing, true, first-person account of one girl's experience in wartime. Irene Gut Opdyke was a Catholic Polish nursing student when WWII broke out. She soon became mired in the horrors of central Europe as, at various times, a partisan, a refugee, a housekeeper to the Nazis and, over all, as a heroine. She singlehandedly saved the lives of at least 16 Jewish people from the Holocaust. Now living in America and aged 77, Irene, with the help of a respected historical novelist, has told her story with all the power and passion that such a remarkable history can inspire.

Set in Stone

by Linda Newbery

When Samuel Godwin, a young and naive art tutor, accepts a job with the Farrow family at Fourwinds, their majestic home, little does he expect to come across such a web of secrets and lies. His two tutees are as different as chalk and cheese - the beautiful younger sister Marianne, full of flightiness and nervous imagination, and Juliana, controlled and sad. With their governess, Charlotte Agnew, Samuel begins to uncover slowly the horrifying truth behind Juliana's sadness and Marianne's emotional fragility. Their discoveries change their perception of life at Fourwinds for ever and none of their lives will ever be the same again.With her usual brilliance and ease, Linda Newbery has written a haunting and faultlessly plotted novel with characters that leap of the page and stay with the reader long after the last page is turned.

Journey (A\la Orilla Del Viento Ser.)

by Patricia Maclachlan

Journey refuses to believe his mother will not come back. Seeking evidence of happier times, he tries to piece together the pictures she tore up before she went away. And he studies the photographs his grandfather now takes as the older man attempts to provide the boy with a family and a past. In the process, Journey finds that the camera is a means of seeing things the naked eye has missed - things such as the inevitability of his mother's departure and the love that still binds his family together.


by Steve Augarde

Ever since the floods came and washed the world away, survivors have been desperate to win a place on X-Isle, the island where life is rumoured to be easier than on what's left of the mainland. Only young boys are in with a chance, the smaller and lighter the better. Baz and Ray are two of the lucky few to be chosen, but they soon discover that X-Isle is a far cry from paradise. Ruled by Preacher John, a dangerous religious fanatic, it's a violent, unpredictable place where terrible things can happen at any moment.The boys hatch an extraordinary plan in order to protect themselves - the construction of a mighty weapon of defence. But can they complete this weapon in time, and are they really prepared to use it in order to secure their freedom? Powerful and compelling, X-ISLE is a fast-moving thriller that will keep you guessing right to the very end.

The Hand of the Devil

by Dean Vincent Carter

When young magazine journalist Ashley Reeves receives an intriguing letter he leaves his London office in the hope of reporting on an unusual species of insect - the Ganges Red. That evening he arrives on Aries Island and encounters the writer of the letter - Reginald Mather. At first Mather seems no more than an eccentric collector, happy to live in isolation on the island. But when Reeves unearths the horrific truth he finds himself thrown headlong into a macabre nightmare that quickly spirals out of control. His life is in danger . . . and Mather is not his only enemy . . .Both gruesome and compelling, chilling and page-turning, this much-anticipated thriller from Dean Vincent Carter will delight older readers.


by Robert Swindells

Now you see them, now you don't...What would you do if you could become invisible? Creep around, unseen? Listen in to other people's conversations? Twins Carrie and Conrad, and their friends Peter and Charlotte do all these things, and much more, when a new girl at school - Rosie - shows them her secret: how to make yourself invisible. It's exciting, and it's fun. It can also be frightening... and dangerous. Especially when Rosie's dad becomes a suspect in a local crime and the gang go invisible to find the real crooks...


by Linda Newbery

Following the success of The Shell House, Linda Newbery again demonstrates her brilliance at weaving thought-provoking subjects into a wholly satisfying and sensitively drawn novel.Hilly's German grandmother, HeidiGran, comes to live with her family after she gets Alzheimer's disease; but as her mind becomes more muddled, secrets from her memories of life during the Second World War start to emerge. Why does HeidiGran keep talking about a girl called Rachel? And why does she make racist remarks about Hilly's friend, Reuben? As Hilly struggles to cope with revelations about her family's past, she encounters racism and prejudice for herself when a friend becomes the victim of a mindless attack. She also falls in love for the first time. This is a wonderfully evocative novel exploring the recurring prejudices that affect every generation.

