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Office Automation: Concepts and Tools (Topics in Information Systems)

by D. Tsichritzis

The term "Office Automation" implies much and means little. The word "Office" is usually reserved for units in an organization that have a rather general function. They are supposed to support different activities, but it is notoriously difficult to determine what an office is supposed to do. Automation in this loose context may mean many different things. At one extreme, it is nothing more than giving people better tools than typewriters and telephones with which to do their work more efficiently and effectively. At the opposite extreme, it implies the replacement of people by machines which perform office procedures automatically. In this book we will take the approach that "Office Automation" is much more than just better tools, but falls significantly short of replacing every person in an office. It may reduce the need for clerks, it may take over some secretarial functions, and it may lessen the dependence of principals on support personnel. Office Automation will change the office environment. It will eliminate the more mundane and well understood functions and will highlight the decision-oriented activities in an office. The goal of this book is to provide some understanding of office . activities and to evaluate the potential of Office Information Systems for office procedure automation. To achieve this goal, we need to explore concepts, elaborate on techniques, and outline tools.

Oil and Development in the Arab Gulf States: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography (Routledge Library Editions: The Oil Industry #5)

by Walid I. Sharif

Oil and Development in the Arab Gulf States (1985) brings together in one volume the manifold sources of information on the Arab Gulf region, especially the impact of oil revenues on its economic, political and social development. It provides a balanced core of primary and secondary sources on various aspects of the economics of Arab oil between 1973 and 1983.

Oil and Development in the Arab Gulf States: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography (Routledge Library Editions: The Oil Industry #5)

by Walid I. Sharif

Oil and Development in the Arab Gulf States (1985) brings together in one volume the manifold sources of information on the Arab Gulf region, especially the impact of oil revenues on its economic, political and social development. It provides a balanced core of primary and secondary sources on various aspects of the economics of Arab oil between 1973 and 1983.

Oil & Gas Databook for Developing Countries: With the Special Reference to the ACP Countries

by Derek Fee

In order to alleviate their problems many less developed countries (LDCs) are endeavoring to develop to the full their energy resources and in particular their hydrocarbon resources. However, the development of these resources is hindered by many factors, among which are the following: badly established estimates of indigenous resources; under-exploration; lack of competent Government institutions to monitor the hydrocarbon sector; lack of local markets to exploit non-oil hydrocarbon finds; refineries which are outdated, producing the wrong product mix and where economies of scale make upgrading difficult. The purpose of this work is to examine the hydrocarbon sector in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of countries. An examination of such a diverse group of nations on a global scale is difficult since the group includes relatively rich countries such as Trinidad and Tobago with a GNP per capita of $4000, to the sub-Saharan countries such as Mali with a GNP per capita of $120. No easy solutions will be presented to improve the present energy situation in these countries but the reasons for the lack of hydrocarbon development will be examined. The work of the World Bank and similar international financial institutions will be assessed and a potted review of the hydrocarbon sector in each country will be presented.

On the Use of Stochastic Processes in Modeling Reliability Problems (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #252)

by Alessandro Birolini

Stochastic processes are powerful tools for the investigation of reliability and availability of repairable equipment and systems. Because of the involved models, and in order to be mathematically tractable, these processes are generally confined to the class of regenerative stochastic processes with a finite state space, to which belong: renewal processes, Markov processes, semi-Markov processes, and more general regenerative processes with only one (or a few) regeneration staters). The object of this monograph is to review these processes and to use them in solving some reliability problems encountered in practical applications. Emphasis is given to a comprehensive exposition of the analytical procedures, to the limitations in­ volved, and to the unification and extension of. the models known in the literature. The models investigated here assume. that systems have only one repair crew and that no further failure can occur at system down. Repair and failure rates are general­ ized step-by-step, up to the case in which the involved process is regenerative with only one (or a few) regeneration state(s). Investigations deal with different kinds of reliabilities and availabilities for series/parallel structures. Preventive main­ tenance and imperfect switching are considered in some examples.

Optimal Decisions Under Uncertainty: Methods, Models, and Management (Universitext)

by J.K. Sengupta

Understanding the stochastic enviornment is as much important to the manager as to the economist. From production and marketing to financial management, a manager has to assess various costs imposed by uncertainty. The economist analyzes the role of incomplete and too often imperfect information structures on the optimal decisions made by a firm. The need for understanding the role of uncertainty in quantitative decision models, both in economics and management science provide the basic motivation of this monograph. The stochastic environment is analyzed here in terms of the following specific models of optimization: linear and quadratic models, linear programming, control theory and dynamic programming. Uncertainty is introduced here through the para­ meters, the constraints, and the objective function and its impact evaluated. Specifically recent developments in applied research are emphasized, so that they can help the decision-maker arrive at a solution which has some desirable charac­ teristics like robustness, stability and cautiousness. Mathematical treatment is kept at a fairly elementary level and applied as­ pects are emphasized much more than theory. Moreover, an attempt is made to in­ corporate the economic theory of uncertainty into the stochastic theory of opera­ tions research. Methods of optimal decision rules illustrated he re are applicable in three broad areas: (a) applied economic models in resource allocation and economic planning, (b) operations research models involving portfolio analysis and stochastic linear programming and (c) systems science models in stochastic control and adaptive behavior.

