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Baustatik: Teil 1: Grundlagen

by Gottfried C Lohmeyer

Modeme Baukonstruktionen erfordern ein sorgfältiges Planen, Konstruieren und Ausfüh­ ren. Dazu sind solide Kenntnisse der Baustatik nötig. Dies gilt nicht nur für den Konstrukteur und Statiker, sondern auch für den Planenden im Architekturbüro und den Bauleiter auf der Baustelle. Bei der Planung, Konstruktion und Ausführung eines Bauwerkes ist nicht nur seine Funk­ tion ausschlaggebend. Um Bauschäden zu vermeiden, müssen die Baustoffe entsprechend ihren Eigenschaften eingesetzt werden; die Bauteile sind unter Beachtung ihrer statischen Bedeutung zu konstruieren und die jeweils neuesten Erkenntnisse der Bauphysik zu berücksichtigen. Das vorliegende zweiteilige Werk vermittelt die wichtigen einfachen statischen Gesetze und deren Anwendung im Rahmen einer technischen Allgemeinbildung; es dient nicht der Ausbildung spezialisierter Statiker. Manche Probleme werden daher bewußt vereinfacht und dem Zweck des Buches entsprechend besonders praxisnah dargestellt. Viele durchgerechne­ te Beispiele erläutern und vertiefen die Darstellung; eine sehr große Zahl von Übungsaufga­ ben, deren Lösungen am Bandende gebracht werden, soll zur sicheren Handhabung und breiten Anwendung des Stoffes befähigen. Die beiden Bände werden daher vielen in der Bautechnik Tätigen eine Hilfe bei der Lösung üblicher statischer Probleme sein; sie sind zum Selbststudium geeignet. Teil 1 "Grundlagen" geht auf die wichtigsten Probleme der einfachen Statik ein. Ohne komplizierte theoretische Ableitungen werden die Formeln entWickelt und dargestellt, die zur Bestimmung der äußeren und inneren Kräfte in den Bauteilen erforderlich sind. Besondere mathematische Kenntnisse werden nicht vorausgesetzt. Teil 2 "Festigkeitslehre" erklärt die Beanspruchung der Bauteile und die Bemessung von Konstruktionsteilen aus Holz, Mauerwerk, Beton und Stahl sowie die Bodenpressung.

Builder's Reference Book

by Leslie Black

A comphensive guide to information sources relevant to the building industry and legislation affecting it. It is designed for use as a tool either in the office or on site, giving facts in a compendium style to meet the most common requirements of the busy builder.

Builder's Reference Book

by Leslie Black

A comphensive guide to information sources relevant to the building industry and legislation affecting it. It is designed for use as a tool either in the office or on site, giving facts in a compendium style to meet the most common requirements of the busy builder.

A Certain Tendency of the Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1980

by Robert B. Ray

Robert B. Ray examines the ideology of the most enduringly popular cinema in the world--the Hollywood movie. Aided by 364 frame enlargements, he describes the development of that historically overdetermined form, giving close readings of five typical instances: Casablanca, It's a Wonderful Life, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Godfather, and Taxi Driver. Like the heroes of these movies, American filmmaking has avoided commitment, in both plot and technique. Instead of choosing left or right, avant-garde or tradition, American cinema tries to have it both ways.Although Hollywood's commercial success has led the world audience to equate the American cinema with film itself, Hollywood filmmaking is a particular strategy designed to respond to specific historical situations. As an art restricted in theoretical scope but rich in individual variations, the American cinema poses the most interesting question of popular culture: Do dissident forms have any chance of remaining free of a mass medium seeking to co-opt them?

The Classical Orders of Architecture

by Robert Chitham

The Classical Orders of Architecture elaborates on the classical orders of architecture, including Classicism, Tuscan orders, Doric orders, Ionic orders, and Corinthian orders. The publication first examines the teaching of the orders, need for a new handbook of the orders, Roman and Renaissance theorists, traditional systems of proportion, and metric system of measurement. The text then ponders on historical background and orders in detail. Discussions focus on the Greek orders and comparative Tuscan orders, Doric orders, Ionic orders, Corinthian orders, and Composite orders. The book tackles the orders in detail, including the five orders, Tuscan order, Tuscan capital and entablature, Tuscan base and pedestal, Doric order, Doric base and pedestal, Ionic order and volute, Ionic capital and entablature, Ionic base and pedestal, and the Corinthian order. The manuscript then reviews the use of the orders, as well as diminution and fluting, rustication, pediments, moldings and their enrichment, and characteristics of Classicism. The text is a valuable source of information for architects, historians, and researchers interested in the classical orders of architecture.