White Time

by Margo Lanagan

Time out of time, people call it, but they're wrong. It's all time, like white light is all colours, or white noise is all pitches of noise coming at you together.In this transcendent collection of short stories, Lanagan deftly navigates a new set of worlds in which the boundaries between reality and possibility are paper-thin . . . and sometimes disappear altogether. Prepare to be unsettled, intrigued and dazzled by what a master storyteller can do in a few short pages.

Princess Poppy Fairytale Princess: Princess Poppy (Princess Poppy Fiction #10)

by Janey Louise Jones Samantha Chaffey

Miss Mallow has decided to put on a musical show to celebrate the opening of the new school hall. Poppy and her class are all very excited especially when they get to vote on which show to perform. But things start to go wrong during the auditions when every single child wants the two starring roles! Before long Miss Mallow is at the end of her tether and cancels the show . . .

Princess Poppy: Pony Club Princess (Princess Poppy Fiction #9)

by Janey Louise Jones Samantha Chaffey

Poppy is taking part in a Pony Club Competition with her cousin Daisy. They've both been practising like mad on their ponies Twinkletoes and Parsley and they absolutely can't wait. But before long a whole series of things start to go wrong and it looks like they might not be able to compete after all . . . Will the Pony Club let Poppy enter the competition? Will Twinkletoes be well enough to jump and most importantly, will Poppy ever get to be a Pony Princess? Find out in this brilliant new adventure.

Princess Poppy: Pop Star Princess (Princess Poppy Fiction #8)

by Janey Louise Jones Samantha Chaffey

Poppy is so excited! Her cousin Daisy's band, the Beach Babes, is entering a local talent contest which is being held in Camomile Cove and she and Honey are going to be backing singers. With a great new song and a fab dance routine, Poppy is sure they're going to win - that is until she reads about rival band Lilac and the Mermaids in the local paper . . . Find out what happens when Poppy, Honey, and even Grandpa get competitive! Will she ever get to be a pop star princess?

Princess Poppy: The Fashion Princess (Princess Poppy Fiction #6)

by Janey Louise Jones Samantha Chaffey

A brand-new story in the best-selling Princess Poppy series with gorgeous coloured pages!Poppy and her grown-up cousin Saffron are in New York for Fashion Week. While they're in town, they'll be hooking up with Bryony Snow, the Editor of Buttons & Bows Magazine as part of their prize for Saffron's Sewing Shop being chosen as the best boutique by the magazine. (read all about them winning this prize in The Big Mix-Up)They've got an action-packed itinerary including glamorous runway shows, a tour of the city and lots more surprises in store. But when Poppy and her new friends find the supermodel, Tallulah Melage, sobbing in a corner after a row with a world famous fashion designer she realizes that fashion is not all fun and games . . . Join Poppy and Saffron on their adventure in the Big Apple and find out whether their homespun values and fabulous fashion sense triumph stateside.

Princess Poppy: Princess Poppy (Princess Poppy Fiction #5)

by Janey Louise Jones Samantha Chaffey

A brand-new story in the best-selling Princess Poppy series with gorgeous coloured pages!Poppy is very excited because she is hosting her first ever sleepover. Honey, Sweetpea, Mimosa and Abigail are all coming to stay and there are lots of treats in store, including beauty treatments, dance routines, midnight feasts and a nature walk in Wildspice Woods the next morning.Much to the girls excitement, heavy snow falls during the night and when they wake up, everything is covered by a deep layer of sparkling snow. But they soon realize that the snowstorm isn't just fun and games. Things start to really get serious when Aunt Marigold's General Store runs out of food supplies, the log man can't get through because all the roads are blocked and Honey injures herself. Some of the villagers are even without electricity and phone lines. Will the Villagers manage to stay warm and fed and will the community spirit of the Honeypot Hill residents shine through and help everyone pull together until the storm is over? And will Poppy save the day? Find out in this brilliant new Princess Poppy adventure.

