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10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades 6-8

by Todd Stanley

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades 6-8 provides 10 ready-made projects designed to help students achieve higher levels of thinking and develop 21st-century skills while learning about science, technology, engineering, and math. Projects are aligned to national standards and feature crosscurricular connections, allowing students to explore and be creative as well as gain an enduring understanding. Each project is linked to national STEM education goals and represents one of a variety of performance assessments, including oral presentations, research papers, and exhibitions. Included for each project are a suggested calendar to allow teachers to easily plan a schedule, mini-lessons that allow students to build capacity and gain an understanding of what they are doing, as well as multiple rubrics that can be used to objectively assess the performance of students. The lessons are laid out in an easy-to-follow format that will allow teachers to implement the projects immediately. Grades 6-8

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades 6-8

by Todd Stanley

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades 6-8 provides 10 ready-made projects designed to help students achieve higher levels of thinking and develop 21st-century skills while learning about science, technology, engineering, and math. Projects are aligned to national standards and feature crosscurricular connections, allowing students to explore and be creative as well as gain an enduring understanding. Each project is linked to national STEM education goals and represents one of a variety of performance assessments, including oral presentations, research papers, and exhibitions. Included for each project are a suggested calendar to allow teachers to easily plan a schedule, mini-lessons that allow students to build capacity and gain an understanding of what they are doing, as well as multiple rubrics that can be used to objectively assess the performance of students. The lessons are laid out in an easy-to-follow format that will allow teachers to implement the projects immediately. Grades 6-8

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades K-1

by Todd Stanley

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades K-1 provides 10 ready-made projects designed to help students achieve higher levels of thinking and develop 21st-century skills while learning about science, technology, engineering, and math. Projects are aligned to national standards and feature crosscurricular connections, allowing students to explore and be creative as well as gain an enduring understanding. Each project is linked to national STEM education goals and represents one of a variety of performance assessments, including oral presentations, research papers, and exhibitions. Included for each project are a suggested calendar to allow teachers to easily plan a schedule, mini-lessons that allow students to build capacity and gain an understanding of what they are doing, as well as multiple rubrics that can be used to objectively assess the performance of students. The lessons are laid out in an easy-to-follow format that will allow teachers to implement the projects immediately. Grades K-1

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades K-1

by Todd Stanley

10 Performance-Based STEM Projects for Grades K-1 provides 10 ready-made projects designed to help students achieve higher levels of thinking and develop 21st-century skills while learning about science, technology, engineering, and math. Projects are aligned to national standards and feature crosscurricular connections, allowing students to explore and be creative as well as gain an enduring understanding. Each project is linked to national STEM education goals and represents one of a variety of performance assessments, including oral presentations, research papers, and exhibitions. Included for each project are a suggested calendar to allow teachers to easily plan a schedule, mini-lessons that allow students to build capacity and gain an understanding of what they are doing, as well as multiple rubrics that can be used to objectively assess the performance of students. The lessons are laid out in an easy-to-follow format that will allow teachers to implement the projects immediately. Grades K-1

10 Questions Science Can't Answer: A Guide to Science's Greatest Mysteries (Macmillan Science)

by M. Hanlon

Considering questions such as 'Where did language come from?' and 'Do animals know they exist?', Michael Hanlon explores possible theories and dispatches a few of the less likely ones in his quest to fill the gaping holes that science is littered with.

10 Short Lessons in Space Travel

by Paul Parsons

'Extremely authoritative. The best book I have read on space travel since Arthur C. Clarke's classic, The Promise of Space.' Marcus ChownIn an era of rapidly developing technology and renewed ambition, the twenty-first century has ushered in an exciting new age of space flight. But what has brought us to this point in our exploration of the universe? And what does the future of space travel hold? From the amazing technology that has enabled us to look beyond the clouds to the possibilities of space tourism, 10 Short Lessons in Space Travel takes a timely look at the essential lessons learned from our voyages into outer space.About the series: The Pocket Einstein series is a collection of essential pocket-sized guides for anyone looking to understand a little more about some of the most relevant science that affects us all in the twenty-first century. Broken down into ten simple lessons and written by leading experts in their field, discover the ten most important takeaways from those areas of science we should all know more about.

