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Unsustainable World: Are We Losing the Battle to Save Our Planet?

by Peter N. Nemetz

Using a cross-disciplinary, science- and economics-based approach, this book provides a sobering and comprehensive assessment of the multifaceted barriers to achieving sustainability at a global level. Organized into three parts, the book defines sustainability in part I and sets the context of the historical and current difficulties facing the world today. In parts II and III, it outlines the sustainability challenges faced in transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture, and then in turn addresses the solutions, conditional solutions, and nonsolutions to these challenges. These include electric and autonomous automobiles, nuclear power, renewable energy, geoengineering, and carbon capture and storage. The author attempts to differentiate among those proposed solutions and discusses which are most promising and which are infeasible, counterproductive, and potentially a waste of time and money. In each of the book’s chapters, the scientific evidence is presented in detail, in keeping with the advice of the young Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, to let the science speak for itself. The author outlines why sustainability is unlikely to be achieved in several key areas of human endeavor and readers are challenged to weigh the scientific evidence for themselves. Using an economic business-based approach, this book introduces students and general readers to the challenges of sustainability and the environmental difficulties facing humanity today.

Creativity in Virtual Teams: Key Components for Success (Collaborative Work Systems Series #6)

by Jill Nemiro

Creativity in Virtual Teams offers a well-researched and practical resource that outlines a new model for attaining high levels of creativity in virtual working arrangements to anyone who designs, manages, or participates in virtual teams. Written by Jill E. Nemiro—an expert in building organizations and virtual teams—Creativity in Virtual Teams provides a valuable tool that takes you beyond mere theory. Within these pages, the author leads you through a series of diagnostic tools, questions for reflection, checklists, and exercises that will help you assess and develop the five key components—design, climate, resources, norms and protocols, and continual assessment and learning—that will foster creativity in your virtual teams. In addition, Creativity in Virtual Teams is filled with illustrative lessons learned from nine highly successful and innovative virtual teams.

Careers For Dummies (For Dummies)

by Marty Nemko

Feeling stuck? Find out how to work toward the career of your dreams If you’re slogging through your days in a boring or unrewarding job, it may be time to make a big change. Careers For Dummies is a comprehensive career guide from a top career coach and counselor that will help you jump start your career and your life. Dive in to learn more about career opportunities, with a plethora of job descriptions and the certifications, degrees, and continuing education that can help you build the career you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or a career-oriented person who needs or wants a change, this book has valuable information that can help you achieve your career goals. Find out how you can build your personal brand to become more attractive to potential employers, how to create a plan to “get from here to there” on your career path, and access videos and checklists that help to drive home all the key points. If you’re not happy in your day-to-day work now, there’s no better time than the present to work towards change. Get inspired by learning about a wide variety of careers Create a path forward for a new or better career that will be rewarding and fun Determine how to build your personal brand to enhance your career opportunities Get tips from a top career coach to help you plan and implement a strategy for a more rewarding work life Careers For Dummies is the complete resource for those looking to enhance their careers or embark on a more rewarding work experience.

Careers For Dummies

by Marty Nemko

Feeling stuck? Find out how to work toward the career of your dreams If you’re slogging through your days in a boring or unrewarding job, it may be time to make a big change. Careers For Dummies is a comprehensive career guide from a top career coach and counselor that will help you jump start your career and your life. Dive in to learn more about career opportunities, with a plethora of job descriptions and the certifications, degrees, and continuing education that can help you build the career you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or a career-oriented person who needs or wants a change, this book has valuable information that can help you achieve your career goals. Find out how you can build your personal brand to become more attractive to potential employers, how to create a plan to “get from here to there” on your career path, and access videos and checklists that help to drive home all the key points. If you’re not happy in your day-to-day work now, there’s no better time than the present to work towards change. Get inspired by learning about a wide variety of careers Create a path forward for a new or better career that will be rewarding and fun Determine how to build your personal brand to enhance your career opportunities Get tips from a top career coach to help you plan and implement a strategy for a more rewarding work life Careers For Dummies is the complete resource for those looking to enhance their careers or embark on a more rewarding work experience.

Biosurveillance in New Media Marketing: World, Discourse, Representation

by Selena Nemorin

Advertising has long been considered a manipulator of minds and has increased significantly in coercive power since the emergence of research in behavioural psychology. Now with the deployment of neuro-physiological imaging technologies into market contexts, companies are turning to neuromarketing to measure how we think and feel. Data driven models are being used to inform advertising strategies designed to trigger human action at a level beneath conscious awareness. This practice can be understood as a form of consumer biosurveillance: but what is behind the hype? What are the consequences? Biosurveillance in New Media Marketing is a critical reflection on the role that technology is playing in the construction of consumer representations, and its encroachment into the internal lives of individuals and groups. It is a work that examines the relationship between neuromarketing practitioners and machines, and how the discourses and practices emerging from this entanglement are influencing the way we make sense of the world.

