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Uniting a Divided City: Governance and Social Exclusion in Johannesburg

by Jo Beall Owen Crankshaw Susan Parnell

For many, Johannesburg resembles the imagined spectre of the urban future. Global anxieties about catastrophic urban explosion, social fracture, environmental degradation, escalating crime and violence, and rampant consumerism alongside grinding poverty, are projected onto this city as a microcosm of things to come. Decision-makers in cities worldwide have attempted to balance harsh fiscal and administrative realities with growing demands for political, economic and social justice. This book investigates pragmatic approaches to urban economic development, service delivery, spatial restructuring, environmental sustainability and institutional reform in Johannesburg. It explores the conditions and processes that are determining the city's transformation into a cosmopolitan metropole and magnet for the continent.

Unmasking L.A.: Third Worlds and the City

by D. Sawhney

Since its birth in 1781, Los Angeles has come to define both the material and spiritual force of American civilization. The American dream is realized, experienced, and lost in the City of Angels. Unmasking L.A.: Third Worlds and the City, an interdisciplinary collection of essays, dialogues, and photographs, seeks to reveal the third world geographies, cultures, and populations of Los Angeles. It examines the social, political, cultural, and literary climate of the city, bringing together diverse responses to the complexities facing Los Angeles from respected intellectuals, writers, and artists such as Mike Davis, Deepak Chopra, and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. By uncovering the forces that marginalize Los Angeles's ever-shifting populations into internal third worlds, the collection unmasks the raw contradictions, the grim paradoxes, and the understated ironies of the global city.

Urban and Regional Planning

by Peter Hall

This is the fourth edition of the classic text for students of urban and regional planning. It gives a historical overview of the developments and changes in the theory and practice of planning, throughout the entiretwentieth century.This extensively revised edition follows the successful format of previous editions. Specific reference is made to the most important British developments in recent times, including the devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the establishment of the Mayor of London and the dominant urban sustainability paradigm.Planning in Western Europe, since 1945, now incorporates new material on EU-wide issues as well as updated country specific sections. Planning in the United States since 1945, now discusses the continuing trends of urban dispersal and social polarisation, as well as initiatives in land use planning and transportation policies.The book looks at the nature of the planning process at the end of the twentieth century and looks forward to the twenty-first century.

Urban and Regional Planning (PDF)

by Peter Hall

This is the fourth edition of the classic text for students of urban and regional planning. It gives a historical overview of the developments and changes in the theory and practice of planning, throughout the entiretwentieth century.This extensively revised edition follows the successful format of previous editions. Specific reference is made to the most important British developments in recent times, including the devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the establishment of the Mayor of London and the dominant urban sustainability paradigm.Planning in Western Europe, since 1945, now incorporates new material on EU-wide issues as well as updated country specific sections. Planning in the United States since 1945, now discusses the continuing trends of urban dispersal and social polarisation, as well as initiatives in land use planning and transportation policies.The book looks at the nature of the planning process at the end of the twentieth century and looks forward to the twenty-first century.

Urban competitiveness: Policies for dynamic cities

by Iain Begg

Following publication of the government's White Paper on cities (2000), the question of what makes some cities more successful than others has become an increasingly important policy issue. This topical book tackles this question from differing perspectives. Although previous work has explored particular facets of competitiveness, this volume is the first to do so in a systematic way that combines theory, evidence and policy implications. Bringing together leading experts on urban economic performance, it provides a new look at the issue of urban competitiveness and offers new insights into the factors that shape competitiveness.

Urban Livelihoods: A People-centred Approach to Reducing Poverty

by Tony Lloyd-Jones Carole Rakodi

One of the most promising approaches to poverty reduction in developing countries is to encourage sustainable livelihoods for the poor. This takes account of their opportunities and assets and the sources of their vulnerability. Based on recent and extensive research, this volume thoroughly assesses the value of the livelihoods approach to urban poverty. The book reviews the situation and strategies of the urban poor and identifies the policies and practical programmes that work best. Lasting improvements depend not just on economic development, but on political commitment and structures that are responsive to the claims and needs of different groups of poor people.