Comprehensive City Planning: Introduction & Explanation

by Melville Branch

The author’s classic text focuses on the development of cities and how they have been planned and managed through the ages. The tie between land use and municipal administration is explored throughout. Topics include the roots of city management and planning; physical and socioeconomic views of cities; how city planning works within city government; the ties between planning and city politics; zoning and urban design; new towns; and regional planning. This work is the culmination of the author's long career in planning practice. His involvement in government, business, and academics means this book relates to a wide variety of fields. And the author writes in a clear, nontechnical style. Whether you're a city official, a professional, or a concerned citizen, you'll find this a cohesive, readable, and authoritative introduction to the field of planning.

Comprehensive City Planning: Introduction & Explanation

by Melville Branch

The author’s classic text focuses on the development of cities and how they have been planned and managed through the ages. The tie between land use and municipal administration is explored throughout. Topics include the roots of city management and planning; physical and socioeconomic views of cities; how city planning works within city government; the ties between planning and city politics; zoning and urban design; new towns; and regional planning. This work is the culmination of the author's long career in planning practice. His involvement in government, business, and academics means this book relates to a wide variety of fields. And the author writes in a clear, nontechnical style. Whether you're a city official, a professional, or a concerned citizen, you'll find this a cohesive, readable, and authoritative introduction to the field of planning.

Computational Geometry: An Introduction (Monographs in Computer Science)

by Franco P. Preparata Michael I. Shamos

From the reviews: "This book offers a coherent treatment, at the graduate textbook level, of the field that has come to be known in the last decade or so as computational geometry. ... ... The book is well organized and lucidly written; a timely contribution by two founders of the field. It clearly demonstrates that computational geometry in the plane is now a fairly well-understood branch of computer science and mathematics. It also points the way to the solution of the more challenging problems in dimensions higher than two." #Mathematical Reviews#1 "... This remarkable book is a comprehensive and systematic study on research results obtained especially in the last ten years. The very clear presentation concentrates on basic ideas, fundamental combinatorial structures, and crucial algorithmic techniques. The plenty of results is clever organized following these guidelines and within the framework of some detailed case studies. A large number of figures and examples also aid the understanding of the material. Therefore, it can be highly recommended as an early graduate text but it should prove also to be essential to researchers and professionals in applied fields of computer-aided design, computer graphics, and robotics." #Biometrical Journal#2

Computer-Generated Images: The State of the Art Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’85

by Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann Daniel Thalmann

Research, development, and applications in computer graphics have dramatically expanded in recent years. Because of decreasing prices, superior hardware is now being used and image quality is better than ever. Many people now require image-synthesis techniques and software for their applicaions. Moreover, the techniques of computer ani­ mation have become very popular. In this book, we present a wide range of applications of computer graphics. This book is a collection of 44 papers in various areas of computer graphics selected from papers presented at Graphics Interface '85. Graphics Interface '85, held from May 27 to 31 in Montreal, was the first truly international computer graphics conference in Canada. This year, for the first time, the conference was presented jointly by the Com­ puter Graphics Society and the Canadian Man-Computer Communications Society. This new arrangement gave the conference international scope. The conference was spon­ sored by the Department of Communications in Ottawa, the Department of Science and Technology in Quebec, Supply and Services Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineer­ ing Research Council of Canada, Hydro-Quebec, the "Association Canadienne Fran«aise pour I' Avancement des Sciences", and the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora­ tion. Graphics Interface '85 was organized by "1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales" of the University of Montreal. Over 100 papers were submitted to the conference , but 64 were selected by the inter­ national program committee for presentation. This book contains new expanded versions of the papers.