Optimization and Discrete Choice in Urban Systems: Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Directions in Urban Systems Modelling Held at the University of Waterloo, Canada July 1983 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #247)

by Bruce G. Hutchinson Peter Nijkamp Michael Batty

'l'he papers contained in this volume were originally presented at the International symposium on New Directions in Urban Systems Modelling held at the University of Waterloo in July, 1983. The papers have been reviewed and rewritten since that time. The exception is the introductory paper written specially by Manfred Fischer and Peter Nijkamp as an introduction to this volume. The manuscript was prepared in the word processing unit in the nepartment of Civil Engineering, university of Waterloo. The sustained work of Mrs. I. Steffler in preparing this manuscript is gratefully acknowledged. "'r. R. K. Kumar provided excellent assistance with the editorial process. The svrnposium and the preparation of this manuscript were supporteö financially by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, The Academic Development Fund and the Department of Civil Engineering, TTniversity of waterloo. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE •....••...•..•...•..........•..••.•....•.•••.••.••.•..•••••.•.••.. III Categorical Data and Choice Analysis in a Spatial Context Manfred Fischer and Peter Nijkamp .•••....•.......•.•.....•.......•.......

Optionsscheine als Anlagealternative (Die Bankgeschäfte)

by Gerd Weger

Ordnen von Werkstücken mit programmierbaren Handhabungsgeräten und Werkstückerkennungssensoren (IPA-IAO - Forschung und Praxis #83)

by Ingo Schmidt

Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand während meiner Tätigkeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktions technik und A~tomatisierung (IPA), Stuttgart. Mein besonderer Dank gilt dem Leiter des Institutes, Herrn Prof. Dr. -Ing. H. J. Warnecke, für seine großzügige Unterstützung und Förderung, die entscheidend zur erfolg­ reichen Durchführung dieser Arbeit beigetragen hat. Herrn Prof. Dipl. Ing. A. Jung danke ich für die Ubernahme des Koreferats und für die wertvollen Hinweise, die sich daraus ergaben. Aus dem großen Kreis meiner ehemaligen Kollegen, die mich durch ihre Mitarbeit und konstruktive Kritik unter­ stützt haben,möchte ich die Herren Dipl. Ing. B. Graf, Dipl. Kyb. H. Lindner, Dipl. Ing. R. Knappmann und Dr. -Ing. M. Schweizer besonders erwähnen. Ihnen und allen anderen ungenannten ehemaligen Kollegen ebenso wie den Studenten, die an dieser Arbeit mitgewirkt haben, gilt mein herzlicher Dank. Bensheim, 1984 Ingo Schmidt INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Seite 0. 1 Inhalt 9 0. 2 Abkürzungen und Formelzeichen 12 1 Zielsetzung und Vorgehensweise 14 2 Analyse der Ausgangssituation 16 2. 1 Definitionen 16 2. 2 Stand der Technik 20 Programmierbare Handhabungsgeräte 2. 2. 1 20 2. 2. 2 Sensoren zur Werkstückerkennung 21 2. 2. 3 Ordnungssysteme mit programmierbaren Handhabungs­ 24 geräten und Werkstückerkennungssensoren 2. 3 Analyse des automatischen Ordnens von Werkstücken 25 2. 3. 1 Struktur von Ordnungssystemen mit programmierbaren 25 Handhabungsgeräten und Werkstückerkennungssensoren 2. 3. 1. 1 Kennzeichen von Ordnungssystemen 25 2. 3. 1. 2 Systemgrenzen und Komponenten von Ordnungssystemen 27 mit programmierbaren Handhabungsgeräten und Werkstückerkennungssensoren 2. 3.

Organizational Behavior: Theory and Practice

by Steven Altman Enzo Valenzi Richard M. Hodgetts

Organizational Behavior: Theory and Practice covers the concepts of organizational behavior. The book discusses the foundations of modern organizational behavior and the individual or group behavior in organizations. The text then describes organizational structure and the ways in which individuals, groups, and the structure all come together in an organizational setting. In this part of the book, major consideration is given to basic factors in organizational design, contingency factors in organizational design, and job design. The organizational processes used in bringing together the individual, the group, and the structure are also considered. The book further tackles the ways in which organizations deal with behavioral problems, such as conflict and the fears that often accompany change. Behavioral psychologists and students taking behavioral courses in management will find the text useful.

