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100 Betriebe für Ressourceneffizienz: Band 2 – Praxisbeispiele und Erfolgsfaktoren
by Mario Schmidt Institute for Industrial Ecology INEC Hannes Spieth Christian Haubach Marlene Preiss Joa BauerIn weiteren 50 Unternehmensbeispielen wird vorgestellt, wie man in der Produktion Energie und Material einsparen kann. Das Projekt wurde in Baden-Württemberg mit der Unterstützung der Wirtschaftsverbände und der Landesregierung durchgeführt und ist ein Leitprojekt der Landesstrategie Ressourceneffizienz. Die Beispiele dienen gleichermaßen Mitarbeitern aus Unternehmen, Fachleuten und Hochschulangehörigen, die wissen wollen, wo man in der Praxis ansetzen kann, wenn Ressourceneffizienz umgesetzt werden soll.
100 Betriebe für Ressourceneffizienz - Band 1: Praxisbeispiele aus der produzierenden Wirtschaft
by Institute for Industrial Ecology INEC Mario Schmidt Hannes Spieth Joa Bauer Christian HaubachDas Buch stellt ca. 50 aktuelle Beispiele vor, wie in produzierenden Betrieben Energie und Materialien eingespart werden können. Sie dienen zur Anschauung, mit welchen Maßnahmen man in modernen Unternehmen noch Potenziale für Ressourceneffizienz schöpfen kann. Das Buch richtet sich an Praktiker in Betrieben und Beratungsunternehmen, ist aber auch für den Hochschulbereich als praxisnahe Einführung in das Thema Ressourceneffizienz geeignet.Die eingesetzten Materialien machen fast 43 Prozent der Kosten eines durchschnittlichen Industriebetriebs in Deutschland aus. Die Personalkosten liegen dagegen bei nur 22 Prozent, die Energiekosten sogar bei nur 2 Prozent. Wenn ein Unternehmen Kosten sparen will, so muss es vor allem den Materialeinsatz berücksichtigen und ressourceneffizient produzieren. Das entlastet gleichzeitig die Umwelt und verringert die Abhängigkeit von knappen Rohstoffen.Die Umsetzung von Ressourceneffizienz ist nicht ganz einfach. Zwar gibt es in der Produktion zahlreiche Ansatzpunkte, oftmals bei Prozessinnovationen oder in der Produktentwicklung. Jedoch veröffentlichen nur wenige Unternehmen ihre Maßnahmen und Einsparpotenziale. Damit fehlen in der Praxis oft Lernbeispiele, von denen aber einige explizit in diesem Werk aufgeführt sind.Wie man sieht, kann Ressourceneffizienz in der Produktion und bei Produkten auch als Erfolgsfaktor für viele Unternehmen betrachtet werden. In dem Projekt 100 Betriebe für Ressourceneffizienz zeigen engagierte Unternehmen aus Baden-Württemberg ihre Lösungen. Durchgeführt wurde das Projekt von einem kompetenten Team der Hochschule Pforzheim, der Universität Stuttgart und der Landesagentur Umwelttechnik BW. Unterstützt haben es führende Wirtschaftsverbände in Baden-Württemberg.
100 Effective Techniques of Social Influence: When and Why People Comply
by Dariusz Dolinski Tomasz Grzyb100 Effective Techniques of Social Influence provides a revolutionary look into the effectiveness of many techniques of social influence, providing an overview of the ways in which people use techniques to persuade others to meet various requests, suggestions, and commands. For each technique, the authors explore the idea behind it, what empirical research says about it, and what the psychological mechanism behind its effectiveness is, aka, why it works. The techniques included span across multiple areas in people’s everyday lives, ranging from business negotiations, managements, marketing, and close relationships, to people’s behavior in public as well as in their private sphere. Covering research from the 1970s to the present day, the book describes techniques of social influence with the purpose of provoking certain behaviors, such as convincing an individual to donate to a charity or purchase a certain product. By exclusively focusing on techniques influencing human behaviors, rather than beliefs, biases, or emotions, the authors show how humans can be reliably convinced to behave in a certain way in a huge range of situations and contexts. Rather than being based on anecdotal evidence or legends of famous people, the authors have only included techniques that have been proven to be effective through scientific research. With each technique described in an engaging manner, this is ideal reading for students and academics in fields such as social psychology, leadership, marketing, sociology, management, and communication. It will also appeal to professionals who need to influence others, and any readers who desire a better and more contemporary understanding of how people interact and influence others on a daily basis.