10 Short Lessons in Time Travel

by Brian Clegg

'10 Short Lessons in Time Travel lucidly sums up the essential parts of this fascinating subject.' John Gribbin________________________In Ten Short Lessons in Time Travel, Brian Clegg takes us on a fascinating and up-to-date tour of the workings of the universe that suggest the possibility of journeying back and forth through time.Einstein’s special theory of relativity told us that time travel to the future was possible, and later his general theory of relativity showed us that loops in spacetime could exist, meaning that we might be able to bend time backwards, too. But what are the practicalities of making time travel possible? What do we still need to know? How do we deal with paradoxical twists in time – and could quantum physics hold the answer? From the imagination of novelists to current research, 10 Short Lessons in Time Travel is a grand tour of the essential lessons in this game-changing area of physics.About the series: The Pocket Einstein series is a collection of essential pocket-sized guides for anyone looking to understand a little more about some of the most important and fascinating areas of science in the twenty-first century. Broken down into ten simple lessons and written by leading experts in their field, discover the ten most important takeaways from those areas of science you’ve always wanted to know more about.

10 Years Plant Molecular Biology

by R. A. Schilperoort Leon Dure

It is very clear nowadays that plants offer several opportunities for basic studies, e.g. on development and embryogenesis, and that the fundamental principles laid open contribute to the development of new tools for plant breeding. Within the scope of the present publication, the editors have had to make a difficult choice from the many important subjects that have contributed to the remarkable progress of our molecular biological understanding of complex biological problems. This has resulted in review papers showing the present state of the art in genetic engineering, gene expression and its manipulation, microbe and insect interactions with plants, transposable elements and gene tagging, plant and organ development, the function and structure of the genome chloroplasts, and lipid biosynthesis. All papers have been written in such a way that they are also useful for non-experts interested in a particular field, as well as for students following courses in plant molecular biology. Besides presenting the state of the art, each paper gives some historical background to the developments in the field as well as perspectives for further basic research and applications. Because of the latter, scientists and students engaged in plant breeding will also profit from this publication.

The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets: A Monthly Guide for CCD Imaging with Amateur Telescopes (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

by Ruben Kier

Any amateur astronomer who is interested in astrophotography, particularly if just getting started, needs to know what objects are best for imaging in each month of the year. These are not necessarily the same objects that are the most spectacular or intriguing visually. The camera reveals different things and has different requirements. What objects in the sky tonight are large enough, bright enough, and high enough to be photographed? This book reveals, for each month of the year, the choicest celestial treasures within the reach of a commercial CCD camera. Helpful hints and advice on framing, exposures, and filters are included. Each deep sky object is explained in beautiful detail, so that observers will gain a richer understanding of these astronomical objects. This is not a book that dwells on the technology of CCD, Webcam, wet, or other types of astrophotography. Neither is it a book about in-depth computer processing of the images (although this topic is included). Detailed discussions of these topics can be found in other publications. This book focuses on what northern latitude objects to image at any given time of the year to get the most spectacular results.

100 Betriebe für Ressourceneffizienz: Band 2 – Praxisbeispiele und Erfolgsfaktoren

by Mario Schmidt Institute for Industrial Ecology INEC Hannes Spieth Christian Haubach Marlene Preiss Joa Bauer

In weiteren 50 Unternehmensbeispielen wird vorgestellt, wie man in der Produktion Energie und Material einsparen kann. Das Projekt wurde in Baden-Württemberg mit der Unterstützung der Wirtschaftsverbände und der Landesregierung durchgeführt und ist ein Leitprojekt der Landesstrategie Ressourceneffizienz. Die Beispiele dienen gleichermaßen Mitarbeitern aus Unternehmen, Fachleuten und Hochschulangehörigen, die wissen wollen, wo man in der Praxis ansetzen kann, wenn Ressourceneffizienz umgesetzt werden soll.