Computer Graphics: Visual Technology and Art

by Tosiyasu L. Kunii

In the design of any visual objects, the work becomes much easier if previous designs are utilized. Computer graphics is becoming increasingly important simply because it greatly helps in utilizing such previous designs. Here, "previous designs" signifies both design results and design procedures. The objects designed are diverse. For engineers, these objects could be machines or electronic circuits, as discussed in Chap. 3, ''CA~/CAM. '' Physicians often design models of a patient's organs from computed tomography images prior to surgery or to assist in diagnosis. This is the subject of Chap. 8, "Medical Graphics. " Chapter 7, "Computer Art," deals with the way in which artists use computer graphics in creating beautiful visual images. In Chap. 1, "Computational Geometry," a firm basis is provided for the definition of shapes in designed objects; this is a typical technical area in which computer graphics is constantly making worldwide progress. Thus, the present volume, reflecting international advances in these and other areas of computer graphics, provides every potential or actual graphics user with the essential up-to-date information. There are, typically, two ways of gathering this current information. One way is to invite international authorities to write on their areas of specialization. Usually this works very well if the areas are sufficiently established that it is possible to judge exactly who knows what. Since computer graphics, however, is still in its developmental stage, this method cannot be applied.

Computer Graphics — Computer Art

by Herbert W. Franke

Ten years have passed since the first edition of this book, a time sary to stress that the availability of colors further assists artistic span during which all activities connected with computers have ambitions. experienced an enormous upswing, due in particular to the ad­ The dynamics of display which can be achieved on the screen is vances in the field of semiconductor electronics which facilitated also of significance for the visual arts. It is a necessary condition microminiaturization. With the circuit elements becoming small­ for some technical applications, for example when simulating er and smaller, i. e. the transition to integrated circuits, the price dynamic processes. Although the graphics systems operating in real time were not designed for artistic purposes, they nonethe­ of hardware was reduced to an amazingly low level: this has de­ less open the most exciting aspects to the visual arts. While the finitely been an impulse of great importance to the expansion of computer technology, as well as to areas far removed from tech­ static computer picture was still a realization in line with the nology.

Computergraphik — Computerkunst

by Herbert W. Franke

Conceptual Design for Engineers

by Michael J. French

3. 2 Making capital and running costs commensurate 49 3. 3 Optimum speed of a tanker 50 3. 4 The optimisation of the sag:span ratio of a suspension bridge 52 3. 5 Optimisation with more than one degree of freedom: heat exchanger 55 3. 6 Putting a price on heat-exchanger performance 57 3. 7 Variation of costs with application 59 3. 8 Further aspects of heat-exchanger optimisation 59 3. 9 An elementary programming problem 60 3. 10 Classification of optimisation problems and methods of solution 62 3. 11 The design of rotating discs: an optimum structure 66 3. 12 Hubdesign 73 3. 13 Summary 73 Questions 73 Answers 74 4 Insight 4. 1 Introduction 76 4. 2 Rough calculations 76 4. 3 Optimisation of compressor shaft diameter 83 4. 4 The optimum virtual shaft: a digression 85 4. 5 Useful measures and concepts 87 4. 6 Bounds and limits 91 4. 7 Scale effects 94 4. 8 Dimensional analysis and scaling 98 4. 9 Proportion 99 100 4. 10 Change of viewpoint Questions 102 104 Answers 5 Matching 5. 1 Matching: the windlass 107 5. 2 An extended example of matching: ship propulsion 107 5. 3 Matching within a single machine III 5. 4 Further aspects of ship propulsion 112 5. 5 Specific speeds: degrees of freedom 113 5. 6 Matching of a spring to its task liS 5. 7 Matching in thermodynamic processes 117 5. 8 Two old cases of matching 121 5.

Digital Picture Processing: An Introduction (Springer Series in Information Sciences #9)

by Leonid P. Yaroslavsky

The text has been prepared for researchers involved in picture processing. It is designed to help them in mastering the methods at the professional level. From the viewpoint of both signal theory and information theory, the treatment covers the basic principles of the digital methods for the processing of continuous signals such as picture signals. In addition, it reviews schemes for correcting signal distortion in imaging systems, for the enhancement of picture contrast, and for the automatic measurement of picture details. The text contains new results on digital filtering and transformation, and a new approach to picture processing. The main applications, as documented by numerous examples, are in space research, remote sensing, medical diag­ nostics, nondestructive testing. The material has been tested extensively in class-room use with students of both computer science and electrical engineering at the senior undergraduate and the first-year graduate level. The present edition is not a translation of the original Russian book, but it has been extended substantially as well as updated. The author is grate­ ful to Dr. H. Lotsch of Springer-Verlag for his proposal to prepare this text and for many helpful suggestions. He likes to thank Dr. P. Hawkes for a careful copy-editing of the manuscript, and acknowledges numerous criti­ cal comments by Professors S.L. Gorelik, T.S. Huang, A.W. Lohmann,and A.M. Trakhtman.