100 Effective Techniques of Social Influence: When and Why People Comply
by Dariusz Dolinski Tomasz Grzyb100 Effective Techniques of Social Influence provides a revolutionary look into the effectiveness of many techniques of social influence, providing an overview of the ways in which people use techniques to persuade others to meet various requests, suggestions, and commands. For each technique, the authors explore the idea behind it, what empirical research says about it, and what the psychological mechanism behind its effectiveness is, aka, why it works. The techniques included span across multiple areas in people’s everyday lives, ranging from business negotiations, managements, marketing, and close relationships, to people’s behavior in public as well as in their private sphere. Covering research from the 1970s to the present day, the book describes techniques of social influence with the purpose of provoking certain behaviors, such as convincing an individual to donate to a charity or purchase a certain product. By exclusively focusing on techniques influencing human behaviors, rather than beliefs, biases, or emotions, the authors show how humans can be reliably convinced to behave in a certain way in a huge range of situations and contexts. Rather than being based on anecdotal evidence or legends of famous people, the authors have only included techniques that have been proven to be effective through scientific research. With each technique described in an engaging manner, this is ideal reading for students and academics in fields such as social psychology, leadership, marketing, sociology, management, and communication. It will also appeal to professionals who need to influence others, and any readers who desire a better and more contemporary understanding of how people interact and influence others on a daily basis.
The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time
by Leslie Pockell Adrienne AvilaAn inspiring collection of standout quotes full of leadership wisdom from across history to motivate yourself to become the best leader you can be.For anyone preparing to step into a leadership role--be it a corporate CEO, business team leader, church deacon, or head of a household--this unique collection of quotes from 100 great leaders of armies, social movements, political revolutions, fashion revolutions, businesses, and nations is sure to inspire. From Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King, Jr., from Napoleon to Coco Chanel, readers will encounter such inspiring words to lead by as:"It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself." (Eleanor Roosevelt); "You do not lead by hitting people over the head--that's assault, not leadership." (Dwight D. Eisenhower); and "What you cannot enforce, do not command." (Sophocles).The essential and eloquently expressed principles in this book will motivate readers to lead with passion and compassion and teach them how to identify and achieve what is best for the group.
The 100 Greatest Sales Ideas of All Time (WH Smiths 100 Greatest #11)
by Ken LangdonAt last, the secrets of the real sales wizards are revealed in this inspirational book. Here are 100 failsafe tips, techniques and ideas for driving your sales up and up and smashing your targets. The ideas are drawn from sales masters from a variety of backgrounds and sectors, providing a heady mix of the best up-to-date and original sales tactics. Series was previously exclusive to WH Smiths – very successful selling x copies – now available throughout trade and direct channels. Practical and fun to use – simple and unique format. Great advice mixed with a dash of irreverance.
100 Keywords Wirtschaftsprüfung: Grundwissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte
by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden StaffVon der Abstimmungsprüfung über Financial Auditing und Management Audit bis zur Wesentlichkeit: Die Sprache der Wirtschaftsprüfung zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Anglizismen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. Anhand von 100 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die grundlegenden Theorien und Konzepte erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Praxis suchen, sich für Wirtschaftsprüfung interessieren oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.
100 Methods for Total Quality Management
by Gopal K. Kanji Mike AsherFrom force field analysis to `zero defects', from `brainstorming' to the Deming Wheel, this volume meets the need for a short, accessible reference to the 100 most frequently adopted methods for implementing total quality management. Central to the book is a broad interpretation of TQM - the methods addressed are relevant to all those interested in using explicit tools, qualitative and quantitative, to assist problem-solving, analysis and evaluation in the management process. After an introduction briefly outlining the basic principles of TQM, the bulk of the book then provides clear, concise outlines of the 100 methods. It describes their purpose, application - `how to use' - and benefits, with examples. A classification of the methods is also provided, utilizing the broad schema's of: management methods, idea generation, data collection and analysis.
100 Methods for Total Quality Management (PDF)
by Dr Mike Asher Gopal K KanjiFrom force field analysis to `zero defects', from `brainstorming' to the Deming Wheel, this volume meets the need for a short, accessible reference to the 100 most frequently adopted methods for implementing total quality management. Central to the book is a broad interpretation of TQM - the methods addressed are relevant to all those interested in using explicit tools, qualitative and quantitative, to assist problem-solving, analysis and evaluation in the management process. After an introduction briefly outlining the basic principles of TQM, the bulk of the book then provides clear, concise outlines of the 100 methods. It describes their purpose, application - `how to use' - and benefits, with examples. A classification of the methods is also provided, utilizing the broad schema's of: management methods, idea generation, data collection and analysis. Related ISBN: 9781849206938.