This Is All: The Pillow Book Of Cordelia Kenn (The Dance Sequence #4)

by Aidan Chambers

Subtitled The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn this is the story of Cordelia from the time she is 15 until she is 20. She is pregnant and plans to give this account to her daughter on her 16th birthday so that they can share their youth together. She chooses the old and famous Japanese book, 'The Pillow Book' by Sei Shonagon, as a model in order to include all kinds of things she has already written as well as the episodes and thoughts she has now as she compiles her book. She tells of her mother (who died when Cordelia was 5) of her father and her aunt Doris (who marry when she is 16), of her love for William Blacklin, the boy with whom she chooses to have her first sex - and with whom she falls deeply in love. She writes about Julie Martin her teacher who helps her spiritually, describes her love affair with an older married man and her terrifying sexual experience with an unbalanced young man who is obsessed with her. The book includes thoughts on being a women, on poetry, music, reading and writing, on being pregnant and finally of her marriage to William. This Is All is an anthology, written in six 'books' of Cordelia's adolescent life, by turns funny, poignant, sad, exciting, fascinating ironic and truthful about topics that parents often do not tell their children. It is a richly entertaining and challenging read.

T.J. and the Cup Run (T.J. (Theo Walcott) #3)

by Theo Walcott

TJ and his friends get a terrible shock when their old teacher, Mr Potter, returns from illness to take over from Mr Wood as PE teacher at Parkview School. Worse still, they are about to play in the semifinal of the Cup, and Mr Potter's really bad tactics nearly lose them the match.With everything they've trained for hanging in the balance, can TJ and his friends turn things around and win?

T.J. and the Winning Goal (T.J. (Theo Walcott) #4)

by Theo Walcott

The Parkview team are off to compete in the Regional Championship tournament, but their striker is in trouble. The team is improving all the time, but Tulsi, once the star, is getting left behind. When she's dropped from both the school team and her Sunday League team, she even talks about giving up football. Can TJ and the team help Tulsi change her ways and win her place back in the team?

Abomination (Originals Ser.)

by Robert Swindells

Martha is twelve - and very different from other kids, because of her parents. Strict members of a religious group - the Brethren - their rules dominate Martha's life. And one rule is the most important of all: she must never ever invite anyone home. If she does, their shameful secret - Abomination - could be revealed. But as Martha makes her first real friend in Scott, a new boy at school, she begins to wonder. Is she doing the right thing by helping to keep Abomination a secret? And just how far will her parents go to prevent the truth from being known?

The Present Takers: Know Your Enemy... (Red Fox Older Fiction Ser.)

by Aidan Chambers

Lucy's life is being made hell by Melanie Prosser and her bullying sidekicks - the present takers - who threaten her every day at school for presents and money. Too ashamed to tell her parents, and too scared to tell her teacher, Lucy finds an unexpected ally in Angus Burns. But when push comes to shove, there's only one thing to do: take on the present takers at their own game, to silence them once and for all.

The Shell House

by Linda Newbery

The Shell House is a beautifully written and sensitive portrayal of love, sexuality and spirituality over two generations. Greg's casual interest in the history of a ruined mansion becomes more personal as he slowly discovers the tragic events that overwhelmed its last inhabitants. Set against a background of the modern day and the First World War, Greg's contemporary beliefs become intertwined with those of Edmund, a foot soldier whose confusion about his sexuality and identity mirrors Greg's own feelings of insecurity. This is a complex and thought-provoking book, written with elegance and subtlety. It will change the way you think.

Harriet's Hare

by Dick King-Smith

Hares don't talk. Everyone knows that. But the hare Harriet meets one morning in a corn circle in her father's wheatfield is a very unusual hare: a visitor from the far-off planet Pars, come to spend his holidays on Earth in the form of a talking hare. Wiz, as Harriet names her magical new friend, can speak any language, transform himself into any shape - and, as the summer draws to its close, he has one last, lovely surprise in store for Harriet...

The Crowstarver (A\puffin Book Ser.)

by Dick King-Smith

Crowstarving was the ideal job for Spider - he was on his own - yet never alone, for all around him were animals of one sort or another.Discovered as a foundling in a lambing pen, Spider Sparrow grows up surrounded by animals. From sheep and horses to wild otters and foxes, Spider loves them all, even the crows must scare away the newly sown wheat.Amazingly, every animal who meets Spider implicitly trusts the young boy. This magical rapport is Spider's unique gift, but nothing else in his tough life is so easy.

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