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Physical Acoustics in the Solid State (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #148)

by Bruno Lüthi

Suitable for researchers and graduate students in physics and material science, "Physical Acoustics in the Solid State" reviews the modern aspects in the field, including many experimental results, especially those involving ultrasonics. Practically all fields of solid-state physics are covered: metals, semiconductors, magnetism, superconductivity, different kinds of phase transitions, low-dimensional systems, and the quantum Hall effect. After a review of the relevant experimental techniques and an introduction to the theory of elasticity, emphasizing the symmetry aspects, applications in the various fields of condensed matter physics are presented. Also treated are Brillouin-scattering results and results from thermodynamic investigations, such as thermal expansion and specific heat.

Bedwing je dwang: Werkboek

by Lidewij Wolters Else de Haan Corine Paauw

Met het werkboek Bedwing je dwang gericht op kinderen en jongeren van ca 6 tot 18 jaar kunnen kinderen en ouders onder begeleiding van hun therapeut zelf aan de slag om hun dwanghandelingen en dwanggedachten onder controle te krijgen. Het bevat eenvoudige uitleg over hun probleem en veel praktische oefeningen. De humoristische illustraties en heldere vormgeving motiveren het kind en geven gespreksstof.De behandelmethode Bedwing je dwang is een bewezen effectieve behandelmethode om de ingewikkelde dwangstoornis aan te pakken. De methode werkt vanuit principes van de cognitieve gedragstherapie en is volledig aangepast aan de leefwereld en specifieke problemen van kinderen en jongeren met dwangstoornissen. De boeken en de behandelmethode werden ontwikkeld en in de praktijk getoetst bij het Academisch Centrum voor Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie De Bascule, Amsterdam.Bij het werkboek is tevens een basisboek voor de therapeut verkrijgbaar: Behandeling van de dwangstoornis bij kinderen en adolescenten.Dit boek is ook verkrijgbaar in abonnement. Abonnees van de Kind en Adolescent Praktijkreeks ontvangen 15% korting op de afzonderlijke delen van de praktijkreeks.

Praktische Ermittlung von Lebensdauer- und Zuverlässigkeitsmodellen für Zahnriemengetriebe

by Alexander Kremer Andreas Scholzen Bernd Bertsche

Das primäre Ziel des Buches, das stark vom praktischen Bezug der Autoren geprägt ist, besteht darin, die Lücke in der Auslegung von Zahnriemenantrieben durch eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der Zusammenhänge zwischen der Belastung und Lebensdauer von Zahnriemensystemen zu schließen. Dieser Kerngedanke äußert sich auf die Weise, dass die für eine praktische Auslegung von Zahnriemenantrieben essentiellen Fachkenntnisse vermittelt werden, rund um die Themen: Systematik von Zahnriemengetrieben, Berechnungsgrundlagen, Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit sowie das Testen von Zahnriemengetrieben. Dieses Fachbuch führt in die komplexe Welt der anwendungsorientierten Auslegung von Zahnriemenantrieben ein und zeigt auf eine für den Praktiker verständliche Art und Weise wie mit Hilfe wissenschaftlich etablierter Ansätze aus der Zuverlässigkeitstechnik und der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Lebensdauermodelle entwickelt werden können. Neben Empfehlungen für Optimierungsmöglichkeitenbei Zahnriemenantrieben wird aufgezeigt, wie statistisch abgesicherte Lebensdauertests effizient geplant und durchgeführt werden können. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele veranschaulichen die Auslegung von Antrieben in der Praxis. Das Buch ist so konzipiert, dass keine Vorkenntnisse benötigt werden. Daher ist es nicht nur für Wissenschaftler aus den Bereichen der Zuverlässigkeitstechnik und der Betriebsfestigkeit bestimmt, sondern auch für Anwendungstechniker geeignet und ist zugleich ein guter Wegbegleiter für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften.

The American Dream Is at the Expense of the American Negro (ERIS Gems)

by James Baldwin

"It comes as a great shock to discover that the country which is your birthplace and to which you owe your life and your identity, has not, in its whole system of reality, evolved any place for you". James Baldwin was one of America's most powerful analysts of the psychology of white supremacy. In this speech, delivered in 1965 at the Cambridge Union Society, he offers a devastating, but also strikingly empathetic, account of the role played by racism in American society.

Apocolocyntosis: or Ludus de morte Claudii: The Pumpkinification of Claudius (ERIS Gems)

by Seneca

"I know the same day made me free, which was the last day for him who made the proverb true—One must be born either a Pharaoh or a fool".Best known as a philosopher and tragedian, in Apocolocyntosis Seneca also produced one of classical literature's greatest satires. Depicting a posthumous trial in which the recently deceased Emperor Claudius makes the case for his elevation to the company of the gods, this short work brilliantly skewers the pretensions and corruptions of power.

Boy Wanted on Saville Row: From Apprentice To Tailoring Icon

by On Savile Row

The Cancer Guide

by Professor Anne-Marie O’Dwyer

Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke

by Michael Bennett

A Load of Shit (ERIS Gems)

by John Berger

"What makes shit such a universal joke is that it's an unmistakable reminder of our duality, of our soiled nature and of our will to glory. It is the ultimate lèse-majesté". John Berger's essay begins by describing the experience of burying a year's worth of his household's excrement. What follows is an extended reflection—at once philosophically detached and profoundly engaged with the inescapable stuff of life—on shit as an emblem of what it means to be human: on our simultaneous kinship with and profound difference from all other animals.