100 Midcentury Chairs
by Lucy Ryder RichardsonA stylish and informative guide to the best of Midcentury Modern chair design. These are the top 100 most interesting, most controversial, or simply most beautiful chairs from the period spanning 1930–1970, according to expert curator and chair addict Lucy Ryder Richardson.
100 Minds That Made the Market (Fisher Investments Press #2)
by Kenneth L. FisherIntroducing the new Fisher Investment Series, comprised of engaging and informative titles written by renowned money manager and bestselling author Ken Fisher. This series offers essential insights into the worlds of investing and finance. Over the course of nearly two centuries, the innovations, mistakes, and scandals of different market participants have played an important role in shaping today's financial markets. Now, in 100 Minds That Made the Market, Ken Fisher delivers cameo biographies of these pioneers of American financial history. From Joe Kennedy's "sexcapades" to Jesse Livermore's suicide, this book details the drama, the dirt, and the financial principles of an amazingly inventive group of financial minds. Fisher digs deep to uncover the careers, personal lives, and contributions of these individuals, and leads you through the lessons that can be learned from each one. Here you have 100 of the best teachers -- some you already know, some you will feel you know, and some you may not have previously discovered -- whose experiences will undoubtedly enhance your understanding of the markets. With a few pages dedicated to each person, 100 Minds That Made the Market quickly captures the essence of the people and ideas that have influenced the evolution of the financial industry.
100 Minds That Made the Market (Fisher Investments Press #2)
by Kenneth L. FisherIntroducing the new Fisher Investment Series, comprised of engaging and informative titles written by renowned money manager and bestselling author Ken Fisher. This series offers essential insights into the worlds of investing and finance. Over the course of nearly two centuries, the innovations, mistakes, and scandals of different market participants have played an important role in shaping today's financial markets. Now, in 100 Minds That Made the Market, Ken Fisher delivers cameo biographies of these pioneers of American financial history. From Joe Kennedy's "sexcapades" to Jesse Livermore's suicide, this book details the drama, the dirt, and the financial principles of an amazingly inventive group of financial minds. Fisher digs deep to uncover the careers, personal lives, and contributions of these individuals, and leads you through the lessons that can be learned from each one. Here you have 100 of the best teachers -- some you already know, some you will feel you know, and some you may not have previously discovered -- whose experiences will undoubtedly enhance your understanding of the markets. With a few pages dedicated to each person, 100 Minds That Made the Market quickly captures the essence of the people and ideas that have influenced the evolution of the financial industry.
100 Minuten für Konfigurationsmanagement: Kompaktes Wissen nicht nur für Projektleiter und Entwickler
by Marcus GrandeIn der Produkt-, System- und Softwareentwicklung spielt die professionelle Umsetzung des Konfigurationsmanagements eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg des entstehenden Produkts. Dieses Buch vermittelt in kompakter Form das notwendige Grundwissen für das Konfigurationsmanagement. Anhand von Praxisberichten und Beispielvorlagen können Leser die Inhalte nachvollziehen.
The 100 Most Important American Financial Crises: An Encyclopedia of the Lowest Points in American Economic History
by Quentin R. Jr.Covering events such as banking crises, economic bubbles, natural disasters, trade embargoes, and depressions, this single-volume encyclopedia of major U.S. financial downturns provides readers with an event-driven understanding of the evolution of the American economy.The United States has fairly recently experienced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. But crippling financial crises are hardly unusual: economic emergencies have occurred throughout American history and can be seen as a cyclical and "normal" (if undesirable) aspect of an economic system. This encyclopedia supplies objective, accessible, and interesting entries on 100 major U.S. financial crises from the Colonial era to today that have had tremendous domestic impact—and in many cases, global impact as well.The entries explore the history and impact of major economic events, including banking crises, economic shortages, recessions, national strikes and labor upheavals, natural resource shortages, panics, real estate bubbles, social upheavals, and the collapse of specific American industries such as rubber and steel production. Students will find this book an essential ready-reference on key events in American economic history that documents how and why these events led to significant financial and economic problems throughout the United States and around the globe.
The 100 Most Important American Financial Crises: An Encyclopedia of the Lowest Points in American Economic History
by Quentin R. Jr.Covering events such as banking crises, economic bubbles, natural disasters, trade embargoes, and depressions, this single-volume encyclopedia of major U.S. financial downturns provides readers with an event-driven understanding of the evolution of the American economy.The United States has fairly recently experienced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. But crippling financial crises are hardly unusual: economic emergencies have occurred throughout American history and can be seen as a cyclical and "normal" (if undesirable) aspect of an economic system. This encyclopedia supplies objective, accessible, and interesting entries on 100 major U.S. financial crises from the Colonial era to today that have had tremendous domestic impact—and in many cases, global impact as well.The entries explore the history and impact of major economic events, including banking crises, economic shortages, recessions, national strikes and labor upheavals, natural resource shortages, panics, real estate bubbles, social upheavals, and the collapse of specific American industries such as rubber and steel production. Students will find this book an essential ready-reference on key events in American economic history that documents how and why these events led to significant financial and economic problems throughout the United States and around the globe.
