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Showing 7,626 through 7,650 of 9,030 results

Sleepless in Sicily: The heart-warming romcom of the summer!

by Emma Jackson

Under the starry Italian skies, anything can happen...For most women, getting locked into a storeroom with movie star and undeniable heartthrob Rowan during a pre-production shoot in London would be the stuff of dreams. But for shy makeup artist Lila, it's more like a nightmare. It doesn't matter that Rowan is kind, easy to talk to and even more gorgeous up close. With her social anxiety, she can't bear the idea of being embroiled in gossip and rumours about what exactly they were doing together.More scandal is also not an option for outspoken Rowan, whose agency is threatening to drop him if he doesn't toe the line. After the two make their escape, they promise to keep the incident a secret, and when they meet again on set in stunning Sicily, they pretend not to know each other. But between the blue skies and sizzling Italian heat, it becomes impossible to ignore the attraction simmering between them...Lila and Rowan couldn't be more different... but can they find a way to bring their worlds together?For fans of Sandy Barker, Mandy Baggot and Samantha Parks, Sleepless in Sicily is the perfect summer holiday read.

Slow Adventures: Unhurriedly Exploring Britain's Wild Places

by Tor McIntosh National Trust Books

Take a breath. Push aside those spreadsheets. Take a fresh look at the world around you: Slow Adventures will open your eyes to a wealth of new affirming experiences.

Slow Trains Around Spain: A 3,000-Mile Adventure on 52 Rides

by Tom Chesshyre

Between soaring mountains, across arid deserts, parched plains and valleys of fruit orchards and olive groves, down glittering coastlines and along viaducts towering above plunging ravines… there is no better way to see Spain than by train.Tom Chesshyre hits the tracks to take in the country through carriage windows on a series of clattering rides beyond the popular image of “holiday Spain” (although he stops by in Benidorm and Torremolinos too). From hidden spots in Catalonia, through the plains of Aragon and across the north coast to Santiago de Compostela, Chesshyre continues his journey via Madrid, the wilds of Extremadura, dusty mining towns, the cathedrals and palaces of Valencia and Granada, and finally to Seville, Andalusia’s beguiling (and hot) capital.Encounters? Plenty. Mishaps? A lot. Happy Spanish days? All the way.

Small Scale Sport Tourism Events and Local Sustainable Development: A Cross-National Comparative Perspective (Sports Economics, Management and Policy #18)

by Ricardo Melo Claude Sobry Derek Van Rheenen

This book outlines the impacts of small scale sport tourism events on local sustainable development in different countries. Using half marathons organized in small and medium sized cities as an example, the chapters are robust case studies, applying a unified methodology in order to provide a clear overview of the sport tourism system in each country. The book begins with a description of the methodologies used and an overview of the countries studied. The country chapters focus on several dimensions of sport tourism in each city, including but not limited to the history of past sport tourism events in the municipality, the characteristics of the city hosting the event, the demographic profile of participants in the event, and the quantifiable economic, environmental, and sociocultural impacts of the event. Each chapter concludes with analysis and policy recommendations for holding future events that contribute to local sustainable development. The book concludes by summarizing and comparing the main results across different countries, and presenting main conclusions and overarching recommendations.Written by international experts in sports tourism, this book is geared towards academic researchers and students, interested in sport tourism, sports economics, management, and sustainable development, as well as policy makers and professionals tasked with bringing such events to their cities.

