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أسواق الذهب

by أحمد شوقى

قلْ لا أعرِف الرِّقّ، وتقيَّد بالواجب وتقيَّد بالحقّ؛ الحرية وما هِيَه؟ "الحُمَيراءُ"  الغالية، فِتنةُ القرون الخالية، وطَلِبةُ النفوسِ العالية؛ غِذاءُ الطّبائع، ومادّةُ الشرائع، وأُمُّ الوسائل والذَّرائع؛ بنتُ العلم إذا عمّ، والخلق إذا تمّ، وربيبة الصبر الجميل والعمل الجمّ؛ الجهلُ يئدُها، والصغائرُ تُفسدُها، والفُرْقةُ تُبعدُها؛ تكبيرةُ الوجود، في أُذُن المولود؛ وتحية الدُّنيا له إذا وصل، وصيْحة الحياة به إذا نَصَل؛ هاتِفٌ منَ السماءِ يقولُ له: يا ابنَ آدم؛ حَسْبُكَ من الأسماءِ عبدُ الله وسيّدُ العالَم، وهي القابلة التي تستقبله، ثم تسرُّهُ وتُسَرْبلُه، وهي المهدُ والتميمَة، والمُرضعُ الكريمة، المنجبة كـ "حليمة". ألبانُها حياة، وأحضانُها جنَّات. وأنفاسُها طيِّبات. العزيزُ من وُلدَ بين سَحْرِها ونَحْرها، وتعلق بصدرِها، ولعِبَ على كَتِفها وحِجرها، وترعرعَ بين خِدرها وسِترها.. ضجيعةُ موسى في التابوت، وَجاوَرَتْه في دار الطاغوت، والعصا التي توكأ عليها، والنَّارُ التي عشَا إليها، جبلّةُ المَسيح، السِّيدِ السَّميح، وإنجيلُه، الذي حاربُه جيلُه، وسَبيلُه، الذي جانَبَهُ قَبيلُه، طِينةُ محمدٍ عن نفسِه، عن قومِه، عن أمسِه، عن يومه، أنسابٌ عالية، وأحسابٌ زاكية، وملوكٌ بادية، لم يَدنهم طاغية، وهي رُوحُ بيانِه، ومُنحدَر السُّوَر على لسانِه، الحرِّية، عقدُ الملك، وعهدُ المَلْك، وسًكان الفُلْك، يدُ القلم، على الأمم، ومِنحة الفكر، ونفحة الشعر وقصيدة الدهر، لا يُستَعْظَمُ فيها قرْبان، ولو كان الخليفة عثمان بن عفان، جنينٌ يحمَلُ به في أيام المحْنَة، وتحتَ أفياء الفتنة، وحينَ البغي سيرة السَّامَّة ، والعدوان وتيرة العامَّة، وعندَما تناهى غفلة السواد، وتفاقم عَبث القوَّاد، وبين الدَّم المطلول، والسيف المسلول، والنظم المحلول، وكذلك كان الرُّسلُ يولدون عندَ عموم الجهالة، ويُبعثون حين طمُوم الضلالة؛ فإذا كَملَتْ مدَّتُه. وطلَعتْ غُرَّتهُ، وسطعَتْ أُسِرَّتُه، وصحَّتْ في المهد إمرتُه، بدّلت الحالَ غيرَ الحال، وجاءَ رجالٌ بعدَ الرِّجَال؛ دينٌ ينفسحُ للصادقِ والمنافق، وسوقٌ يتَّسع للكاسِد والنَّافق، مولودٌ حمْلُهُ قرُون، ووضعُهُ سِنُون، وحَداثتُه أشغالٌ وشئون، وأهوالٌ وشجون، فرحِمَ الله كلَّ من وطَّأ ومهَّد، وهيَّأ وتعهَّد، ثم استشهدَ قبلَ أن يشهَد. إذا أحرزت الأُممُ الحرِّيَّة أتت السيادةُ من نفسِها، وسعت الإمارةُ على رأسِها، وبُنِيَت الحضارةُ من أُسِّها؛ فهي الآمرُ الوازع، القليلُ المُنازِع، النبيلُ المشاربِ والمَنَازع؛ الذي لا يتخذ شِيعة، ولا صنيعة، ولا يَزْدهي بخديعة؛ خازنٌ ساهر، وحاسبٌ ماهر؛ دانقُ الجماعة بذمةٍ منهُ وأمان، ودِرْهَمُهم في حِرْزهِ دِرْهَمَان. "فيا ليلى" ماذا مِن أترَاب، وارَيْتِ التراب؟ وأخدان، أسلمتِ للديدان؟ عُمَّالٌ للحق عُمَّار، كانوا الشُّموسَ والأقمار، فأصبحوا على أفواه الرُّكَّاب والسُّمار؛ وأين قيسُك المعولِ؟ ومجنونُك الأوَّل؟ حائطُ الحقُّ الأطوَل، وفارسُ الحقيقةِ الأجوَل؛ أين مصطفى؟ زينُ الشباب، ورَيْحان الأحباب. وأوَّلُ من دَفع الباب، وأبرزَ النَّاب، وزأرَ دون الغاب؟...  

