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Showing 55,201 through 55,225 of 61,657 results

The Technical Fix: Education, Computers and Industry

by Kevin Robins Frank Webster

This book critically examines the substance of claims that the educational system has an anti-business bias and that computer literacy is the panacea for Britain's economic problems. The authors explore the relationship that has developed between education, industry and technology, point to the political obsessions and illusions that lie behind this new orthodoxy and discuss the possible alternatives.

Technical Functions: On the Use and Design of Artefacts (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology #1)

by Wybo Houkes Pieter E. Vermaas

This book is about the functions of technical artefacts, material objects made to serve practical purposes; objects ranging from tablets of Aspirin to Concorde, from wooden clogs to nuclear submarines. More precisely, the book is about usinganddesigningartefacts, aboutwhatitmeanstoascribefunctionstothem, and about the relations between using, designing and ascribing functions. In the following pages, we present a detailed account that shows how strong these relations are. Technical functions cannot be properly analysed without taking into regard the beliefs and actions of human beings, we contend. This account stays deceptively close to common sense. After all, who would deny that artefacts are for whatever purpose they are designed or used? As we shall show, however, such intentionalist accounts face staunch opposition from other accounts, such as those that focus on long-term reproduction of artefacts. These accounts are partly right and mostly wrong — and although we do take a common-sense position in the end, it is only after sophisticated analysis. F- thermore, the results of this analysis reveal that technical functions depend on a larger and more structured set of beliefs and actions than is typically s- posed. Much work in the succeeding pages goes into developing an appropriate action-theoretical account, and forging a connection with function ascriptions.

Technically Alive: Shakespeare’s Sonnets

by J. Archer

Drawing on the later writings of Martin Heidegger, the book traces the correspondence between the philosopher's concept of technology and Shakespeare's poetics of human and natural productivity in the Sonnets.

Technics and Praxis: A Philosophy of Technology (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science #24)

by D. Ihde

Depending on how one construes the kinship relations, technology has been either the stepchild of philosophy or its grandfather. In either case, technology has not been taken into the bosom of the family, but has had to wait for attention, care and feeding, while the more unclear elements - science, art, politics, ethics - were being nurtured (or cleaned up). Don Ihde puts technology in the middle of things, and develops a philosophy of technology that is at once distinctive, revealing and thought­ provoking. Typically, philosophy of technology has existed at, or beyond, the margins of the philosophy of science, and therefore the question of technology has come to be posed (when it is) either by historians of technology or by social critics. The philosophy of technology, as analysis and critique of the concepts, methodologies, implicit epistemologies and ontologies of technological praxis and thought, has remained underdeveloped. When philosophy does turn its attention to the insistent presence of technology, it inevitably casts the question in one or another of the dominant modes of philosophical interpretation and reconstruction. Thus, the logic of technological thinking and practice has been a subject of some systematic work (e. g. , in the Praxiology of Kotarbinski and Kotarbinska, among others). And the question of technology's relation to science has been posed in the framework of the nomological model of explanation in the sciences - e. g.

Technics and Time, 3: Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)

by Bernard Stiegler

In the first two volumes of Technics and Time, Bernard Stiegler worked carefully through Heidegger's and Husserl's relationship to technics and technology. Here, in volume three, he turns his attention to the prolematic relationship to technics he finds in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, particularly in the two versions of the Transcendental Deduction. Stiegler relates this problematic to the "cinematic nature" of time, which precedes cinema itself but reaches an apotheosis in it as the exteriorization process of schema, through tertiary retentions and their mechanisms. The book focuses on the relationship between these themes and the "culture industry"— as defined by Adorno and Horkheimer—that has supplanted the educational institutions on which genuine cultural participation depends. This displacement, Stiegler says, has produced a malaise from which current global culture suffers. The result is potentially catastrophic.