The 100 Most Significant Events in American Business: An Encyclopedia
by Quentin R. Jr.This reference book details the top 100 groundbreaking events in the history of American business, featuring case studies of successful companies who challenged traditional operating paradigms, historical perspectives on labor laws, management practices, and economic climates, and an examination of the impact of these influences on today's business practices.Throughout history, important commercial developments in the United States have made it possible for American companies to leverage tough economic conditions to survive—even thrive in a volatile marketplace. This reference book examines the top 100 groundbreaking events in the history of American business and illustrates their influence on the labor laws, business practices, and management methodologies of corporate America today.The 100 Most Significant Events in American Business: An Encyclopedia depicts the chronological order of events contributing to the evolution of American business, with an emphasis on the commercial innovations of each period. The book explores the origins of successful brands, including Apple, Wal-Mart, and Heinz; demonstrates the successful collaboration between public and private sectors illustrated by the Erie Canal, Hoover Dam, and the interstate highway system; and depicts the commercial impact of major economic events from the Panic of 1857 to the Great Recession of 2010.
The 100 Most Significant Events in American Business: An Encyclopedia
by Quentin R. Jr.This reference book details the top 100 groundbreaking events in the history of American business, featuring case studies of successful companies who challenged traditional operating paradigms, historical perspectives on labor laws, management practices, and economic climates, and an examination of the impact of these influences on today's business practices.Throughout history, important commercial developments in the United States have made it possible for American companies to leverage tough economic conditions to survive—even thrive in a volatile marketplace. This reference book examines the top 100 groundbreaking events in the history of American business and illustrates their influence on the labor laws, business practices, and management methodologies of corporate America today.The 100 Most Significant Events in American Business: An Encyclopedia depicts the chronological order of events contributing to the evolution of American business, with an emphasis on the commercial innovations of each period. The book explores the origins of successful brands, including Apple, Wal-Mart, and Heinz; demonstrates the successful collaboration between public and private sectors illustrated by the Erie Canal, Hoover Dam, and the interstate highway system; and depicts the commercial impact of major economic events from the Panic of 1857 to the Great Recession of 2010.
100 Pioneers in Efficient Resource Management
by Institute for Industrial Ecology INEC Mario Schmidt Hannes Spieth Christian Haubach Christian KühneThe book presents about 100 current examples of how energy and materials can be saved in manufacturing companies. They serve to show which measures can be used in modern companies to exploit the potential for resource efficiency. The book is aimed at practitioners in companies and consulting firms, but is also suitable for the university sector as a practical introduction to the topic of resource efficiency. The materials used account for almost 43 percent of the costs of an average industrial company in Germany. Personnel costs, on the other hand, are only 22 percent, while energy costs are as low as 2 percent. If a company wants to save costs, above all it must consider the use of materials and produce in a resource-efficient manner. This simultaneously relieves the environment and reduces dependence on scarce raw materials. The implementation of resource efficiency is not easy. There are indeed numerous starting points in production, often in process innovations or in product development. However, only a few companies publish their measures and savings potentials. In practice, this means that there are often no learning examples in practice, but some of them are explicitly listed in this work. As you can see, resource efficiency in production and products can also be seen as a success factor for many companies. In the project 100 Pioneers in Efficient Resource Management, committed companies from Baden-Wuerttemberg are showing their solutions. The project was carried out by a competent team from the Pforzheim University and the State Agency for Environmental Technology. Leading trade associations in Baden-Württemberg have supported it.
100 Posters That Changed The World
by Colin T. SalterA collection of the world's most memorable, provocative, best-selling and groundbreaking posters from Johannes Gutenberg to Barack Obama.
100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience: Achieve End-to-end Customer Engagement In A Multi-channel World
by Martin Newman Malcolm McDonaldVirtually all consumer-facing businesses talk about putting the customer first, but in reality, few deliver on this as effectively as they could. 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience walks readers through a wealth of practical tips, tools, guidelines and frameworks, for implementing customer-focused marketing strategies at every step of the customer journey. By ensuring that the customer remains the key focus, companies can identify areas in need of improvement and implement relevant steps throughout the value chain to transform their business. A unique blend of strategy and best practice, 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience has a particular focus on multi-channel industries such as retail, FMCG, travel, financial services, leisure, food and beverage, and automotive. These industries are all facing major disruption from trendsetting brands such as Uber, AirBnB and Amazon, and as such, now face more pressure than ever to adopt new practices and remain relevant in a continually competitive marketplace. Featuring case studies packed full of practical examples, this book is a unique and valuable resource for both senior industry professionals looking to transform their business and MBA students.