Urban Livelihoods: A People-centred Approach to Reducing Poverty

by Tony Lloyd-Jones Carole Rakodi

One of the most promising approaches to poverty reduction in developing countries is to encourage sustainable livelihoods for the poor. This takes account of their opportunities and assets and the sources of their vulnerability. Based on recent and extensive research, this volume thoroughly assesses the value of the livelihoods approach to urban poverty. The book reviews the situation and strategies of the urban poor and identifies the policies and practical programmes that work best. Lasting improvements depend not just on economic development, but on political commitment and structures that are responsive to the claims and needs of different groups of poor people.

Vergleichende Regierungslehre: Eine Einführung

by Hans-Joachim Lauth

Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft bildet einen Kernbestand der Politikwissenschaft. Der Band "Vergleichende Regierungslehre" gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die methodischen und theoretischen Grundlagen der Subdisziplin und erläutert die zentralen Begriffe und Konzepte. In 16 Beiträgen werden hierbei nicht nur die klassischen Ansätze behandelt, sondern gleichfalls neuere innovative Konzeptionen vorgestellt, die den aktuellen Forschungsstand repräsentieren. Darüber hinaus informiert der Band über gegenwärtige Diskussionen, Probleme und Kontroversen und skizziert Perspektiven der politikwissenschaftlichen Komparatistik. Die "Vergleichende Regierungslehre" dient sowohl zur Einführung in die Thematik als auch zu deren Vertiefung.

Victorian Political Thought on France and the French

by G. Varouxakis

By scrutinizing the major Victorian political thinkers' perceptions and representations of France this book shows how comparisons with the country on the other side of the Channel, its politics, civilization, and the French 'national character' contributed to nineteenth-century Britain's self-definition. While the utterances on France of several other figures are also examined, the main focus is on Walter Bagehot, John Stuart Mill, Matthew Arnold, Lord Acton, Thomas Carlyle, Nassau William Senior, James Fitzjames Stephen, William Rathbone Greg, Thomas Babington Macaulay, John Morley, and Frederic Harrison.

Vida Clandestina: My Life in the Cuban Revolution

by Enrique Oltuski

Vida Clandestina is the first U.S. publication of the dramatic memoir of an important Cuban revolutionary who led a dangerous double life from 1952 to1959. Educated at University of Miami, then a high-ranking manager and engineer for Shell Oil, Enrique Oltuski was also a leader in the urban guerilla 26th of July Movement in Havana and Santa Clara, risking his life to join forces with Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, and working at the highest level of the Cuban government in the forty-three years since.

Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox (New Political Science Reader)

by Kenton Worcester Sally Avery Bermanzohn Mark Ungar

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox (New Political Science Reader)

by Kenton Worcester Sally Avery Bermanzohn Mark Ungar

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Violent Politics: Strategies of Internal Conflict (St Antony's Series)

by M. Addison

Violent politics in Northern Ireland has lasted thirty years and cost four thousand lives and billions of pounds. Many such conflicts afflict the world. This book describes the search for causes and solutions. It identifies the key factors driving violent politics and the range of counter-strategies. It analyzes the course of the troubles in Northern Ireland, and the results of the countermeasures used. The conclusions are disturbing. The recommendations are controversial, but difficult to escape.

Visions Of Politics: Regarding Method (Visions Of Politics 3 Volume Set Ser. #Volume 1)

by Quentin Skinner

The first of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most important philosophical and methodological statements written over the past four decades, each carefully revised for publication in this form. In a series of seminal essays Professor Skinner sets forth the intellectual principles that inform his work. Writing as a practising historian, he considers the theoretical difficulties inherent in the pursuit of knowledge and interpretation, and elucidates the methodology which finds its expression in his two successive volumes. All of Professor Skinner's work is characterised by philosophical power, limpid clarity, and elegance of exposition; these essays, many of which are now recognised classics, provide a fascinating and convenient digest of the development of his thought. Professor Skinner has been awarded the Balzan Prize Life Time Achievement Award for Political Thought, History and Theory. Full details of this award can be found at

Vom schlichten Sein zum schönen Schein?: Kommunikationsanforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Public Relations und Politik (Public Relations)

by Stephan Becker-Sonnenschein Manfred Schwarzmeier

"Politik" und "Public Relations" verbindet seit jeher nicht nur das große "P", sondern eine Jahrzehnte alte, stark im Hintergrund gepflegte Zusammenarbeit. Was sich in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten und besonders in den letzten Jahren verändert hat, ist die zunehmende Intensität dieser inzwischen symbiotischen Beziehung. Den aktuellen Stand der Beziehung zwischen Politik und PR sowie Linien zukünftiger Entwicklung aufzuzeigen, ist die Absicht dieses Buches, in dem wissenschaftliche Analyse mit Erfahrungen aus der Praxis zusammengeführt wird.