100 Betriebe für Ressourceneffizienz - Band 1: Praxisbeispiele aus der produzierenden Wirtschaft

by Institute for Industrial Ecology INEC Mario Schmidt Hannes Spieth Joa Bauer Christian Haubach

Das Buch stellt ca. 50 aktuelle Beispiele vor, wie in produzierenden Betrieben Energie und Materialien eingespart werden können. Sie dienen zur Anschauung, mit welchen Maßnahmen man in modernen Unternehmen noch Potenziale für Ressourceneffizienz schöpfen kann. Das Buch richtet sich an Praktiker in Betrieben und Beratungsunternehmen, ist aber auch für den Hochschulbereich als praxisnahe Einführung in das Thema Ressourceneffizienz geeignet.Die eingesetzten Materialien machen fast 43 Prozent der Kosten eines durchschnittlichen Industriebetriebs in Deutschland aus. Die Personalkosten liegen dagegen bei nur 22 Prozent, die Energiekosten sogar bei nur 2 Prozent. Wenn ein Unternehmen Kosten sparen will, so muss es vor allem den Materialeinsatz berücksichtigen und ressourceneffizient produzieren. Das entlastet gleichzeitig die Umwelt und verringert die Abhängigkeit von knappen Rohstoffen.Die Umsetzung von Ressourceneffizienz ist nicht ganz einfach. Zwar gibt es in der Produktion zahlreiche Ansatzpunkte, oftmals bei Prozessinnovationen oder in der Produktentwicklung. Jedoch veröffentlichen nur wenige Unternehmen ihre Maßnahmen und Einsparpotenziale. Damit fehlen in der Praxis oft Lernbeispiele, von denen aber einige explizit in diesem Werk aufgeführt sind.Wie man sieht, kann Ressourceneffizienz in der Produktion und bei Produkten auch als Erfolgsfaktor für viele Unternehmen betrachtet werden. In dem Projekt 100 Betriebe für Ressourceneffizienz zeigen engagierte Unternehmen aus Baden-Württemberg ihre Lösungen. Durchgeführt wurde das Projekt von einem kompetenten Team der Hochschule Pforzheim, der Universität Stuttgart und der Landesagentur Umwelttechnik BW. Unterstützt haben es führende Wirtschaftsverbände in Baden-Württemberg.

100 Cases in Radiology

by Robert Thomas James Connelly Christopher Burke

A 36-year-old housewife presents in the emergency department complaining of progressively increasing breathlessness over the last two weeks, accompanied by wheeze and a productive cough. You are the medic on duty...100 Cases in Radiology presents 100 radiological anomalies commonly seen by medical students and junior doctors on the ward, in ou

100 Chemical Myths: Misconceptions, Misunderstandings, Explanations

by Lajos Kovács Dezső Csupor Gábor Lente Tamás Gunda

100 Chemical Myths deals with popular yet largely untrue misconceptions and misunderstandings related to chemistry. It contains lucid and concise explanations cut through fallacies and urban legends that are universally relevant to a global audience. A wide range of chemical myths are explored in these areas; food, medicines, catastrophes, chemicals, and environmental problems. Connections to popular culture, literature, movies, and cultural history hold the reader’s interest whilst key concepts are beautifully annotated with illustrations to facilitate the understanding of unfamiliar material. Chemical Myths Demystified is pitched to individuals without a formal chemistry background to fledgling undergraduate chemists to seasoned researchers and beyond.

100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything

by null Mark Z. Jacobson

Numerous laws – including the Green New Deal – have been proposed or passed in cities, states, and countries to transition from fossil fuels to 100% clean, renewable energy in order to address climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity. This textbook lays out the science, technology, economics, policy, and social aspects of such transitions. It discusses the renewable electricity and heat generating technologies needed; the electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen storage technologies required; how to keep the electric power grid stable; and how to address non-energy sources of emissions. It discusses the history of the 100% Movement, which evolved from a collaboration among scientists, cultural leaders, business people, and community leaders. Finally, it discusses current progress in transitioning to 100% renewables, and the new policies needed to complete the transition. Online course supplements include lecture slides, answers to the end-of-chapter student exercises, and a list of extra resources.

