Special Collections

Victorians ... are they villainous?

Description: Books and images suitable for project and theme based learning on Victorian times

Showing 26 through 50 of 58 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
Images - buildings A cross section of the left side of the lower floors of a Victorian house (UEB contracted) Rnib 07/05/2017
Images - buildings A cross section of the left side of the lower floors of a Victorian house (UEB uncontracted) Rnib 07/05/2017
Books - General Queen Victoria Lytton Strachey 07/05/2017 Read Now
Images - Artifacts Victoria Cross (tactile) Rnib 07/05/2017
Books - General My Story Pamela Oldfield 07/05/2017
Books - General In the Days of Queen Victoria Eva March Tappan 07/05/2017 Read Now
Book - FE/HE Balmoral Ronald W. Clark 07/05/2017
Victorians Jane Bower 12/09/2021
The Victorians Angela Royston 12/09/2021
The Victorians Matt Buckingham 12/09/2021
Victorians (PDF) Jane Bingham 12/09/2021
Ladybird Histories: Victorians Jane Bingham 12/09/2021
Horrible Histories Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Primary History - Victorians Tony D. Triggs 12/09/2021
The Victorians in Britain Liz Gogerly 12/09/2021
Victorians Jane Bower 12/09/2021
Shakespeare And The Victorians Adrian Poole 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales: The Fabulous Flyer Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021
Victorian Tales Helen Flook and Terry Deary 12/09/2021

Showing 26 through 50 of 58 results