Von der Transition zur defekten Demokratie: Demokratische Entwicklung in den Philippinen, Südkorea und Thailand (Politik in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika)

by Aurel Croissant

Das Buch untersucht die Entwicklung der Demokratie in den Philippinen, Südkorea und Thailand. Grundlage der Untersuchung ist das Konzept der defekten Demokratie. Die vergleichende Analyse überprüft die Durchsetzung liberaldemokratischer Verfahren und Institutionen in den drei Bereichen Wahlen und politische Partizipationsrechte, Herrschaftsanspruch der demokratisch legitimierten Regierungen sowie Rechts- und Verfassungsstaat. Es wird gezeigt, dass alle drei Systemwechsel zum Entstehen sogenannter defekter Demokratien geführt haben. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Überlegungen werden die besonderen Hindernisse, Probleme und Chancen herausgearbeitet, die sich innerhalb der Demokratiebereiche ergeben. Mit Hilfe eines theoretisch geleiteten Analyserasters wird dargestellt, unter welchen Bedingungen demokratische Transformationsprozesse zu unterschiedlichen Formen der defekten Demokratie führen.

Voting Procedures under Uncertainty

by Hannu Nurmi

We live in an uncertain world, is a truism most of us hear more often than we would like. What one usually means to say by this is that we do not know what will happen in the future. Since changes, even major ones, have occurred in the past, it is possible that they will occur again in the future. In politics institutions are ways of coping with continuity and change. In democratic systems the electoral institutions provide ways of peaceful adjustment to changes in popular opinions. This book is about uncertainty as it pertains to electoral institutions. We shall deal with the ways in which analytic models are capable of taking into account voter uncertainty, ignorance and incompetence. We shall also discuss how uncertainty pertains to electoral outcomes. Given voter opinions, there is often a wide variation in the possible electoral outcomes. This could be called procedure-dependence of outcomes. Its existence shows that uncertainty is not something that can characterize only future events. It can pertain to past ones as well. This work is part of the Democracy and Constitution Project of Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS). The idea of writing a book on the performance of voting procedures under uncertain cir­ cumstances came up in my correspondence with Dr. Per Molander of SNS a few years ago.

Wahlen 2002 in Sachsen-Anhalt: Ausgangsbedingungen Handlungsrahmen Entscheidungsalternativen

by Klaus-Bernhard Roy

Der vorliegende Band setzt sich mit den Wahlen 2002 in Sachsen-Anhalt auseinander, ohne im traditionellen Sinne Wahlanalysen oder auch Prognosen zur Regierungsbildung in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren wollen mit ihren Beiträgen über rein an Institutionen orientierte Untersuchungsraster hinausgehen. So werden mit theoretischen und empirischen Systematisierungen ganz unterschiedliche Analyseperspektiven angeboten, die den spezifischen politischen Ausgangsbedingungen, Handlungs- und Entscheidungsspielräumen im Lande Rechnung tragen. Vor allem für die Zielgruppe der Mittler politischer Bildung und die Lehrer des Faches Sozialkunde werden für die Auseinandersetzung insbesondere mit den Landtagswahlen damit Kriterienkataloge angeboten, die ihnen und ihrer Klientel eine eigenständige Auseinandersetzung mit politischen Entwicklungen und Entscheidungsprozessen erleichtern sollen.

A Walk With A White Bushman

by Sir Laurens Van Der Post

Explorer, novelist, writer and film-maker, Sir Laurens van der Post was one of the most influential figures of our era. Here, in conversation with Jean-Marc Pottiez, he records his ideas and insights into a wide range of issues and personalities, forged by a lifetime of vast experiences and challenges.

