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Books for children with Autism

Showing 26 through 40 of 40 results

I Have a Question about Death

by Arlen Grad Gaines and Meredith Englander Polsky

Death is a difficult topic for any parent or educator to explain to a child, perhaps even more so when the child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder or other Special Needs. This book is designed specifically to help children with these additional needs to understand what happens when someone dies. The first book of its kind, I Have a Question about Death uses straightforward text and images to walk children through what it means when someone dies, as well as ways they might want to react or to think about the person. Using clear illustrations throughout and with information for parents and guardians, this book is essential for families with a child aged 5-11 with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other special needs.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

The Ice-Cream Sundae Guide to Autism

by Debby Elley and Tori Houghton

Autism is a bit like an ice-cream sundae. There are lots of ingredients that go into it. There are so many types of sundae glasses out there. Some are plain and simple, some are loud and proud! In fact, sundae glasses are a bit like people - we're all different. Because we all have different personalities, autism doesn't look the same in everybody.This picture-led book uses ice-cream sundae ingredients to represent various aspects of autism such as sensory differences, special interests or rigidity of thinking, explaining the different facets of autism in a neutral way. The reader can create their own individual 'ice-cream sundae' to illustrate their personal strengths and challenges, highlighting how it makes them unique and helping to build confidence and self-awareness. It includes colourful illustrations and workbook activities to help children cement their understanding of autism.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Different Like Me

by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder

Different Like Me introduces children aged 8 to 12 years to famous, inspirational figures from the world of science, art, math, literature, philosophy and comedy. Eight-year-old Quinn, a young boy with Asperger's Syndrome, tells young readers about the achievements and characteristics of his autism heroes, from Albert Einstein, Dian Fossey and Wassily Kandinsky to Lewis Carroll, Benjamin Banneker and Julia Bowman Robinson, among others. All excel in different fields, but are united by the fact that they often found it difficult to fit in-just like Quinn. Fully illustrated in colour and written in child-friendly language, this book will be a wonderful resource for children, particularly children with autism, their parents, teachers, carers and siblings.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Different Like Me

by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder

Different Like Me introduces children aged 8 to 12 years to famous, inspirational figures from the world of science, art, math, literature, philosophy and comedy. Eight-year-old Quinn, a young boy with Asperger's Syndrome, tells young readers about the achievements and characteristics of his autism heroes, from Albert Einstein, Dian Fossey and Wassily Kandinsky to Lewis Carroll, Benjamin Banneker and Julia Bowman Robinson, among others. All excel in different fields, but are united by the fact that they often found it difficult to fit in-just like Quinn. Fully illustrated in colour and written in child-friendly language, this book will be a wonderful resource for children, particularly children with autism, their parents, teachers, carers and siblings.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Autistic Planet (PDF)

by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder

Autistic Planet is a magical world where all trains run exactly to time, where people working in offices have rocking chairs, and where all kids dream of winning the chess World Cup. Join us on a journey to this alternative reality, where being different is ordinary, and being "typical" is unheard of! Full of colour illustrations and written in child-friendly rhyme, this book is ideal for children aged 6 and over. Jennifer Elder is assistant editor in a book publishing company. She and her husband have two sons, one of whom has ASD. You can read more about their family in the memoirs Sixpence House and Not Even Wrong. Jennifer is the author of Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes, also published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Autistic Planet

by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder

Autistic Planet is a magical world where all trains run exactly to time, where people working in offices have rocking chairs, and where all kids dream of winning the chess World Cup. Join us on a journey to this alternative reality, where being different is ordinary, and being "typical" is unheard of! Full of colour illustrations and written in child-friendly rhyme, this book is ideal for children aged 6 and over. Jennifer Elder is assistant editor in a book publishing company. She and her husband have two sons, one of whom has ASD. You can read more about their family in the memoirs Sixpence House and Not Even Wrong. Jennifer is the author of Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes, also published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