Smart Region: Die digitale Transformation einer Region nachhaltig gestalten

by Artur Mertens Klaus-Michael Ahrend Anke Kopsch Werner Stork

Die digitale Transformation stellt nicht nur die Unternehmenswelt vor große Herausforderungen, sondern nimmt auch auf viele Lebensbereiche der Menschen einer Region enormen Einfluss. Zur Erprobung der Ausgestaltung des regionalen Entwicklungspotenzials finden derzeit erste Pilotprojekte statt. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die wesentlichen Entwicklungen innerhalb von vier Lebensbereichen – dem Zuhause, der Arbeit, dem öffentlichen Raum und der Mobilität – stattfinden und sich Städte und Gemeinden den neuen Chancen öffnen sollten. Im Fokus dieses Buches steht der regionale Lebensraum und seine Entwicklungen hin zu einer „Smart Region“ in Bezug auf ökonomische, ökologische und soziale Kriterien. Anerkannte Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis beantworten aktuelle Fragen, wie beispielsweise• was sind die entscheidenden Dimensionen einer smarten Region,• wie können Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten entwickelt, umgesetzt und koordiniert werden und• was ist bei der regionalen Verankerung und der Messung des Erfolges zu beachten.Die Autoren zielen darauf ab, über die Darstellung der Grundlagen einen soliden Zugang zu diesem Thema zu geben. Best-Practice-Beispiele und regionale Perspektiven inspirieren und regen zum Nachdenken an.Eine gelungene Symbiose aus Theorie und Praxis macht das Werk zu einer Pflichtlektüre für alle, die sich mit der Entwicklung von Smart Cities und Smart Regions befassen. Damit trägt es zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bei, ganz im Sinne der Third Mission der Hochschule Darmstadt.Prof. Dr. Ralph Stengler, Präsident der Hochschule DarmstadtEin ausgezeichnetes Buch! Die ausgewählten Praxisbeispiele und dargestellten strategischen Leitplanken lassen hoffen, dass sich in Deutschland die Digitalisierung des öffentlichen Sektors beschleunigt. Eine exzellente digitale Infrastruktur ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung, um nachhaltig im Standortwettbewerb zu bestehen. Ich empfehle das Werk allen politisch Verantwortlichen.Isabel de Paoli, Chief Strategy Officer, Merck KGaA

Social Entrepreneurship in Hospitality: Principles and Strategies for Change

by Willy Legrand Miguel Angel Gardetti Robert Schønrock Nielsen Colin Johnson Mehmet Ergul

This innovative book is the first to explore social entrepreneurship in the field of hospitality, introducing students to the principles of social entrepreneurship motivation, finance, sustainability, issues and challenges, and how these can be successfully implemented in a range of hospitality settings. The hospitality industry offers a particularly fruitful framework for social entrepreneurs, partly due to the low barriers of entry and opportunities to enhance social and environmental wealth. A variety of international case studies are integrated throughout to showcase the challenges and successes of social entrepreneurship in the hospitality industry in a wide range of settings. Discussion questions, further reading suggestions and exercises at the end of each chapter help the student to explore these concepts further. Insights into the industry’s role during and potentially beyond the COVID-19 crisis are offered in the concluding chapter. The is a timely addition to the literature, written by a team of highly regarded professionals and academics, and will be essential reading for all current and future entrepreneurs in the field of Hospitality Management.

Social Entrepreneurship in Hospitality: Principles and Strategies for Change

by Willy Legrand Miguel Angel Gardetti Robert Schønrock Nielsen Colin Johnson Mehmet Ergul

This innovative book is the first to explore social entrepreneurship in the field of hospitality, introducing students to the principles of social entrepreneurship motivation, finance, sustainability, issues and challenges, and how these can be successfully implemented in a range of hospitality settings. The hospitality industry offers a particularly fruitful framework for social entrepreneurs, partly due to the low barriers of entry and opportunities to enhance social and environmental wealth. A variety of international case studies are integrated throughout to showcase the challenges and successes of social entrepreneurship in the hospitality industry in a wide range of settings. Discussion questions, further reading suggestions and exercises at the end of each chapter help the student to explore these concepts further. Insights into the industry’s role during and potentially beyond the COVID-19 crisis are offered in the concluding chapter. The is a timely addition to the literature, written by a team of highly regarded professionals and academics, and will be essential reading for all current and future entrepreneurs in the field of Hospitality Management.

Social Tourism: Global Challenges and Approaches

by Elisa Alén González Helena Alvelos Dr Maria João Carneiro Neil Carr Anya Diekmann Trinidad Domínguez Vila Adriana E. Estrada-González Celeste Eusébio Elisabete Figueiredo Janja Gabruc Konstantinos I Kakoudakis Elisabeth Kastenholz Raija Komppula Nieves Losada Sánchez Cátia Loureiro Scott McCabe Zorana Medaric Michel Xavier Lynn Minnaert Katerina Papadoulaki Mariana Pedrosa Rutherford Gill Fathimath Shiraani Elli Vento