Too Few Women at the Top: The Persistence of Inequality in Japan

by Kumiko Nemoto

The number of women in positions of power and authority in Japanese companies has remained small despite the increase in the number of educated women and the passage of legislation on gender equality. In Too Few Women at the Top, Kumiko Nemoto draws on theoretical insights regarding Japan’s coordinated capitalism and institutional stasis to challenge claims that the surge in women’s education and employment will logically lead to the decline of gender inequality and eventually improve women’s status in the Japanese workplace. Nemoto’s interviews with diverse groups of workers at three Japanese financial companies and two cosmetics companies in Tokyo reveal the persistence of vertical sex segregation as a cost-saving measure by Japanese companies. Women’s advancement is impeded by customs including seniority pay and promotion, track-based hiring of women, long working hours, and the absence of women leaders. Nemoto contends that an improvement in gender equality in the corporate system will require that Japan fundamentally depart from its postwar methods of business management. Only when the static labor market is revitalized through adoption of new systems of cost savings, employee hiring, and rewards will Japanese women advance in their chosen professions. Comparison with the situation in the United States makes the author’s analysis of the Japanese case relevant for understanding the dynamics of the glass ceiling in U.S. workplaces as well.

Poverty Reduction and Changing Policy Regimes in Botswana (Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction)

by Ruth Nemzoff

An examination of how Botswana overcame the legacies of exceptional resource deficiency and colonial neglect, to transform itself from one of the poorest nations of the world to a middle income economy. Contributions review how economic, social and institutional policies interacted to produce successful poverty reduction.

State Crimes Against Democracy: Political Forensics in Public Affairs

by Ruth Nemzoff

Assembles leading theorists of a new paradigm of political theory, State Crimes Against Democracy , undertaking judicious and devoted hacking exposing the elusive nodes and circuitry that propagate elite dominance in world affairs, and what can be done to restore the demos to democracy.

Praxisleitfaden Customer Centricity: Mit Kundendaten und Customer Experience die digitale Transformation erfolgreich meistern – mit Strategie-Framework und Umsetzungsplan

by Michael Nenninger Melanie Seidel

Dieses Buch zeigt, warum nur mit den richtigen Kundendaten – dem Öl des 21.Jh., eine Differenzierung am Markt gelingt. Der Kampf um die Daten ist auch ein Kampf um die digitale Kundenschnittstelle, bei dem das Angebot mit der besten Customer Experience gewinnt.Die Autoren erläutern, wie sich Unternehmen durch eine Data Driven Customer Centricity von der Produktverliebtheit lösen und ihre Angebote konsequent am Kundenbedarf ausrichten können.Der Weg zu einer radikalen Kundenzentrierung ist kein Selbstläufer. Schlüsselfaktoren sind ein neues Verständnis des Kundenverhaltens sowie der Mehrwerte von Daten und KI und die darauf ausgerichtete konsequente Transformation der Unternehmenskultur, Strukturen und Prozesse.Hierzu liefern die Autoren mit ihrem in der Praxis erprobten Customer Centricity Transformation Framework (CCTF) einen Handlungsrahmen für Entscheider, der es erlaubt die Veränderungen agil voranzutreiben und dabei die gesamte Organisation mitzunehmen.Aus dem InhaltCustomer Experience und Kundendaten als Motor für die erfolgreiche Customer CentricityWelche Mehrwerte motivieren Kunden heute (noch), Daten abzugeben?Wie die richtigen Daten und KI die Kaufwahrscheinlichkeiten erhöhenDie völlig neue Produkt- und Angebotsgestaltung in Zeiten der Customer CentricityDie Customer-Centricy-Unternehmensorganisation Methodenbaukasten inkl. Vorgehensmodell, Readiness Check und Prototyping-Vorlage

SMASH: Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth (Series In International Business And Economics Ser.)