He’s Not Naughty!

by Deborah Brownson

Taryn and Jake are best friends who have lots of similarities and lots of differences. One of the differences is that Jake has autism and Taryn doesn't, which means they can act differently sometimes. Taryn knows that people with autism are often mistaken for being naughty when it's actually a natural way for their brain to react. Fed up with everyone not understanding, Taryn decides to let the world know why Jake isn't naughty! Join Taryn as she candidly explains her understanding of autism, and why there's always a reason behind everything Jake does.This distinctively illustrated book is a quick and quirky way to explain to friends and family why children with autism behave the way they do. Unique visuals provide a great sense of what it's truly like to have autism, making this the perfect book for children aged 6-10 to learn about autism.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

The Autism Detective

by Elaine Brownless

"Dear Kit and Scully, your mission is to learn about autism. On this quest you will need to investigate the human brain and learn about diversity."What do you know about autism? Whether you know a little or a lot, you are invited to explore your understanding of the autism spectrum and discover something new by joining detectives Scully and Kit on their investigation. As Scully and Kit interview six ordinary children, follow the clues and see if you can guess which of them are autistic. This book puts the spotlight on six children that openly talk about their experiences at school and at home. By the end of the book, two children reveal what autism means to them. Read this alone or with an adult and learn about autism, diversity, how we are all unique and what we all share.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Do You Understand Me?

by Sofie Koborg Brosen

Sofie Koborg Brøsen is eleven years old and, like other children of her age, goes to a mainstream school, loves reading comics and being with her family and her cat, Teddy. But Sofie is not the same as everyone else - she has autism spectrum disorder. Fed up with being misunderstood by her classmates, she has written a book about her world so others can learn to understand her, and vice versa. Sofie describes her day-to-day life in clear, unambiguous language and tells readers about things she finds difficult: being given too many instructions, disruptions to her routine, being teased, strong lights and smells and too much noise. She also tells about what she really likes - feeling accepted by other children, reading, nature, her autism camp and her cat. This fully illustrated book has already attracted much positive attention in Denmark. It is a readable insider's view of life as a child with autism attending a mainstream school and will be an invaluable resource in helping other children to understand their classmates with autism spectrum disorders. Teachers, parents, carers, support workers, children with autism spectrum disorders and their classmates will find this an entertaining, informative and attitude-changing read.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Do You Understand Me?

by Sofie Koborg Brosen

Sofie Koborg Brøsen is eleven years old and, like other children of her age, goes to a mainstream school, loves reading comics and being with her family and her cat, Teddy. But Sofie is not the same as everyone else - she has autism spectrum disorder. Fed up with being misunderstood by her classmates, she has written a book about her world so others can learn to understand her, and vice versa. Sofie describes her day-to-day life in clear, unambiguous language and tells readers about things she finds difficult: being given too many instructions, disruptions to her routine, being teased, strong lights and smells and too much noise. She also tells about what she really likes - feeling accepted by other children, reading, nature, her autism camp and her cat. This fully illustrated book has already attracted much positive attention in Denmark. It is a readable insider's view of life as a child with autism attending a mainstream school and will be an invaluable resource in helping other children to understand their classmates with autism spectrum disorders. Teachers, parents, carers, support workers, children with autism spectrum disorders and their classmates will find this an entertaining, informative and attitude-changing read.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

A Girl Like Tilly

by Ellen Li and Helen Bates

Tilly is a bit of a puzzle. She's struggling at school, she really doesn't like surprises, she isn't sure if she's a girl or a boy, and she just doesn't want to make new friends. Why is it such hard work to try and understand people, or for them to understand her? This poignant story maps the entire childhood of a bright young girl with autism. Growing up undiagnosed, she finds life increasingly difficult and confusing. Unable to communicate her thoughts and feelings, she retreats further into her own world while her family grows evermore perplexed and concerned. When a psychologist finally explains what makes her special, they can stop focusing on the problems and start to navigate a new way forward for Tilly. With vividly expressive illustrations and minimal words, this story is a valuable and accessible tool for helping children aged 7-13 and their families understand female autism, and will also be immensely helpful to readers interested in understanding better how autism manifests in girls. Honest, positive, and ultimately hopeful, it is inspired by the real childhood of Helen Bates's daughter Rachel, whose own writing describes her experiences as a girl like Tilly.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