Social tourism - the practice of offering programmes, events and activities to enable disadvantaged population groups to enjoy tourism - is of increasing interest to academia. Beginning with an introduction to the social tourism concept, its relevance and target groups, this book then provides reflections about emerging topics case studies of programmes in action across Europe, Oceania and the Americas. It considers the tourism experience from the point of view of young people, families, senior citizens and people with disabilities, before covering the impacts of social tourism initiatives on both participants and tourism destinations. It concludes by reflecting on the practical challenges and policy implications emerging from theory and practice, highlighting common challenges and identifying guidelines for designing social tourism initiatives. This book: Covers the challenges faced by the sector and the relevance of promoting tourism programmes for disadvantaged groups of society. Promotes research that bridges theory and practice, permitting the identification of guidelines for more effective social tourism initiatives. Includes case studies from around the world to provide a global perspective. An important read for researchers of tourism, social inclusion and accessibility, this book will therefore also be of interest to students and practitioners of these areas.

The Soul of the Journey: The Mendelssohns in Scotland and Italy

by Diana Ambache

Brother and sister Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn enjoyed a rare bond: they were intimate companions and theirs was one of the most significant musical relationships of the 19th century. They shared and commented on each other’s compositions, each highly appreciative of the other but also offering frank, critical advice. Their travels produced some great music – Felix’s best loved works, the Hebrides Overture and the Scottish Symphony, were inspired by his 1829 visit to Scotland, whilst Fanny’s innovative piano cycle Das Jahr was a musical response to the tour of Italy she made in 1839–40.Combining letters and sketches with an accompanying narrative describing their journeys, this is a wonderful celebration of the two Mendelssohns and a portrait of Scotland and Italy of the time as seen through the eyes of two of the Romantic movement’s most acclaimed composers.

Southeast Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 106 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness

by CoreyPine Shane

An indispensable guide to identifying, harvesting, and using medicinal plants in the Southeast.

Space, Taste and Affect: Atmospheres That Shape the Way We Eat (Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity)

by Emily Falconer

This book is an exploration of how time, space and social atmospheres contribute to the experience of taste. It demonstrates complex combinations of material, sensual and symbolic atmospheres and social encounters that shape this experience. Space, Taste and Affect brings together case studies from the fields of sociology, geography, history, psycho-social studies and anthropology to examine debates around how urban designers, architects and market producers manipulate the experience of taste through creating certain atmospheres. The book also explores how the experience of taste varies throughout life, or even during fleeting social encounters, challenging the sense of taste as static. This book moves beyond common narratives that taste is ‘acquired’ or developed, to emphasize the role of psycho-social histories of nostalgia, memories of childhood, migration, trauma and displacement in the experience of we eat and drink. It focuses on entrenched social dimensions of class, value and distinction instead of psychological and neuroscientific conceptualizations of taste and sensuous practices of consumption to be intrinsically linked to the experience of taste in complex ways. This book will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of sociology, human geography, tourism and leisure studies, anthropology, psychology, arts and literature, architecture and urban design.

Space, Taste and Affect: Atmospheres That Shape the Way We Eat (Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity)

by Emily Falconer

This book is an exploration of how time, space and social atmospheres contribute to the experience of taste. It demonstrates complex combinations of material, sensual and symbolic atmospheres and social encounters that shape this experience. Space, Taste and Affect brings together case studies from the fields of sociology, geography, history, psycho-social studies and anthropology to examine debates around how urban designers, architects and market producers manipulate the experience of taste through creating certain atmospheres. The book also explores how the experience of taste varies throughout life, or even during fleeting social encounters, challenging the sense of taste as static. This book moves beyond common narratives that taste is ‘acquired’ or developed, to emphasize the role of psycho-social histories of nostalgia, memories of childhood, migration, trauma and displacement in the experience of we eat and drink. It focuses on entrenched social dimensions of class, value and distinction instead of psychological and neuroscientific conceptualizations of taste and sensuous practices of consumption to be intrinsically linked to the experience of taste in complex ways. This book will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of sociology, human geography, tourism and leisure studies, anthropology, psychology, arts and literature, architecture and urban design.