Technik als Problem des Ausdrucks: Über die naturphilosophischen Implikationen technikphilosophischer Theorien (Edition panta rei)

by Katharina D. Martin

Formwerdung, als Vorgang des Ausdrückens, ist eine der Natur inhärente technische Dimension - so eine These über den Zusammenhang von Technik- und Naturphilosophie. Demnach überzeugen die techniktheoretischen Überlegungen von Kapp, Deleuze/Guattari und Simondon insbesondere, weil dort Technik als ein Problem des Ausdrucks behandelt wird. Um diesen Gedanken auszuführen, spannt Katharina D. Martin einen Bogen von Lamarck über Schelling und Uexküll bis zu Deleuze. Dabei gelingt es ihr nicht nur, die vielfältigen Diskurse transdisziplinär zu vermitteln, sie führt uns auch zu einem ökologischen und topologischen Denken, das in der Lage ist, die problematische Dimension der Technologisierung unserer Umwelt zu erfassen.

Technik - Macht - Raum: Das Topologische Manifest im Kontext interdisziplinärer Studien (Technikzukünfte, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / Futures of Technology, Science and Society)

by Andreas Brenneis Oliver Honer Sina Keesser Annette Ripper Silke Vetter-Schultheiß

Im Topologischen Manifest sind die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „Topologie der Technik“ auf prägnante Weise dargelegt. Der spatial turn analysierte die Produktion des Raumes durch soziale Praktiken, jedoch ohne die Einbettung jener Praktiken in technische Systeme zu berücksichtigen. Angesichts der Bedeutung technisierter Räume für das heutige Leben ist dieser Mangel akut. In diesem Band sind neben dem Manifest Beiträge aus verschiedenen Disziplinen versammelt, um Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Topologie der Technik auszuloten. Ausgehend von einem modalen Machtbegriff wird nach technogener Formation und Transformation von Räumen gefragt, nach der Konzeptionalisierung relationaler Räume als Struktur- oder Netzphänomenen und der Rolle von Imagination für raumbildende Prozesse.Der InhaltDie interdisziplinären Beiträge gruppieren und positionieren sich um und auf unterschiedliche Weise zum Topologischen Manifest sowie den darin niedergelegten Raumthesen und -typen. Sie reichen von raumtheoretischen Überlegungen und den Besonderheiten relationaler Räume über historische und praxeologische Abhandlungen zur Performanz von Orten bis hin zur Analyse spezifischer Räume wie virtuellen und textuellen Räumen, Sicherheits- und Möglichkeitsräumen oder der Kryosphäre. Die Autorinnen und Autoren erforschen Praktiken, Dynamiken und Zustandsbedingungen im Beziehungsgefüge zwischen Technik, Macht und Raum.Die ZielgruppenForschende auf den Gebieten der Raum- und Technikphilosophie, -soziologie, -geschichte sowie alle interessierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und WissenschaftlerDie HerausgeberDie Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber sind Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden im Forschungsprojekt „Topologie der Technik“ in Darmstadt.

Techniques of Constructive Analysis (Universitext)

by Douglas S. Bridges Luminita Simona Vita

This book is an introduction to constructive mathematics with an emphasis on techniques and results obtained in the last twenty years. The text covers fundamental theory of the real line and metric spaces, focusing on locatedness in normed spaces and with associated results about operators and their adjoints on a Hilbert space. The first appendix gathers together some basic notions about sets and orders, the second gives the axioms for intuitionistic logic. No background in intuitionistic logic or constructive analysis is needed in order to read the book, but some familiarity with the classical theories of metric, normed and Hilbert spaces is necessary.

Techniques of Hearing: History, Theory and Practices

by Michael Schillmeier, Robert Stock, and Beate Ochsner

Hearing, health and technologies are entangled in multi-faceted ways. The edited volume addresses this complex relationship by arguing that modern hearing was and is increasingly linked to and mediated by technological innovations. By providing a set of original interdisciplinary investigations that sheds new light on the history, theory and practices of hearing techniques, it is able to explore the heterogeneous entanglements of sound, hearing practices, technologies and health issues. As the first book to bring together historians, scholars from media studies, social sciences, cultural studies, acoustics and neuroscientists, the volume discusses modern technologies and their decisive impact on how ‘normal’ hearing, enhanced and smart hearing as well as hearing impairment have been configured. It brings both new insights into the histories of hearing technologies as well as allowing us to better understand how enabling hearing technologies have currently been unfolding an increasingly hybrid ecology engaging smart hearing devices and offering stress-free hearing and acoustic wellbeing in novel auditory environments. The volume will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies, sound studies, sociology of health and illness, medical history, health and society as well as those interested in the practices and techniques of self-monitored and smart hearing.

