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Victorians ... are they villainous?

Description: Books and images suitable for project and theme based learning on Victorian times

Showing 51 through 58 of 58 results

The Victorians in Britain

by Liz Gogerly

'The past is all around us, if we know where to look.' This series takes a look at archaeological, structural and museum evidence from around Britain, allowing readers to build up a picture of what life was like in key historical periods and how you can discover it for yourself by visiting sites around the country.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

Primary History - Victorians

by Tony D. Triggs

Primary History: Victorians encourages the study of written sources, images and key figures to understand the influence of Victorian society on today’s world. Stimulating activities cover the growth of railways, industrial and social reform, levels of society within towns and the countryside, and the life of children at home, school and in work.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

Horrible Histories

by Terry Deary

Readers can discover all the foul facts about the VILLAINOUS VICTORIANS, including Why burglars were scared of bogies, which poet said he ate an ape and how a snick fadger might kiddy-nap your spangle. With a bold, accessible new look and a heap of extra-horrible bits, these bestselling titles are sure to be a huge hit with yet another generation of Terry Deary fans. 9781407133324

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

Ladybird Histories: Victorians

by Jane Bingham

This history title from Ladybird is the ideal homework help book for primary school children who are learning about the Victorians at school. Packed with everything a child needs to know about Victorian life and times, it is perfect for all school project work, with a timeline, glossary and index for easy reference.Fully illustrated and full of interesting bite-size facts, Ladybird Histories: Victorians features information about what people wore, what jobs they did, how they lived, children's lives, and notable people of the period including Queen Victoria, Charles Dickens, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and key social reformers.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

Victorians (PDF)

by Jane Bingham

This photographic book gives you an overview of the Victorian age. From Queen Victoria and the growth of the British Empire, to the great engineers, inventors and writers of the time. Learn about home and work lifes of people in Victorial Britain, and the changs in medicine and transport. You can read about a day in the life of a Victorian schoolchild, and even learn how to make your own thaumatrope.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

The Victorians

by Matt Buckingham

Covering different historical eras, this informative series details all the topics one would expect to find in a history series, such as family life, food, religion, entertainment and warfare. However, it focuses on the most gruesome parts of these topics.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

The Victorians

by Angela Royston

Through examining primary evidence, such as books, photographs, artwork, buildings and inventions, the reader will be introduced to each historical age. Find out about victorian children and their families, about inventions and discoveries, about the Industrial Revolution and about houses and homes. Do the multiple choice quiz at the end to find out what you have learnt.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a


by Jane Bower

The innovative Creative History Activity Packs series is designed to help teachers bring history topics to life through imaginative creative arts activities. Each pack includes ten laminated, double-sided cards, printed in full color. Each card describes in detail activities that recreate aspects of life in a particular historical period, using art, drama and dance. Each activity is based on historically researched authentic practices of the time. Ideal for whole class or small group sessions, the packs are an inspiration for busy teachers looking for new ways to approach project work at Key Stage 2 - and are easily applicable for Key Stage 1 classes. Victorian activities in this pack include making decorative objects - penwipers, fans, cornucopias - based on original Victorian patterns; sewing samplers; making miniature gardens; original Victorian parlor games based on both wordplay and physical activity; and an upstairs/downstairs drama.

Date Added: 12/09/2021

Category: n/a

Showing 51 through 58 of 58 results