Österreichisches Verfassungsrecht: Verfassungsrechtslehre unter Berücksichtigung von Staatslehre und Politikwissenschaft (Springers Kurzlehrbücher der Rechtswissenschaft)

by L.K. Adamovich B.-Chr. Funk

Klammer, Frau Dr. Gudrun Maurer, Herr Dr. Franz Merli und Herr Dr. Armin Stolz am Institut tatig. Unser Dank gilt gleichermaBen jenen Mitarbeitern, die in der Zwischenzeit aus dem Personalstand des Instituts ausgeschieden sind. Wien/Graz, im Oktober 1982 Ludwig K. Adamovich Berod-Christian Funk Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage Die zweite Auflage des Lehrbuches ist als Nachdruck der ersten in Verbindung mit einem vorangestellten Erganzungsteil gestaltet. Der Text der ersten Auflage ist bis auf die Korrektur von Druckfehlern gleichgeblieben. Der Erganzungsteil bietet eine Ubersicht liberwichtige Veranderungen in der Rechtslage und Verfas­ sungswirklichkeit, die sich seit der ersten Auflage ergeben haben. Die systemati­ sche Einarbeitung dieser und kommender Anderungen sowie der Entwicklungen in Lehre und Rechtsprechung bleibt einer spaterfolgenden Neuauflage vorbehal­ ten. Wir hoff en, auf diese Weise dem Bedlirfnis nach Information liber den aktuel­ len Stand des Staatsrechts und des Verfassungslebens in entsprechender Weise Rechnung zu tragen. Der Wegfall des Untertitels des Buches auf der ersten Um­ schlagseite hat drucktechnische Grlinde. In der positiven Aufnahme, die das Buch seit seinem Erscheinen im Spatherbst 1982 gefunden hat, sehen wir eine Be­ statigung unseres Bemlihens urn cine moglichst vielseitige Betrachtungsweise des osterreichischen Verfassungsrechts.

Pensions, Labor, and Individual Choice (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)

by David A. Wise

In recent years a decline in the labor force participation of older workers has combined with rapid current and projected increases in the number of older Americans, producing major policy debates over looming "crises" in social security and, to a lesser extent, in the private pension system. That private system is playing an increasing role in the support of retired workers and promises to be the subject of increasing scrutiny by economists and policymakers alike. Previous books on private pensions have largely neglected behavioral implications of the features of pension plans. The papers in this volume, developed from material presented at a recent National Bureau of Economic Research conference, address two aspects of the relation between varieties of labor coverage and participation in the labor force. First, age at retirement may be correlated with kind of pension coverage. The papers, in fact, provide strong evidence that individual decisions about when to retire are directly influenced by pension options. Second, pension plans usually impose a high cost on workers who change jobs, which suggests that pension coverage reduces instances of job change. Pensions, Labor, and Individual Choice quantifies these correlations and proposes a conceptual framework within which to view them.

Personalführung (Moderne Wirtschaftsbücher #2)

by Fritz Bisani

Philosophie — Wissenschaft — Politik: Festschrift Rudolf Wohlgenannt zum 60. Geburtstag (Linzer Universitätsschriften #5)

Philosophie - Wissenschaft - Politik: Der Titel dieser Festschrift solI die ganze Bandbreite der Interessen und des Betatigungsfelds Rudolf Wohlgenannts widerspiegeln. Er war und ist stets darum bemUht, einseitiger Spezialisierung in der Philosophie dadurch entgegenzutreten, daB er nicht nul' fachphilosophische oder rein wissenschaftstheoretische Themen behandelt, sondern auch Fragestellungen von tiffentlich-politischem Interesse del' philosophischen Reflexion zuganglich macht. Dies dokumentiert sich nicht zuletzt in seinem Engagement in del' Hoch­ schulpoliti k. Rudolf Wohlgenannt laBt sich keiner speziellen philosophischen Schule zuord~ nen. Am ehesten ktinnte man ihn in die von R. Haller herausgearbeitete Linie tisterreichischen Philosophierens einfUgen, die von B. Bolzano ihren Ausgangspunkt nimmt und deren Grundhaltung immer schon Realismus und Sachbezogenheit waren, gepaart mit fachUbergreifender Diskussionsbereitschaft und Weltoffenheit. Rudolf Wohlgenannt hat im Rahmen der tisterreichischen Philosophie del' Nachkriegszeit wesentlich mitgewirkt, die Wissenschaftstheorie zu f1irdern und weiterzuentwickeln, sowie auch tradierte philosophische Fragestellungen mit mo­ dernen wissenschaftskritischen Methoden in Zusamrnenhang zu bringen. Diese Entwicklung begann beim "Europaischen Forum Alpbach", wo er vor allem in pers1inlichen Gesprachen zu einer WeiterfUhrung desjenigen fruchtbaren Geistes innerhalb del' 1isterreichischen Philosophie beigetragen hat, wie er im Wien del' Zwischenkriegszeit vorqeherrscht und Osterreich in aller Welt bekannt gemacht hat. Dieser Geist beflUgelte auch seine langjahrige Lehr- und Forschungstatigkeit an der Johannes-Kepler-Universitat Linz und seine Tatigkeit als Rektor an dieser Universitat.

Planning the British Economy (Radical Economics)

by P.G. Hare

Planning to Meet Basic Needs

by Frances Stewart

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