أميرة الأندلس

by أحمد شوقى

            "الملك نشوان ومعه مضحكه مقلاص يدنو من زورق على الوادي الكبير فيثب فيه ويقول" الملك       :         انظر يا مقلاص إلى هذا الزورق ما ألطفه، صدق القول: كل صغير لطيف. مقلاص    :         إلا وظيفتي في قصرك فإنها لا لطيفة ولا شريفة، وإن هذا الزورق قد ينقلب فيأخذ شكل النعش، ولن يكون النعشُ لطيفًا أبدًا. الملك       :         هبه انقلب يا مقلاص فصار نعشًا، أليس النعشُ مركبَ كل حي وإن طالتْ سلامته! مقلاص    :         أما أنا فيعفيني الملك. الملك       :         لا يا مقلاص لا أعفيك، ولا أحسبك تدعني أسير في لجة النهر وحدي وأنا كما تراني نشوان. مقلاص    :         وإن كان ولابد أيها الملك فإني أقترح.. الملك       :         وما تقترح؟ مقلاص    :         أن أكون أنا المجدِّفَ وحدي. الملك       :         ولماذا؟ مقلاص    :         الأمر بيِّن! التيار مجنون، والسكر مجنون، وأنت سلطان وكل سلطان مجنون. وهذا الزورق خشبة لا عقل لها فهو أيضًا مجنون؛ وإني أربأ بحياتي أيها الملك أن أجمع عليها مجانين أربعة. الملك       :         (مستضحكًا) لا يكون إلا ما اقترحتَ يا مقلاص، تعال اركب وجدف وحدك واترك لي أنا الدفة. مقلاص    :         أما هذا فنعم. وإني أرجو أن تكون دفة هذا المركب الصغير أحسن مصيرًا في يديك من دفة المملكة. الملك       :         (مستضحكًا) تعال ثب؛ هات يدك. (مقلاص ينزل إلى الزورق ويأخذ المجدافين). الملك       :         انظر يا مقلاص وراءك، إني أرى قاربًا يندفع نحونا مسرعًا كأنه حوت مطارد مذعور. مقلاص    :         هو ذا قد دنا منا يا مولاي، فأحسن مسك الدفة واجتنب الصدمة، وأنا أزوده عنا بمجدافي هذا وأضربه ضربة تقذف به إلى الشاطئ الآخر من النهر. الملك       :         إياك أن تفعل بل ائسره، فلابد لنا أن نؤدب هذا الشاب المغرور، فإني أرى الملاح فتى كريم الهيئة فهو لاشك من أبناء أعيان أشبيلية. (يصطدم الزورقان ويظهر مقلاص ارتباكًا وجبنًا، فيقبض الملك على الزورق المهاجم بيد قوية ويقول لمقلاص) الملك       :         اقذف الآن به إن استطعت إلى الشاطئ الآخر من النهر (ثم يلتفت إلى الشاب الملاح ويقول) مكانك أيها الغلام الوقاح، ما هذه الجرأة على التيار وعلى شبابك هذا الغض النضير! وما غرك بالملك حتى قربت عودك من عوده تريد أن تأخذ عليه الطريق. الملاح     :         مولاي إن الرعية يهفون، وإن الملوك يعفون، وزورقي إنما اندفع بقوة التيار القاهر فوافق مرور مركبك المحروس، فكان ما كان مما أعتذر للملك منه. الملك       :         (بصوت منخفض) ويح أُذني ماذا تسمع؟ هذا الصوت أعرفه؟ (ثم يلتفت إلى الملاح قائلاً): قد عرفت أيها الفتى من نحن، فعرفنا بنفسك. (يرفع الملاح قناعه) الملك       :         (صائحًا) بثينة! الأميرة     :         (الملاح) أجل أيها الملك ابنتك وأمتك بثينة. الملك       :         عجبًا! أأنتِ هنا بين العبب والتيار، وعلى هذا العود الذي يشفق أبوك من ركوبه، وأبوك من تعلمين أشجع العرب قلبًا؟ الأميرة     :         ولم لا تكون ابنة الملك شجاعة القلب مثله! إن الأسد لا يلد إلا اللباة. الملك       :         (يهدأ غضبه) ومن أين مجيئكِ الساعة يا بثينة؟  