Spanish and Portuguese Conflict in the Spice Islands: From Book XX of The General and Natural History of the Indies by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (Hakluyt Society, Third Series)

by Glen Frank Dille

Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, (1478–1557), warden of the fortress and port of Santo Domingo of the Island of Hispaniola, also served his emperor, Charles V, as the official chronicler of the first half-century of the Spanish presence in the New World. His monumental General y Natural Historia de las Indias, consisting of three parts, with fifty books, hundreds of chapters and thousands of pages, is still a major primary source for researchers of the period 1492–1548. Part One, consisting of 19 books, was first published in 1535, then reprinted and augmented in 1547, with a third edition, including Book XX, the first book of Part II, appearing in Valladolid in 1557. Book XX, which was printed separately in Valladolid in 1557 (the year of Oviedo’s death), concerns the first three Spanish voyages to the East Indies. While it might be expected that the narrative of Magellan’s voyage would predominate in Book XX, Oviedo devoted only the first four chapters to this monumental voyage. The remaining thirty–one concern the two subsequent and little-known Spanish follow-up expeditions to the Moluccas 1525-35. The first, initially led by García Jofre de Loaysa, set out from Coruña to follow Magellan’s route through the Strait and across the Pacific. A second relief expedition under Alvaro Saavedra was sent out in search of Loaysa’s company from the Pacific coast of New Spain in 1527. In each venture only one vessel reached the Spice Islands. Oviedo’s narrative offers many details of the 10 years of hardships and conflict with the Portuguese, endured by the stoic Spanish, and of the growing unrest it provoked among their indigenous hosts. The news that Charles V had pawned his claim to the King João III of Portugal allowed a very few of the Spaniards to negotiate a passage back to Spain via Lisbon, while others remained in Portuguese settlements in the East Indies. The reports made by the returnees to the Consejo de Indias were integrated by Oviedo into his narrative, expanded and enriched by personal interviews. His chronicle includes much information about the indigenous culture, commerce, geography and of the exotic fauna and flora of the Spice Islands.

Spanish and Portuguese Conflict in the Spice Islands: From Book XX of The General and Natural History of the Indies by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (Hakluyt Society, Third Series)

by Glen F. Dille

Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, (1478–1557), warden of the fortress and port of Santo Domingo of the Island of Hispaniola, also served his emperor, Charles V, as the official chronicler of the first half-century of the Spanish presence in the New World. His monumental General y Natural Historia de las Indias, consisting of three parts, with fifty books, hundreds of chapters and thousands of pages, is still a major primary source for researchers of the period 1492–1548. Part One, consisting of 19 books, was first published in 1535, then reprinted and augmented in 1547, with a third edition, including Book XX, the first book of Part II, appearing in Valladolid in 1557. Book XX, which was printed separately in Valladolid in 1557 (the year of Oviedo’s death), concerns the first three Spanish voyages to the East Indies. While it might be expected that the narrative of Magellan’s voyage would predominate in Book XX, Oviedo devoted only the first four chapters to this monumental voyage. The remaining thirty–one concern the two subsequent and little-known Spanish follow-up expeditions to the Moluccas 1525-35. The first, initially led by García Jofre de Loaysa, set out from Coruña to follow Magellan’s route through the Strait and across the Pacific. A second relief expedition under Alvaro Saavedra was sent out in search of Loaysa’s company from the Pacific coast of New Spain in 1527. In each venture only one vessel reached the Spice Islands. Oviedo’s narrative offers many details of the 10 years of hardships and conflict with the Portuguese, endured by the stoic Spanish, and of the growing unrest it provoked among their indigenous hosts. The news that Charles V had pawned his claim to the King João III of Portugal allowed a very few of the Spaniards to negotiate a passage back to Spain via Lisbon, while others remained in Portuguese settlements in the East Indies. The reports made by the returnees to the Consejo de Indias were integrated by Oviedo into his narrative, expanded and enriched by personal interviews. His chronicle includes much information about the indigenous culture, commerce, geography and of the exotic fauna and flora of the Spice Islands.