by Suvi Nenonen Kaj Storbacka

Stunningly, strategy has never adequately defined one of its central institutions, the market. Old playbooks got away with a hodgepodge of assertions, assumptions and approximations. But the undeniable complexity of modern markets confronts us with the truth. Markets are elaborate, evolving ecosystems – think biology, not machinery. Today, strategy must embrace complexity or die. Recognizing markets as complex adaptive systems spells strategic implications. Notably, as markets are partly socially constructed, they can be reconstructed. And while they cannot be predicted or controlled, they can be influenced. Rooted in the richness of market systems, SMASH traces the three main resulting shifts in strategic thinking: (1) from firm focus to context focus, where the relevant context is our definition of the market; (2) from competing and winning to value creation and cooperation; and (3) from analysis, prediction and planning to non-predictive strategizing and experimentation. Nenonen and Storbacka weave these three strands together into a cohesive strategic framework – Strategies for Market Shaping. Market shaping strategies acknowledge that much of firm performance is explained by the markets where a firm operates. Crucially, strategic choices go beyond market selection, entry and exit; firms should actively seek to adapt the market to the firm instead of the firm to the market, and open up untapped value in the process. Market shaping is not new. What is new is systematizing an actionable framework for understanding and shaping markets. And the good news: It does not take market power and resources, or intuitive genius, to shape markets to your own benefit. SMASH offers tangible strategies that savvy market shapers of any size can implement, making it a must-read.

SMASH: Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth (Series In International Business And Economics Ser.)

by Suvi Nenonen Kaj Storbacka

Stunningly, strategy has never adequately defined one of its central institutions, the market. Old playbooks got away with a hodgepodge of assertions, assumptions and approximations. But the undeniable complexity of modern markets confronts us with the truth. Markets are elaborate, evolving ecosystems – think biology, not machinery. Today, strategy must embrace complexity or die. Recognizing markets as complex adaptive systems spells strategic implications. Notably, as markets are partly socially constructed, they can be reconstructed. And while they cannot be predicted or controlled, they can be influenced. Rooted in the richness of market systems, SMASH traces the three main resulting shifts in strategic thinking: (1) from firm focus to context focus, where the relevant context is our definition of the market; (2) from competing and winning to value creation and cooperation; and (3) from analysis, prediction and planning to non-predictive strategizing and experimentation. Nenonen and Storbacka weave these three strands together into a cohesive strategic framework – Strategies for Market Shaping. Market shaping strategies acknowledge that much of firm performance is explained by the markets where a firm operates. Crucially, strategic choices go beyond market selection, entry and exit; firms should actively seek to adapt the market to the firm instead of the firm to the market, and open up untapped value in the process. Market shaping is not new. What is new is systematizing an actionable framework for understanding and shaping markets. And the good news: It does not take market power and resources, or intuitive genius, to shape markets to your own benefit. SMASH offers tangible strategies that savvy market shapers of any size can implement, making it a must-read.

Biological Invasions (Ecological Studies #193)

by Wolfgang Nentwig

This new volume on Biological Invasions deals with both plants and animals, differing from previous books by extending from the level of individual species to an ecosystem and global level. Topics of highest societal relevance, such as the impact of genetically modified organisms, are interlinked with more conventional ecological aspects, including biodiversity. The combination of these approaches is new and makes compelling reading for researchers and environmentalists.

Women's Entrepreneurship and Microfinance

by Chiranjib Neogi Amit Kumar Bhandari Sudipto Ghosh

This book offers a critical perspective on the issues related to women’s empowerment, microfinance, and entrepreneurship in India. Written by distinguishing experts in this field, this book highlights women’s empowerment, which is a process of entrusting power to an individual on the control over resources and decisions. However, these two factors are less effective in a society where religion and cultural dominance is high. The book sheds light on the social security measures undertaken by the government aiming to the right to work helped women who are bounded by social restrictions. Over time there is a shift in rural occupational structure towards non-farm activities, which is largely distress driven self-employment. Access to credit is a great source to provide self-employment that develops self-esteem among women and uplift their position. The book highlights the discrimination against women entrepreneurs in access to credit led to gender biased entrepreneurial society. Association with self-help groups (SHGs) has made women more socially empowered. SHG members help them to change their life in a positive manner through micro-entrepreneurial activities. The book has emphasized on the role of microfinance, which has served the poor to become financially self-reliant. It is observed that for second generation borrowers, the impact of microfinance seems to fizzle out, where MFIs who are gaining efficiency are diverting their objective of servicing poor, signalling a sign of mission drift.

