Special Collections

Black History Month

Description: Black History Month is celebrated in October each year.

Showing 76 through 76 of 76 results

Purple Hibiscus

by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The limits of fifteen-year-old Kambili's world are defined by the high walls of her family estate and the dictates of her fanatically religious fath. Her life is regulated by schedules: prayer, sleep, study, prayer. When Nigeria is shaken by a military coup, Kambili's father, involved mysteriously in the political crisis, sends her to live with her aunt. In this house, noisy and full of laughter, she discovers life and love - and a terrible, bruising secret deep within her family. This extraordinary debut novel from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of 'Half of a Yellow Sun', is about the blurred lines between the old gods and the new, childhood and adulthood, love and hatred - the grey spaces in which truths are revealed and real life is lived.

Date Added: 06/30/2017

Category: KS4

Showing 76 through 76 of 76 results