Techniques of Hearing: History, Theory and Practices

by Michael Schillmeier Robert Stock Beate Ochsner

Hearing, health and technologies are entangled in multi-faceted ways. The edited volume addresses this complex relationship by arguing that modern hearing was and is increasingly linked to and mediated by technological innovations. By providing a set of original interdisciplinary investigations that sheds new light on the history, theory and practices of hearing techniques, it is able to explore the heterogeneous entanglements of sound, hearing practices, technologies and health issues. As the first book to bring together historians, scholars from media studies, social sciences, cultural studies, acoustics and neuroscientists, the volume discusses modern technologies and their decisive impact on how ‘normal’ hearing, enhanced and smart hearing as well as hearing impairment have been configured. It brings both new insights into the histories of hearing technologies as well as allowing us to better understand how enabling hearing technologies have currently been unfolding an increasingly hybrid ecology engaging smart hearing devices and offering stress-free hearing and acoustic wellbeing in novel auditory environments. The volume will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies, sound studies, sociology of health and illness, medical history, health and society as well as those interested in the practices and techniques of self-monitored and smart hearing.

Technische Fiktionen: Zur Ontologie und Ethik der Gestaltung (Edition panta rei)

by Michael Kuhn

Unentwegt werden neue technische Produkte gestaltet. Doch was macht die technische Gestaltung aus? Wie lässt sich ihr Gegenstand - (noch) nicht existierende Artefakte - adäquat auf den Begriff bringen? Michael Kuhn begreift technische Ideen vor ihrer Realisierung als Fiktionen. Er bietet eine fiktionstheoretische Rekonstruktion der Gestaltungstätigkeit und entwickelt hieraus eine Ethik der Gestaltung. Der stark interdisziplinäre Zugang zwischen Technikphilosophie und Ingenieurwissenschaften liefert neue Erkenntnisse für beide Fachrichtungen und stellt wertvolle Grundlagen bereit.

Technocratic Politics: Beyond Democratic Society? (Routledge Studies in Political Sociology)

by Francesco Antonelli

This book considers the role of experts and expertise in contemporary politics and the ways in which digitalisation and the use of technique are transforming practices of governance. Asking whether the Covid-19 crisis is likely to further advance or weaken these processes, it examines their impact on the future of democracy and urges rejection of the idea of technocracy as an alternative to politics. An examination of the relationship between social elites and technique, this volume highlights the threat posed to representative democracy of this fundamental mechanism of governance in the global world and reflects upon new forms of the political-economic regime. It is important reading for scholars of sociology and politics with interests in questions of power, governance, and representation.

Technocratic Politics: Beyond Democratic Society? (Routledge Studies in Political Sociology)

by Francesco Antonelli

This book considers the role of experts and expertise in contemporary politics and the ways in which digitalisation and the use of technique are transforming practices of governance. Asking whether the Covid-19 crisis is likely to further advance or weaken these processes, it examines their impact on the future of democracy and urges rejection of the idea of technocracy as an alternative to politics. An examination of the relationship between social elites and technique, this volume highlights the threat posed to representative democracy of this fundamental mechanism of governance in the global world and reflects upon new forms of the political-economic regime. It is important reading for scholars of sociology and politics with interests in questions of power, governance, and representation.

Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism

by Yanis Varoufakis

The #1 bestselling economist shows how capitalism has been replaced by a more exploitative system, technofeudalism, in which the owners of big tech have become the world's feudal overlords.* A GUARDIAN BEST FORTHCOMING BOOK OF 2023 * THE TIMES BIGGEST BOOKS OF AUTUMN 2023 *‘What an amazing piece of work this is. The dark, scary, exciting song of our age. 100 out of 100’ IRVINE WELSHIn his boldest and most far-reaching book yet, world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis argues that capitalism is dead and a new economic era has begun.Insane sums of money that were supposed to re-float our economies in the wake of the financial crisis and the pandemic have ended up supercharging big tech's hold over every aspect of the economy. Capitalism's twin pillars - markets and profit - have been replaced with big tech's platforms and rents. Meanwhile, with every click and scroll, we labour like serfs to increase its power. Welcome to technofeudalism.Drawing on stories from Greek Myth and pop culture, from Homer to Mad Men, Varoufakis explains this revolutionary transformation: how it enslaves our minds, how it rewrites the rules of global power and ultimately what it will take overthrow it.'Utterly accessible, deeply humane and startlingly original' NAOMI KLEIN on Talking To My Daughter