Little Book of Betjeman

by Peter Gammond

The Little Book of Betjeman is a perceptive evocation of the late Poet Laureate's life and work. The book is lavishly illustrated throughout, in both colour and black and white, with some hitherto unpublished pictures of the poet and many very rate first editions from the author's personal collection. Peter Gammond knew John Betjeman and the members of his circle of friends at Oxford, such as Maurice Bowra, and, as Vice-Chairman and a former Chairman of The Betjeman Society, he is uniquely qualified to write about Britain's best-loved poet of the 20th century.

Robert Burns Songs: Selections From The Poems, Songs, And Ballads Of Robert Burns (Collins Scottish Archive)

by Robert Burns

A small format gift book which is a reproduction of the popular book ‘Songs Robert Burns’ originally published by Collins in 1947. Selected by G.F. Maine and written by burns between 1759 and 1796.

Selected Poems: Prescribed For The Junior Matriculation And Junior Leaving Examinations 1908

by Robert Browning Daniel Karlin

Robert Browning was one of the greatest of English poets, whose intense and original imagination enabled him to transform any subject he chose - whether everyday or sublime - into startling memorable verse. In his work he brought to life the personalities of a diverse range of characters, and introduced a new immediacy, colloquial energy and psychological complexity to the poetry of his day. This selection brings together verse ranging from early dramatic monologues such as the chilling 'My Last Duchess' and the ribald 'Fra Lippo Lippi', which show his gift for inhabiting the mind of another, to the popular children's poem 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' and many lesser known works. All display his innovative techniques of diction, rhythm and symbol, which transformed Victorian poetry and influenced major poets of the twentieth century such as Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and Robert Frost.

A Sappho of Green Springs

by Bret Harte


One Hundred Poems of Kabir

by Kabir

Kabir is one of the most beloved Indian mystics. He is also amongst the pioneers of the Bhakti Movement in North India. One Hundred Poems of Kabir is a classic book of poems, translated into English by the maestro, Rabindranath Tagore. These poems are songs of love written in the voice of a lover longing for the beloved. The mystical connotations unravel the journey of the soul to its union with the Supreme Being.