The Obsessive Joy of Autism (PDF)

by Julia Bascom

'Being autistic, to me, means a lot of different things, but one of the best things is that I can be so happy, so enraptured about things no one else understands and so wrapped up in my own joy that, not only does it not matter that no one else shares it, but it can become contagious. This is the part about autism that I can never explain. This is the part I never want to lose.' Julia Bascom's depiction of the joy of autistic obsessions tells a story about autism that is very rarely told. It tells of a world beyond impairments and medical histories, where the multiples of seven can open a floodgate of untranslatable joy, where riding a train can make everything feel perfectly sized and full of light, and where flapping your hands just so amplifies everything you feel. The Obsessive Joy of Autism will resonate powerfully with other autistic people, and encourage those who have a person with autism in their lives to look out for that joy, to chase it, to get obsessed.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

It's Raining Cats and Dogs

by Michael Barton and Delia Barton

The English language can be extremely confusing and illogical, especially for people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who interpret meaning in a very literal way. Why should an announcement that cats and dogs are falling from the sky indicate heavy rain? And what have chickens got to do with being a coward? It's Raining Cats and Dogs is a witty and stylish insight into the mind of someone with an ASD. It beautifully illustrates why people with ASDs have problems understanding common phrases and idioms that others accept unquestioningly as part of everyday speech. The quirky drawings will entertain and inspire those on the spectrum, giving them the confidence to recognise figures of speech, feel less alienated and even use idioms themselves. The drawings will form instantly memorable references for those with ASDs to recall whenever they need to and will be helpful for anyone curious to understand the ASD way of thinking. They will enable people on the spectrum and their friends, families, teachers and colleagues to better understand and communicate with each other.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

It's Raining Cats and Dogs

by Michael Barton and Delia Barton

The English language can be extremely confusing and illogical, especially for people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who interpret meaning in a very literal way. Why should an announcement that cats and dogs are falling from the sky indicate heavy rain? And what have chickens got to do with being a coward? It's Raining Cats and Dogs is a witty and stylish insight into the mind of someone with an ASD. It beautifully illustrates why people with ASDs have problems understanding common phrases and idioms that others accept unquestioningly as part of everyday speech. The quirky drawings will entertain and inspire those on the spectrum, giving them the confidence to recognise figures of speech, feel less alienated and even use idioms themselves. The drawings will form instantly memorable references for those with ASDs to recall whenever they need to and will be helpful for anyone curious to understand the ASD way of thinking. They will enable people on the spectrum and their friends, families, teachers and colleagues to better understand and communicate with each other.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

I am an Aspie Girl

by Tony Attwood and Danuta Bulhak-Paterson and Teresa Ferguson

Lizzie is an Aspie Girl - she has Asperger's Syndrome, which means that her brain works differently to her friends, and even to boys with Asperger Syndrome. In this book, Lizzie explains what it's like to be an Aspie Girl, including how she has a special talent for blending in with her friends, how she gets really tired after being at school all day, how she worries about making mistakes, and how she finds it hard to understand how she is feeling. By simply, clearly and positively explaining the social differences associated with Asperger's Syndrome, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, in young girls, this book will help Aspie Girls aged 5 years and over to understand their diagnosis, recognise their unique strengths and celebrate their differences, and find ways of coping with difficulties. This positive and celebratory book also contains helpful discussion points for parents and professionals to explore further with the girls in their care.

Date Added: 01/28/2022

Showing 26 through 40 of 40 results