Technohumanism, Global Crises, and Education: Toward a Posthuman Pedagogy

by Kaustuv Roy

This book argues that global crises such as the present Covid-19 pandemic are correlates of the contemporary thought regime that it calls technohumanism. Taking up the pandemic as the central case in point, the book shows how the basic assumptions of technohumanism encourage large-scale dependencies and a consequent loss of endurance in the populace. Next, it shows that a form of recuperation can be pedagogically attempted by means of a “psychoanalysis” of thought which releases it from the humanist limits placed on it. To do this, it introduces the notion of a living unconscious as distinct from the Freudian Unconscious, and argues that in the living unconscious there is no distinction between the prehuman and the posthuman, and a posthumanist pedagogy can be constructed on the basis of an adequate transfer of prehuman dynamism.

Technological Concepts and Mathematical Models in the Evolution of Modern Engineering Systems: Controlling • Managing • Organizing

by Mario Lucertini Ana Millàn Gasca Fernando Nicolò

This collection of historical research studies covers the evolution of technology as knowledge, the emergence of an autonomous engineering science in the Industrial Age, the idea of scientific managment of production and operation systems, and the interaction between mathematical models and technological concepts. The book is published with the support of the UNESCO Venice Office - Regional Office for Science & Technology in Europe as an activity of the Project: The evolution of events, concepts and models in engineering systems.

Technological Development and Science in the Industrial Age: New Perspectives on the Science-Technology Relationship (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science #144)

by MartijnBakker PeterKroes

Historians and philosophers of technology are searching for new approaches to the study of the interaction between science and technology. New conceptual frameworks are necessary since the idea that technology is simply applied science is nothing short of a myth. The papers contained in this volume deal primarily with cognitive and social aspects of the science-technology issue. One of the most salient features of these papers is that they show a major methodological shift in studying the interaction between science and technology. Discussions of the science-technology issue have long been dominated by the demarcartion problem and related semantic issues about the notions `science' and `technology', and the `technology is applied science' thesis. Instead of general `global' interpretation schemes and models of the interaction between science and technology, detailed empirical case studies of cognitive and institutional connections between `science' and `technology' constitute the hard core of this book. The book will be of interest to philosophers of science, historians and philosophers of technology and science and sociologists of science.

The Technological Singularity: Managing the Journey (The Frontiers Collection)

by Victor Callaghan James Miller Roman Yampolskiy Stuart Armstrong

This volume contains a selection of authoritative essays exploring the central questions raised by the conjectured technological singularity. In informed yet jargon-free contributions written by active research scientists, philosophers and sociologists, it goes beyond philosophical discussion to provide a detailed account of the risks that the singularity poses to human society and, perhaps most usefully, the possible actions that society and technologists can take to manage the journey to any singularity in a way that ensures a positive rather than a negative impact on society. The discussions provide perspectives that cover technological, political and business issues. The aim is to bring clarity and rigor to the debate in a way that will inform and stimulate both experts and interested general readers.

Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications (Philosophy and Technology #5)

by Edmund F. Byrne and Joseph C. Pitt

The philosophical study of technology has acquired only recently a voice in academic conversation. This situation is due, in part, to the fact that technology obviously impacts on "the real world," whereas the favored stereotype of philosophy allegedly does not. Furthermore, in some circles it was assumed that philosophy ought not impinge on the world. This bias continues today in the form of a general dismissal of the growing area now referred to as "applied philosophy". By contrast, the academic scrutiny of science has for the most part been accepted as legitimate for some 30 years, primarily because it has been conducted in a somewhat ethereal manner. This is, in part, because it was believed that, science being pure, one could think (even philosophically) about science without jeopardizing one's intellectual purity. Since World War II, however, practitioners of the metascientific arts have come to ac­ knowledge that science also shows signs of having touched down on numerous occasions in what can only be identified as the real world. No longer able to keep this banal truth a secret, purists have sought to defuse its import by stressing the difference between pure and applied science; and, lest science be tainted by contact with the world through its applications, they have devoted additional energy to separating applied science somehow from technology.