The Prophet

by Kahlil Gibran

The Prophet is a book of 26 prose poetry fables written in English by the Lebanese-American artist, philosopher and writer Kahlil Gibran. Originally published in 1923, it is Gibran's best known work and has been translated into over 40 different languages. The prophet, Almustafa, has lived in the foreign city of Orphalese for 12 years and is about to board a ship which will carry him home. He is stopped by a group of people, with whom he discusses topics such as life and the human condition. The book is divided into chapters dealing with work, love, marriage, eating and drinking, joy and sorrow, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, pleasure, beauty, religion, crime and punishment, reason and passion, and death.

Winnie-the-Pooh at the Palace: A brand new Winnie-the-Pooh adventure in rhyme, featuring A.A Milne's and E.H Shepard's beloved characters

by Jeanne Willis

Winnie-the-Pooh at the Palace is a rhyming picture-book adventure featuring some of the best-loved characters from the Hundred Acre Wood.On a day out to Buckingham Palace, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends play in the snowy gardens, have a thrilling ride on a sledge, and Pooh gets stuck in a snow drift! Then, a surprising discovery leads to an invitation to have tea with the King!With gentle rhyming verse by bestselling author Jeanne Willis, inspired by A. A. Milne's classic poem 'Buckingham Palace', and charming illustrations by Mark Burgess, in the style of E. H. Shepard, this authorised sequel is the perfect gift for anyone who loves the enchanting world of Winnie-the-Pooh and his best friends, Christopher Robin and Piglet.Discover more rhyming adventures in Winnie-the-Pooh and Me.

Winnie-the-Pooh and Me: A brand new Winnie-the-Pooh adventure in rhyme, featuring A.A Milne's and E.H Shepard's beloved characters

by Jeanne Willis

Winnie-the-Pooh and Me is a rhyming picture-book adventure featuring the best-loved characters from the Hundred Acre Wood.Someone has come along to join Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin on their adventure, but who could it be? It can't be Kanga and Roo – they're sailing a boat – and it can't be Owl, because he's at home. Could it be Heffalumps who want to eat Pooh's beloved honey? Or perhaps Pooh and Christopher Robin are accompanied by a pair of friends who are never far away on a sunny day.With gentle rhyming verse by bestselling author Jeanne Willis, inspired by A. A. Milne's classic poem 'Us Two' from Now We Are Six, and charming illustrations by Mark Burgess, in the style of E. H. Shepard, this authorised sequel is the perfect gift for anyone who loves the enchanting world of Winnie-the-Pooh and friends.

Duino Elegies: Deluxe Edition

by Rainer Maria Rilke

The original English translation of Rilke's landmark poetry cycle, by Vita and Edward Sackville-West - reissued for the first time in 90 years'The deepest mysteries of existence embodied in the most delicate and precise images. For me, the greatest poetry of the 20th century' Philip PullmanIn 1931, Virginia and Leonard Woolf's Hogarth Press published a small run of a beautiful edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies, in English translation by the writers Vita and Edward Sackville-West. This marked the English debut of Rilke's masterpiece, which would eventually be rendered in English over 20 times, influencing countless poets, musicians and artists across the English-speaking world.Published for the first time in 90 years, the Sackville-Wests' translation is both a fascinating historical document and a magnificent blank-verse rendering of Rilke's poetry cycle. Featuring a new introduction from critic Lesley Chamberlain, this reissue casts one of European literature's great masterpieces in fresh light.

Revival: The Junius Manuscript (Routledge Revivals)

by George Philip Krapp

This book is the first volume in a collective edition, the plan of which includes all the surviving records of Anglo-Saxon poetry. The main body of Anglo-Saxon poetry as it has come down to us is contained in four important miscellany manuscripts, the Junius Manuscript, the Vercelli Book, the Exeter Book, and the Beowulf Manuscript, each of which will constitute a separate volume in this edition. The remaining minor and more or less scattered examples of Anglo-Saxon poetry will be grouped together, in a volume of volumes of their own.