Dwelling, Place and Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World

by RobertMugerauer DavidSeamon

themes among the essays resurface and resonate. Though our request for essays was broad and open-ended, we found that topics such as seeing, authenticity, interpretation, wholeness, care, and dwelling ran as undercur­ rents throughout. Our major hope is that each essay plays a part in revealing a larger whole of meaning which says much about a more humane relation­ ship with places, environments and the earth as our home. Part I. Beginnings and directions At the start, we recognize the tremendous debt this volume owes to philosopher Martin Heidegger (1890-1976), whose ontological excavations into the nature of human existence and meaning provide the philosophical foundations for many of the essays, particularly those in Part I of the volume. Above all else, Heidegger was regarded by his students and colleagues as a master teacher. He not only thought deeply but was also able to show others how to think and to question. Since he, perhaps more than anyone else in this century, provides the instruction for dOing a phenomenology and hermeneutic of humanity's existential situation, he is seminal for phenomenological and hermeneutical research in the environmental disci­ plines. He presents in his writings what conventional scholarly work, especially the scientific approach, lacks; he helps us to evoke and under­ stand things through a method that allows them to come forth as they are; he provides a new way to speak about and care for our human nature and environment.

French Theatre 1918–1939 (Modern Dramatists)

by Bettina L. Knapp

Frontiers in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of Computer Graphics Tokyo ’84

by T. L. Kunii

Computer graphics as a whole is an area making very fast progress and it is not easy for anyone, including experts, to keep abreast of the frontiers of its various basic and application fields. By issuing over 100 thousand calls for papers through various journals and magazines as weil as by inviting reputed specialists, and by selecting high quality papers which present the state of the art in computer graphics out of many papers thus received, this book "Frontiers in Computer Graphics" has been compiled to present the substance of progress in this field. This volume serves also as the final version of the Proceedings of Computer Graphics Tokyo '84, Tokyo, Japan, April 24-27, 1984 which, as a whole, attracted 16 thousand participants from all over the world; about two thousand to the conference and the remaining 14 thousand to the exhibition. This book covers the following eight major frontiers of computer graphics in 29 papers: 1. geometry modelling, 2. graphie languages, 3. visualization techniques, 4. human factors, 5. interactive graphics design, 6. CAD/CAM, 7. graphie displays and peripherals, and 8. graphics standardization. Geometry modelling is most essential in displaying any objects in computer graphics. It determines the basic capabilities of computer graphics systems such as whether the surface and the inside of the object can be displayed and also how efficiently graphical processing can be done in terms of processing time and memory space.

Geology for Civil Engineers

by C. Gribble A. McLean

This seasoned textbook introduces geology for civil engineering students. It covers minerals and rocks, superficial deposits and the distribution of rocks at or below the surface. It then looks at groundwater and gives guidance on the exploration of a site before looking at the civil engineering implications of rocks and the main geological factors which affect typical engineering projects.

Geology for Civil Engineers

by C. Gribble A. McLean

This seasoned textbook introduces geology for civil engineering students. It covers minerals and rocks, superficial deposits and the distribution of rocks at or below the surface. It then looks at groundwater and gives guidance on the exploration of a site before looking at the civil engineering implications of rocks and the main geological factors which affect typical engineering projects.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Radio Scripts

by Douglas Adams

March 1978 saw the first ever transmission of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on BBC Radio 4; the beginning of a cult phenomenon. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Radio Scripts includes a previously unpublished Hitchhiker script, 'Sheila's Ear'; an introduction by producer Geoffrey Perkins; and a Who's Who of all those involved in the radio series. This scriptbook features all twelve original radio scripts - Hitchhiker as it was written and exactly as it was broadcast for the very first time. They include amendments and additions made during recordings and original notes on the writing and producing of the series by Douglas Adams and Geoffrey Perkins. For those who have always loved Douglas Adams, as well as for his new generation of fans, these scripts are essential reading - with the previously 'lost' script making this edition a must-have piece of Adams memorabilia.

How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art: Abstract Expressionism, Freedom, And The Cold War

by Serge Guilbaut

"A provocative interpretation of the political and cultural history of the early cold war years. . . . By insisting that art, even art of the avant-garde, is part of the general culture, not autonomous or above it, he forces us to think differently not only about art and art history but about society itself."—New York Times Book Review

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