The present book draws its content from the original stories written by the great Sanskrit scholar Vishnusharma for imparting moral lessons to the royal princes. The original stories are divided into five main sections (Mitra-bheda: The Separation of Friends; Mitra-lábha or Mitra-samprápti: The Gaining of Friends; War and Peace; Loss of Gains and ill-Considered Actions). Each section has several sub stories such as the lion, bull and the fox, the four friends etc to highlight various values and morals. In the present book the stories have been retold using simple and modern language. The word limit for each story has been fixed at 200 words in order to keep them short and easy to read and reflect. Practice exercises have been provided at the end of each chapter/story for recapitulation.
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Nirmal Book Agency 89, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kolkatta-700007