The Spanish Girl: A completely gripping and heartbreaking historical novel

by Jules Hayes

'A splendid story of heartbreaking consequences and ambition during the Spanish Civil War... A recommended read' Glynis Peters, bestselling author of The Secret Orphan***A country torn apart by war.Two love stories divided by decades.One chance to discover the truth... Feisty journalist Isabella has never known the truth about her family. Escaping from a dangerous assignment in the turbulent Basque country, she finds her world turned upside down, firstly by her irresistible attraction to the mysterious Rafael, and then by a new clue to her own past. As she begins to unravel the tangled story of her identity, Isabella uncovers a story of passion, betrayal and loss that reaches back to the dark days of Spain's civil war - when a passionate Spanish girl risked everything for her country, and for the young British rebel who captured her heart. But can Isabella trust the man she's fallen in love with? Or are some wartime secrets better left undisturbed...? Heartbreaking, gripping historical fiction about the tragedy of war, and the redemption of love. Perfect for fans of Angela Petch's The Tuscan Secret and Kathryn Hughes' The Letter. ***Praise for The Spanish Girl:'An outstanding read... Epic, personal, intimate and beautifully written' Lizzie Page, author of The Forgotten Girls'A compelling tale of friendship, love and loss. Impeccably researched, the story is full of surprises' Rhiannon Ward, author of The Quickening'A fabulous read of love, loss, loyalty and bravery set against the fascinating backdrop of the Spanish War. I was engrossed from the start and a must read for fans of dual timeline women's fiction' Suzanne Fortin, author of The Forgotten Life of Arthur Pettinger

The Spanish House: A Heartwarming Escapist Romance Novel Of Family Secrets And Love Set In Sunny Spain!

by Cherry Radford

One bizarre to-do list to earn her inheritance. One Spanish summer. One huge family secret.'????? An absolutely delightful and captivating read!' – Lucy Coleman, bestselling author of Summer in Andalucia'A delightful, romantic and moving adventure. I enjoyed every moment... A delicious slice of golden escapism' – Louise Douglas, bestselling author of The House by the SeaJuliana makes a modest living as an 'ethnic' TV/film extra – even though the only connections with her Spanish heritage are her cacti, Spanish classes, and some confused memories of a Spanish mother she hasn't seen since she was seven.When her beloved Uncle Arturo offers her the chance to discover her roots while housesitting his coastal home in a quiet corner of Andalusia, Juliana can't believe her luck. Especially when he reveals that the house will be hers if she fulfils ten life-enhancing 'Conditions' within 90 days.Redecoration of the house and a visit to the old film studio where her mother used to sew costumes seem ridiculously simple tasks for such a wonderful reward. But little does Juliana realise that there are family secrets and inherited rivalries awaiting her in sunny Spain, and the condition that she has to 'get on with the neighbours' – who include a ruggedly handsome but moody artist – may be harder than she thinks.The perfect escapist read for fans of Rosanna Ley, Jo Thomas and Sue Moorcroft.'The Spanish House is gorgeous romantic escapism that you won't want to miss!' Holly Martin, bestselling author of Sunlight Over Crystal Sands'WoW! This book was simply a joy to read!' Reader review'Loved this enjoyable book!' Reader review'It was funny, cute and intriguing' Reader review'This is the first novel of Cherry Radford that I read and it was beautiful... One cannot resist wishing to visit Spain after reading this splendid book... The story is heartwarming' Reader review'A wonderful book, that I would recommend to anyone' Reader review'A light and heart warming read set in a beautiful location' Reader review'I could not put this down, it was my first book by this author and wish I had found her a while ago. Fantastic writing, fantastic plot development and I just loved the main character' Reader review'This was my first Cherry Radford book and it was a beautifully written story. The description of Spain made the reader feel like they were there with Juliana' Reader review'A great summer read!' Reader review'This is a great book! Well written, complex storyline with various moving parts... Would so recommend this amazing read!' Reader review'Absolutely loved this sweet romance... So glad I came across this' Reader review'It's just right for a summer read... although it would be delightful to spend time in Spain in the middle of the winter!' Reader review'This was such a gorgeous read!!!! I really enjoyed the plot and the writing style was gorgeous!! The character build up is fantastic and I couldn't put it down' Reader review

Spanish Visual Dictionary For Dummies

by Consumer Dummies

Spanish Visual Dictionary Learn Spanish vocabulary faster!It’s a fact—seeing something helps you remember it. This handy guide helps you build your Spanish vocabulary with full-color pictures illustrating every term. You’ll be able to communicate with native speakers faster as you learn and remember more words and their meanings. The book is organized by themes such as transportation, accommodations, restaurants and eating, sports, emergencies, and shopping, making it especially useful for travelers. Boost your learning speed and get talking in Spanish today!InsideTransportation terminologyGetting around a cityRestaurants and food ordersHandling an emergency