Technologies of Being in Martin Heidegger: Nearness, Metaphor and the Question of Education in Digital Times (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

by Anna Kouppanou

Technologies of Being in Martin Heidegger attempts to deepen the dialogue between philosophy of education and philosophy of technology, while engaging with the thought of Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler. Through a critical reading of Heidegger’s central notion of nearness, this book argues that thinking is intricately conditioned by technologically produced images, which are themselves interacting with imagination’s schematizing power. The book further discusses how certain metaphorical synthesising processes, which are currently industrialized taking the form of social networking sites and search engines, discretise human behaviour and reorganise it in ways that often marginalise human interpretation and redefine nearness. Finally, it suggests how we might reconceptualise technology and education as processes of human individuation. Technologies of Being in Martin Heidegger will be of great interest to scholars in the fields of philosophy of education, philosophy of technology, literary studies, cognitive linguistics and cognitive neuroscience.

Technologies of Being in Martin Heidegger: Nearness, Metaphor and the Question of Education in Digital Times (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

by Anna Kouppanou

Technologies of Being in Martin Heidegger attempts to deepen the dialogue between philosophy of education and philosophy of technology, while engaging with the thought of Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler. Through a critical reading of Heidegger’s central notion of nearness, this book argues that thinking is intricately conditioned by technologically produced images, which are themselves interacting with imagination’s schematizing power. The book further discusses how certain metaphorical synthesising processes, which are currently industrialized taking the form of social networking sites and search engines, discretise human behaviour and reorganise it in ways that often marginalise human interpretation and redefine nearness. Finally, it suggests how we might reconceptualise technology and education as processes of human individuation. Technologies of Being in Martin Heidegger will be of great interest to scholars in the fields of philosophy of education, philosophy of technology, literary studies, cognitive linguistics and cognitive neuroscience.

Technologies of International Relations: Continuity and Change

by Carolin Kaltofen Madeline Carr Michele Acuto

This book examines the role of technology in the core voices for International Relations theory and how this has shaped the contemporary thinking of ‘IR’ across some of the discipline’s major texts. Through an interview format between different generations of IR scholars, the conversations of the book analyse the relationship between technology and concepts like power, security and global order. They explore to what extent ideas about the role and implications of technology help to understand the way IR has been framed and world politics are conceived of today. This innovative text will appeal to scholars in Politics and International Relations as well as STS, Human Geography and Anthropology.

Technologische Selbstoptimierung – wie weit dürfen wir gehen? (#philosophieorientiert)

by Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs Markus Rüther

Technologische Selbstoptimierung ist gegenwärtig in aller Munde. Sie umfasst die Erforschung neuer Möglichkeiten im Hinblick auf Schönheitsoperationen, funktionale Implantologie, Gehirndoping oder die Verlängerung der Lebensspanne. Gegenüber vielen dieser technischen Mittel, die oft nicht legal verfügbar sind, bestehen erhebliche gesellschaftliche Vorbehalte. Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs und Markus Rüther plädieren bei ihrer ethischen Einschätzung für eine Differenzierung der Perspektive: Die Vorbehalte sind nämlich ihrer Meinung nach nicht geeignet, gesellschaftliche Ächtung oder gar verbindliche Verbote für alle zu begründen. Vielmehr habe die Freiheit zur Selbstgestaltung Vorrang, was jedoch nicht heißt, dass es für manche Bereiche nicht auch klare Regeln geben muss. Weil Selbstgestaltung aber nur frei sein kann, wenn sie informiert ist, argumentieren die Autoren für Regelungen, die von weitgehenden Informationspflichten statt von Verboten bestimmt sind. Aus einer individuellen Sicht heraus lassen sich zudem eine Reihe von moralischen Empfehlungen formulieren, die zwar nicht eingefordert werden können, aber einen ethischen Kompass bilden, um sich im Dickicht der ethischen Debatte an guten Gründen zu orientieren.

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