100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything

by null Mark Z. Jacobson

Numerous laws – including the Green New Deal – have been proposed or passed in cities, states, and countries to transition from fossil fuels to 100% clean, renewable energy in order to address climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity. This textbook lays out the science, technology, economics, policy, and social aspects of such transitions. It discusses the renewable electricity and heat generating technologies needed; the electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen storage technologies required; how to keep the electric power grid stable; and how to address non-energy sources of emissions. It discusses the history of the 100% Movement, which evolved from a collaboration among scientists, cultural leaders, business people, and community leaders. Finally, it discusses current progress in transitioning to 100% renewables, and the new policies needed to complete the transition. Online course supplements include lecture slides, answers to the end-of-chapter student exercises, and a list of extra resources.

100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know: Math Explains Your World

by John D. Barrow

'If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.' John von NeumannMathematics can tell you things about the world that can't be learned in any other way. This hugely informative and wonderfully entertaining Brain Shot answers a few essential questions about existence. It unravels the knotty, clarifies the conundrums and sheds light into dark corners. From winning the lottery, financial investment with Time Travelers and the weirdest football match ever to Sherlock Holmes, Elections, game theory, drunks, packing for your holiday and the madness of crowds; from chaos to infinity and everything in between, Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know has all the answers!BRAIN SHOTS: The byte-sized guide to all the things you didn't know you didn't know...

100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Maths and the Arts

by John D. Barrow

What can maths tell us about art and design?Professor John D. Barrow has all the answers. In 100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Maths and the Arts, he shows us that mathematics and the arts are not so far removed from each other. He takes us on a 100-step tour, guiding us through art forms as various as sculpture, literature, architecture and dance, and reveals what maths can tell us about the mysteries of the worlds of art and design.We find out why diamonds sparkle, how many words Shakespeare knew and why the shower is the best place to sing. We discover why an egg is egg-shaped, why Charles Dickens crusaded against maths and how a soprano can shatter a wine glass without touching it... Enlivening the everyday with a new way of looking at the world, this book will enrich your understanding of the maths and art that surround us in our day-to-day lives.

100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Sport

by John D. Barrow

What can maths tell us about sports? 100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Sport sheds light on the mysteries of running, jumping, swimming and points scoring across the whole sporting spectrum. Whether you are a competitor striving to go faster or higher, or an armchair enthusiast wanting to understand more, this is a fascinating read with one hundred short pieces that range across a wide number of sports. Find out:* Why high-jumpers use the Fosbury Flop,* How fast Usain Bolt can ultimately run and how he could break his records without running any faster,* Whether there is a limit to human performance,* Who the strongest man or woman is, pound for pound,* Why there are so many different scoring systems in sport,* If a 100-kilogram mass weighs more in London than it does in Singapore,* What the best strategy for taking football penalties is,* What the effect of those banned skin-tight swimsuits are,* Why golf balls are dimpled,* And last, but not least, why does the bounce of a Superball seem to defy Newton's laws of motion.Written for anyone interested in sport or simple maths, this book will enrich your understanding of sport and enliven your appreciation of maths.

100 Great Scientists Who Changed the World

by Jon Balchin

'If I saw further than others it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.'- Sir Isaac NewtonThis stylish jacketed hardback introduces 100 of these giants of scientific discovery: the men and women who, often in the face of extreme skepticism or worse, have striven and succeeded in pushing back the boundaries of human knowledge. Ranging across the spectrum of scientific endeavor, from the cosmology of Copernicus and Galileo, to the medical revolutions of Hippocrates and Galen, it includes the fields of physics, biology, chemistry, and genetics.Spanning from the ancient world to the 20th century, these figures include:• Aristotle• Leonardo di Vinci• Benjamin Franklin• Isaac Newton• Marie Curie• Stephen HawkingIncluding brilliant illustrations, fact boxes of key information, and a chronology of important dates, 100 Great Scientists Who Changed the World provides riveting insight into the men and women who shaped the world today.