Spanish Visual Dictionary For Dummies

by Consumer Dummies

Spanish Visual Dictionary Learn Spanish vocabulary faster!It’s a fact—seeing something helps you remember it. This handy guide helps you build your Spanish vocabulary with full-color pictures illustrating every term. You’ll be able to communicate with native speakers faster as you learn and remember more words and their meanings. The book is organized by themes such as transportation, accommodations, restaurants and eating, sports, emergencies, and shopping, making it especially useful for travelers. Boost your learning speed and get talking in Spanish today!InsideTransportation terminologyGetting around a cityRestaurants and food ordersHandling an emergency

An SPSS Guide for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Researchers

by Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav Dogan Gursoy Nimit Chowdhary

This is the first book to provide the student of tourism, hospitality and events with all that they need to undertake statistical analysis using SPSS for research in their industry. Employing examples directly from the tourism, hospitality and events sector, it provides a comprehensive explanation on how appropriate statistical tools and methods can be identified for this research context and provides a step-by-step demonstration on how to carry out the chosen statistical operations. Each chapter opens with a sector-specific case study reflecting current research trends and issues from a range of different countries that are affecting the industry today. It is followed by an examination of the SPSS procedures relating to the case study and various solutions are offered. The implementation of clear, step-by-step demonstrations on how to carry out statistical operations using a combination of screenshots, diagrams, and tables aids the reader’s understanding. Chapters close with thorough guidance on how to appropriately write up interpretations of the research in a report. Research implications and recommendations for tourism and hospitality businesses are also provided, to enable them to successfully create and manage research strategies in action. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective and written by a range of industry experts from all over the globe, this book will be essential for all students and researchers in the field of tourism, hospitality, and events as well as all those in related fields with an interest in statistical data analysis.

An SPSS Guide for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Researchers

by Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav Dogan Gursoy Nimit Chowdhary

This is the first book to provide the student of tourism, hospitality and events with all that they need to undertake statistical analysis using SPSS for research in their industry. Employing examples directly from the tourism, hospitality and events sector, it provides a comprehensive explanation on how appropriate statistical tools and methods can be identified for this research context and provides a step-by-step demonstration on how to carry out the chosen statistical operations. Each chapter opens with a sector-specific case study reflecting current research trends and issues from a range of different countries that are affecting the industry today. It is followed by an examination of the SPSS procedures relating to the case study and various solutions are offered. The implementation of clear, step-by-step demonstrations on how to carry out statistical operations using a combination of screenshots, diagrams, and tables aids the reader’s understanding. Chapters close with thorough guidance on how to appropriately write up interpretations of the research in a report. Research implications and recommendations for tourism and hospitality businesses are also provided, to enable them to successfully create and manage research strategies in action. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective and written by a range of industry experts from all over the globe, this book will be essential for all students and researchers in the field of tourism, hospitality, and events as well as all those in related fields with an interest in statistical data analysis.

The Story of Scotland

by Pat Morgan

Scotland is one of the planet’s most captivating countries. Boasting soaring mountain peaks and rocky glens, rushing rivers and peaceful lowlands, as well as hundreds of islands clustering round its shores, this is a country that is also fiercely proud of the industrial and scientific heritage that is celebrated in its major cities.Visitors from the four corners of the world revel in Scotland’s unique culture, warm to her people and marvel at her fascinating history.They explore ancient castles and mysterious lochs, gaze in awe at her rugged coasts, try their hands at thrilling outdoor activities, experience a myriad of festivals and sporting events and watch the country s magnificent wildlife.The Story of Scotland provides a deep insight into what makes the country so special. It takes the reader on a journey through history, introduces the greatest Scots of them all, highlights its must-see sights and explains the cultural peculiarities that set Scotland apart

The Story of the World in 100 Moments: Discover the stories that defined humanity and shaped our world

by Neil Oliver

From the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places comes an outstanding new history of how our world was made.'Oliver is an evocative storyteller, vividly bringing his tales to life' BBC HistoryNeil Oliver takes us on a whistle-stop tour around the world and through a million years to give us this unique and invaluable grasp of how human history pieces together. From the east to the west, north to south, these 100 moments act like stepping stones allowing us to make sense of how these pivotal events have shaped the world we know today. Including many moments readers will expect - from Genghis Khan's domination on earth to Armstrong's first steps on the moon, and from the advent of the printing press to the birth of the internet - there are also surprises, and with them, some remarkable, unforgettable stories that give a whole new insight on our past. ********************* Praise for Neil Oliver 'Brilliantly demonstrates Neil's mastery of the broad sweep of British history and landscape.' - Dan Snow 'Neil Oliver brings his vast experience and expertise to bear on this deeply personal journey into British history - a wonderful read. - Professor Alice Roberts 'Highly-crafted...a vivid, pungent history.' - TLS 'Compelling' - Daily Mail