Revival: The Junius Manuscript (Routledge Revivals)

by George Philip Krapp

This book is the first volume in a collective edition, the plan of which includes all the surviving records of Anglo-Saxon poetry. The main body of Anglo-Saxon poetry as it has come down to us is contained in four important miscellany manuscripts, the Junius Manuscript, the Vercelli Book, the Exeter Book, and the Beowulf Manuscript, each of which will constitute a separate volume in this edition. The remaining minor and more or less scattered examples of Anglo-Saxon poetry will be grouped together, in a volume of volumes of their own.

Routledge Revivals: English Poetry in the Later Nineteenth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by B. Ifor Evans

First published in 1933, this study, which underwent revision in the 1960s, is a comprehensive survey of the verse of English nineteenth-century poets whose work appeared after 1860. A special feature is the full and critical treatment of minor writers. In no other book is their work so carefully evaluated. There is a full account of the minor Pre-Raphaelites, of James Thomson, the poet of The City of Dreadful Night, of Henley, Stevenson and George MacDonald. John Davidson is the subject of a long and revealing study. Evans suggests that poetry from the late nineteenth century is neglected in scholarly study, and that Victorian Romanticism deserves more attention than it has recently received.

Routledge Revivals: English Poetry in the Later Nineteenth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by B. Ifor Evans

First published in 1933, this study, which underwent revision in the 1960s, is a comprehensive survey of the verse of English nineteenth-century poets whose work appeared after 1860. A special feature is the full and critical treatment of minor writers. In no other book is their work so carefully evaluated. There is a full account of the minor Pre-Raphaelites, of James Thomson, the poet of The City of Dreadful Night, of Henley, Stevenson and George MacDonald. John Davidson is the subject of a long and revealing study. Evans suggests that poetry from the late nineteenth century is neglected in scholarly study, and that Victorian Romanticism deserves more attention than it has recently received.

Modern Poetry and the Tradition

by Cleanth Brooks

This study presents the revolutionary thesis that English poetry and poetic theory were deflected from their richest line of development by the scientific rationalism that came with Hobbes and has continued its restrictive influence to the present day, when such poets as Yeats and Eliot have begun the reestablishment of the earlier line of development.Originally published in 1939.A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.

The Naming of Cats

by T. S. Eliot

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,It isn't just one of your holiday games;You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatterWhen I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.The first poem in Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats is a brilliant introduction to the fabulous world of Cats, featuring names such as Bombalurina and Munkustrap - made famous by the recent film!The seventh gorgeous Cats picture book with lively and colourful illustrations by Arthur Robins. Perfect for reading aloud, singing or performing!

The Romance of Tristan: The Tale of Tristan's Madness

by Beroul Alan Fedrick

One of the earliest extant versions of the Tristan and Yseut story, Beroul's French manuscript of The Romance of Tristan dates back to the middle of the twelfth century. It recounts the legend of Tristan, nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, and the king's Irish wife Yseut, who fall passionately in love after mistakenly drinking a potion. Their illicit romance remains secret for many years, but the relentless suspicion of the king's barons and the fading effects of the magic draught eventually lead to tragedy for the lovers. While Beroul's work emphasizes the impulsive and often brutal behaviour of the characters, its sympathetic depiction of two people struggling against their destiny is one of the most powerful versions of this enduringly popular legend.

The Blue Grove: The Poetry of the Uraons (Routledge Revivals)

by W. G. Archer

Originally published in 1940, The Blue Grove is a study of the poetry of the Uraons. This unique consideration of the poetry and folk song of the Uraons presents a wide range of poems organised by theme, including dance poems, cultivation poems, and marriage poems. It also includes examples of a Uraon marriage sermon, a Uraon farewell address, and Uraon riddles. The poems are preceded by a detailed analysis of Uraon marriages and dancing, providing important contextual information. The Blue Grove will appeal to anyone with an interest in the rich history of Uraon folk songs, poetry, and dance.