Political Ecology and Tourism (Routledge Studies in Political Ecology)

by Sanjay Kumar Nepal Jarkko Saarinen Sanjay Nepal

Political ecology explicitly addresses the relations between the social and the natural, arguing that social and environmental conditions are deeply and inextricably linked. Its emphasis on the material state of nature as the outcome of political processes, as well as the construction and understanding of nature itself as political is greatly relevant to tourism. Very few tourism scholars have used political ecology as a lens to examine tourism-centric natural resource management issues. This book brings together experts in the field, with a foreword from Piers Blaikie, to provide a global exploration of the application of political ecology to tourism. It addresses the underlying issues of power, ownership, and policies that determine the ways in which tourism development decisions are made and implemented. Furthermore, contributions document the complex array of relationships between tourism stakeholders, including indigenous communities, and multiple scales of potential conflicts and compromises. This groundbreaking book covers 15 contributions organized around four cross-cutting themes of communities and livelihoods; class, representation, and power; dispossession and displacement; and, environmental justice and community empowerment. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars in tourism, geography, anthropology, sociology, environmental studies, and natural resources management.

Political Ecology and Tourism (Routledge Studies in Political Ecology)

by Sanjay Nepal Jarkko Saarinen

Political ecology explicitly addresses the relations between the social and the natural, arguing that social and environmental conditions are deeply and inextricably linked. Its emphasis on the material state of nature as the outcome of political processes, as well as the construction and understanding of nature itself as political is greatly relevant to tourism. Very few tourism scholars have used political ecology as a lens to examine tourism-centric natural resource management issues. This book brings together experts in the field, with a foreword from Piers Blaikie, to provide a global exploration of the application of political ecology to tourism. It addresses the underlying issues of power, ownership, and policies that determine the ways in which tourism development decisions are made and implemented. Furthermore, contributions document the complex array of relationships between tourism stakeholders, including indigenous communities, and multiple scales of potential conflicts and compromises. This groundbreaking book covers 15 contributions organized around four cross-cutting themes of communities and livelihoods; class, representation, and power; dispossession and displacement; and, environmental justice and community empowerment. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars in tourism, geography, anthropology, sociology, environmental studies, and natural resources management.

Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development

by Rupak Nepali

Written as a step-by-step guide, Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development will teach you all you need to know about OpenCart, from custom extensions to module development.This book is for developers who want to develop OpenCart extensions and for those who want to learn more about the code workflow of OpenCart. Basic knowledge of OpenCart would be an added advantage.

OpenCart Theme and Module Development

by Rupak Nepali

This book is aimed at developers and designers who want to start developing their own themes and extensions and for those who want to know about the code workflow of the OpenCart theme and modules.

The Art Of Sanctions: A View From The Field

by Richard Nephew

Nations and international organizations are increasingly using sanctions as a means to achieve their foreign policy aims. However, sanctions are ineffective if they are executed without a clear strategy responsive to the nature and changing behavior of the target. In The Art of Sanctions, Richard Nephew offers a much-needed practical framework for planning and applying sanctions that focuses not just on the initial sanctions strategy but also, crucially, on how to calibrate along the way and how to decide when sanctions have achieved maximum effectiveness. Nephew--a leader in the design and implementation of sanctions on Iran--develops guidelines for interpreting targets' responses to sanctions based on two critical factors: pain and resolve. The efficacy of sanctions lies in the application of pain against a target, but targets may have significant resolve to resist, tolerate, or overcome this pain. Understanding the interplay of pain and resolve is central to using sanctions both successfully and humanely. With attention to these two key variables, and to how they change over the course of a sanctions regime, policy makers can pinpoint when diplomatic intervention is likely to succeed or when escalation is necessary. Focusing on lessons learned from sanctions on both Iran and Iraq, Nephew provides policymakers with practical guidance on how to measure and respond to pain and resolve in the service of strong and successful sanctions regimes.

Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Friedemann Nerdinger Gerhard Blickle Niclas Schaper

Das Lehrbuch zum beliebtesten Anwendungsgebiet der Psychologie deckt die Bereiche Organisation, Personal und Arbeit in ihren Grundlagen und ihrer Praxis ab: Wovon hängt es ab, ob jemand zufrieden mit der Arbeit ist? Welche Prozesse finden bei Fusionen und Unternehmensübernahmen statt? Wie funktioniert Personalentwicklung? Was ist organisationale Sozialisation? Drei ausgewiesene Experten beantworten diese Fragen fundiert und anschaulich. Mit Glossar der wichtigsten Fachbegriffe und begleitender Website mit Materialien für Studierende und Dozenten.

Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Friedemann Nerdinger Gerhard Blickle Niclas Schaper

Wovon hängt es ab, ob jemand zufrieden mit seiner Arbeit ist? Welche Prozesse finden bei Fusionen und Unternehmensübernahmen statt? Wie funktioniert Personalentwicklung? Und was ist eigentlich "organisationale Sozialisation"? Mit diesen und vielen anderen Fragen beschäftigt sich die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Das neue Lehrbuch bietet eine systematische und fundierte Einführung in das Fachgebiet! Für Psychologiestudierende im Diplom-, Bachelor- oder Masterstudiengang und Studierende der Wirtschafts-, Ingenieurs- und Sozialwissenschaften Viele Anwendungs- und Fallbeispiele: So werden die Konzepte anschaulich Glossar mit über 300 Fachbegriffen Mit interaktiver Lernwebsite

Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Friedemann W. Nerdinger Gerhard Blickle Niclas Schaper

Das beliebte Lehrbuch zum zweitgrößten Anwendungsgebiet der Psychologie – nun in ergänzter und überarbeiteter 3. Auflage: Die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie beschäftigt sich mit dem Menschen im Kontext von Wirtschaft, Arbeitstätigkeit und Organisationen. Im Buch abgedeckt werden alle großen Bereiche Organisation, Personal und Arbeit: Wovon hängt es ab, ob jemand zufrieden mit seiner Arbeit ist? Welche Prozesse finden bei Fusionen und Unternehmensübernahmen statt? Wie funktioniert Personalentwicklung? Was ist „organisationale Sozialisation"? U.v.m. – Drei ausgewiesene Experten der AO-Psychologie beantworten diese Fragen fundiert und anschaulich. Neben den Grundlagen steht dabei vor allem der Praxisbezug im Vordergrund. Die Kapitel sind didaktisch optimal für Lernen und Prüfungsvorbereitung aufbereitet. In der 3. Auflage mit zahlreichen Aktualisierungen und erweiterten Materialien auf der Website zum Buch (u.a. Vorlesungsfolien für Dozenten). – Das macht nicht nur Arbeit, sondern Spaß! – Für Psychologie-Studierende und Studierende der Wirtschafts-, Ingenieurs- und Sozialwissenschaften.

Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Friedemann W. Nerdinger Gerhard Blickle Niclas Schaper Marc Solga

Dieses erfolgreiche Lehrbuch, jetzt in überarbeiteter 4. Auflage, bietet eine systematische und fundierte Einführung in die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Wovon hängt es ab, ob jemand zufrieden mit seiner Arbeit ist? Welche Prozesse finden bei Fusionen und Unternehmensübernahmen statt? Wie funktioniert Personalentwicklung? Und was ist »organisationale Sozialisation«? – Ob für die Prüfung oder für die Praxis – hier werden alle Fragen verständlich und ausführlich beantwortet …

Kompetenzen von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt: Analysen und Handlungsempfehlungen am Beispiel der Steuerberatungsbranche

by Friedemann W. Nerdinger Virginia Moukouli Hakan Yergün Alrik Zech Marco Zimmer

Der vorliegende Praxisleitfaden bietet einen umfassenden Überblick zu aktuellen Erkenntnissen über die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die arbeitenden Individuen. Am Beispiel der Steuerberatungsbranche werden Einblicke in das Verbundprojekt KODIMA (Kompetenzen von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt), vermittelt, das Akteure aus Wissenschaft und Praxis gemeinsam durchgeführt haben. Dabei wurden u. a. Skalen zur Erfassung des Digitalisierungsgrades von Steuerberatungsunternehmen entwickelt und im Rahmen von subjektiven und objektiven Arbeitsplatzanalysen angewendet. Zudem wurden die für die Bewältigung der Digitalisierung notwendigen Kompetenzen analysiert und Fallanalysen zu den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Führung und Organisation in Steuerberatungen durchgeführt. Die zentralen Ergebnisse werden vorgestellt und durch die Implikationen für die berufliche Bildung in dieser Branche ergänzt.Die Untersuchungsfragen von KODIMA erhielten durch die Corona-Pandemie, die wie ein Stresstest der Digitalisierung von Arbeit gewirkt hat und immer noch wirkt, einen sehr aktuellen und dringlichen Bezug. Ein Teil der Untersuchungen zum Kompetenzmanagement und zu Führung und Organisation wurden teilweise im COVID-19 Lockdown ab dem Frühjahr 2020 durchgeführt und so sind erste Effekte der Corona-Pandemie in die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen mit eingeflossen.Das Buch richtet sich an Interessierte aus der Dienstleistungsforschung, Steuerberatung, Personalentwicklung sowie der beruflichen Bildung.

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