Strategic Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Developing a Competitive Advantage

by Vincent Sabourin

This vital volume clearly explains cutting-edge theories and views on strategic management in applied management fundamentals in the hospitality and tourism industry. The author discusses the latest in strategic thinking and provides information on implementing models within specific contexts, such as culture and profit and nonprofit organizations. He also looks at the political, economic, social, and technological changes that significantly affect tourism and hospitality. The volume is distinguished by its thoughtful analysis and review of related hospitality case studies and the management approaches employed and sheds light on ever-the emerging management and operation issues in the tourism and hospitality sector. The book employs an abundance of case studies that illustrate the concepts and models discussed, with examples from such heavyweights in the industry as Disney and Euro Disney, Aer Lingus, British Airways, Four Seasons, Holiday Inn, Marriot, Sofitel, Starwood Hotels, and more. Key features of the book include: Cutting-edge approach: Applies advanced and recent strategic management views to the tourism and hospitality field. Critical treatment: Provides critical discussions about whether and how strategic models/theories can be applied in the hospitality and tourism field. Sensitive to specific contexts: As the tourism and hospitality industry has become one of the largest industries worldwide, discusses how strategic management concepts can be applied in different cultures and profit and nonprofit tourism organizations. Extensive case studies: Provides supporting case studies related to the strategy content, context, and process from international industries such as Aer Lingus, Accor, Marriott and Ryanair. Organization of the book: Each of the chapters within the case study sections employs a thorough pedagogic structure consisting of a concise introduction, examples and case analysis, discussion points, exercises, and further reading. This book is designed to provoke thought and debate about strategic management and myriad other issues. It will be valuable for students, academics, universities offering hospitality and tourism, and hospitality and tourism professionals.

Strategic Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Developing a Competitive Advantage

by Vincent Sabourin

This vital volume clearly explains cutting-edge theories and views on strategic management in applied management fundamentals in the hospitality and tourism industry. The author discusses the latest in strategic thinking and provides information on implementing models within specific contexts, such as culture and profit and nonprofit organizations. He also looks at the political, economic, social, and technological changes that significantly affect tourism and hospitality. The volume is distinguished by its thoughtful analysis and review of related hospitality case studies and the management approaches employed and sheds light on ever-the emerging management and operation issues in the tourism and hospitality sector. The book employs an abundance of case studies that illustrate the concepts and models discussed, with examples from such heavyweights in the industry as Disney and Euro Disney, Aer Lingus, British Airways, Four Seasons, Holiday Inn, Marriot, Sofitel, Starwood Hotels, and more. Key features of the book include: Cutting-edge approach: Applies advanced and recent strategic management views to the tourism and hospitality field. Critical treatment: Provides critical discussions about whether and how strategic models/theories can be applied in the hospitality and tourism field. Sensitive to specific contexts: As the tourism and hospitality industry has become one of the largest industries worldwide, discusses how strategic management concepts can be applied in different cultures and profit and nonprofit tourism organizations. Extensive case studies: Provides supporting case studies related to the strategy content, context, and process from international industries such as Aer Lingus, Accor, Marriott and Ryanair. Organization of the book: Each of the chapters within the case study sections employs a thorough pedagogic structure consisting of a concise introduction, examples and case analysis, discussion points, exercises, and further reading. This book is designed to provoke thought and debate about strategic management and myriad other issues. It will be valuable for students, academics, universities offering hospitality and tourism, and hospitality and tourism professionals.

Strategies in Sustainable Tourism, Economic Growth and Clean Energy

by Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente Oana M. Driha Muhammad Shahbaz

This book provides an in-depth analysis of and discussion about the relationship between green tourism, economic growth and globalization. It explores numerous topics relating to tourism including transport efficiency, foreign direct investment, clean energy, climate change dynamics and advances in sustainable tourism management. The book begins with discussion of sustainable tourism and economic growth, particularly focusing on management strategies. It then presents the relationship between energy use and tourism, looking at green energy and energy shock. It then discusses transport efficiency, tourism efficiency and financial growth in both developed and developing countries. This book is of interest to researchers, policymakers, and postgraduate students in the areas of energy, environmental and tourism economics.

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