100 Predictions for the Baby Boom: The Next 50 Years
by Cheryl RussellWithout the baby boom, the United States would be a different place. The Vietnam War would have lasted longer. Rock and roll would be less pervasive. The civil rights movement would have changed laws and attitudes more slowly. But women might be further ahead in job status and pay if there had been no baby boorr.. Hous ing would be cheaper. The economy would have done better in the 1970s, and people now in their 20s, 30s, and 40s would be making more money. For the past 30 years, the baby boom generation all those born between 1946 and 1964-shook American economics, politics, and culture. But the full impact of 7 8 PREFACE the baby boom is yet to come because the generation is just now gaining the economic and political power to de termine events. Though the baby boom is a diverse generation linked only by its date of birth, that link is critical. The gener ation spans 19 years, which means many boomers ex perience the same things at the same time-going to col lege, getting a job, marrying, divorcing, buying a house, starting a family. Because of this, the baby boom in fluences what America's businesses produce, what the media write about, and what the politicans support. It focuses the nation's attention on itself; its concerns be come the nation's concerns. Whatever age the baby boom is becomes the nation's age.
The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More
by Chris GuillebeauChange your job to change your life. You no longer need to work nine-to-five in a big company to pay the mortgage, send your kids to school and afford that yearly holiday. You can quit the rat race and start up on your own – and you don't need an MBA or a huge investment to do it. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is your manual to a new way of living. Learn how to: - Earn a good living on your own terms, when and where you want - Achieve that perfect blend of passion and income to make work something you love - Take crucial insights from 50 ordinary people who started a business with $100 or less - Spend less time working and more time living your life
100 Symbols That Changed the World
by Colin Salter100 Symbols That Changed The World looks at the genesis and adoption of the world’s most recognizable symbols.
100 Things Millionaires Do: Little lessons in creating wealth
by Nigel CumberlandFollowing the success of the international bestseller, 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO, Nigel Cumberland turns his attention to wealth.100 THINGS MILLIONAIRES DO distills all the wisdom and knowledge of a lifetime of starting and selling businesses and coaching hundreds of wealthy leaders into 100 short chapters of advice on building and retaining sustainable wealth. This is not a get rich quick book. Instead, Nigel explores the habits, tools, techniques and mentality of self-made millionaires and shows you how to begin your own journey to a wealthy future. Mixing simple instructions with activities to get you started, you will find mindsets, habits, and techniques here that will help you get the results you want.100 THINGS MILLIONAIRES DO is packed with great ideas for creating long-term wealth and success for yourself and those you care about. You will discover the habits that are common to wealthy people and find out how to use them in your own life. Every chapter features a new idea that will help you get closer to your goals. Mixing simple descriptions with activities and exercises, you will learn the optimal mindset and habits you need to succeed.Praise for 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO'Inside these pages you'll find a powerful reminder of the many ways you can make your life - and other people's lives - more successful. It will help you identify what success means to you and give you the building blocks for making that success a reality. This is your chance to overcome whatever obstacles are stopping you. Read it, act on it and experience the difference' Marshall Goldsmith Ph.D., bestselling author of TRIGGERS
100 Things Productive People Do: Little lessons in getting things done
by Nigel CumberlandFollowing the success of the international bestseller, 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO, Nigel Cumberland turns his attention to productivity.100 THINGS PRODUCTIVE PEOPLE DO distills all the wisdom of a lifetime of coaching successful business people into 100 short chapters showing you how to boost your productivity and get things done.It is packed with great ideas for achieving more and creating success. Explore the habits, tools, techniques and mentality of highly productive people and discover how to effortlessly take on your to-do list. Every chapter features a new idea that will help you work smarter, not harder. Mixing simple explanations with activities and exercises, you'll learn the optimal mindset and habits you need to succeed.Praise for 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO'Inside these pages you'll find a powerful reminder of the many ways you can make your life - and other people's lives - more successful. It will help you identify what success means to you and give you the building blocks for making that success a reality. This is your chance to overcome whatever obstacles are stopping you. Read it, act on it and experience the difference' Marshall Goldsmith Ph.D., bestselling author of TRIGGERS