Meet Me When My Heart Stops

by Becky Hunter

The Menopause Brain

by Lisa Mosconi

The Observable Universe

by Heather McCalden

Scattering Plenty

by Jim Dixon

Sunken Lands

by Gareth E. Rees

What Will Happen To You?

by Gary N. Lines

What Will Happen to You? A dark comedy about a reluctant accountant who wishes he was someone else, doing something else, being somewhere else, but who, what and where? We track Robbie Carton's descent from his mind- numbing accounting job to...? Well, something else probably, but before that, he has to escape his life, the tarantula, Paris, an office full of absurdity, the outback, wheelie bins and of course, Bentley, Robbie's boss and natural enemy according to Robbie. Even if he manages all that, will he ever find a way to tell Sophie he loves her?

Novalis: Philosophical, Literary, and Poetic Writings

Despite his short life, Friedrich von Hardenberg (otherwise known as Novalis, 1772-1801) was one of the most original and polymathic figures of the early Romantic movement in Germany. Novalis: Philosophical, Literary, and Poetic Writings assembles, for the first time in English, translations of Novalis's published philosophical works, a large share of his surviving philosophical notes and fragments, his two unfinished novels (The Disciples at Sa?s and Heinrich von Ofterdingen), and the Hymns to the Night. Unlike some of his contemporaries, Novalis not only theorized about art and its place in both the world of everyday human life and the universe of philosophical discourse but was himself a consummate artist in his own right. This unique edition of Novalis's writings in English allows readers to track issues and themes throughout his short but productive career as a budding philosopher in the post-Kantian tradition, as a philosophical novelist, and as a poet of the first rank. Readers interested in Novalis's views on philosophy, art, morality, politics, and religion, and how positions in each of these areas might be unified in single, overarching vision of reality, will find the present translation an essential guide.

The Rise of China’s Innovation Economy

by CICC Research, CICC Global Institute

Chefsache Assistenz: Neue Perspektiven und Strategien für die Assistenz im digitalen Wandel (Chefsache)

by Dunja Schenk

Das Berufsbild Assistenz hat sich durch das hybride Arbeitsmodell weiter verändert. Unabhängigeres Arbeiten bietet nun die Chance, eigenverantwortlich mehr Themen und Projekte zu übernehmen. In diesem Chefsache-Buch erhalten Sie viele Ideen, mit welchen Aufgaben sich die Assistenz weiterentwickeln kann. Nutzen Sie die vielseitigen Inspirationen, um Ihre Kompetenzen als Assistenz sichtbar zu machen, oder – falls Sie Führungskraft sind – um die Fähigkeiten Ihrer rechten Hand noch besser zu nutzen. Sie erhalten in diesem Buch wertvolle Tipps, wie Sie als Assistenz die notwendige innere Stärke entwickeln, um selbstbewusst aufzutreten und Führungsverantwortung übernehmen zu können. Lesen Sie unter anderem, wie Sie als Assistenz im Bewerbermanagement oder als Konfliktmediator*in unterstützen können.

Biotechnological Advances for Disease Tolerance in Plants

by Kashmir Singh Ravneet Kaur Rupesh Deshmukh

This book covers the biotechnological advances being used for the understanding of plant diseases and the subsequent enhancement of disease resistance in crop plants. Chapters are focused on recent advances in sequencing technologies, computational resources and genomics tools useful for the identification of loci governing disease resistance. In addition, emphasis is given to novel approaches like genomic selection for achieving significant genetic gain for quantitative disease resistance. The book thoroughly describes sequencing-based approaches like whole genome sequencing, resequencing, and transcriptome profiling being explored for the understanding of disease resistance mechanisms. Finally, several chapters systematically describing the utilities and concerns of high-end technologies like genome-editing are provided. Simplified Illustrations are provided in every chapter to explain different biotechnological approaches and strategies. The book will help to better explore the biotechnological advances in development of disease resistant crop varieties.

The Creative Gesture: Contexts, Processes, Actors of Creativity (Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture)

by Pier Paolo Bellini

This open access book offers a concise overview of the theories constructed within the various human sciences around the theme of creativity as a symbolic capacity to link things together: it manifests itself when the individual endowed with a certain type of intelligence encounters cultural and social conditions that enable them to develop that capacity to the maximum, rather than inhibiting it or diverting it to other fields where it is doomed to failure. Even the most intimate of human expressiveness is considered as a result of an active social relationality. Social dimensions of creativity (evaluation, primary socialization, motivation, leadership) and “creative processes” (creative attitude, creative gesture, divergent thinking, problem-solving capacity, interdisciplinary approach, randomness, algorithmic creativity) are also analysed.The book concludes by evaluating the course taken in the light of the relational theory of society: the development of creativity cannot beconceived outside of self-other relations.This book is the result of a translation done with the help of artificial intelligence. The text has subsequently been revised further by a professional copy editor in order to refine the work stylistically.

Marriage Migration, Intercultural Families and Global Intimacies

by Kathryn Robinson

This book brings an innovative study of marriage migration in Australia, offering new insights into issues of intimacy and authenticity online. In doing so, it delivers on five main objectives: exploring emotional attachment and personal life in global spaces; interrogating stereotypes and their pervasive influence on personal relations; analysing attitudes and social practice within the institution of marriage; investigating immigration policy, marriage, and citizens’ rights; theorizing gender and class relations in the current global order. The analysis moves between ‘online’ and ‘offline’ social relations and processes, with comparative data enabling a critical framing of the data on marriage relationships developed online. This important contribution places contemporary forms of transcultural marriage and marriage brokering in a historical context of ‘marriage’ in the ‘Anglosphere’ tradition, and in particular historical forms of marriage migration in settler colonial and now multicultural Australia—including histories of colonial era ‘bride ships’ and post WW2 ‘proxy brides’ from southern Europe.

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