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Inventory-Production Theory: A Linear Policy Approach (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #151)

by C.A. Schneeweiss

The term inventory-production theory is not well defined. It com­ prises e. g. such models like cash balance models, production smoothing models and pure inventory models. We shall here mainly be concerned with stochastic dynamic problems and shall give exact definitions in the next section. Most of our work will concentrate on cash balance models. However, production smoothing situations and pure inventory problems will also be investigated. Since we are faced in principle with dynamic stochastic situa­ tions a dynamic programming approach would be appropriate. This approach, however, due to computational restraints, is limited to only but the simplest models. Therefore, in practice, one ruduces stochastics just in taking forecasts of demand and then treating the problem as a deterministic optimization problem. In addition one often introduces certain safety stocks to safeguard the system from possible forecasting errors. In general, this proce­ dure is suboptimal. However, there exists one particular situa­ tion when a separation in a forecasting procedure and a subse­ quent optimization of the remaining deterministic model is not suboptimal. This is known as the linear-quadratic model, i. e. a model having linear system equations and a quadratic cost crite­ rion. For this type of model H. A. Simon ~3J and later H. Theil [25J have shown that the above separation property holds. In fact, Simon's and Theil's results are nothing else but what has later and more generally become known to control engineers as Kalman's famous separation principle.

Investment Incentives: A comparative analysis of the systems in the EEC, the USA and Sweden

by J. B. Bracewell-Milnes

Modern society cannot function without a high level of investment, just as it cannot function without a high level of taxation (or its equivalent in communist countries). Both investment and taxation (as a source of government revenue) are important for the level of production and employment. No wonder then that governments are faced with an increasing dilemma between higher taxation on the one hand and the need for stimulating investment by tax reductions or allowances on the other. Related to this is the choice between a market economy which is as free as possible and detailed governmental measures for monitoring and steering investments, not only with the intention to promote economic growth but to further a nu mb er of other social interests as weil. This is to some extent a political issue but the decisions it involves should still be based on sound economic facts and considerations. In many countries one of the important instruments for stimulating and steering investment is the introduction oi\modification of investment incentives within the framework of the tax system. The present book gives a lot of information on this subject. It endeavours to create a conceptual order in the somewhat chaotic multitude of incentives practised by the main industrial countries and studies their economic effects. The authors are weil equipped to do this because they were c10sely involved in the study on this subject made by Erasmus U niversity Rotterdam at the request of the Common Market Com­ mission.

Kostenrechnung im Baubetrieb

by H. Lessmann

Kreditsicherungen: 60 Fälle und Lösungen

by Wilhelm Weimar

Kurzlehrbuch Investitionsrechnung

by Herbert Jacob

Um produzieren zu können, muß zuvor investiert werden. Die Investi­ tionspolitik der Unternehmung wird damit zu einem Angelpunkt des betrieblichen Geschehens. Von ihr hängt es weitgehend ab, ob und wie ein Unternehmen den Anforderungen des Marktes gerecht zu werden vermag, ob es in der Lage ist, sich durchzusetzen, zu wachsen und zu gedeihen, oder ob es über kurz oder lang seinen Platz anderen stärkeren Konkurrenten überlassen muß. Hier Hilfestellung zu leisten, ist die Aufgabe der Investitionsrechnung. Sie bemüht sich um eine - im Hinblick auf die Zielsetzung des Unter­ nehmens - optimale Gestaltung der Investitionstätigkeit. Nicht auf Grund vager Hoffnungen und gefühlsbetonter Erwägungen sollen Investitions­ entscheidungengetroffen werden, sondern, soweit das überhaupt möglich ist, auf der Grundlage einer rationalen Durchdringung der Zusammen­ hänge und Gegebenheiten. In dem hier vorliegenden Band, der als Kurzlehrbuch konzipiert ist, wer­ den die relevanten Verfahren der Investitionsrechnung, die eine rationale Beurteilung investitionspolitischer Maßnahmen ermöglichen sollen, in 1 gestraffter Form dargestellt und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gezeigt). Nach einer Beschreibung der Investitionsbereiche und einer Darlegung der allgemeinen Grundlagen und Zusammenhänge befaßt sich Kapitel 111 mit den klassischen Methoden der Investitionsrechnung. Die Beurteilung einer einzelnen Investition, das Wahlproblem, die Ermittlung der optimalen Nutzungsdauer und des optimalen Ersatzzeitpunktes von Maschinen und Anlagen sowie die Bestimmung des zieladäquaten Investitionsprogrammes hier Der Investitionsplanung Hilfe linearen werden behandelt. mit der Programmierungsrechnung sind die Kapitel IV und V gewidmet.

