Special Collections

Victorians ... are they villainous?

Description: Books and images suitable for project and theme based learning on Victorian times

Showing 51 through 58 of 58 results

Exploring History

by Jane Shuter

This series gives easy-to-use support for the QCA Scheme of Work for history at KS2. It poses a question about an aspect of history and then answers it with the help of written and pictorial primary sources.

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Books - KS2

Eminent Victorians

by Lytton Strachey

4 biographical essays first published in 1918.

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Books - General

A cross section of the left side of the lower floors of a Victorian house (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This image shows a side view of a cross section through a Victorian house. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. In the bottom left of the image the ground level is marked. To the right in the basement of the house is the scullery with a small window shown as a dashed line. To the right of the window in the scullery is a big sink with two taps. There is a water jug on the work surface. To the right are containers on shelves attached to the wall. To the right on the floor is a bucket, a washing basket and a brush. The drawing room on the next floor up has a large window on the left. Right of this is a stool and a piano with the lid open. Two of the stool's four legs and two of the piano's three legs are shown. Up and right from here is a picture hanging on the wall in a decorative frame. To the right is a door to another room. In the middle of the image is a fireplace with a circular mirror hanging on the wall up from it. Right from here are some lights hanging from the ceiling. Down from them is a soft chair with two of its four legs shown. On the right of the image is a large cupboard and then another large window. On the first floor on the left is a window. To the right is a wardrobe with double doors. To its right is a chest of drawers with a picture hanging on the wall in a decorative frame up from it. Right from this is a large four-poster bed with the drapes pulled aside. To the right is the nursery, a small room with a cot which has a hood. There is a window to the right.

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Images - buildings

A cross section of the left side of the lower floors of a Victorian house (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This image shows a side view of a cross section through a Victorian house. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. In the bottom left of the image the ground level is marked. To the right in the basement of the house is the scullery with a small window shown as a dashed line. To the right of the window in the scullery is a big sink with two taps. There is a water jug on the work surface. To the right are containers on shelves attached to the wall. To the right on the floor is a bucket, a washing basket and a brush. The drawing room on the next floor up has a large window on the left. Right of this is a stool and a piano with the lid open. Two of the stool's four legs and two of the piano's three legs are shown. Up and right from here is a picture hanging on the wall in a decorative frame. To the right is a door to another room. In the middle of the image is a fireplace with a circular mirror hanging on the wall up from it. Right from here are some lights hanging from the ceiling. Down from them is a soft chair with two of its four legs shown. On the right of the image is a large cupboard and then another large window. On the first floor on the left is a window. To the right is a wardrobe with double doors. To its right is a chest of drawers with a picture hanging on the wall in a decorative frame up from it. Right from this is a large four-poster bed with the drapes pulled aside. To the right is the nursery, a small room with a cot which has a hood. There is a window to the right.

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Images - buildings

A cross section of the left side of the lower floors of a Victorian house (large print)

by Rnib

This image shows a side view of a cross section through a Victorian house. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. In the bottom left of the image the ground level is marked. To the right in the basement of the house is the scullery with a small window shown as a dashed line. To the right of the window in the scullery is a big sink with two taps. There is a water jug on the work surface. To the right are containers on shelves attached to the wall. To the right on the floor is a bucket, a washing basket and a brush. The drawing room on the next floor up has a large window on the left. Right of this is a stool and a piano with the lid open. Two of the stool's four legs and two of the piano's three legs are shown. Up and right from here is a picture hanging on the wall in a decorative frame. To the right is a door to another room. In the middle of the image is a fireplace with a circular mirror hanging on the wall up from it. Right from here are some lights hanging from the ceiling. Down from them is a soft chair with two of its four legs shown. On the right of the image is a large cupboard and then another large window. On the first floor on the left is a window. To the right is a wardrobe with double doors. To its right is a chest of drawers with a picture hanging on the wall in a decorative frame up from it. Right from this is a large four-poster bed with the drapes pulled aside. To the right is the nursery, a small room with a cot which has a hood. There is a window to the right.

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Images - buildings

Collins Big Cat - Hard Times

by Jillian Powell

Imagine you were a child in Victorian times. What was your day like? What did you wear, eat and play with? Did you go to school, or out to work? Find out what life was like for children in this enthralling non-fiction book. * Diamond/Band 17 books offer more complex, underlying themes to give opportunities for children to understand causes and points of view. * A timeline on pages 54 and 55 help children to recap the main events of the Victorian era. * Text type: A non-chronological report * This book is paired with Moving Out a fiction story set in the past about a family in post-World-War-Two London deciding whether to move out to a New Town. * Curriculum links: History: What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Book - Reading scheme


by Ronald W. Clark

First published in 1981, this is Ronald Clark's engagingly readable account of Queen Victoria's relationship with "Our dear Balmoral" and the life that went on there. The biography of Balmoral begins with the first visit to Scotland of the young Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert in 1842. Five years later, while bad weather envelops the Royal party in western Scotland, the son of the Queen's physician, convalescing in Old Balmoral, reports blazing sunshine from Upper Deeside. The death of his host shortly afterwards opens the way for the Royal acquisition of the Balmoral estate and the building of the new Castle in 1853-55. In the period up to Albert's death in 1861 Balmoral becomes the setting for many of the Royal couple's happiest moments as they revel in the beauties of the scenery, relish the picturesque pageantry of Highland life, enjoy their incognito expeditions into the surrounding country, and - in Albert's case - discover a passionate enthusiasm for deer-stalking. After the Prince Consort's death Balmoral becomes a mausoleum of memories, but also a source of strength enabling the Queen to survive her devastating loss. About the time of the Golden Jubilee of 1887 there is an Indian summer, with members of the Queen's extensive family rallying round and dances and entertainments displacing some of the black-crepe gloom. In 1896 there is the colorful visit of the Tsar, with his wife and daughter. The closing section links Victorian Balmoral with the life of the Castle today. 9781448202331 9781448202331

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Book - FE/HE

AQA English Literature A

by Ian Stewart

With a range of blended resources, 'AQA English Literature A' offers coverage and support through a variety of printed and electronic media.

Date Added: 07/05/2017

Category: Book - A level

Showing 51 through 58 of 58 results