Walt Disney and the Quest for Community

by Steve Mannheim

During the final months of his life, Walt Disney was consumed with the world-wide problems of cities. His development concept at the time of his death on December 15th, 1966 would be his team’s conceptual response to the ills of the inner cities and the sprawl of the megalopolis: the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow or, as it became known, EPCOT. This beautifully written, instantly engrossing volume focuses on the original concept of EPCOT, which was conceived by Disney as an experimental community of about 20,000 people on the Disney World property in central Florida. With its radial plan, 50-acre town center enclosed by a dome, themed international shopping area, greenbelt, high-density apartments, satellite communities, monorail and underground roads, the original EPCOT plan is reminiscent of post-war Stockholm and the British New Towns, as well as today's transit-oriented development theory. Unfortunately, Disney himself did not live long enough to witness the realization of his model city. However, EPCOT's evolution into projects such as the EPCOT Center and the town of Celebration displays a remarkable commitment by the Disney organization to the original EPCOT philosophy, one which continues to have relevance in the fields of planning and development.

Walt Disney and the Quest for Community

by Steve Mannheim

During the final months of his life, Walt Disney was consumed with the world-wide problems of cities. His development concept at the time of his death on December 15th, 1966 would be his team’s conceptual response to the ills of the inner cities and the sprawl of the megalopolis: the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow or, as it became known, EPCOT. This beautifully written, instantly engrossing volume focuses on the original concept of EPCOT, which was conceived by Disney as an experimental community of about 20,000 people on the Disney World property in central Florida. With its radial plan, 50-acre town center enclosed by a dome, themed international shopping area, greenbelt, high-density apartments, satellite communities, monorail and underground roads, the original EPCOT plan is reminiscent of post-war Stockholm and the British New Towns, as well as today's transit-oriented development theory. Unfortunately, Disney himself did not live long enough to witness the realization of his model city. However, EPCOT's evolution into projects such as the EPCOT Center and the town of Celebration displays a remarkable commitment by the Disney organization to the original EPCOT philosophy, one which continues to have relevance in the fields of planning and development.

Walter Benjamin: Self-Reference and Religiosity (New Perspectives in German Political Studies)

by M. Kohlenbach

Walter Benjamin's work represents one of the most radical and controversial responses to the problems of twentieth-century culture and society. This new interpretation analyzes some of the central enigmatic features of his writing, arguing that they result from the co-presence of religious scepticism and the desire for a religious foundation of social life. Margarete Kohlenbach focuses on the structure of self-reference as an expression of Benjamin's sceptical religiosity and examines its significance in his writing on language, literature and the cinema, as well as history, politics and modern technology.

War and Cold War in American Foreign Policy, 1942-62 (Cold War History)

by D. Carter R. Clifton

Making use of newly-researched archival material, this collection of original essays on wartime and postwar US foreign policy re-evaluates well-known crises and documents many less familiar aspects of the nation's mid-twentieth century conflicts. Leading diplomatic historians address familiar subjects from new angles. They offer new evidence about the risks run and the costs incurred in the prosecution of the Cold War, from Korea to the Caribbean. And they provide up-to-date accounting of mid-twentieth century American diplomacy's global purposes and consequences.

War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning

by Chris Hedges

General George S. Patton famously said, "Compared to war all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance. God, I do love it so!" Though Patton was a notoriously single-minded general, it is nonetheless a sad fact that war gives meaning to many lives, a fact with which we have become familiar now that America is once again engaged in a military conflict. War is an enticing elixir. It gives us purpose, resolve, a cause. It allows us to be noble. Chris Hedges of The New York Times has seen war up close -- in the Balkans, the Middle East, and Central America -- and he has been troubled by what he has seen: friends, enemies, colleagues, and strangers intoxicated and even addicted to war's heady brew. In War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, he tackles the ugly truths about humanity's love affair with war, offering a sophisticated, nuanced, intelligent meditation on the subject that is also gritty, powerful, and unforgettable.

A war of individuals

by Jonathan Atkin

This book draws together for the very first time examples of the 'aesthetic pacifism' practised during the Great War by such celebrated individuals as Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sassoon and Bertrand Russell. In addition, the book outlines the stories of those less well-known who shared the mind-set of the Bloomsbury Group when it came to facing the first 'total war'. The research for this study took five years, gathering evidence from all the major archives in Great Britain and abroad. This is the first time that such wide-ranging evidence has been placed together in order to paint a complete picture of this fascinating form of anti-war expression.

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