Labour Law and Off-Shore Oil (Routledge Library Editions: Transport Economics #13)

by Jonathan S. Kitchen

Economically and politically, North Sea oil very quickly became of vital importance to Britain. But very little serious attention was paid to the problems of the men working out on the rigs, and certainly none to their legal problems: they had been working in a kind of legal ‘no man’s land’. This informative and critical book, first published in 1977, represents a new and exciting approach to labour law looks closely at the way in which the law applies to workers out on the rigs and at the way it regulates the various aspects of their employment. More than that, it looks at the context in which the law is applied, a dynamic industry operating within severe physical, economic and political constraints, showing not only how the law came to be shaped, but also how its provisions are but one example of the employment process and which mirror changing moods and standards.

Labour Law and Off-Shore Oil (Routledge Library Editions: Transport Economics #13)

by Jonathan S. Kitchen

Economically and politically, North Sea oil very quickly became of vital importance to Britain. But very little serious attention was paid to the problems of the men working out on the rigs, and certainly none to their legal problems: they had been working in a kind of legal ‘no man’s land’. This informative and critical book, first published in 1977, represents a new and exciting approach to labour law looks closely at the way in which the law applies to workers out on the rigs and at the way it regulates the various aspects of their employment. More than that, it looks at the context in which the law is applied, a dynamic industry operating within severe physical, economic and political constraints, showing not only how the law came to be shaped, but also how its provisions are but one example of the employment process and which mirror changing moods and standards.

Land Policy and Urban Growth: Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Social Studies

by Haim Darin-Drabkin

Land Policy and Urban Growth explores the relationships between urban growth patterns, land prices, and land policies in countries with market economies. The effects of the peculiar character of the private land market on land prices are discussed, along with the link between market mechanisms and government intervention in the urban-growth process.Comprised of 18 chapters, this book begins with a brief survey of patterns of urban growth, with emphasis on the high rate of urban expansion and what future land needs might be in urban areas. The next section is concerned with urban land prices in industrialized and developing countries and highlights the dramatic increases in urban land prices arising from urban development. Various theories of urban land-price formation are examined, together with public policies on urban land and their impact not only on the land market but also on land supply and allocation. Finally, some alternative urban land policies are outlined.This monograph will be of interest to policymakers involved in land use and urban planning.

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice

by F. A. Hayek

F. A. Hayek made many valuable contributions to the field of economics as well as to the disciplines of philosophy and politics. This volume represents the second of Hayek's comprehensive three-part study of the relations between law and liberty. Here, Hayek expounds his conviction that he continued unexamined pursuit of "social justice" will contribute to the erosion of personal liberties and encourage the advent of totalitarianism.

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice

by F. A. Hayek

F. A. Hayek made many valuable contributions to the field of economics as well as to the disciplines of philosophy and politics. This volume represents the second of Hayek's comprehensive three-part study of the relations between law and liberty. Here, Hayek expounds his conviction that he continued unexamined pursuit of "social justice" will contribute to the erosion of personal liberties and encourage the advent of totalitarianism.

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice

by F. A. Hayek

F. A. Hayek made many valuable contributions to the field of economics as well as to the disciplines of philosophy and politics. This volume represents the second of Hayek's comprehensive three-part study of the relations between law and liberty. Here, Hayek expounds his conviction that he continued unexamined pursuit of "social justice" will contribute to the erosion of personal liberties and encourage the advent of totalitarianism.

Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice

by F. A. Hayek

F. A. Hayek made many valuable contributions to the field of economics as well as to the disciplines of philosophy and politics. This volume represents the second of Hayek's comprehensive three-part study of the relations between law and liberty. Here, Hayek expounds his conviction that he continued unexamined pursuit of "social justice" will contribute to the erosion of personal liberties and encourage the advent of totalitarianism.

The Lower Middle Class in Britain 1870-1914 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World)

by Geoffrey Crossick

First published in 1977. This book records the emergence of a lower middle class in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Victorian society had always contained a marginal middle class of shopkeepers and small businessmen, but in the closing decades of the nineteenth century the growth of white-collar salaried occupations created a new and distinctive force in the social structure. These essays look at the place of the lower middle class within British society and examine its ideals and values. Some essays concentrate on occupational groups – clerks and shopkeepers – while others focus on aspects of lower middle class life – religion, housing and jingoism. This title will be of interest to students of history.

The Lower Middle Class in Britain 1870-1914 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World #10)

by Geoffrey Crossick

First published in 1977. This book records the emergence of a lower middle class in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Victorian society had always contained a marginal middle class of shopkeepers and small businessmen, but in the closing decades of the nineteenth century the growth of white-collar salaried occupations created a new and distinctive force in the social structure. These essays look at the place of the lower middle class within British society and examine its ideals and values. Some essays concentrate on occupational groups – clerks and shopkeepers – while others focus on aspects of lower middle class life – religion, housing and jingoism. This title will be of interest to students of history.

The Management of Manufacturing Systems

by J.D. Radford Donald Brian Richardson

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