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Computing

by Steve Bunce

Are you looking for exciting ways to get your students interested in computing? Do you need a break down of the basics to get your confidence up before teaching it? Don't worry - help is at hand in this brand new book written by computing whizz Steve Bunce. All areas of the curriculum are introduced, and easy to implement and engaging activities are provided to get you and your students started! Steve covers all the major elements: algorithms, programming, data management, e-safety and more. He answers questions like 'How do computers work?' and introduces ways for you to develop computational thinking and digital literacy in your students. Really accessible 'ways in' which may or may not use a computer make this book something that can be picked up and used in the classroom tomorrow, whatever your level and whatever resources you have to hand. 'Tablet tips' throughout the book provide extra ideas for how to use tablets in the classroom. This book is a must-read for all primary teachers who want to implement a full, engaging computing curriculum in their classroom. Get debugging and coding today!

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Computing

by Steve Bunce

Are you looking for exciting ways to get your students interested in computing? Do you need a break down of the basics to get your confidence up before teaching it? Don't worry - help is at hand in this brand new book written by computing whizz Steve Bunce. All areas of the curriculum are introduced, and easy to implement and engaging activities are provided to get you and your students started! Steve covers all the major elements: algorithms, programming, data management, e-safety and more. He answers questions like 'How do computers work?' and introduces ways for you to develop computational thinking and digital literacy in your students. Really accessible 'ways in' which may or may not use a computer make this book something that can be picked up and used in the classroom tomorrow, whatever your level and whatever resources you have to hand. 'Tablet tips' throughout the book provide extra ideas for how to use tablets in the classroom. This book is a must-read for all primary teachers who want to implement a full, engaging computing curriculum in their classroom. Get debugging and coding today!

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Martin Burrett

Coding comprises half of the National Curriculum strands for computing, and 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding is packed with resources that will give every teacher the confidence to deliver it. The easy-to-follow and practical activities in this book will be invaluable for all teachers, whether they are new to coding and just getting to grips with the basics, or are more experienced and wish to expand their repertoire. All the ideas have been carefully selected and written to be appropriate for the widest range of pupils' ages and abilities, and to be used with most coding platforms and devices – making them compatible with any existing scheme. Readers can also access and download additional free resources and templates online – 100 ideas is just the start!

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Martin Burrett

Coding comprises half of the National Curriculum strands for computing, and 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding is packed with resources that will give every teacher the confidence to deliver it. The easy-to-follow and practical activities in this book will be invaluable for all teachers, whether they are new to coding and just getting to grips with the basics, or are more experienced and wish to expand their repertoire. All the ideas have been carefully selected and written to be appropriate for the widest range of pupils' ages and abilities, and to be used with most coding platforms and devices – making them compatible with any existing scheme. Readers can also access and download additional free resources and templates online – 100 ideas is just the start!

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Science (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Paul Tyler Bryony Turford

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Science is filled with exciting yet achievable ideas to engage pupils in all areas of the National Curriculum for science. With a whole host of ideas for activities, experiments, assessment and increasing parental engagement, this book will help primary teachers develop pupils' knowledge and shape their attitudes towards learning science.Paul Tyler and Bryony Turford cover the key areas of biology, chemistry and physics, providing specific teaching strategies and resources to demonstrate scientific concepts and link science to other curriculum subjects, particularly maths and English. Activities range from exploring gravity by building a marble run to simulating the human digestive system! Also included are ideas to build pupils' science capital so they feel inspired and invested in the sciences in the long term. Each idea, activity and experiment is ready to use and easy to follow for all primary teachers, regardless of their level of confidence in the sciences.

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Science (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Paul Tyler Bryony Turford

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Science is filled with exciting yet achievable ideas to engage pupils in all areas of the National Curriculum for science. With a whole host of ideas for activities, experiments, assessment and increasing parental engagement, this book will help primary teachers develop pupils' knowledge and shape their attitudes towards learning science.Paul Tyler and Bryony Turford cover the key areas of biology, chemistry and physics, providing specific teaching strategies and resources to demonstrate scientific concepts and link science to other curriculum subjects, particularly maths and English. Activities range from exploring gravity by building a marble run to simulating the human digestive system! Also included are ideas to build pupils' science capital so they feel inspired and invested in the sciences in the long term. Each idea, activity and experiment is ready to use and easy to follow for all primary teachers, regardless of their level of confidence in the sciences.

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