The Blue Grove: The Poetry of the Uraons (Routledge Revivals)

by W. G. Archer

Originally published in 1940, The Blue Grove is a study of the poetry of the Uraons. This unique consideration of the poetry and folk song of the Uraons presents a wide range of poems organised by theme, including dance poems, cultivation poems, and marriage poems. It also includes examples of a Uraon marriage sermon, a Uraon farewell address, and Uraon riddles. The poems are preceded by a detailed analysis of Uraon marriages and dancing, providing important contextual information. The Blue Grove will appeal to anyone with an interest in the rich history of Uraon folk songs, poetry, and dance.

The Poetics of Utopia: Shadows of Futurity in Yeats and Auden

by Stewart Cole

Focusing on the work of two of the 20th-century's most politically engaged poets - W. B. Yeats and W. H. Auden - this book unpacks how they directly confront the concept of “utopia,” how they engage with utopia as a literary genre, and how their work conceives of poetry as a utopian artform capable of uniquely embodying our social aspirations.Despite consistently projecting visions of more ideal futures through both its subject matter and its form, poetry is not often counted among the annals of utopian literature. Through an examination of these two great writers' poems, essays, reviews, and other writings, with a focus on many of their best-known poems, this book highlights both the pervasive presence of a utopian impulse in their work and the importance of their contributions to discussions of utopia's meaning and relevance in both their own politically fraught era and ours.

The Berlin Wall Cafe

by Paul Durcan

This was the collection with which Durcan broke through to the huge and appreciative audience he enjoys today. In the first part are poems of great satirical comedy and also of great passion and indignation, and in the second part, poems about the break-up of a marriage so intense they would hurt if they weren't also possessed of the healing gifts of truthfulness and humour. In The Berlin Wall Café Durcan has located that space between the walls and barriers societies and individuals erect - a no-man's-land of the free imagination where we meet as the vulnerable and comical human beings we are. It contains some of his very best work.

The Iliad: With An English Translation (classic Reprint)

by Homer Peter Jones E V Rieu

One of the foremost achievements in Western literature, Homer's Iliad tells the story of the darkest episode in the Trojan War. At its centre is Achilles, the greatest warrior-champion of the Greeks, and his refusal to fight after being humiliated by his leader Agamemnon. But when the Trojan Hector kills Achilles' close friend Patroclus, he storms back into battle to take revenge - although knowing this will ensure his own early death. Interwoven with this tragic sequence of events are powerfully moving descriptions of the ebb and flow of battle, of the domestic world inside Troy's besieged city of Ilium, and of the conflicts between the Gods on Olympus as they argue over the fate of mortals.

The Odyssey: Or, The Ten Years' Wandering Of Odusseus, After The Ten Years' Siege Of Troy. Reproduced In Dramatic Bland Verse...

by Homer Peter Jones Dominic Rieu

The epic tale of Odysseus and his ten-year journey home after the Trojan War forms one of the earliest and greatest works of Western literature. Confronted by natural and supernatural threats - shipwrecks, battles, monsters and the implacable enmityof the sea-god Poseidon - Odysseus must test his bravery and native cunning to the full if he is to reach his homeland safely and overcome the obstacles that, even there, await him.This edition is a revised translation by D. C. H. Rieu of the translation done by his father, E. V. Rieu, in the first Penguin Classic to be published. Contains a preface by D. C. H. Rieu and an introduction by Peter Jones. Also includes a map, explanatory footnotes, a combined glossary and index, as well as suggestions for further reading of acclaimed criticisms and references.

Snail In My Prime: New And Selected Poems (Penguin Poets Ser.)

by Paul Durcan

Since the publication of his first book in 1967, Paul Durcan has made satirical, celebratory and extraordinarily moving poetry out of his country's fortunes and misfortunes. His readings are legendary and each new collection, from his collaboration with Brain Lynch, Endsville (1967) to Daddy, Daddy (winner of the 1990 Whitbread Poetry Award), Crazy about Women (1991) and Greetings to Our Friends in Brazil (1999) has borne out the truth of Ezra Pound's dictum that "literature is news that stays news". This book contains Durcan's own selection from his work. It is a literary milestone that has set the seal on his reputation as a poet of international standing.

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